Version: SMASH-1.5
Collision Output in Box Modus
When SMASH is running in the box modus, particle coordinates in the collision output can be out of the box. This is not an error. Box boundary conditions are intentionally not imposed before collision output to allow unambiguous finding of the interaction point. Example: two particles in the box have x coordinates 0.1 and 9.9 fm, while box L = 10 fm. Suppose these particles collide. For calculating collision the first one is wrapped to 10.1 fm. Then output contains coordinates of 9.9 fm and 10.1 fm. From this one can infer interaction point at x = 10 fm. Were boundary conditions imposed before output, their x coordinates would be 0.1 and 9.9 fm and interaction point position could be either at 10 fm or at 5 fm.