Version: SMASH-2.0
Thermodynamics VTK Output

Density on the lattice can be printed out in the VTK format of structured grid. At every output moment a new vtk file is created. The name format is <density_name>_<event_number>_tstep<number_of_output_moment>.vtk, Files can be opened directly with ParaView (

Additionally to density, energy-momentum tensor \(T^{\mu\nu} \), energy-momentum tensor in Landau rest frame \(T^{\mu\nu}_L \) and velocity of Landau rest frame \(v_L\) on the lattice can be printed out in the VTK format of structured grid. At every output moment a new vtk file is created. The name format is <quantity>_<event_number>_tstep<number_of_output_moment>.vtk. Files can be opened directly with ParaView (

For configuring the output see content-specific output options.