List of invited speakers (and tentative topics)
- Understanding statistical hadronization and its limitations
- Alexander Kalweit (Geneva): Particle Production and Connection to Phase Diagram
- Markus Köhler (Heidelberg): Charmonium at the LHC with the Statistical Hadronization Model
- Bedangadas Mohanty (Jatni): Phenomenological Chemical Freeze-out
- Jan Steinheimer (Frankfurt): Effects of Statistical Particlization and Hadronic Rescattering on Fluctuations and Correlations
- Hydrodynamics
- Xin Dong (Berkeley): Charm Quark Hadronization
- Long-Gang Pang (Berkeley): Deep learning and Hydro Simulations
- Björn Schenke (Brookhaven): Collectivity and Final-state Effects in Small Systems
- Michael Strickland (Kent): Anisotropic Hydrodynamics
- How to do freeze-out from a hydro simulation
- Hannah Elfner (Darmstadt/Frankfurt): Electromagnetic Probes from Late Hadronic Dynamics
- Pasi Huovinen (Wroclaw): Better Fitting through Fictitious Chemistry?
- Vorticity and polarization observables
- Wojciech Florkowski (Cracow): Relativistic Hydrodynamics with Spin
- Sergei Voloshin (Detroit): Vorticity and Polarization in Heavy Ion Collisions: Experimental Perspective
- HBT radii and their interpretation
- Adam Kisiel (Warsaw): HBT Radii and their Interpretation
- Thermodynamic transition between Hadron Resonance Gas and Quark-Gluon Plasma
- Volker Koch (Berkeley): Correlations, Fluctuations and the QCD Phase Diagram
- Pok Man Lo (Wroclaw): Counting Hadron States in the S-Matrix Approach
- Alice Ohlson (Heidelberg): Lambda Fluctuations with ALICE
- Claudia Ratti (Houston): Hadronization and Freeze-out from Lattice QCD
- Chihiro Sasaki (Wroclaw): Modeling Hot and Dense QCD in Effective Theories
- Christian Schmidt (Bielefeld): Thermodynamics near the Crossover - a Lattice Perspective
- Vladimir Skokov (Raleigh/Brookhaven): Anisotropies in Small Systems
- Joachim Stroth (Frankfurt/Darmstadt): Role of dileptons and prospects for the HADES detector
- Jochen Wambach (Trento/Darmstadt): Interpretation of dilepton data in view of the underlying processes