Version: SMASH-3.1
Thermodynamics lattice output

The thermodynamics lattice output prints "smeared" thermodynamic quantities evaluated at the nodes of a Lattice, defined as defined in Lattice.

The calculated quantities can include: the Eckart density, the energy-momentum tensor in the lab and/or Landau frame, the Landau velocity and the electric/baryonic/strange currents. Which of these quantities are outputted needs to be specified in the config file. They will be calculated using one of the following density types: hadron, baryon, baryonic isospin, pion, or none.

A separate output file is printed for each quantity and each event.

It is possible to print the output in:

  • ASCII format (option "Lattice_ASCII")
  • Binary format (option "Lattice_Binary")

For example:

   Output_Interval: 4.0
     Format: ["Lattice_ASCII","Lattice_Binary"]
     Type: "baryon"
     Quantities: ["rho_eckart", "tmn", "tmn_landau","landau_velocity","j_QBS"]

Please, note that the Thermodynamic output is not printed at the end of an event, even if the end time of the simulation is a multiple of Output_Interval (if this final output is important, just increase a little the parameter End_Time).

Output files Each file has a header and a payload. The content is the same both in Lattice_ASCII and Lattice_Binary formats, but, of course, the details are a bit different.

Header of the output files

  • version of the output (ASCII: fixed 2 digits float, Binary: double)
  • thermodynamic quantity (ASCII: string, Binary: int)
  • nx, ny, nz: cells of the lattice along x, y, z, respectively (set in: Lattice->Cell_Number, see Lattice) (3 ints)
  • x0, y0, z0: coordinates of the origin of the lattice (set in Lattice->Origin) (ASCII: 3 fixed 6 digits precision floats, Binary: 3 doubles)
  • dx, dy, dz: size of the lattice (set in Lattice->Sizes) (ASCII: 3 fixed 6 digits precision floats, Binary: 3 doubles)

In "Lattice_ASCII" the data entries are separated by 1 space and each line of the header starts with "#", followed by the description of the entry.

The numbers corresponding to the various thermodynamic quantities are: -0 EckartDensity -1 Tmn (energy momentum tensor in the lab frame) -2 TmnLandau (energy momentum tensor in Landau's frame) -3 LandauVelocity -4 j_QBS (electric charge, baryon and strangeness four currents) -99 Unknown quantity

Payload of the output files

All the data in the payload are represented as:

  • ASCII files: scientific format, 14 precision digits
  • Binary files: double type

In the case of the energy-momentum tensor, the data payload consists in the values of the quantity in the following order:

for (h=0;h<{number of timesteps};h++) {
output time
for (l=0;l<{number of components};l++) {
for (k=0;k<nz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ny;j++) {
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
energy momentum tensor component T[l]
\newline (only in ASCII files)

(see SMASH documentation of the function tmn_index for more details about the components)

In the case of densities, the data payload consists in the values of the quantity in the following order:

for (h=0;h<{number of timesteps};h++) {
output time
for (k=0;k<nz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ny;j++) {
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
density value
\newline (only in ASCII files)

In the case of Landau velocity the data payload consists in the values of the components Vx, Vy, Vz in the following order:

for (h=0;h<{number of timesteps};h++) {
output time
for (k=0;k<nz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ny;j++) {
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
Vx Vy Vz (+ \newline in ASCII files)

In the case of the electric charge, baryon and strangeness currents jQ, jB and jS the data payload consists in the values of their components in following order:

for (h=0;h<{number of timesteps};h++) {
output time
for (k=0;k<nz;k++) {
for (j=0;j<ny;j++) {
for (i=0;i<nx;i++) {
jQ[0] jQ[1] jQ[2] jQ[3] jB[0] jB[1] jB[2] jB[3] jS[0] jS[1] jS[2] jS[3]
(+ \newline in ASCII files)

(see SMASH documentation of the function current_eckart for more details about the definition of the currents) Please, note that note that all currents are given in units of "number of charges"; multiply the electric current by the elementary charge \(\sqrt{4 \pi \alpha_{EM}} \) for charge units.

Please, have a look also at input_output_thermodynamics_ for additional information about the computation of the various Thermodynamics quantities.