Version: SMASH-1.5
Exception Classes


class  smash::Action::InvalidResonanceFormation
 Thrown for example when ScatterAction is called to perform with a wrong number of final-state particles or when the energy is too low to produce the resonance. More...
struct  smash::Angles::InvalidTheta
 Thrown for invalid values for theta. More...
struct  smash::ColliderModus::ColliderEmpty
 Thrown when either projectile_ or target_ nuclei are empty. More...
struct  smash::Configuration::IncorrectTypeInAssignment
 Thrown when the types in the config file and C++ don't match. More...
struct  smash::Configuration::ParseError
 Thrown for YAML parse errors. More...
struct  smash::Configuration::FileDoesNotExist
 Thrown if the file does not exist. More...
class  smash::DecayAction::InvalidDecay
 Thrown when DecayAction is called to perform with 0 or more than 2 entries in outgoing_particles. More...
struct  smash::DecayModes::InvalidDecay
struct  smash::DecayModes::LoadFailure
struct  smash::DecayModes::MissingDecays
struct  smash::DecayModes::ReferencedParticleNotFound
struct  smash::ExperimentBase::InvalidModusRequest
 Exception class that is thrown if an invalid modus is requested from the Experiment factory. More...
struct  smash::IsoParticleType::ParticleNotFoundFailure
 Throw when requested particle could not be found. More...
struct  smash::ListModus::LoadFailure
 Used when external particle list cannot be found. More...
struct  smash::ModusDefault::BadInput
 BadInput is an error to throw if the configuration options are invalid. More...
struct  smash::ModusDefault::InvalidEnergy
 Thrown when the requested energy is smaller than the masses of two particles. More...
struct  smash::Nucleus::TestparticleConfusion
struct  smash::ParticleType::PdgNotFoundFailure
struct  smash::ParticleType::LoadFailure
struct  smash::PdgCode::InvalidPdgCode
 thrown for invalid inputs More...
class  smash::ScatterAction::InvalidScatterAction
 Thrown when ScatterAction is called to perform with unknown ProcessType. More...
struct  smash::anonymous_namespace{}::OutputDirectoryExists
 Exception class that is thrown, if the requested output directory already exists and -f was not specified on the command line. More...
struct  smash::anonymous_namespace{}::OutputDirectoryOutOfIds
 Exception class that is thrown, if no new output path can be generated (there is a directory name for each positive integer value) More...