Version: SMASH-2.0

This section controls the logging levels for different areas of the code. It contains the following keys, all of which have string values and are optional:

  • default (determines the default logging level for all areas)
  • Legacy
  • Main
  • Experiment
  • Box
  • Collider
  • Sphere
  • Action
  • InputParser
  • ParticleType
  • FindScatter
  • Clock
  • DecayModes
  • Resonances
  • ScatterAction
  • Distributions
  • Propagation
  • Grid
  • List
  • Nucleus
  • Density
  • PauliBlocking
  • Tmn
  • Fpe
  • Lattice
  • Pythia
  • GrandcanThermalizer
  • CrossSections
  • Output
  • HyperSurfaceCrossing
  • InitialConditions
  • ScatterActionMulti

Each key can have one of the following values:

  • ALL - Log all messages (default)
  • TRACE - The lowest severity for messages describing the program flow
  • DEBUG - Debug messages
  • INFO - Messages of informational nature
  • WARN - Warning messages
  • ERROR - Non-fatal errors
  • FATAL - Messages that indicate terminal application failure
  • OFF - If selected no messages will be output

Note that the logging levels TRACE and DEBUG are only available in debugging builds (i.e. with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug).

Example: Configuring the Logging Area
To activate all informational messages (INFO) for all logging areas, include the following in the configuration file:

    default: INFO
    Legacy: INFO
    Main: INFO
    Experiment: INFO
    Box: INFO
    Collider: INFO
    Sphere: INFO
    ParticleType: INFO
    Action: INFO
    FindScatter: INFO
    DecayModes: INFO
    ScatterAction: INFO
    Pythia: INFO
    InputParser: INFO
    Clock: INFO
    Resonances: INFO
    Distributions: INFO
    Propagation: INFO
    Grid: INFO
    List: INFO
    Nucleus: INFO
    Density: INFO
    PauliBlocking: INFO
    Tmn: INFO
    Fpe: INFO
    Lattice: INFO
    GrandcanThermalizer: INFO
    CrossSections: INFO
    Output: INFO
    HadronGasEos: INFO
    HyperSurfaceCrossing: INFO
    InitialConditions: INFO
    ScatterActionMulti: INFO