Version: SMASH-1.5
smash::ScatterActionsFinder Class Reference

#include <scatteractionsfinder.h>

A simple scatter finder: Just loops through all particles and checks each pair for a collision.

Definition at line 30 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

Inheritance diagram for smash::ScatterActionsFinder:
Collaboration diagram for smash::ScatterActionsFinder:

Public Member Functions

 ScatterActionsFinder (Configuration config, const ExperimentParameters &parameters, const std::vector< bool > &nucleon_has_interacted, int N_tot, int N_proj)
 Constructor of the finder with the given parameters. More...
ActionList find_actions_in_cell (const ParticleList &search_list, double dt) const override
 Search for all the possible collisions within one cell. More...
ActionList find_actions_with_neighbors (const ParticleList &search_list, const ParticleList &neighbors_list, double dt) const override
 Search for all the possible collisions among the neighboring cells. More...
ActionList find_actions_with_surrounding_particles (const ParticleList &search_list, const Particles &surrounding_list, double dt) const override
 Search for all the possible secondary collisions between the outgoing particles and the rest. More...
ActionList find_final_actions (const Particles &, bool=false) const override
 Find some final collisions at the end of the simulation. More...
bool is_constant_elastic_isotropic () const
 If there is only one particle sort, no decays (only elastic scatterings are possible), scatterings are isotropic and cross-section fixed to elastic_parameter_ independently on momenta, then maximal cross-section is elastic_parameter_. More...
double max_transverse_distance_sqr (int testparticles) const
 The maximal distance over which particles can interact, related to the number of test particles and the maximal cross section. More...
void dump_reactions () const
 Prints out all the 2-> n (n > 1) reactions with non-zero cross-sections between all possible pairs of particle types. More...
void dump_cross_sections (const ParticleType &a, const ParticleType &b, double m_a, double m_b, bool final_state) const
 Print out partial cross-sections of all processes that can occur in the collision of a(mass = m_a) and b(mass = m_b). More...
StringProcessget_process_string_ptr ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from smash::ActionFinderInterface
virtual ~ActionFinderInterface ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static double collision_time (const ParticleData &p1, const ParticleData &p2)
 Determine the collision time of the two particles. More...

Private Member Functions

ActionPtr check_collision (const ParticleData &data_a, const ParticleData &data_b, double dt) const
 Check for a single pair of particles (id_a, id_b) if a collision will happen in the next timestep and create a corresponding Action object in that case. More...

Private Attributes

std::unique_ptr< StringProcessstring_process_interface_
 Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia. More...
const double elastic_parameter_
 Elastic cross section parameter (in mb). More...
const int testparticles_
 Number of test particles. More...
const bool isotropic_
 Do all collisions isotropically. More...
const bool two_to_one_
 Enable 2->1 processes. More...
const ReactionsBitSet incl_set_
 List of included 2<->2 reactions. More...
const double low_snn_cut_
 Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded. More...
const bool strings_switch_
 Switch to turn off string excitation. More...
const bool use_AQM_
 Switch to control whether to use AQM or not. More...
const bool strings_with_probability_
 Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability. More...
const NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment_
 Switch for NNbar reactions. More...
const std::vector< bool > & nucleon_has_interacted_
 Parameter to record whether the nucleon has experienced a collision or not. More...
const int N_tot_
 Record the total number of the nucleons in the two colliding nuclei. More...
const int N_proj_
 Record the number of the nucleons in the projectile. More...
const double string_formation_time_
 Parameter for formation time. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ScatterActionsFinder()

smash::ScatterActionsFinder::ScatterActionsFinder ( Configuration  config,
const ExperimentParameters parameters,
const std::vector< bool > &  nucleon_has_interacted,
int  N_tot,
int  N_proj 

Constructor of the finder with the given parameters.

[in]configConfiguration of smash from which we take: 1) A global elastic cross section [mb]. It will be used regardless of the species of the colliding particles. It won't be used if the value is negative. 2) An option determining whether all the scatterings are isotropic 3) Parameters of the string process
[in]parametersStruct of parameters determining whether to exclude some certain types of scatterings and switching among the methods to treat with the NNbar collisions.
[in]nucleon_has_interactedFlags to record whether an initial nucleon has interacted with another particle not from the same nucleus. The flags are used if we want to exclude the first collisions among the nucleons within the same nucleus.
[in]N_totTotal number of the initial nucleons. This number, as well as the next parameter, will be used to determine whether two intial nucleons are within the same nucleus if we'd like to exclude the first collisions among them.
[in]N_projTotal projectile number

Definition at line 192 of file

196  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Elastic_Cross_Section"}, -1.)),
197  testparticles_(parameters.testparticles),
198  isotropic_(config.take({"Collision_Term", "Isotropic"}, false)),
199  two_to_one_(parameters.two_to_one),
200  incl_set_(parameters.included_2to2),
201  low_snn_cut_(parameters.low_snn_cut),
202  strings_switch_(parameters.strings_switch),
203  use_AQM_(parameters.use_AQM),
204  strings_with_probability_(parameters.strings_with_probability),
205  nnbar_treatment_(parameters.nnbar_treatment),
206  nucleon_has_interacted_(nucleon_has_interacted),
207  N_tot_(N_tot),
208  N_proj_(N_proj),
209  string_formation_time_(config.take(
210  {"Collision_Term", "String_Parameters", "Formation_Time"}, 1.)) {
212  const auto& log = logger<LogArea::FindScatter>();
213"Constant elastic isotropic cross-section mode:", " using ",
214  elastic_parameter_, " mb as maximal cross-section.");
215  }
216  if (strings_switch_) {
217  auto subconfig = config["Collision_Term"]["String_Parameters"];
218  string_process_interface_ = make_unique<StringProcess>(
219  subconfig.take({"String_Tension"}, 1.0), string_formation_time_,
220  subconfig.take({"Gluon_Beta"}, 0.5),
221  subconfig.take({"Gluon_Pmin"}, 0.001),
222  subconfig.take({"Quark_Alpha"}, 2.0),
223  subconfig.take({"Quark_Beta"}, 5.0),
224  subconfig.take({"Strange_Supp"}, 0.12),
225  subconfig.take({"Diquark_Supp"}, 0.03),
226  subconfig.take({"Sigma_Perp"}, 0.42),
227  subconfig.take({"Leading_Frag_Mean"}, 1.0),
228  subconfig.take({"Leading_Frag_Width"}, 0.6),
229  subconfig.take({"StringZ_A"}, 0.68), subconfig.take({"StringZ_B"}, 0.3),
230  subconfig.take({"String_Sigma_T"}, 0.5),
231  subconfig.take({"Form_Time_Factor"}, 1.0),
232  subconfig.take({"Use_Yoyo_Model"}, true),
233  subconfig.take({"Prob_proton_to_d_uu"}, 1. / 3.));
234  }
235 }
const int testparticles_
Number of test particles.
const ReactionsBitSet incl_set_
List of included 2<->2 reactions.
const bool two_to_one_
Enable 2->1 processes.
const double low_snn_cut_
Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded.
const double string_formation_time_
Parameter for formation time.
const bool strings_with_probability_
Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability.
const std::vector< bool > & nucleon_has_interacted_
Parameter to record whether the nucleon has experienced a collision or not.
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > string_process_interface_
Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.
const bool strings_switch_
Switch to turn off string excitation.
const NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment_
Switch for NNbar reactions.
bool is_constant_elastic_isotropic() const
If there is only one particle sort, no decays (only elastic scatterings are possible), scatterings are isotropic and cross-section fixed to elastic_parameter_ independently on momenta, then maximal cross-section is elastic_parameter_.
const bool use_AQM_
Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.
const int N_proj_
Record the number of the nucleons in the projectile.
const bool isotropic_
Do all collisions isotropically.
const int N_tot_
Record the total number of the nucleons in the two colliding nuclei.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).

Member Function Documentation

◆ collision_time()

static double smash::ScatterActionsFinder::collision_time ( const ParticleData p1,
const ParticleData p2 

Determine the collision time of the two particles.

Time of the closest approach is taken as collision time.

[in]p1First incoming particle
[in]p2Second incoming particle
How long does it take for the two incoming particles to propagate before scattering [fm/c]. It's set equal to -1 if the two particles are not moving relative to each other.

UrQMD collision time in computational frame, see Bass:1998ca (3.28): position of particle 1: \(r_1\) [fm] position of particle 2: \(r_2\) [fm] velocity of particle 1: \(v_1\) velocity of particle 1: \(v_2\)

\[t_{coll} = - (r_1 - r_2) . (v_1 - v_2) / (v_1 - v_2)^2\]


Definition at line 72 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

73  {
83  const ThreeVector dv_times_e1e2 =
84  p1.momentum().threevec() * p2.momentum().x0() -
85  p2.momentum().threevec() * p1.momentum().x0();
86  const double dv_times_e1e2_sqr = dv_times_e1e2.sqr();
87  if (dv_times_e1e2_sqr < really_small) {
88  return -1.0;
89  }
90  const ThreeVector dr = p1.position().threevec() - p2.position().threevec();
91  return -(dr * dv_times_e1e2) *
92  (p1.momentum().x0() * p2.momentum().x0() / dv_times_e1e2_sqr);
93  }
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:34
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ find_actions_in_cell()

ActionList smash::ScatterActionsFinder::find_actions_in_cell ( const ParticleList &  search_list,
double  dt 
) const

Search for all the possible collisions within one cell.

This function is only used for counting the primary collisions at the beginning of each time step. (Although it's also called afterwards for searching the secondary collisions among the outgoing particles, no new actions will be found since the scattered pairs cannot scatter again.)

[in]search_listA list of particles within one cell
[in]dtThe maximum time interval at the current time step [fm/c]
A list of possible scatter actions

Implements smash::ActionFinderInterface.

Definition at line 315 of file

316  {
317  std::vector<ActionPtr> actions;
318  for (const ParticleData& p1 : search_list) {
319  for (const ParticleData& p2 : search_list) {
320  if ( < {
321  // Check if a collision is possible.
322  ActionPtr act = check_collision(p1, p2, dt);
323  if (act) {
324  actions.push_back(std::move(act));
325  }
326  }
327  }
328  }
329  return actions;
330 }
ActionPtr check_collision(const ParticleData &data_a, const ParticleData &data_b, double dt) const
Check for a single pair of particles (id_a, id_b) if a collision will happen in the next timestep and...
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_actions_with_neighbors()

ActionList smash::ScatterActionsFinder::find_actions_with_neighbors ( const ParticleList &  search_list,
const ParticleList &  neighbors_list,
double  dt 
) const

Search for all the possible collisions among the neighboring cells.

This function is only used for counting the primary collisions at the beginning of each time step.

[in]search_listA list of particles within the current cell
[in]neighbors_listA list of particles within the neighboring cell
[in]dtThe maximum time interval at the current time step [fm/c]
A list of possible scatter actions

Implements smash::ActionFinderInterface.

Definition at line 332 of file

334  {
335  std::vector<ActionPtr> actions;
336  for (const ParticleData& p1 : search_list) {
337  for (const ParticleData& p2 : neighbors_list) {
338  assert( !=;
339  // Check if a collision is possible.
340  ActionPtr act = check_collision(p1, p2, dt);
341  if (act) {
342  actions.push_back(std::move(act));
343  }
344  }
345  }
346  return actions;
347 }
ActionPtr check_collision(const ParticleData &data_a, const ParticleData &data_b, double dt) const
Check for a single pair of particles (id_a, id_b) if a collision will happen in the next timestep and...
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_actions_with_surrounding_particles()

ActionList smash::ScatterActionsFinder::find_actions_with_surrounding_particles ( const ParticleList &  search_list,
const Particles surrounding_list,
double  dt 
) const

Search for all the possible secondary collisions between the outgoing particles and the rest.

[in]search_listA list of particles within the current cell
[in]surrounding_listThe whole particle list
[in]dtThe maximum time interval at the current time step [fm/c]
A list of possible scatter actions

Implements smash::ActionFinderInterface.

Definition at line 349 of file

351  {
352  std::vector<ActionPtr> actions;
353  for (const ParticleData& p2 : surrounding_list) {
354  /* don't look for collisions if the particle from the surrounding list is
355  * also in the search list */
356  auto result = std::find_if(
357  search_list.begin(), search_list.end(),
358  [&p2](const ParticleData& p) { return ==; });
359  if (result != search_list.end()) {
360  continue;
361  }
362  for (const ParticleData& p1 : search_list) {
363  // Check if a collision is possible.
364  ActionPtr act = check_collision(p1, p2, dt);
365  if (act) {
366  actions.push_back(std::move(act));
367  }
368  }
369  }
370  return actions;
371 }
ActionPtr check_collision(const ParticleData &data_a, const ParticleData &data_b, double dt) const
Check for a single pair of particles (id_a, id_b) if a collision will happen in the next timestep and...
constexpr int p
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ find_final_actions()

ActionList smash::ScatterActionsFinder::find_final_actions ( const Particles ,
bool  = false 
) const

Find some final collisions at the end of the simulation.

Seems to do nothing.

Implements smash::ActionFinderInterface.

Definition at line 140 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

141  {
142  return ActionList();
143  }

◆ is_constant_elastic_isotropic()

bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::is_constant_elastic_isotropic ( ) const

If there is only one particle sort, no decays (only elastic scatterings are possible), scatterings are isotropic and cross-section fixed to elastic_parameter_ independently on momenta, then maximal cross-section is elastic_parameter_.

This knowledge can be used for improving performance.

A boolean indicating whether all the scatterings are elastic and isotropic

Definition at line 155 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

155  {
156  return ParticleType::list_all().size() == 1 && !two_to_one_ && isotropic_ &&
157  elastic_parameter_ > 0.;
158  }
const bool two_to_one_
Enable 2->1 processes.
static const ParticleTypeList & list_all()
const bool isotropic_
Do all collisions isotropically.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ max_transverse_distance_sqr()

double smash::ScatterActionsFinder::max_transverse_distance_sqr ( int  testparticles) const

The maximal distance over which particles can interact, related to the number of test particles and the maximal cross section.

[in]testparticlesNumber of test particles.
Maximal transverse distance squared. [fm \(^{2}\)] Particle pairs whose transverse distance is larger than this are not checked for collisions.

Definition at line 170 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

170  {
173  testparticles * fm2_mb * M_1_PI;
174  }
constexpr double fm2_mb
mb <-> fm^2 conversion factor.
Definition: constants.h:28
constexpr double maximum_cross_section
The maximal cross section (in mb) for which it is guaranteed that all collisions with this cross sect...
Definition: constants.h:108
bool is_constant_elastic_isotropic() const
If there is only one particle sort, no decays (only elastic scatterings are possible), scatterings are isotropic and cross-section fixed to elastic_parameter_ independently on momenta, then maximal cross-section is elastic_parameter_.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dump_reactions()

void smash::ScatterActionsFinder::dump_reactions ( ) const

Prints out all the 2-> n (n > 1) reactions with non-zero cross-sections between all possible pairs of particle types.

Definition at line 373 of file

373  {
374  constexpr double time = 0.0;
376  const size_t N_isotypes = IsoParticleType::list_all().size();
377  const size_t N_pairs = N_isotypes * (N_isotypes - 1) / 2;
379  std::cout << N_isotypes << " iso-particle types." << std::endl;
380  std::cout << "They can make " << N_pairs << " pairs." << std::endl;
381  std::vector<double> momentum_scan_list = {0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0,
382  2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 10.0};
383  for (const IsoParticleType& A_isotype : IsoParticleType::list_all()) {
384  for (const IsoParticleType& B_isotype : IsoParticleType::list_all()) {
385  if (&A_isotype > &B_isotype) {
386  continue;
387  }
388  bool any_nonzero_cs = false;
389  std::vector<std::string> r_list;
390  for (const ParticleTypePtr A_type : A_isotype.get_states()) {
391  for (const ParticleTypePtr B_type : B_isotype.get_states()) {
392  if (A_type > B_type) {
393  continue;
394  }
395  ParticleData A(*A_type), B(*B_type);
396  for (auto mom : momentum_scan_list) {
397  A.set_4momentum(A.pole_mass(), mom, 0.0, 0.0);
398  B.set_4momentum(B.pole_mass(), -mom, 0.0, 0.0);
399  ScatterActionPtr act = make_unique<ScatterAction>(
400  A, B, time, isotropic_, string_formation_time_);
401  if (strings_switch_) {
402  act->set_string_interface(string_process_interface_.get());
403  }
404  act->add_all_scatterings(elastic_parameter_, two_to_one_, incl_set_,
408  const double total_cs = act->cross_section();
409  if (total_cs <= 0.0) {
410  continue;
411  }
412  any_nonzero_cs = true;
413  for (const auto& channel : act->collision_channels()) {
414  const auto type = channel->get_type();
415  std::string r;
416  if (is_string_soft_process(type) ||
417  type == ProcessType::StringHard) {
418  r = A_type->name() + B_type->name() + std::string(" → strings");
419  } else {
420  std::string r_type =
421  (type == ProcessType::Elastic)
422  ? std::string(" (el)")
423  : (channel->get_type() == ProcessType::TwoToTwo)
424  ? std::string(" (inel)")
425  : std::string(" (?)");
426  r = A_type->name() + B_type->name() + std::string(" → ") +
427  channel->particle_types()[0]->name() +
428  channel->particle_types()[1]->name() + r_type;
429  }
430  isoclean(r);
431  r_list.push_back(r);
432  }
433  }
434  }
435  }
436  std::sort(r_list.begin(), r_list.end());
437  r_list.erase(std::unique(r_list.begin(), r_list.end()), r_list.end());
438  if (any_nonzero_cs) {
439  for (auto r : r_list) {
440  std::cout << r;
441  if (r_list.back() != r) {
442  std::cout << ", ";
443  }
444  }
445  std::cout << std::endl;
446  }
447  }
448  }
449 }
const ReactionsBitSet incl_set_
List of included 2<->2 reactions.
bool is_string_soft_process(ProcessType p)
Check if a given process type is a soft string excitation.
const bool two_to_one_
Enable 2->1 processes.
const double low_snn_cut_
Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded.
const double string_formation_time_
Parameter for formation time.
void isoclean(std::string &s)
Remove ⁺, ⁻, ⁰ from string.
const bool strings_with_probability_
Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability.
2->2 inelastic scattering
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > string_process_interface_
Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.
const bool strings_switch_
Switch to turn off string excitation.
elastic scattering: particles remain the same, only momenta change
const NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment_
Switch for NNbar reactions.
hard string process involving 2->2 QCD process by PYTHIA.
const bool use_AQM_
Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.
const bool isotropic_
Do all collisions isotropically.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).
static const IsoParticleTypeList & list_all()
Returns a list of all IsoParticleTypes.
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ dump_cross_sections()

void smash::ScatterActionsFinder::dump_cross_sections ( const ParticleType a,
const ParticleType b,
double  m_a,
double  m_b,
bool  final_state 
) const

Print out partial cross-sections of all processes that can occur in the collision of a(mass = m_a) and b(mass = m_b).

[in]aThe specie of the first incoming particle.
[in]bThe specie of the second incoming particle.
[in]m_aMass of species a [GeV].
[in]m_bMass of species b [GeV].
[in]final_stateWhether the final state cross sections should be printed.

Definition at line 737 of file

740  {
741  typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, double>> xs_saver;
742  std::map<std::string, xs_saver> xs_dump;
743  std::map<std::string, double> outgoing_total_mass;
745  ParticleData a_data(a), b_data(b);
746  constexpr int n_momentum_points = 200;
747  constexpr double momentum_step = 0.02;
748  for (int i = 1; i < n_momentum_points + 1; i++) {
749  const double momentum = momentum_step * i;
750  a_data.set_4momentum(m_a, momentum, 0.0, 0.0);
751  b_data.set_4momentum(m_b, -momentum, 0.0, 0.0);
752  const double sqrts = (a_data.momentum() + b_data.momentum()).abs();
753  const ParticleList incoming = {a_data, b_data};
754  ScatterActionPtr act = make_unique<ScatterAction>(
755  a_data, b_data, 0., isotropic_, string_formation_time_);
756  if (strings_switch_) {
757  act->set_string_interface(string_process_interface_.get());
758  }
759  act->add_all_scatterings(elastic_parameter_, two_to_one_, incl_set_,
762  decaytree::Node tree( +, act->cross_section(), {&a, &b},
763  {&a, &b}, {&a, &b}, {});
764  const CollisionBranchList& processes = act->collision_channels();
765  for (const auto& process : processes) {
766  const double xs = process->weight();
767  if (xs <= 0.0) {
768  continue;
769  }
770  if (!final_state) {
771  std::stringstream process_description_stream;
772  process_description_stream << *process;
773  const std::string& description = process_description_stream.str();
774  double m_tot = 0.0;
775  for (const auto& ptype : process->particle_types()) {
776  m_tot += ptype->mass();
777  }
778  outgoing_total_mass[description] = m_tot;
779  if (!xs_dump[description].empty() &&
780  std::abs(xs_dump[description].back().first - sqrts) <
781  really_small) {
782  xs_dump[description].back().second += xs;
783  } else {
784  xs_dump[description].push_back(std::make_pair(sqrts, xs));
785  }
786  } else {
787  std::stringstream process_description_stream;
788  process_description_stream << *process;
789  const std::string& description = process_description_stream.str();
790  ParticleTypePtrList initial_particles = {&a, &b};
791  ParticleTypePtrList final_particles = process->particle_types();
792  auto& process_node =
793  tree.add_action(description, xs, std::move(initial_particles),
794  std::move(final_particles));
795  decaytree::add_decays(process_node);
796  }
797  }
798  xs_dump["total"].push_back(std::make_pair(sqrts, act->cross_section()));
799  // Total cross-section should be the first in the list -> negative mass
800  outgoing_total_mass["total"] = -1.0;
801  if (final_state) {
802  // tree.print();
803  auto final_state_xs = tree.final_state_cross_sections();
804  deduplicate(final_state_xs);
805  for (const auto& p : final_state_xs) {
806  outgoing_total_mass[p.name_] = p.mass_;
807  xs_dump[p.name_].push_back(std::make_pair(sqrts, p.cross_section_));
808  }
809  }
810  }
812  // Nice ordering of channels by summed pole mass of products
813  std::vector<std::string> all_channels;
814  for (const auto channel : xs_dump) {
815  all_channels.push_back(channel.first);
816  }
817  std::sort(all_channels.begin(), all_channels.end(),
818  [&](const std::string& str_a, const std::string& str_b) {
819  return outgoing_total_mass[str_a] < outgoing_total_mass[str_b];
820  });
822  // Print header
823  std::cout << "# Dumping partial " << <<
824  << " cross-sections in mb, energies in GeV" << std::endl;
825  std::cout << " sqrt_s";
826  // Align everything to 16 unicode characters.
827  // This should be enough for the longest channel name (7 final-state
828  // particles).
829  for (const auto channel : all_channels) {
830  std::cout << utf8::fill_left(channel, 16, ' ');
831  }
832  std::cout << std::endl;
834  // Print out all partial cross-sections in mb
835  for (int i = 1; i < n_momentum_points; i++) {
836  const double momentum = momentum_step * i;
837  a_data.set_4momentum(m_a, momentum, 0.0, 0.0);
838  b_data.set_4momentum(m_b, -momentum, 0.0, 0.0);
839  const double sqrts = (a_data.momentum() + b_data.momentum()).abs();
840  printf("%9.5f", sqrts);
841  for (const auto channel : all_channels) {
842  const xs_saver energy_and_xs = xs_dump[channel];
843  size_t j = 0;
844  for (; j < energy_and_xs.size() && energy_and_xs[j].first < sqrts; j++) {
845  }
846  double xs = 0.0;
847  if (j < energy_and_xs.size() &&
848  std::abs(energy_and_xs[j].first - sqrts) < really_small) {
849  xs = energy_and_xs[j].second;
850  }
851  printf("%16.6f", xs); // Same alignment as in the header.
852  }
853  printf("\n");
854  }
855 }
static void deduplicate(std::vector< FinalStateCrossSection > &final_state_xs)
Deduplicate the final-state cross sections by summing.
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:34
const ReactionsBitSet incl_set_
List of included 2<->2 reactions.
const bool two_to_one_
Enable 2->1 processes.
const double low_snn_cut_
Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded.
const double string_formation_time_
Parameter for formation time.
const bool strings_with_probability_
Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability.
std::string fill_left(const std::string &s, size_t width, char fill=' ')
Fill string with characters to the left until the given width is reached.
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > string_process_interface_
Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.
const bool strings_switch_
Switch to turn off string excitation.
const NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment_
Switch for NNbar reactions.
constexpr int p
const bool use_AQM_
Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.
const bool isotropic_
Do all collisions isotropically.
static void add_decays(Node &node)
Add nodes for all decays possible from the given node and all of its children.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ get_process_string_ptr()

StringProcess* smash::ScatterActionsFinder::get_process_string_ptr ( )
Pointer to the string process class object. If string is turned off, the null pointer is returned.

Definition at line 200 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

200  {
201  if (strings_switch_) {
202  return string_process_interface_.get();
203  } else {
204  return NULL;
205  }
206  }
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > string_process_interface_
Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.
const bool strings_switch_
Switch to turn off string excitation.

◆ check_collision()

ActionPtr smash::ScatterActionsFinder::check_collision ( const ParticleData data_a,
const ParticleData data_b,
double  dt 
) const

Check for a single pair of particles (id_a, id_b) if a collision will happen in the next timestep and create a corresponding Action object in that case.

[in]data_aFirst incoming particle
[in]data_bSecond incoming particle
[in]dtMaximum time interval within which a collision can happen
A null pointer if no collision happens or an action which contains the information of the outgoing particles.

Definition at line 237 of file

239  {
240 #ifndef NDEBUG
241  const auto& log = logger<LogArea::FindScatter>();
242 #endif
244  // just collided with this particle
245  if (data_a.id_process() > 0 && data_a.id_process() == data_b.id_process()) {
246 #ifndef NDEBUG
247  log.debug("Skipping collided particles at time ", data_a.position().x0(),
248  " due to process ", data_a.id_process(), "\n ", data_a,
249  "\n<-> ", data_b);
250 #endif
251  return nullptr;
252  }
253  /* If the two particles
254  * 1) belong to the two colliding nuclei
255  * 2) are within the same nucleus
256  * 3) both of them have never experienced any collisons,
257  * then the collision between them are banned. */
258  assert( >= 0);
259  assert( >= 0);
260  if ( < N_tot_ && < N_tot_ &&
261  (( < N_proj_ && < N_proj_) ||
262  ( >= N_proj_ && >= N_proj_)) &&
263  !(nucleon_has_interacted_[] ||
264  nucleon_has_interacted_[])) {
265  return nullptr;
266  }
268  // Determine time of collision.
269  const double time_until_collision = collision_time(data_a, data_b);
271  // Check that collision happens in this timestep.
272  if (time_until_collision < 0. || time_until_collision >= dt) {
273  return nullptr;
274  }
276  // Create ScatterAction object.
277  ScatterActionPtr act = make_unique<ScatterAction>(
278  data_a, data_b, time_until_collision, isotropic_, string_formation_time_);
279  if (strings_switch_) {
280  act->set_string_interface(string_process_interface_.get());
281  }
283  const double distance_squared = act->transverse_distance_sqr();
285  // Don't calculate cross section if the particles are very far apart.
286  if (distance_squared >= max_transverse_distance_sqr(testparticles_)) {
287  return nullptr;
288  }
290  // Add various subprocesses.
291  act->add_all_scatterings(elastic_parameter_, two_to_one_, incl_set_,
295  // Cross section for collision criterion
296  double cross_section_criterion = act->cross_section() * fm2_mb * M_1_PI /
297  static_cast<double>(testparticles_);
298  // Take cross section scaling factors into account
299  cross_section_criterion *= data_a.xsec_scaling_factor(time_until_collision);
300  cross_section_criterion *= data_b.xsec_scaling_factor(time_until_collision);
302  // distance criterion according to cross_section
303  if (distance_squared >= cross_section_criterion) {
304  return nullptr;
305  }
307 #ifndef NDEBUG
308  log.debug("particle distance squared: ", distance_squared, "\n ", data_a,
309  "\n<-> ", data_b);
310 #endif
312  return std::move(act);
313 }
static double collision_time(const ParticleData &p1, const ParticleData &p2)
Determine the collision time of the two particles.
const int testparticles_
Number of test particles.
const ReactionsBitSet incl_set_
List of included 2<->2 reactions.
const bool two_to_one_
Enable 2->1 processes.
const double low_snn_cut_
Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded.
const double string_formation_time_
Parameter for formation time.
const bool strings_with_probability_
Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability.
double max_transverse_distance_sqr(int testparticles) const
The maximal distance over which particles can interact, related to the number of test particles and t...
constexpr double fm2_mb
mb <-> fm^2 conversion factor.
Definition: constants.h:28
const std::vector< bool > & nucleon_has_interacted_
Parameter to record whether the nucleon has experienced a collision or not.
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > string_process_interface_
Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.
const bool strings_switch_
Switch to turn off string excitation.
const NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment_
Switch for NNbar reactions.
const bool use_AQM_
Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.
const int N_proj_
Record the number of the nucleons in the projectile.
const bool isotropic_
Do all collisions isotropically.
const int N_tot_
Record the total number of the nucleons in the two colliding nuclei.
const double elastic_parameter_
Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ string_process_interface_

std::unique_ptr<StringProcess> smash::ScatterActionsFinder::string_process_interface_

Class that deals with strings, interfacing Pythia.

Definition at line 223 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ elastic_parameter_

const double smash::ScatterActionsFinder::elastic_parameter_

Elastic cross section parameter (in mb).

Definition at line 225 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ testparticles_

const int smash::ScatterActionsFinder::testparticles_

Number of test particles.

Definition at line 227 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ isotropic_

const bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::isotropic_

Do all collisions isotropically.

Definition at line 229 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ two_to_one_

const bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::two_to_one_

Enable 2->1 processes.

Definition at line 231 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ incl_set_

const ReactionsBitSet smash::ScatterActionsFinder::incl_set_

List of included 2<->2 reactions.

Definition at line 233 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ low_snn_cut_

const double smash::ScatterActionsFinder::low_snn_cut_

Elastic collsions between two nucleons with sqrt_s below low_snn_cut_ are excluded.

Definition at line 238 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ strings_switch_

const bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::strings_switch_

Switch to turn off string excitation.

Definition at line 240 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ use_AQM_

const bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::use_AQM_

Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.

Definition at line 242 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ strings_with_probability_

const bool smash::ScatterActionsFinder::strings_with_probability_

Decide whether to implement string fragmentation based on a probability.

Definition at line 244 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ nnbar_treatment_

const NNbarTreatment smash::ScatterActionsFinder::nnbar_treatment_

Switch for NNbar reactions.

Definition at line 246 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ nucleon_has_interacted_

const std::vector<bool>& smash::ScatterActionsFinder::nucleon_has_interacted_

Parameter to record whether the nucleon has experienced a collision or not.

Definition at line 251 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ N_tot_

const int smash::ScatterActionsFinder::N_tot_

Record the total number of the nucleons in the two colliding nuclei.

Definition at line 253 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ N_proj_

const int smash::ScatterActionsFinder::N_proj_

Record the number of the nucleons in the projectile.

Definition at line 255 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

◆ string_formation_time_

const double smash::ScatterActionsFinder::string_formation_time_

Parameter for formation time.

Definition at line 257 of file scatteractionsfinder.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: