The thermodynamics output (thermodynamics.dat) is used to output either:
on) Smearing:
off - mostly useful for box setups).Smearing can be switched on or off in the configuration file, see content-specific output options.
The calculated quantities of the file can include: the Eckart density, the energy-momentum tensor in the lab and/or Landau frame, the Landau velocity and the electric/baryonic/strange currents (they will also be outputted in this order); note that the Eckart density is currently not affected by turning smearing off, and will always return the density at a point.
Which of these quantities are outputted needs to be specified in the config file. They will be calculated using one of the following density types: hadron, baryon, baryonic isospin, pion, or none.
The output file does contain any information about whether all hadrons are included or only participants.
The format of the file is the following:
Header in case of evaluation at one point
The header consists of 4 lines starting with a '#', containing the following information:
Header in case of average over the entire volume
The header consists of 4 lines starting with a '#', containing the following information:
Event Header
Each event is indicated with an event starting line:
Event numberNote, that 'event' is not a variable but a word that is printed.
The event indication line is followed by the data lines formatted as:
The density specified in the configuration file. Tmunu_Lab:
Energy-momentum tensor in the lab frame (10 columns). Tmunu_Landau:
Energy-momentum tensor in the Landau frame (10 columns). v_Landau:
The velocity in Landau frame (3 columns). el_current:
The electric current in the lab frame (4 columns). bar_current:
The baryonic current in the lab frame (4 columns). str_current:
The strange current in the lab frame (4 columns).Note that the number of columns depends on what was specified in the configuration file, i.e. all quantities in brackets will only be there if specifically asked for.