Version: SMASH-1.5
Output Configuration

Description of options

To produce a certain output content it is necessary to explicitly configure it in the Output section of the configuration file. This means, that the Output section needs to contain a subsection for the desired output. Aditionally, there are general output configuration parameters.

General output configuration parameters:

Output_Interval (double, optional, default = End_Time):
Defines the period of intermediate output of the status of the simulated system in Standard Output and other output formats which support this functionality.

Density_Type (string, optional, default = "none"):
Determines which kind of density is printed into the headers of the collision files. Possible values:

  • "hadron" - Total hadronic density
  • "baryon" - Net baryon density
  • "baryonic isospin" - Baryonic isospin density
  • "pion" - Pion density
  • "none" - Do not calculate density, print 0.0

Format configuration independently of the specific output content

Further options are defined for every single output content (see output contents for the list of possible contents). Independently of the content, it is always necessary to provide the format in which the output should be generated.

Format (list of formats, optional, default = [ ]):
List of formats for writing particular content. Possible formats for every content are listed and described in output contents. List of available formats is here.
Besides the universal Format option, there are also content-specific output options that are listed below.

Content-specific output options

  • Particles
    Extended (bool, optional, default = false, incompatible with Oscar1999, VTK and Root formats):
    • true - Print extended information for each particle
    • false - Regular output for each particle
    Only_Final (bool, optional, default = true, incompatible with VTK format):
    • true - Print only final particle list
    • false - Particle list at output interval including initial time

  • Collisions (VTK not available)
    Extended (bool, optional, default = false, incompatible with Oscar1999 and Root formats):
    • true - Print extended information for each particle
    • false - Regular output for each particle
    Print_Start_End (bool, optional, default = false, incompatible with Root format):
    • true - Initial and final particle list is printed out
    • false - Initial and final particle list is not printed out

  • Dileptons (Only Oscar1999, Oscar2013 and binary formats)
    Extended (bool, optional, default = false, incompatible with Oscar1999 format):
    • true - Print extended information for each particle
    • false - Regular output for each particle

  • Photons (Only Oscar1999, Oscar2013 and binary formats)
    Fractions (int, required): Number of fractional photons sampled per single perturbatively produced photon. See Photons for further information.
    Extended (bool, optional, default = false, incompatible with Oscar1999 format):
    • true - Print extended information for each particle
    • false - Regular output for each particle

  • Thermodynamics
    The user can print thermodynamical quantities:

    • On the spatial lattice to vtk output. Note, that this output requires a lattice. This lattice needs to be enabled in the conguration file and is regulated by the options of Lattice. See Thermodynamics VTK Output for further information.
    • At a given point to ASCII output. See ASCII Thermodynamics Output for further information.
    • Averaged over all particles to ASCII output. See ASCII Thermodynamics Output for further information.

    Type (string, optional, default = "baryon"):
    Particle type taken into consideration, "baryon" corresponds to "net baryon".

    • "hadron"
    • "baryon"
    • "baryonic isospin"
    • "pion"
    • "none"

    Quantities (list of thermodynamic quantities, optional, default = [ ]):
    List of thermodynamic quantities that are printed to the output. Possible quantities are:

    • "rho_eckart" - Eckart rest frame density
    • "tmn" - Energy-momentum tensor \(T^{\mu\nu}(t,x,y,z) \)
    • "tmn_landau" - Energy-momentum tensor in the Landau rest frame. This tensor is computed by boosting \(T^{\mu\nu}(t,x,y,z) \) to the local rest frame, where \(T^{0i} \) = 0.
    • "landau_velocity" - Velocity of the Landau rest frame. The velocity is obtained from the energy-momentum tensor \(T^{\mu\nu}(t,x,y,z) \) by solving the generalized eigenvalue equation \((T^{\mu\nu} - \lambda g^{\mu\nu})u_{\mu}=0 \).

    Position (list of 3 doubles, optional, default = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]):
    Point, at which thermodynamic quantities are computed.

    Smearing (bool, optional, default = true):
    Using Gaussian smearing for computing thermodynamic quantities or not. This triggers whether thermodynamic quantities are evaluated at a fixed point (true) or averaged over all particles (false).

    • true - smearing applied
    • false - smearing not applied

    Normally, if one computes thermodynamic quantities at a fixed point, smearing should be applied. It can however be useful to compute the energy- energy-momentum tensor of all particles in a box with weights = 1, which would correspond to "Smearing: false".