Version: SMASH-3.1
smash::RootOutput Class Reference

#include <rootoutput.h>

\brief SMASH output to ROOT file

SMASH supports ROOT output as an option (see The ROOT framework needs to be installed before building SMASH, otherwise ROOT support will be disabled.

This class produces file Particles.root, which contains a ROOT TTree. TTree contains information about particles from all SMASH events comprising a simulation. Output is happening in blocks. All particles in a block are at the same time and in the same event. However, it is possible that different blocks are at the same time and from the same event. Particle information is stored in TBranches. For each particle characteristic there is a separate branch. Currently these are t,x,y,z (coordinates), p0,px,py,pz (4-momentum), pdgcode - PDG code of the particle, characterizing its type, charge - electric charge of the particle, ev - event number in a given block, tcounter - number of the output block in a given event, npart - number of particles in the block, test_p - number of testpartciles per particle, modus_l - modus length, current_t - time associated with the output block, in fm, impact_b - impact parameter of the event, empty_event - whether there was no interaction between the projectile and the target, E_kinetic_tot - total kinetic energy in the system, E_fields_tot - total mean field energy * test_p, E_total - sum of E_kinetic_tot and E_fields_tot.

This class also produces file Collisions.root, organized in the same way, with a few additional fields: nin and nout - characterize number of incoming and outgoing particles in the reaction, with nin + nout = npart, weight - an action weight, whose meaning depends on the type of action: For collisions it is the total cross section, for decays it is the total decay width and for dilepton decays it is the shining weight.

If "Collisions:" section is present, then in addition to a file Particles.root with particles TTree, another file Collisions.root is created. It contains information about each collision, written as one leaf: nin, nout - number of incoming and outgoing particles, ev - event number, weight - total weight of the collision (wgt), partial_weight - partial weight of the collision (par_wgt), (t,x,y,z), (p0,px,py,pz) - arrays of dimension nin+nout that contain coordinates and momenta.

Definition at line 78 of file rootoutput.h.

Inheritance diagram for smash::RootOutput:

Public Member Functions

 RootOutput (const std::filesystem::path &path, const std::string &name, const OutputParameters &out_par)
 Construct ROOT output. More...
 ~RootOutput ()
 Destructor. More...
void at_eventstart (const Particles &particles, const int event_number, const EventInfo &event) override
 update event number and writes intermediate particles to a tree. More...
void at_eventend (const Particles &particles, const int event_number, const EventInfo &event) override
 update event number and impact parameter, and writes intermediate particles to a tree. More...
void at_intermediate_time (const Particles &particles, const std::unique_ptr< Clock > &clock, const DensityParameters &dens_param, const EventInfo &event) override
 Writes intermediate particles to a tree defined by treename, if it is allowed (i.e., particles_only_final_ is No). More...
void at_interaction (const Action &action, const double density) override
 Writes collisions to a tree defined by treename. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from smash::OutputInterface
 OutputInterface (std::string name)
 Construct output interface. More...
virtual ~OutputInterface ()=0
 Pure virtual destructor to make class abstract and prevent its instantiation. More...
virtual void at_eventstart (const std::vector< Particles > &, int)
 Output launched at event start after initialization, when particles are generated but not yet propagated. More...
virtual void at_eventstart (const int, const ThermodynamicQuantity, const DensityType, RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice >)
 Output launched at event start after initialization, when particles are generated but not yet propagated. More...
virtual void at_eventstart (const int, const ThermodynamicQuantity, const DensityType, RectangularLattice< EnergyMomentumTensor >)
 Output launched at event start after initialization, when particles are generated but not yet propagated. More...
virtual void at_eventend (const int, const ThermodynamicQuantity, const DensityType)
 Output launched at event end. More...
virtual void at_eventend (const ThermodynamicQuantity)
 Output launched at event end. More...
virtual void at_eventend (const std::vector< Particles > &, const int)
 Output launched at event end. More...
virtual void at_intermediate_time (const std::vector< Particles > &, const std::unique_ptr< Clock > &, const DensityParameters &)
 Output launched after every N'th timestep. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_output (const ThermodynamicQuantity, const DensityType, RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice > &)
 Output to write thermodynamics from the lattice. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_output (const ThermodynamicQuantity, const DensityType, RectangularLattice< EnergyMomentumTensor > &)
 Output to write energy-momentum tensor and related quantities from the lattice. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_lattice_output (RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice > &, const double)
 Output to write thermodynamics from the lattice. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_lattice_output (RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice > &, const double, const std::vector< Particles > &, const DensityParameters &)
 Output to write thermodynamics from the lattice. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_lattice_output (const ThermodynamicQuantity, RectangularLattice< EnergyMomentumTensor > &, const double)
 Output to write energy-momentum tensor and related quantities from the lattice. More...
virtual void thermodynamics_output (const GrandCanThermalizer &)
 Output to write energy-momentum tensor and related quantities from the thermalizer class. More...
virtual void fields_output (const std::string, const std::string, RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> &)
 Write fields in vtk output Fields are a pair of threevectors for example electric and magnetic field. More...
bool is_dilepton_output () const
 Get, whether this is the dilepton output? More...
bool is_photon_output () const
 Get, whether this is the photon output? More...
bool is_IC_output () const
 Get, whether this is the IC output? More...
const char * to_string (const ThermodynamicQuantity tq)
 Convert thermodynamic quantities to strings. More...
const char * to_string (const DensityType dens_type)
 Convert density types to strings. More...

Private Member Functions

template<typename T >
void particles_to_tree (T &particles)
 Writes particles to a tree defined by treename. More...
void collisions_to_tree (const ParticleList &incoming, const ParticleList &outgoing, const double weight, const double partial_weight)
 Writes collisions to a tree defined by treename. More...

Private Attributes

const std::filesystem::path filename_
 Filename of output. More...
std::filesystem::path filename_unfinished_
 Filename of output as long as simulation is still running. More...
std::unique_ptr< TFile > root_out_file_
 Pointer to root output file. More...
TTree * particles_tree_
 TTree for particles output. More...
TTree * collisions_tree_
 TTree for collision output. More...
int output_counter_ = 0
 Number of output in a given event. More...
int current_event_ = 0
 Number of current event. More...

Static Private Attributes

static const int max_buffer_size_ = 500000
 Maximal buffer size. More...

Buffer for filling TTree

See class documentation for definitions.

std::vector< double > p0_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > px_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > py_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > pz_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > t_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > x_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > y_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > z_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > formation_time_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > xsec_factor_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< double > time_last_coll_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > pdgcode_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > charge_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > coll_per_part_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > proc_id_origin_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > proc_type_origin_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > pdg_mother1_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > pdg_mother2_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > baryon_number_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
std::vector< int > strangeness_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int npart_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int tcounter_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int ev_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int nin_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int nout_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
int test_p_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double wgt_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double par_wgt_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double impact_b_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double modus_l_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double current_t_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double E_kinetic_tot_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double E_fields_tot_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
double E_tot_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
bool empty_event_
 Property that is written to ROOT output. More...
bool write_collisions_
 Option to write collisions tree. More...
bool write_particles_
 Option to write particles tree. More...
bool write_initial_conditions_
 Option to write particles tree for initial conditions. More...
OutputOnlyFinal particles_only_final_
 Print only final particles in the event, no intermediate output. More...
int autosave_frequency_
 Root file cannot be read if it was not properly closed and finalized. More...
const bool part_extended_
 Whether extended particle output is on. More...
const bool coll_extended_
 Whether extended collisions output is on. More...
const bool ic_extended_
 Whether extended ic output is on. More...
void init_trees ()
 Basic initialization routine, creating the TTree objects for particles and collisions. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from smash::OutputInterface
const bool is_dilepton_output_
 Is this the dilepton output? More...
const bool is_photon_output_
 Is this the photon output? More...
const bool is_IC_output_
 Is this the IC output? More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ RootOutput()

smash::RootOutput::RootOutput ( const std::filesystem::path &  path,
const std::string &  name,
const OutputParameters out_par 

Construct ROOT output.

[in]pathOutput path.
[in]nameName of the ouput.
[in]out_parA structure containing parameters of the output.

Definition at line 232 of file

234  : OutputInterface(name),
235  filename_(path / (name + ".root")),
236  write_collisions_(name == "Collisions" || name == "Dileptons" ||
237  name == "Photons"),
238  write_particles_(name == "Particles"),
239  write_initial_conditions_(name == "SMASH_IC"),
240  particles_only_final_(out_par.part_only_final),
241  autosave_frequency_(1000),
242  part_extended_(out_par.part_extended),
243  coll_extended_(out_par.coll_extended),
244  ic_extended_(out_par.ic_extended) {
246  filename_unfinished_ += ".unfinished";
248  std::make_unique<TFile>(filename_unfinished_.native().c_str(), "NEW");
249  init_trees();
250 }
OutputInterface(std::string name)
Construct output interface.
OutputOnlyFinal particles_only_final_
Print only final particles in the event, no intermediate output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:223
int autosave_frequency_
Root file cannot be read if it was not properly closed and finalized.
Definition: rootoutput.h:234
bool write_collisions_
Option to write collisions tree.
Definition: rootoutput.h:214
const std::filesystem::path filename_
Filename of output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:132
bool write_initial_conditions_
Option to write particles tree for initial conditions.
Definition: rootoutput.h:220
const bool part_extended_
Whether extended particle output is on.
Definition: rootoutput.h:237
std::unique_ptr< TFile > root_out_file_
Pointer to root output file.
Definition: rootoutput.h:136
std::filesystem::path filename_unfinished_
Filename of output as long as simulation is still running.
Definition: rootoutput.h:134
const bool coll_extended_
Whether extended collisions output is on.
Definition: rootoutput.h:239
void init_trees()
Basic initialization routine, creating the TTree objects for particles and collisions.
const bool ic_extended_
Whether extended ic output is on.
Definition: rootoutput.h:241
bool write_particles_
Option to write particles tree.
Definition: rootoutput.h:217

◆ ~RootOutput()

smash::RootOutput::~RootOutput ( )


RootOutput destructor.

Writes root objects (here TTrees) to file and closes it.

Definition at line 355 of file

355  {
356  // kOverwrite option prevents from writing extra TKey objects into root file
357  root_out_file_->Write("", TObject::kOverwrite);
358  root_out_file_->Close();
359  std::filesystem::rename(filename_unfinished_, filename_);
360 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ at_eventstart()

void smash::RootOutput::at_eventstart ( const Particles particles,
const int  event_number,
const EventInfo event 

update event number and writes intermediate particles to a tree.

[in]particlesParticles to be written to output.
[in]event_numberevent number to be used in ROOT output.
[in]eventEvent info, see event_info

Reimplemented from smash::OutputInterface.

Definition at line 362 of file

363  {
364  // save event number
365  current_event_ = event_number;
367  modus_l_ = event.modus_length;
368  test_p_ = event.test_particles;
369  current_t_ = event.current_time;
370  E_kinetic_tot_ = event.total_kinetic_energy;
371  E_fields_tot_ = event.total_mean_field_energy;
372  E_tot_ = event.total_energy;
375  output_counter_ = 0;
376  // This is to have only one output of positive impact parameter per event
377  impact_b_ = -1.0;
378  empty_event_ = false;
379  particles_to_tree(particles);
380  output_counter_++;
381  }
382 }
double current_t_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:208
int current_event_
Number of current event.
Definition: rootoutput.h:170
double E_kinetic_tot_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:209
int test_p_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207
double modus_l_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:208
void particles_to_tree(T &particles)
Writes particles to a tree defined by treename.
double impact_b_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:208
bool empty_event_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:210
double E_fields_tot_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:209
int output_counter_
Number of output in a given event.
Definition: rootoutput.h:168
double E_tot_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:209
@ No
Print initial, intermediate and final-state particles.

◆ at_eventend()

void smash::RootOutput::at_eventend ( const Particles particles,
const int  event_number,
const EventInfo event 

update event number and impact parameter, and writes intermediate particles to a tree.

[in]particlesParticles to be written to output.
[in]event_numberevent number to be used in ROOT output.
[in]eventEvent info, see event_info

Reimplemented from smash::OutputInterface.

Definition at line 401 of file

403  {
404  modus_l_ = event.modus_length;
405  test_p_ = event.test_particles;
406  current_t_ = event.current_time;
407  E_kinetic_tot_ = event.total_kinetic_energy;
408  E_fields_tot_ = event.total_mean_field_energy;
409  E_tot_ = event.total_energy;
411  impact_b_ = event.impact_parameter;
412  empty_event_ = event.empty_event;
413  if (write_particles_ &&
414  !(event.empty_event &&
416  particles_to_tree(particles);
417  }
418  /* Forced regular dump from operational memory to disk. Very demanding!
419  * If program crashes written data will NOT be lost. */
422  particles_tree_->AutoSave("SaveSelf");
423  }
424  if (write_collisions_) {
425  collisions_tree_->AutoSave("SaveSelf");
426  }
427  }
430  // If the runtime is too short some particles might not yet have
431  // reached the hypersurface. Warning is printed.
432  if (particles.size() != 0 && !event.impose_kinematic_cut_for_SMASH_IC) {
434  "End time might be too small for initial conditions output. "
435  "Hypersurface has not yet been crossed by ",
436  particles.size(), " particle(s).");
437  }
438  }
439 }
TTree * collisions_tree_
TTree for collision output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:150
TTree * particles_tree_
TTree for particles output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:143
@ IfNotEmpty
Print only final-state particles, and those only if the event is not empty.
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing

◆ at_intermediate_time()

void smash::RootOutput::at_intermediate_time ( const Particles particles,
const std::unique_ptr< Clock > &  clock,
const DensityParameters dens_param,
const EventInfo event 

Writes intermediate particles to a tree defined by treename, if it is allowed (i.e., particles_only_final_ is No).

[in]particlesParticles to be written to output.
[in]clockUnused, needed since inherited.
[in]dens_paramUnused, needed since inherited.
[in]eventEvent info, see event_info

Reimplemented from smash::OutputInterface.

Definition at line 384 of file

387  {
388  modus_l_ = event.modus_length;
389  test_p_ = event.test_particles;
390  current_t_ = event.current_time;
391  E_kinetic_tot_ = event.total_kinetic_energy;
392  E_fields_tot_ = event.total_mean_field_energy;
393  E_tot_ = event.total_energy;
396  particles_to_tree(particles);
397  output_counter_++;
398  }
399 }

◆ at_interaction()

void smash::RootOutput::at_interaction ( const Action action,
const double  density 

Writes collisions to a tree defined by treename.

[in]actionan Action object containing incoming, outgoing particles and type of interactions.
[in]densityUnused, needed since inherited.

Reimplemented from smash::OutputInterface.

Definition at line 441 of file

442  {
443  if (write_collisions_) {
444  collisions_to_tree(action.incoming_particles(), action.outgoing_particles(),
445  action.get_total_weight(), action.get_partial_weight());
446  }
449  action.get_type() == ProcessType::HyperSurfaceCrossing) {
450  particles_to_tree(action.incoming_particles());
451  }
452 }
void collisions_to_tree(const ParticleList &incoming, const ParticleList &outgoing, const double weight, const double partial_weight)
Writes collisions to a tree defined by treename.
@ HyperSurfaceCrossing
See here for a short description.

◆ particles_to_tree()

template<typename T >
void smash::RootOutput::particles_to_tree ( T &  particles)

Writes particles to a tree defined by treename.

[in]particlesParticles or ParticleList to be written to output.

Definition at line 455 of file

455  {
456  int i = 0;
460  bool exceeded_buffer_message = true;
462  for (const auto &p : particles) {
463  // Buffer full - flush to tree, else fill with particles
464  if (i >= max_buffer_size_) {
465  if (exceeded_buffer_message) {
466  logg[LOutput].warn()
467  << "\nThe number of particles N = " << particles.size()
468  << " exceeds the maximum buffer size B = " << max_buffer_size_
469  << ".\nceil(N/B) = "
470  << std::ceil(particles.size() /
471  static_cast<double>(max_buffer_size_))
472  << " separate ROOT Tree entries will be created at this output."
473  << "\nMaximum buffer size (max_buffer_size_) can be changed in "
474  << "rootoutput.h\n\n";
475  exceeded_buffer_message = false;
476  }
478  i = 0;
479  particles_tree_->Fill();
480  } else {
481  pdgcode_[i] = p.pdgcode().get_decimal();
482  charge_[i] = p.type().charge();
484  p0_[i] = p.momentum().x0();
485  px_[i] = p.momentum().x1();
486  py_[i] = p.momentum().x2();
487  pz_[i] = p.momentum().x3();
489  t_[i] = p.position().x0();
490  x_[i] = p.position().x1();
491  y_[i] = p.position().x2();
492  z_[i] = p.position().x3();
494  if (part_extended_ || ic_extended_) {
495  const auto h = p.get_history();
496  formation_time_[i] = p.formation_time();
497  xsec_factor_[i] = p.xsec_scaling_factor();
498  time_last_coll_[i] = h.time_last_collision;
499  coll_per_part_[i] = h.collisions_per_particle;
500  proc_id_origin_[i] = h.id_process;
501  proc_type_origin_[i] = static_cast<int>(h.process_type);
502  pdg_mother1_[i] = h.p1.get_decimal();
503  pdg_mother2_[i] = h.p2.get_decimal();
504  baryon_number_[i] = p.type().baryon_number();
505  strangeness_[i] = p.type().strangeness();
506  }
508  i++;
509  }
510  }
511  // Flush rest to tree
512  if (i > 0) {
513  npart_ = i;
514  particles_tree_->Fill();
515  }
516 }
std::vector< double > t_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:189
std::vector< double > y_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:191
std::vector< int > proc_type_origin_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:202
std::vector< double > time_last_coll_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:196
std::vector< int > coll_per_part_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:200
int tcounter_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207
std::vector< int > baryon_number_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:205
int npart_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207
std::vector< int > pdg_mother1_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:203
int ev_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207
std::vector< int > charge_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:199
std::vector< double > px_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:186
std::vector< int > strangeness_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:206
std::vector< double > py_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:187
std::vector< int > proc_id_origin_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:201
std::vector< double > z_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:192
std::vector< double > formation_time_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:193
std::vector< double > x_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:190
std::vector< double > p0_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:185
static const int max_buffer_size_
Maximal buffer size.
Definition: rootoutput.h:178
std::vector< double > xsec_factor_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:195
std::vector< double > pz_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:188
std::vector< int > pdgcode_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:198
std::vector< int > pdg_mother2_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:204
constexpr int p
static constexpr int LOutput

◆ collisions_to_tree()

void smash::RootOutput::collisions_to_tree ( const ParticleList &  incoming,
const ParticleList &  outgoing,
const double  weight,
const double  partial_weight 

Writes collisions to a tree defined by treename.

[in]incomingIncoming particles to be written to output.
[in]outgoingOutgoing particles to be written to output.
[in]weightTotal weight of the collision.
[in]partial_weightPartial weight of the collision

Definition at line 518 of file

521  {
523  nin_ = incoming.size();
524  nout_ = outgoing.size();
525  npart_ = nin_ + nout_;
526  wgt_ = weight;
527  par_wgt_ = partial_weight;
529  int i = 0;
531  /* It is assumed that nin + nout < max_buffer_size_
532  * This is true for any possible reaction for current buffer size: 10000
533  * But if one wants initial/final particles written to collisions
534  * then implementation should be updated. */
536  for (const ParticleList &plist : {incoming, outgoing}) {
537  for (const auto &p : plist) {
538  pdgcode_[i] = p.pdgcode().get_decimal();
539  charge_[i] = p.type().charge();
541  p0_[i] = p.momentum().x0();
542  px_[i] = p.momentum().x1();
543  py_[i] = p.momentum().x2();
544  pz_[i] = p.momentum().x3();
546  t_[i] = p.position().x0();
547  x_[i] = p.position().x1();
548  y_[i] = p.position().x2();
549  z_[i] = p.position().x3();
551  if (coll_extended_) {
552  const auto h = p.get_history();
553  formation_time_[i] = p.formation_time();
554  xsec_factor_[i] = p.xsec_scaling_factor();
555  time_last_coll_[i] = h.time_last_collision;
556  coll_per_part_[i] = h.collisions_per_particle;
557  proc_id_origin_[i] = h.id_process;
558  proc_type_origin_[i] = static_cast<int>(h.process_type);
559  pdg_mother1_[i] = h.p1.get_decimal();
560  pdg_mother2_[i] = h.p2.get_decimal();
561  baryon_number_[i] = p.type().baryon_number();
562  }
564  i++;
565  }
566  }
568  collisions_tree_->Fill();
569 }
int nin_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207
double wgt_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:208
double par_wgt_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:208
int nout_
Property that is written to ROOT output.
Definition: rootoutput.h:207

◆ init_trees()

void smash::RootOutput::init_trees ( )

Basic initialization routine, creating the TTree objects for particles and collisions.

Definition at line 252 of file

252  {
254  particles_tree_ = new TTree("particles", "particles");
256  particles_tree_->Branch("ev", &ev_, "ev/I");
257  particles_tree_->Branch("tcounter", &tcounter_, "tcounter/I");
258  particles_tree_->Branch("npart", &npart_, "npart/I");
259  particles_tree_->Branch("test_p", &test_p_, "test_p/I");
260  particles_tree_->Branch("modus_l", &modus_l_, "modus_l/D");
261  particles_tree_->Branch("current_t", &current_t_, "current_t/D");
262  particles_tree_->Branch("impact_b", &impact_b_, "impact_b/D");
263  particles_tree_->Branch("empty_event", &empty_event_, "empty_event/O");
265  particles_tree_->Branch("pdgcode", &pdgcode_[0], "pdgcode[npart]/I");
266  particles_tree_->Branch("charge", &charge_[0], "charge[npart]/I");
268  particles_tree_->Branch("p0", &p0_[0], "p0[npart]/D");
269  particles_tree_->Branch("px", &px_[0], "px[npart]/D");
270  particles_tree_->Branch("py", &py_[0], "py[npart]/D");
271  particles_tree_->Branch("pz", &pz_[0], "pz[npart]/D");
273  particles_tree_->Branch("t", &t_[0], "t[npart]/D");
274  particles_tree_->Branch("x", &x_[0], "x[npart]/D");
275  particles_tree_->Branch("y", &y_[0], "y[npart]/D");
276  particles_tree_->Branch("z", &z_[0], "z[npart]/D");
278  particles_tree_->Branch("E_kinetic_tot", &E_kinetic_tot_,
279  "E_kinetic_tot/D");
280  particles_tree_->Branch("E_fields_tot", &E_fields_tot_, "E_fields_tot/D");
281  particles_tree_->Branch("E_tot", &E_tot_, "E_tot/D");
283  if (part_extended_ || ic_extended_) {
284  particles_tree_->Branch("ncoll", &coll_per_part_[0], "ncoll[npart]/I");
285  particles_tree_->Branch("form_time", &formation_time_[0],
286  "form_time[npart]/D");
287  particles_tree_->Branch("xsecfac", &xsec_factor_[0], "xsecfac[npart]/D");
288  particles_tree_->Branch("proc_id_origin", &proc_id_origin_[0],
289  "proc_id_origin[npart]/I");
290  particles_tree_->Branch("proc_type_origin", &proc_type_origin_[0],
291  "proc_type_origin[npart]/I");
292  particles_tree_->Branch("time_last_coll", &time_last_coll_[0],
293  "time_last_coll[npart]/D");
294  particles_tree_->Branch("pdg_mother1", &pdg_mother1_[0],
295  "pdg_mother1[npart]/I");
296  particles_tree_->Branch("pdg_mother2", &pdg_mother2_[0],
297  "pdg_mother2[npart]/I");
298  particles_tree_->Branch("baryon_number", &baryon_number_[0],
299  "baryon_number[npart]/I");
300  particles_tree_->Branch("strangeness", &strangeness_[0],
301  "strangeness[npart]/I");
302  }
303  }
305  if (write_collisions_) {
306  collisions_tree_ = new TTree("collisions", "collisions");
308  collisions_tree_->Branch("nin", &nin_, "nin/I");
309  collisions_tree_->Branch("nout", &nout_, "nout/I");
310  collisions_tree_->Branch("npart", &npart_, "npart/I");
311  collisions_tree_->Branch("ev", &ev_, "ev/I");
312  collisions_tree_->Branch("weight", &wgt_, "weight/D");
313  collisions_tree_->Branch("partial_weight", &par_wgt_, "partial_weight/D");
315  collisions_tree_->Branch("pdgcode", &pdgcode_[0], "pdgcode[npart]/I");
316  collisions_tree_->Branch("charge", &charge_[0], "charge[npart]/I");
318  collisions_tree_->Branch("p0", &p0_[0], "p0[npart]/D");
319  collisions_tree_->Branch("px", &px_[0], "px[npart]/D");
320  collisions_tree_->Branch("py", &py_[0], "py[npart]/D");
321  collisions_tree_->Branch("pz", &pz_[0], "pz[npart]/D");
323  collisions_tree_->Branch("t", &t_[0], "t[npart]/D");
324  collisions_tree_->Branch("x", &x_[0], "x[npart]/D");
325  collisions_tree_->Branch("y", &y_[0], "y[npart]/D");
326  collisions_tree_->Branch("z", &z_[0], "z[npart]/D");
328  if (coll_extended_) {
329  collisions_tree_->Branch("ncoll", &coll_per_part_[0], "ncoll[npart]/I");
330  collisions_tree_->Branch("form_time", &formation_time_[0],
331  "form_time[npart]/D");
332  collisions_tree_->Branch("xsecfac", &xsec_factor_[0], "xsecfac[npart]/D");
333  collisions_tree_->Branch("proc_id_origin", &proc_id_origin_[0],
334  "proc_id_origin[npart]/I");
335  collisions_tree_->Branch("proc_type_origin", &proc_type_origin_[0],
336  "proc_type_origin[npart]/I");
337  collisions_tree_->Branch("time_last_coll", &time_last_coll_[0],
338  "time_last_coll[npart]/D");
339  collisions_tree_->Branch("pdg_mother1", &pdg_mother1_[0],
340  "pdg_mother1[npart]/I");
341  collisions_tree_->Branch("pdg_mother2", &pdg_mother2_[0],
342  "pdg_mother2[npart]/I");
343  collisions_tree_->Branch("baryon_number", &baryon_number_[0],
344  "baryon_number[npart]/I");
345  collisions_tree_->Branch("strangeness", &strangeness_[0],
346  "strangeness[npart]/I");
347  }
348  }
349 }

Member Data Documentation

◆ filename_

const std::filesystem::path smash::RootOutput::filename_

Filename of output.

Definition at line 132 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ filename_unfinished_

std::filesystem::path smash::RootOutput::filename_unfinished_

Filename of output as long as simulation is still running.

Definition at line 134 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ root_out_file_

std::unique_ptr<TFile> smash::RootOutput::root_out_file_

Pointer to root output file.

Definition at line 136 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ particles_tree_

TTree* smash::RootOutput::particles_tree_

TTree for particles output.

TFile takes ownership of all TTrees. That's why TTree is not a unique pointer.

Definition at line 143 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ collisions_tree_

TTree* smash::RootOutput::collisions_tree_

TTree for collision output.

TFile takes ownership of all TTrees. That's why TTree is not a unique pointer.

Definition at line 150 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ output_counter_

int smash::RootOutput::output_counter_ = 0

Number of output in a given event.

Definition at line 168 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ current_event_

int smash::RootOutput::current_event_ = 0

Number of current event.

Definition at line 170 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ max_buffer_size_

const int smash::RootOutput::max_buffer_size_ = 500000

Maximal buffer size.

When the number of particles N exceeds the buffer size B, data is flushed to the ROOT file every B particles. This creates ceil(N/B) entries in the ROOT Tree at every output.

Definition at line 178 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ p0_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::p0_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 185 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ px_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::px_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 186 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ py_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::py_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 187 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ pz_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::pz_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 188 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ t_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::t_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 189 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ x_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::x_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 190 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ y_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::y_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 191 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ z_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::z_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 192 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ formation_time_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::formation_time_
Initial value:
std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 193 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ xsec_factor_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::xsec_factor_ = std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 195 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ time_last_coll_

std::vector<double> smash::RootOutput::time_last_coll_
Initial value:
std::vector<double>(max_buffer_size_, 0.0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 196 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ pdgcode_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::pdgcode_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 198 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ charge_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::charge_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 199 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ coll_per_part_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::coll_per_part_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 200 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ proc_id_origin_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::proc_id_origin_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 201 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ proc_type_origin_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::proc_type_origin_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 202 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ pdg_mother1_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::pdg_mother1_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 203 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ pdg_mother2_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::pdg_mother2_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 204 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ baryon_number_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::baryon_number_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 205 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ strangeness_

std::vector<int> smash::RootOutput::strangeness_ = std::vector<int>(max_buffer_size_, 0)

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 206 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ npart_

int smash::RootOutput::npart_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ tcounter_

int smash::RootOutput::tcounter_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ ev_

int smash::RootOutput::ev_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ nin_

int smash::RootOutput::nin_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ nout_

int smash::RootOutput::nout_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ test_p_

int smash::RootOutput::test_p_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 207 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ wgt_

double smash::RootOutput::wgt_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 208 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ par_wgt_

double smash::RootOutput::par_wgt_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 208 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ impact_b_

double smash::RootOutput::impact_b_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 208 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ modus_l_

double smash::RootOutput::modus_l_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 208 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ current_t_

double smash::RootOutput::current_t_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 208 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ E_kinetic_tot_

double smash::RootOutput::E_kinetic_tot_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 209 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ E_fields_tot_

double smash::RootOutput::E_fields_tot_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 209 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ E_tot_

double smash::RootOutput::E_tot_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 209 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ empty_event_

bool smash::RootOutput::empty_event_

Property that is written to ROOT output.

Definition at line 210 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ write_collisions_

bool smash::RootOutput::write_collisions_

Option to write collisions tree.

Definition at line 214 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ write_particles_

bool smash::RootOutput::write_particles_

Option to write particles tree.

Definition at line 217 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ write_initial_conditions_

bool smash::RootOutput::write_initial_conditions_

Option to write particles tree for initial conditions.

Definition at line 220 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ particles_only_final_

OutputOnlyFinal smash::RootOutput::particles_only_final_

Print only final particles in the event, no intermediate output.

Definition at line 223 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ autosave_frequency_

int smash::RootOutput::autosave_frequency_

Root file cannot be read if it was not properly closed and finalized.

It can happen that SMASH simulation crashed and root file was not closed. To save results of simulation in such case, "AutoSave" is applied every N events. The autosave_frequency_ sets this N (default N = 1000). Note that "AutoSave" operation is very time-consuming, so the Autosave_Frequency is always a compromise between safety and speed.

Definition at line 234 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ part_extended_

const bool smash::RootOutput::part_extended_

Whether extended particle output is on.

Definition at line 237 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ coll_extended_

const bool smash::RootOutput::coll_extended_

Whether extended collisions output is on.

Definition at line 239 of file rootoutput.h.

◆ ic_extended_

const bool smash::RootOutput::ic_extended_

Whether extended ic output is on.

Definition at line 241 of file rootoutput.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: