#include "smash/scatteraction.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
#include "smash/angles.h"
#include "smash/constants.h"
#include "smash/crosssections.h"
#include "smash/fpenvironment.h"
#include "smash/logging.h"
#include "smash/pdgcode.h"
#include "smash/pow.h"
#include "smash/random.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
static double | smash::high_energy_bpp (double plab) |
| Computes the B coefficients from the STAR fit, see fig. More...
static double | smash::Cugnon_bpp (double plab) |
| Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic pp scattering. More...
static double | smash::Cugnon_bnp (double plab) |
| Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic np scattering. More...