SMASH ROOT output is a fast and disk-space efficient, but not human-readable output. It is a custom format making information about the SMASH calculation accessible with ROOT, mostly mirroring the information of the OSCAR format formats. This output is distinct from the standarized HepMC Output that is also available in ROOT format and more widely adopted.
SMASH ROOT output files can be viewed using ROOT's TBrowser. One can also access them using ROOT functions. The full memory structure of the ROOT files can be found here: We only describe the logical structure of the SMASH ROOT output. Knowing the logical structure is enough to read and write ROOT files, be able to view them in TBrowser, or write a ROOT macro to analyze them.
Producing ROOT output requires ROOT installed (see
Depending on configuration (see Output) SMASH can produces up to two ROOT files per run: Particles.root
and Collisions.root
. These files contain a TTree called particles
and a TTree called collisions
. The particles
tree contains information about the parameters of the run (such as the number of testparticles and event number), information relating to individual particles (such as their position or charge), and information about bulk observables in the system (kinetic energy, mean field energy, and total energy). The collisions
tree contains information about each collision, such as number of incoming and outgoing particles. It also has the full information about the incoming and outgoing particles of each collision.
In case that the ROOT format is used for dilepton output (see Dileptons), the ROOT file is called Dileptons.root
and only contains a collisions
tree with all the dilepton decays.
Every physical quantity corresponds to a separate TBranch. One entry in the particles
TTree is:
The maximal number of particles in one entry is limited to 500000. This is done to limit the buffer size needed for ROOT output. If the number of particles in one block exceeds 500000, then they are written in separate blocks with the same tcounter
and ev
. The fields have the following meaning:
is event number tcounter
is number of output block in a given event in terms of OSCAR npart
is number of particles in the block test_p
is number of testparticles per particle modus_l
is modus length current_t
is time associated with the output block, in fm impact_b
is the impact parameter of the event empty_event
indicates whether the projectile did not interact with the target pdgcode
is PDG id array charge
is the electric charge array p0
, px
, py
, pz
are 4-momenta arrays t
, x
, y
, z
are position arrays E_kinetic_tot
is total kinetic energy in the system E_fields_tot
is total mean field energy * test_p E_total
is the sum of E_kinetic_tot and E_fields_totIn case of extended output (see input_output_content_specific_) more fields are added. Their description is the same that in case of OSCAR format, see extended_output_format_.
The entries in the collisions
tree are organized in the same way, but a few additional fields are present:
and nout
are added to characterize number of incoming and outgoing particles in the reaction, with nin + nout = npart. weight
is an action weight, whose meaning depends on the type of action: For collisions it is the total cross section, for decays it is the total decay width and for dilepton decays it is the shining weight.Currently writing initial and final configuration to collisions tree is not supported.
See also Collision output in box modus.
Here is an example of a basic ROOT macro to read the ROOT output of SMASH:
To execute this macro:
To generate a ROOT macro for a more involved analysis:
This creates analysis.h and analysis.C, the latter of which provides an example of a basic loop over entries. The user can modify the Loop() function and build a more complicated analysis. The following is an example of a macro using an array of histograms to obtain the radial momentum distribution for each of the entries in the Particles.root:
To quickly view a ROOT file from the command line:
Viewing a ROOT file can be also done in a TBrowser:
For more examples of extracting info from .root file see