Version: SMASH-2.0

The list modus provides a modus for hydro afterburner calculations. It takes files with a list of particles in Oscar 2013 format as an input. These particles are treated as a starting setup. Multiple events per file are supported. The input parameters are:

File_Directory (string, required):
Directory for the external particle lists.

File_Prefix (string, required):
Prefix for the external particle lists file.

Shift_Id (int, required):
Starting id for file_id_, i.e. the first file which is read.

Example: Configuring an Afterburner Simulation
The following example sets up an afterburner simulation for a set of particle files located in "particle_lists_in". The files are named as "event{event_id}". SMASH is run once for each event in the folder.

        File_Directory: "particle_lists_in"
        File_Prefix: "event"

It might for some reason be necessary to not run SMASH starting with the first file. In this case, the file_id can be shifted.

        Shift_Id: 10

Example: Structure of Input Particle File

The following example shows how an input file should be formatted:

#!OSCAR2013 particle_lists t x y z mass p0 px py pz pdg ID charge
# Units: fm fm fm fm GeV GeV GeV GeV GeV none none none
0.1 6.42036 1.66473 9.38499 0.138 0.232871 0.116953 -0.115553 0.090303 111 0 0
# event 0 end
# event 1
0.1 6.42036 1.66473 9.38499 0.138 0.232871 0.116953 -0.115553 0.090303 111 0 0
# event 1 end

It means that one \( \pi^0 \) with spatial coordinates (t, x, y, z) = (0.1, 6.42036, 1.66473, 9.38499) fm and and 4-momenta (p0, px, py, pz) = (0.232871, 0.116953, -0.115553, 0.090303) GeV, with mass = 0.138 GeV, pdg = 111, id = 0 and charge 0 will be initialized for the first event (and also for the second event).

SMASH is shipped with an example configuration file to set up an afterburner simulation by means of the list modus. This also requires a particle list to be read in. Both, the configuration file and the particle list, are located in /input/list. To run SMASH with the provided example configuration and particle list, execute

   ./smash -i INPUT_DIR/list/config.yaml

Where 'INPUT_DIR' needs to be replaced by the path to the input directory ('../input', if the build directory is located in the smash folder).