Version: SMASH-3.1

The ListBox modus provides the possibility to initialize a box with a given set of particles. This modus uses all functionality from the List modus itself. The only difference is that one has to specify the length of the box. Apart from that, the usage should be equivalent to the List modus. Refer to it for more details.

Configuration example

        File_Directory: "particle_lists_in"
        File_Prefix: "event"
        Shift_Id: 0
        Length: 10.0

File_Directory — string, required

See   List: File_Directory.

Filename — string, required

See   List: Filename.

File_Prefix — string, required

See   List: File_Prefix.

Length — double, required

See   Box: Length.

Shift_Id — int, optional, default = 0

See   List: Shift_Id.