Version: SMASH-1.5
logging.h File Reference
#include <stdexcept>
#include <tuple>
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <einhard.hpp>
#include "macros.h"

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struct  smash::LogArea::Main
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Experiment
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Box
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Collider
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Sphere
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Action
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::InputParser
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::ParticleType
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::FindScatter
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Clock
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::DecayModes
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Resonances
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::ScatterAction
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Distributions
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Propagation
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Grid
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::List
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Nucleus
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Density
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::PauliBlocking
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Tmn
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Fpe
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Lattice
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Sampling
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Pythia
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::GrandcanThermalizer
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::CrossSections
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::LogArea::Output
 Log area tag type. More...
struct  smash::FormattingHelper< T >
struct  YAML::convert< einhard::LogLevel >


 The namespace where log areas are declared.


#define DECLARE_LOGAREA(id__, name__)
 Declares the necessary interface to identify a new log area. More...
#define source_location   __FILE__ ":" + std::to_string(__LINE__) + " (" + __func__ + ')'
 Hackery that is required to output the location in the source code where the log statement occurs. More...


using smash::LogArea::AreaTuple = std::tuple< Main, Experiment, Box, Collider, Sphere, Action, InputParser, ParticleType, FindScatter, Clock, DecayModes, Resonances, ScatterAction, Distributions, Propagation, Grid, List, Nucleus, Density, PauliBlocking, Tmn, Fpe, Lattice, Sampling, Pythia, GrandcanThermalizer, CrossSections, Output >
 This type collects all existing log areas so they will be created with the correct log level automatically. More...


void smash::create_all_loggers (Configuration config)
 Called from main() right after the Configuration object is fully set up to create all logger objects (as defined by LogArea::AreaTuple) with the correct area names and log levels. More...
einhard::Loggersmash::retrieve_logger_impl (int id)
template<typename LogAreaTag >
einhard::Loggersmash::logger ()
einhard::LogLevel smash::default_loglevel ()
void smash::set_default_loglevel (einhard::LogLevel level)
 Set the default log level (what will be returned from subsequent default_loglevel calls). More...
template<typename T >
FormattingHelper< T > smash::format (const T &value, const char *unit, int width=-1, int precision=-1)
 Acts as a stream modifier for std::ostream to output an object with an optional suffix string and with a given field width and precision. More...