Version: SMASH-3.1
smash::ExperimentParameters Struct Reference

#include <experimentparameters.h>

Helper structure for Experiment.

Experiment has one member of this struct. In essence the members of this struct are members of Experiment, but combined in one structure for easier function argument passing.

Definition at line 25 of file experimentparameters.h.

Public Attributes

std::unique_ptr< Clocklabclock
 System clock (for simulation time keeping in the computational frame) More...
std::unique_ptr< Clockoutputclock
 Output clock to keep track of the next output time. More...
int n_ensembles
 Number of parallel ensembles. More...
int testparticles
 Number of test-particles. More...
DerivativesMode derivatives_mode
 mode of calculating gradients for density calculation More...
RestFrameDensityDerivativesMode rho_derivatives_mode
 mode of calculating rest frame density gradients (on or off) More...
FieldDerivativesMode field_derivatives_mode
 mode of calculating field derivatives More...
const SmearingMode smearing_mode
 mode of smearing for density calculation More...
double gaussian_sigma
 Width of gaussian Wigner density of particles. More...
double gauss_cutoff_in_sigma
 Distance at which gaussian is cut, i.e. set to zero, IN SIGMA (not fm) More...
double discrete_weight
 Weight applied to the center cell in the discrete smearing. More...
double triangular_range
 Range of lattice nodes, in units of lattice spacing, that the triangular smearing uses. More...
const CollisionCriterion coll_crit
 Employed collision criterion. More...
bool two_to_one
 This indicates whether string fragmentation is switched on. More...
const ReactionsBitSet included_2to2
 This indicates which two to two reactions are switched off. More...
const MultiParticleReactionsBitSet included_multi
 This indicates which multi-particle reactions are switched on. More...
bool strings_switch
 This indicates whether string fragmentation is switched on. More...
double res_lifetime_factor
 Multiplicative factor to be applied to resonance lifetimes; in the case of thermal multiplicities this should also be applied to initial multiplicities of resonances, so that one does not artificially introduce a non-zero pion chemical potential. More...
NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment
 This indicates how NN̅ annihilation should be treated; options are to neglect it, make it conserve detailed balance using NN̅ → h₁(1170)ρ (which goes to 5 pions on average) or use strings. More...
double low_snn_cut
 Elastic collisions between the nucleons with the square root s below low_snn_cut are excluded. More...
bool potential_affect_threshold
 This indicates whether the mean field potentials affect the scattering or decaying processes by shifting the threshold energies. More...
double box_length
 Length of the box in fm in case of box modus, otherwise -1. More...
double maximum_cross_section
 The maximal cross section (in mb) for which it is guaranteed that all collisions with this cross section will be found. More...
double fixed_min_cell_length
 Fixed minimal grid cell length (in fm). More...
double scale_xs
 Global factor which all cross sections are scaled with. More...
bool only_participants
 In thermodynamics outputs, it decides whether to use only participants (true) or also spectators (false, default value). More...
bool do_weak_decays
 Do weak decays at the end. More...
bool decay_initial_particles
 Whether to decay initial state particles. More...
std::optional< bool > use_monash_tune_default
 Bool for the default usage of the monash tune in the collider modus. More...

Member Data Documentation

◆ labclock

std::unique_ptr<Clock> smash::ExperimentParameters::labclock

System clock (for simulation time keeping in the computational frame)

Definition at line 27 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ outputclock

std::unique_ptr<Clock> smash::ExperimentParameters::outputclock

Output clock to keep track of the next output time.

Definition at line 30 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ n_ensembles

int smash::ExperimentParameters::n_ensembles

Number of parallel ensembles.

Definition at line 33 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ testparticles

int smash::ExperimentParameters::testparticles

Number of test-particles.

Definition at line 36 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ derivatives_mode

DerivativesMode smash::ExperimentParameters::derivatives_mode

mode of calculating gradients for density calculation

Definition at line 39 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ rho_derivatives_mode

RestFrameDensityDerivativesMode smash::ExperimentParameters::rho_derivatives_mode

mode of calculating rest frame density gradients (on or off)

Definition at line 41 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ field_derivatives_mode

FieldDerivativesMode smash::ExperimentParameters::field_derivatives_mode

mode of calculating field derivatives

Definition at line 43 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ smearing_mode

const SmearingMode smash::ExperimentParameters::smearing_mode

mode of smearing for density calculation

Definition at line 46 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ gaussian_sigma

double smash::ExperimentParameters::gaussian_sigma

Width of gaussian Wigner density of particles.

Definition at line 49 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ gauss_cutoff_in_sigma

double smash::ExperimentParameters::gauss_cutoff_in_sigma

Distance at which gaussian is cut, i.e. set to zero, IN SIGMA (not fm)

Definition at line 52 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ discrete_weight

double smash::ExperimentParameters::discrete_weight

Weight applied to the center cell in the discrete smearing.

Definition at line 55 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ triangular_range

double smash::ExperimentParameters::triangular_range

Range of lattice nodes, in units of lattice spacing, that the triangular smearing uses.

Definition at line 59 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ coll_crit

const CollisionCriterion smash::ExperimentParameters::coll_crit

Employed collision criterion.

Definition at line 62 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ two_to_one

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::two_to_one

This indicates whether string fragmentation is switched on.

Definition at line 65 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ included_2to2

const ReactionsBitSet smash::ExperimentParameters::included_2to2

This indicates which two to two reactions are switched off.

Definition at line 68 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ included_multi

const MultiParticleReactionsBitSet smash::ExperimentParameters::included_multi

This indicates which multi-particle reactions are switched on.

Definition at line 71 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ strings_switch

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::strings_switch

This indicates whether string fragmentation is switched on.

Definition at line 74 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ res_lifetime_factor

double smash::ExperimentParameters::res_lifetime_factor

Multiplicative factor to be applied to resonance lifetimes; in the case of thermal multiplicities this should also be applied to initial multiplicities of resonances, so that one does not artificially introduce a non-zero pion chemical potential.

Definition at line 82 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ nnbar_treatment

NNbarTreatment smash::ExperimentParameters::nnbar_treatment

This indicates how NN̅ annihilation should be treated; options are to neglect it, make it conserve detailed balance using NN̅ → h₁(1170)ρ (which goes to 5 pions on average) or use strings.

Definition at line 89 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ low_snn_cut

double smash::ExperimentParameters::low_snn_cut

Elastic collisions between the nucleons with the square root s below low_snn_cut are excluded.

Definition at line 95 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ potential_affect_threshold

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::potential_affect_threshold

This indicates whether the mean field potentials affect the scattering or decaying processes by shifting the threshold energies.

Definition at line 101 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ box_length

double smash::ExperimentParameters::box_length

Length of the box in fm in case of box modus, otherwise -1.

Definition at line 106 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ maximum_cross_section

double smash::ExperimentParameters::maximum_cross_section

The maximal cross section (in mb) for which it is guaranteed that all collisions with this cross section will be found.

This means that all particle pairs, where the transverse distance is smaller or equal to \( \sqrt{\sigma_{max}/\pi} \), will be checked for collions.

The maximal cross section is also scaled with the cross section scaling factor.

Definition at line 119 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ fixed_min_cell_length

double smash::ExperimentParameters::fixed_min_cell_length

Fixed minimal grid cell length (in fm).

Only used and useful in case of the stochastic criterion, where the grid cell size is calculation parameter. Only particles within the cells are checked for collisions. The cell length is not scaled by the number of test-particles.

Default of 2.5 fm produces (without test-particles) equivalent-sized grid as the maximum cross section default of 200 fm.

In case of the geometric criteria, the cell size is determined by the maximum cross section.

Definition at line 133 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ scale_xs

double smash::ExperimentParameters::scale_xs

Global factor which all cross sections are scaled with.

Using it will break agreement with experimental data for cross sections that are constrained with data.

Definition at line 141 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ only_participants

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::only_participants

In thermodynamics outputs, it decides whether to use only participants (true) or also spectators (false, default value).

Definition at line 146 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ do_weak_decays

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::do_weak_decays

Do weak decays at the end.

Definition at line 149 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ decay_initial_particles

bool smash::ExperimentParameters::decay_initial_particles

Whether to decay initial state particles.

Definition at line 154 of file experimentparameters.h.

◆ use_monash_tune_default

std::optional<bool> smash::ExperimentParameters::use_monash_tune_default

Bool for the default usage of the monash tune in the collider modus.

The used type is std::optional since its value might not be known at creation time. E.g. in Experiment this flag is set after the instance is created.

Definition at line 161 of file experimentparameters.h.

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