Analysis Suite for 3.1
Cross Sections
Collection of cross sections for different elementary scattering processes. Inclusive and exclusive cross sections are presented.
p + p
Comments: -
Config 0
n + p
Comments: -
Config 0
p + p̄
Comments: Failed strings correspond to processes in which pythia does not find a proper final state for an underlying string process. In this case SMASH falls back to an elastic scattering of the incoming particles.
Config 0
π+ + p
Comments: Hyperon production discussed in strangeness paper .
Config 0
π- + p
Comments: Hyperon production discussed in strangeness paper .
Config 0
π+ + π-
Comments: -
Config 0
K+ + p
Comments: Exclusive Deltas are overestimated at high energies, probably because we don't produce enough pions.
Config 0
K- + p
Comments: Lambda(1520) peak could be higher, but it is tightly constrained by PDG branching ratios. At high energies, there are no resonances.
Config 0
K+ + n
Comments: Uses GiBUU parametrization. Does not describe exclusive cross section well, but it is very small and not important. See strangeness paper.
Config 0
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