The list modus provides a modus for hydro afterburner calculations. It takes files with a list of particles in Oscar 2013 format as an input. These particles are treated as a starting setup. Multiple events per file are supported. The input parameters are:
(string, required):
Directory for the external particle lists.
(string, required):
Prefix for the external particle lists file.
(int, required):
Starting id for file_id_, i.e. the first file which is read.
Example: Configuring an Afterburner Simulation
The following example sets up an afterburner simulation for a set of particle files located in "particle_lists_in". The files are named as "event{event_id}". SMASH is run once for each event in the folder.
Modi: List: File_Directory: "particle_lists_in" File_Prefix: "event"
It might for some reason be necessary to not run SMASH starting with the first file. In this case, the file_id can be shifted.
Modi: List: Shift_Id: 10
The following example shows how an input file should be formatted:
It means that one \( \pi^0 \) with spatial coordinates (t, x, y, z) = (0.1, 6.42036, 1.66473, 9.38499) fm and and 4-momenta (p0, px, py, pz) = (0.232871, 0.116953, -0.115553, 0.090303) GeV, with mass = 0.138 GeV, pdg = 111, id = 0 and charge 0 will be initialized for the first event (and also for the second event).
./smash -i INPUT_DIR/list/config.yaml