The thermodynamics lattice output prints "smeared" thermodynamic quantities evaluated at the nodes of a Lattice, defined as defined in Lattice.
The calculated quantities can include: the Eckart density, the energy-momentum tensor in the lab and/or Landau frame, the Landau velocity and the electric/baryonic/strange currents. Which of these quantities are outputted needs to be specified in the config file. They will be calculated using one of the following density types: hadron, baryon, baryonic isospin, pion, or none.
A separate output file is printed for each quantity and each event.
It is possible to print the output in:
For example:
Output: Output_Interval: 4.0 Thermodynamics: Format: ["Lattice_ASCII","Lattice_Binary"] Type: "baryon" Quantities: ["rho_eckart", "tmn", "tmn_landau","landau_velocity","j_QBS"]
Please, note that the Thermodynamic output is not printed at the end of an event, even if the end time of the simulation is a multiple of Output_Interval (if this final output is important, just increase a little the parameter End_Time).
Output files Each file has a header and a payload. The content is the same both in Lattice_ASCII and Lattice_Binary formats, but, of course, the details are a bit different.
Header of the output files
In "Lattice_ASCII" the data entries are separated by 1 space and each line of the header starts with "#", followed by the description of the entry.
The numbers corresponding to the various thermodynamic quantities are: -0 EckartDensity -1 Tmn (energy momentum tensor in the lab frame) -2 TmnLandau (energy momentum tensor in Landau's frame) -3 LandauVelocity -4 j_QBS (electric charge, baryon and strangeness four currents) -99 Unknown quantity
Payload of the output files
All the data in the payload are represented as:
In the case of the energy-momentum tensor, the data payload consists in the values of the quantity in the following order:
(see SMASH documentation of the function tmn_index for more details about the components)
In the case of densities, the data payload consists in the values of the quantity in the following order:
In the case of Landau velocity the data payload consists in the values of the components Vx, Vy, Vz in the following order:
In the case of the electric charge, baryon and strangeness currents jQ, jB and jS the data payload consists in the values of their components in following order:
(see SMASH documentation of the function current_eckart for more details about the definition of the currents) Please, note that note that all currents are given in units of "number of charges"; multiply the electric current by the elementary charge \(\sqrt{4 \pi \alpha_{EM}} \) for charge units.
Please, have a look also at input_output_thermodynamics_ for additional information about the computation of the various Thermodynamics quantities.