Version: SMASH-2.0

Skyrme and/or Symmetry potentials can be accounted for within a SMASH simulation.

Currently, potentials are just added without re-adjusting the energy and momenta of the colliding nucleons. This can be done, because the binding energy of nucleons is between 0 and 8 MeV per nucleon while the kinetic energies, at which SMASH operates, are at least 400 MeV per nucleon. The binding energy can thus be neglected compared to the kinetic energy.

Example: Configuring Potentials
The following extract from the configuration file configures SMASH such that the Skyrme as well as the Symmetry potential are activated for the simulation. There is however no necessity to include both simultaneously. They can be switched on and off individually.

        Skyrme_A: -209.2
        Skyrme_B: 156.4
        Skyrme_Tau: 1.35
        S_Pot: 18.0