Version: SMASH-3.1
HepMC Output

SMASH HepMC output is an implementation of the HepMC3 Event Record Library. The aim is to provide a format compatible with other frameworks like Rivet ( For resources regarding HepMC, see and Buckley:2019xhk [12].

The SMASH HepMC output can be:

  • HepMC_asciiv3 plain human readable ASCII format
  • HepMC_treeroot ROOT Tree binary format, readable by ROOT

You can find a snippet of the configuration for this output in Output configuration examples.

Producing HepMC output in asciiv3 format requires HepMC3 to be installed. Download the tarball from and follow the instructions or use the pre-compiled packages for your OS distribution. If the user wants to produce HepMC output in ROOT Tree format, ROOT must be installed (, as well, and HepMC should be compiled with ROOT IO support (-DHEPMC3_ENABLE_ROOTIO:BOOL=ON) or, when using a binary precompiled distribution, the appropriate rootIO package must be installed.

  • Since some HepMC readers (e.g. Rivet) need a value for the nuclei-nuclei cross section, a dummy cross section of 1.0 is written to the output.
  • To avoid confusion with the definition of these quantities within the Glauber model, in the header of an event we set the numbers of participants and of collisions to -1.
  • If you use Fermi motion and want to read in the HepMC ouput into Rivet, you need to disable the check for the beam particle energies with the –ignore-beams option. When using the Rivet output this check is disabled by default.
  • The HepMC output is best suited to Collider modus, where the two ion "particles" are constructed and included as the initial incoming particles in the particle list, as well.
  • In other SMASH modi (box, sphere, list, etc.) only the inital and final hadrons are written out as the incoming and outgoing particles of a single vertex.
  • Even though in the HepMC library root and treeroot outputs are distinct, in SMASH the extension of the HepMC treeroot output is simply .root because the ROOT browser tool does not recognize the .treeroot extension.

Particles and Collisions

HepMC generally structures each event into particles and vertices connecting them, basically storing a graph of the event. However, in SMASH it is possible to filter the amount of information available in the output, depending on whether the HepMC_asciiv3 or HepMC_treeroot output options are specified under Particles or Collisions (see Output configuration examples for a clarifying example).

  • Particles: the output only provides a particle list of the final state. In HepMC only one central vertex is created. All initial state particles are incoming particles and all final state particles are outgoing particles of this vertex. Scatterings happening during the SMASH event are not recorded. For the collider modus, the initial state particles are combined into two single colliding nucleus "particles" with a nuclear pdg code.
  • Collisions: with this format, the full event tree is written. Furthermore, as in the previous Particles case, in collider modus we lump all incoming nucleons into nuclei, but split them out immediately afterwards to allow tracking of the individual nucleons.
  • If the HepMC output is intended to be part of a Rivet analysis that requires access to the parent particles of the final state particles, then the Collisions output should be used.
  • By default, SMASH exclusively handles strong decays at the end of the evolution. If one intends to include weak and electromagnetic decays as well, the Include_Weak_And_EM_Decays_At_The_End option in the Collision term section of the configuration should be enabled.

ASCII HepMC Format

In this case the information about each event is inserted into a plain, human readable ascii text file.

In most cases the HepMC output is read by using tools like Rivet, however it can be useful to have a basic knowledge about the most important pieces of information contained there. We refer to the official HepMC documentation for more details.

Here there is an example of the first lines of the HepMC_asciiv3 output, in Collider modus and Particles output type:

HepMC::Version 3.02.05
W Default
T SMASH\|SMASH-2.2.1-81-g450bc31amaster\|
E 0 1 772
W 1.0000000000000000000000e+00
A 0 GenHeavyIon v0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1.6090284 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 
P 1 0 1000791970 -1.0269562977782698e-15 1.3877787807814457e-16 3.0788744605039813e+02 3.6105628807654466e+02 1.8859205636552139e+02 4
P 2 0 1000791970 -5.6898930012039273e-16 9.7144514654701197e-17 -3.0817189202123001e+02 3.6138985479939856e+02 1.8876628968114440e+02 4
V -1 0 [1,2] 
P 3 -1 2112 -1.3955349705352910e-01 -3.2052252367927581e-01 -1.3070952483948553e-01 1.0095240693561323e+00 9.3799999999999994e-01 1 
P 4 -1 2112 2.2504221328938548e-02 -8.1112446752570233e-02 1.8331677117778440e+00 2.0609302580389826e+00 9.3799999999999994e-01 1 
P 5 -1 111 -1.7932505641335714e-01 -2.3234517783752556e-01 7.9030334352518175e-02 3.3381364751890524e-01 1.3800000000000001e-01 1 
P 6 -1 -211 5.3428615692750892e-01 9.5409650270284543e-02 -1.6651817800882954e-01 5.8424053475982385e-01 1.3800000000000001e-01 1

The first 4 lines provide information about the version of HepMC3 and of the generator (i.e. SMASH) which have been used. These lines are not repeated.

Row 5: "E 0 1 772" marks the beginning of a new event, with the numbers referring to the event ID, the number of vertexes and the number of particles, respectively, which have been recorded.

The content of line 8 _"A 0 GenHeavyIon ..."_ is described in Appendix A.3.3 of Buckley:2019xhk [12], however SMASH prints only the value of the impact parameter (1.6090284 in the example). This line closes the header, from now on, until the record of the next event, there are only lines starting with P (for particle data) or V (vertex data).

Lines 9 and 10: these are the data regarding the two colliding ions, which are treated like two big particles, with PDG code based on their atomic and mass number (79 and 197, respectively, in this example with gold).

Row 11: V, i.e. vertex. The first number is the ID of the vertex, which decreases by 1 at each interaction. The square bracket contains the IDs of the incoming particles.

Lines from 12: P, i.e. particle. The contents of the columns are:

  • "P", identifying a particle data line
  • the internal particle ID
  • the ID of the originating vertex
  • the particle PDG ID
  • particle momentum along x
  • particle momentum along y
  • particle momentum along z
  • particle energy
  • particle rest mass
  • interaction code ( 1: final state, 2: decay, 4: beam particle)

The HepMC3_asciiv3 with output under Collisions presents has a similar structure, but, in addition to containing all the interaction vertexes and the non final particles, it has the following differences after the header:

  • a list of lines starting with "A", like "A -6311 partial_weight 99.6726", where the first number refers to a vertex ID and the partial_weights are cross sections, followed by a similar list with lines like "A -6311 weight 100.876", where the weights are total cross sections
  • a list of particles and vertexes, in which the interaction code now can be also one of those used by SMASH, shifted by 100 (e.g. 103 or 145)

In both cases, the HepMC output file ends with the line: HepMC::Asciiv3-END_EVENT_LISTING, followed by an empty line.

ROOT HepMC Format

In this case the information about each event is inserted into a ROOT Tree structure and saved in a binary file that can be read by ROOT.

Here is an example of a basic ROOT macro that displays the structure of the tree, assuming that the output file is in the same directory as the macro:

// file name: read_treeroot.C
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
int read_hempc3_treeroot() {
// Opens a SMASH HepMC3 treeroot output file to be read in
TFile *input_file = TFile::Open("SMASH_HepMC_particles.root","read");
if (input_file->IsOpen()) {
printf("Successfully opened file %s\n", input_file->GetName());
} else {
printf("Error at opening file %s\n", input_file->GetName());
// Shows the top level contents of the file
// Gets a tree from file
TTree *tree = static_cast<TTree*>(input_file->Get("hepmc3_tree"));
// Gets the number of entries (i.e. events) stored in the tree
Int_t nentries = tree->GetEntries();
std::cout << "\nThe number of entries in the tree is " << nentries <<
// Prints the branches of the tree
std::cout << "\n\nA bit more info:" << std::endl;
// Extracts a bit more information
std::cout << "\n\nInfo about the branch hepmc3_event:" << std::endl;
TBranch *b = tree->GetBranch("hepmc3_event");
return 0;

To load and execute the macro with ROOT:

.L read_treeroot.C

In the subdirectory examples/reading_HepMC3_treeroot_output under the SMASH source code main directory there is a basic example of a C++ code that reads the output without requiring HepMC3, but only ROOT.

Among the examples of the HepMC3 library source code there is a converter between different formats. The converter allows to transform the SMASH HepMC3 output of a subtype (asciiv3 or treeroot) into the other without loss of information.