Version: SMASH-1.5
Output Configuration

Example: Configuring the SMASH Output

The following example configures the output to be printed in an interval of 1 fm and with the net baryon density being printed to the header. The particles output is generated in "Oscar1999", VTK and "Root" format, generating output for each time step. The collisions output is formatted according to an extended "Oscar2013" format and the initial and final particle lists are printed as well.

    Output_Interval: 1.0
    Density_Type: "baryon"
        Format:    ["Oscar1999", "VTK", "Root"]
        Extended: False
        Only_Final: False
        Format:    ["Oscar2013"]
        Extended: True
        Print_Start_End: True

To further activate photons and dileptons in the SMASH simulation and to also generate the output, the corresponding subsections need to be present in the configuration file. In the following example, the dilepton output is generated in extended "Oscar2013" and "Binary" format. The photon output is printed in "Oscar2013" format while the calculation is performed with 100 fractional photons.

        Format:    ["Oscar2013", "Binary"]
        Extended: True
        Format:    ["Oscar2013"]
        Fractions: 100

Additionally, the thermodynsamics output can be activated. In this example, thermodynamic output is activated for hadrons. The quanities that are printed are the density in the Eckart rest frame and the energy momentum tensor in the Landau rest frame. These quantities are printed at each time step for the position (0,0,0). Gaussian smearing is not applied. The output is provided in "ASCII" and "VTK" format.

        Format:    ["ASCII", "VTK"]
        Type: "hadron"
        Quantities:    ["rho_eckart", "tmn_landau"]
        Position:    [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
        Smearing: False