Version: SMASH-2.0
smash::DecayModes Class Reference

#include <decaymodes.h>

The DecayModes class is used to store and update information about decay branches (i.e. the possible children a mother particle can decay into), including their relative weights.

If you want to find a DecayModes object for a specific particle type use ParticleType::decay_modes().

Definition at line 29 of file decaymodes.h.

Collaboration diagram for smash::DecayModes:


struct  InvalidDecay
struct  LoadFailure
struct  MissingDecays
struct  ReferencedParticleNotFound

Public Member Functions

void add_mode (ParticleTypePtr mother, double ratio, int L, ParticleTypePtrList particle_types)
 Add a decay mode using all necessary information. More...
void add_mode (DecayBranchPtr branch)
 Add a decay mode from an already existing decay branch. More...
bool renormalize (const std::string &name)
 Renormalize the branching ratios to add up to 1. More...
bool is_empty () const
const DecayBranchList & decay_mode_list () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void load_decaymodes (const std::string &input)
 Loads the DecayModes map as described in the input string. More...
static DecayTypeget_decay_type (ParticleTypePtr mother, ParticleTypePtrList particle_types, int L)
 Retrieve a decay type. More...

Private Attributes

DecayBranchList decay_modes_
 Vector of decay modes. More...

Static Private Attributes

static std::vector< DecayModes > * all_decay_modes = nullptr
 A list of all DecayModes objects using the same indexing as all_particle_types. More...


const friend DecayModesParticleType::decay_modes () const
 allow ParticleType::decay_modes to access all_decay_modes More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_mode() [1/2]

void smash::DecayModes::add_mode ( ParticleTypePtr  mother,
double  ratio,
int  L,
ParticleTypePtrList  particle_types 

Add a decay mode using all necessary information.

[in]motherthe particle which decays
[in]ratiothe weight to add to the current mode
[in]Langular momentum
[in]particle_typesa list of the products of the decay

Definition at line 30 of file

31  {
32  DecayType *type = get_decay_type(mother, particle_types, L);
33  // Check if mode already exists: if yes, add weight.
34  for (auto &mode : decay_modes_) {
35  if (type == &mode->type()) {
36  mode->set_weight(mode->weight() + ratio);
37  return;
38  }
39  }
40  // Add new mode.
41  decay_modes_.push_back(make_unique<DecayBranch>(*type, ratio));
42 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ add_mode() [2/2]

void smash::DecayModes::add_mode ( DecayBranchPtr  branch)

Add a decay mode from an already existing decay branch.

[in]branchthe decay branch to add

Definition at line 47 of file decaymodes.h.

47  {
48  decay_modes_.push_back(std::move(branch));
49  }

◆ renormalize()

bool smash::DecayModes::renormalize ( const std::string &  name)

Renormalize the branching ratios to add up to 1.

[in]namethe name of the decaying particle
if the branching ratios were renormalized by more than 1%

Definition at line 99 of file

99  {
100  double sum = 0.;
101  bool is_large_renormalization = false;
102  for (auto &mode : decay_modes_) {
103  sum += mode->weight();
104  }
105  if (std::abs(sum - 1.) < really_small) {
106  logg[LDecayModes].debug("Particle ", name,
107  ": Extremely small renormalization constant: ", sum,
108  "\n=> Skipping the renormalization.");
109  } else {
110  is_large_renormalization = (std::abs(sum - 1.) > 0.01);
111  logg[LDecayModes].debug("Particle ", name,
112  ": Renormalizing decay modes with ", sum);
113  double new_sum = 0.0;
114  for (auto &mode : decay_modes_) {
115  mode->set_weight(mode->weight() / sum);
116  new_sum += mode->weight();
117  }
118  logg[LDecayModes].debug("After renormalization sum of ratios is ", new_sum);
119  }
120  return is_large_renormalization;
121 }

◆ is_empty()

bool smash::DecayModes::is_empty ( ) const
true if empty (i.e. no decay modes)

Definition at line 60 of file decaymodes.h.

60 { return decay_modes_.empty(); }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ decay_mode_list()

const DecayBranchList& smash::DecayModes::decay_mode_list ( ) const
pass out the decay modes list

Definition at line 63 of file decaymodes.h.

63 { return decay_modes_; }
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ load_decaymodes()

void smash::DecayModes::load_decaymodes ( const std::string &  input)

Loads the DecayModes map as described in the input string.

It does sanity checking - that the particles it talks about are in the ParticleType map.

[in]inputthe full decaymodes input file, as a string
MissingDecaysif there are no decays specified for an unstable particle
LoadFailureif there are duplicate entries detailing decaymodes for the same particle, or if the angular momentum is smaller than 0 or larger than 4
InvalidDecayif product of the decay does not exist in the particle list or as an isospin multiplet, or if decay is forbidden by isospin or charge conservation, or if sum of the minimum mass of products is less than the pole mass of the mother particle
runtime_errorif there are less than 2 or more than 3 products to a given decay branch, or if a branch cannot be found to be part of an isospin multiplet

Definition at line 164 of file

164  {
165  // create the DecayType vector first, then it outlives the DecayModes vector,
166  // which references the DecayType objects.
167  static std::vector<DecayTypePtr> decaytypes;
168  decaytypes.clear(); // in case an exception was thrown and should try again
169  // ten decay types per decay mode should be a good guess.
170  decaytypes.reserve(10 * ParticleType::list_all().size());
171  all_decay_types = &decaytypes;
173  static std::vector<DecayModes> decaymodes;
174  decaymodes.clear(); // in case an exception was thrown and should try again
175  decaymodes.resize(ParticleType::list_all().size());
176  all_decay_modes = &decaymodes;
178  const IsoParticleType *isotype_mother = nullptr;
179  ParticleTypePtrList mother_states;
180  std::vector<DecayModes> decay_modes_to_add; // one for each mother state
181  int total_large_renormalized = 0;
183  const auto end_of_decaymodes = [&]() {
184  if (isotype_mother == nullptr) { // at the start of the file
185  return;
186  }
187  // Loop over all states in the mother multiplet and add modes
188  for (size_t m = 0; m < mother_states.size(); m++) {
189  if (decay_modes_to_add[m].is_empty() && !mother_states[m]->is_stable()) {
190  throw MissingDecays("No decay modes found for particle " +
191  mother_states[m]->name());
192  }
193  bool is_large_renorm =
194  decay_modes_to_add[m].renormalize(mother_states[m]->name());
195  total_large_renormalized += is_large_renorm;
196  PdgCode pdgcode = mother_states[m]->pdgcode();
197  /* Add the list of decay modes for this particle type */
198  decaymodes[find_offset(pdgcode)] = std::move(decay_modes_to_add[m]);
199  }
200  if (isotype_mother->has_anti_multiplet()) {
201  /* Construct the decay modes for the anti-multiplet. */
202  logg[LDecayModes].debug("generating decay modes for anti-multiplet: " +
203  isotype_mother->name());
204  for (const auto &state : mother_states) {
205  PdgCode pdg = state->pdgcode();
206  PdgCode pdg_anti = pdg.get_antiparticle();
207  const ParticleType &type_anti = ParticleType::find(pdg_anti);
208  DecayModes &decay_modes_orig = decaymodes[find_offset(pdg)];
209  DecayModes &decay_modes_anti = decaymodes[find_offset(pdg_anti)];
210  for (const auto &mode : decay_modes_orig.decay_mode_list()) {
211  ParticleTypePtrList list = mode->particle_types();
212  for (auto &type : list) {
213  if (type->has_antiparticle()) {
214  type = type->get_antiparticle();
215  }
216  }
217  decay_modes_anti.add_mode(&type_anti, mode->weight(),
218  mode->angular_momentum(), list);
219  }
220  }
221  }
222  };
224  // Track the line number for better error messages.
225  // FIXME: At the moment this does not include comments and empty lines.
226  uint64_t linenumber = 1;
227  for (const Line &line : line_parser(input)) {
228  const auto trimmed = trim(line.text);
229  assert(!trimmed.empty()); // trim(line.text) is never empty,
230  // else line_parser is broken
231  if (trimmed.find_first_of(" \t") == std::string::npos) {
232  // a single record on one line signifies a new decay mode section
233  end_of_decaymodes();
234  std::string name = trim(line.text);
235  isotype_mother = &IsoParticleType::find(name);
236  mother_states = isotype_mother->get_states();
237  decay_modes_to_add.clear();
238  decay_modes_to_add.resize(mother_states.size());
239  logg[LDecayModes].debug("reading decay modes for " + name);
240  // check if any of the states have decay modes already
241  for (size_t m = 0; m < mother_states.size(); m++) {
242  PdgCode pdgcode = mother_states[m]->pdgcode();
243  if (!decaymodes[find_offset(pdgcode)].is_empty()) {
244  throw LoadFailure("Duplicate entry for " + name +
245  " in decaymodes.txt:" + std::to_string(linenumber));
246  }
247  }
248  } else {
249  std::istringstream lineinput(line.text);
250  std::vector<std::string> decay_particles;
251  decay_particles.reserve(3);
252  double ratio;
253  lineinput >> ratio;
255  int L;
256  lineinput >> L;
257  if (L < 0) {
258  throw LoadFailure("Invalid angular momentum '" + std::to_string(L) +
259  "' in decaymodes.txt:" + std::to_string(line.number) +
260  ": '" + line.text + "'");
261  }
263  std::string name;
264  lineinput >> name;
265  bool multi = true;
266  while (lineinput) {
267  decay_particles.emplace_back(name);
268  const auto isotype = IsoParticleType::try_find(name);
269  const bool is_multiplet = isotype;
270  const bool is_state = ParticleType::exists(name);
271  if (!is_multiplet && !is_state) {
272  throw InvalidDecay(
273  "Daughter " + name +
274  " is neither an isospin multiplet nor a particle." + " (line " +
275  std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" + trimmed + "\")");
276  }
277  const bool is_hadronic_multiplet =
278  is_multiplet && isotype->get_states()[0]->is_hadron();
279  multi &= is_hadronic_multiplet;
280  lineinput >> name;
281  }
282  Parity parity;
283  const int s0 = isotype_mother->spin();
284  int min_L = 0;
285  int max_L = 0;
286  if (multi) {
287  /* References to isospin multiplets: Automatically determine all valid
288  * combinations and calculate Clebsch-Gordan factors */
289  switch (decay_particles.size()) {
290  case 2: {
291  const IsoParticleType &isotype_daughter_1 =
292  IsoParticleType::find(decay_particles[0]);
293  const IsoParticleType &isotype_daughter_2 =
294  IsoParticleType::find(decay_particles[1]);
295  parity = isotype_daughter_1.parity() * isotype_daughter_2.parity();
296  const int s1 = isotype_daughter_1.spin();
297  const int s2 = isotype_daughter_2.spin();
298  min_L = min_angular_momentum(s0, s1, s2);
299  max_L = (s0 + s1 + s2) / 2;
300  // loop through multiplets
301  bool forbidden_by_isospin = true;
302  for (size_t m = 0; m < mother_states.size(); m++) {
303  for (const auto &daughter1 : isotype_daughter_1.get_states()) {
304  for (const auto &daughter2 : isotype_daughter_2.get_states()) {
305  // calculate Clebsch-Gordan factor
306  const double cg_sqr = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to1(
307  *daughter1, *daughter2, *mother_states[m]);
308  if (cg_sqr > 0.) {
309  // add mode
310  logg[LDecayModes].debug(
311  "decay mode generated: " + mother_states[m]->name() +
312  " -> " + daughter1->name() + " " + daughter2->name() +
313  " (" + std::to_string(ratio * cg_sqr) + ")");
314  decay_modes_to_add[m].add_mode(mother_states[m],
315  ratio * cg_sqr, L,
316  {daughter1, daughter2});
317  forbidden_by_isospin = false;
318  }
319  }
320  }
321  }
322  if (forbidden_by_isospin) {
323  std::stringstream s;
324  s << ",\nwhere isospin mother: " << isotype_mother->isospin()
325  << ", daughters: " << isotype_daughter_1.isospin() << " "
326  << isotype_daughter_2.isospin();
327  throw InvalidDecay(isotype_mother->name() +
328  " decay mode is forbidden by isospin: \"" +
329  line.text + "\"" + s.str());
330  }
331  break;
332  }
333  case 3: {
334  const IsoParticleType &isotype_daughter_1 =
335  IsoParticleType::find(decay_particles[0]);
336  const IsoParticleType &isotype_daughter_2 =
337  IsoParticleType::find(decay_particles[1]);
338  const IsoParticleType &isotype_daughter_3 =
339  IsoParticleType::find(decay_particles[2]);
340  parity = isotype_daughter_1.parity() * isotype_daughter_2.parity() *
341  isotype_daughter_3.parity();
342  const int s1 = isotype_daughter_1.spin();
343  const int s2 = isotype_daughter_2.spin();
344  const int s3 = isotype_daughter_2.spin();
345  min_L = min_angular_momentum(s0, s1, s2, s3);
346  max_L = (s0 + s1 + s2 + s3) / 2;
347  // loop through multiplets
348  for (size_t m = 0; m < mother_states.size(); m++) {
349  for (const auto &daughter1 : isotype_daughter_1.get_states()) {
350  for (const auto &daughter2 : isotype_daughter_2.get_states()) {
351  for (const auto &daughter3 :
352  isotype_daughter_3.get_states()) {
353  const double cg_sqr = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_3to1(
354  *daughter1, *daughter2, *daughter3, *mother_states[m]);
355  if (cg_sqr > 0.) {
356  // add mode
357  logg[LDecayModes].debug(
358  "decay mode generated: " + mother_states[m]->name() +
359  " -> " + daughter1->name() + " " + daughter2->name() +
360  " " + daughter3->name() + " (" +
361  std::to_string(ratio * cg_sqr) + ")");
362  decay_modes_to_add[m].add_mode(
363  mother_states[m], ratio * cg_sqr, L,
364  {daughter1, daughter2, daughter3});
365  }
366  }
367  }
368  }
369  }
370  break;
371  }
372  default:
373  throw std::runtime_error(
374  "References to isospin multiplets only "
375  "allowed in two-body or three-body decays: " +
376  line.text + " (line " + std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" +
377  trimmed + "\")");
378  }
379  } else {
380  /* References to specific states, not multiplets:
381  * Loop over all mother states and check charge conservation. */
382  ParticleTypePtrList types;
383  int charge = 0;
384  parity = Parity::Pos;
385  for (auto part : decay_particles) {
386  try {
387  types.push_back(IsoParticleType::find_state(part));
388  } catch (std::runtime_error &e) {
389  throw std::runtime_error(std::string() + e.what() + " (line " +
390  std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" +
391  trimmed + "\")");
392  }
393  charge += types.back()->charge();
394  parity *= types.back()->parity();
395  }
396  if (types.size() == 2) {
397  const int s1 = types[0]->spin();
398  const int s2 = types[1]->spin();
399  min_L = min_angular_momentum(s0, s1, s2);
400  max_L = (s0 + s1 + s2) / 2;
401  } else if (types.size() == 3) {
402  const int s1 = types[0]->spin();
403  const int s2 = types[1]->spin();
404  const int s3 = types[2]->spin();
405  min_L = min_angular_momentum(s0, s1, s2, s3);
406  max_L = (s0 + s1 + s2 + s3) / 2;
407  } else {
408  throw InvalidDecay(isotype_mother->name() +
409  " decay mode has an invalid number of particles"
410  " in the final state " +
411  "(line " + std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" +
412  trimmed + "\")");
413  }
414  bool no_decays = true;
415  for (size_t m = 0; m < mother_states.size(); m++) {
416  if (mother_states[m]->charge() == charge) {
417  logg[LDecayModes].debug(
418  "decay mode found: ", mother_states[m]->name(), " -> ",
419  decay_particles.size());
420  decay_modes_to_add[m].add_mode(mother_states[m], ratio, L, types);
421  no_decays = false;
422  }
423  }
424  if (no_decays) {
425  throw InvalidDecay(isotype_mother->name() +
426  " decay mode violates charge conservation " +
427  "(line " + std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" +
428  trimmed + "\")");
429  }
430  }
431  // Take angular momentum into account.
432  // FIXME: At the moment this is not correct for 3-body decays (see #517),
433  // therefore only check paritiy for 2-body decays below.
434  if (L % 2 == 1) {
435  parity = -parity;
436  }
437  // Make sure the decay has the correct parity for 2-body decays
438  if (decay_particles.size() == 2 && parity != mother_states[0]->parity()) {
439  throw InvalidDecay(mother_states[0]->name() +
440  " decay mode violates parity conservation " +
441  "(line " + std::to_string(linenumber) + ": \"" +
442  trimmed + "\")");
443  }
444  // Make sure the decay has a correct angular momentum.
445  if (L < min_L || L > max_L) {
446  throw InvalidDecay(
447  mother_states[0]->name() +
448  " decay mode violates angular momentum conservation: " +
449  std::to_string(L) + " not in [" + std::to_string(min_L) + ", " +
450  std::to_string(max_L) + "] (line " + std::to_string(linenumber) +
451  ": \"" + trimmed + "\")");
452  }
453  }
454  linenumber++;
455  }
456  end_of_decaymodes();
458  // Check whether the mother's pole mass is strictly larger than the minimal
459  // masses of the daughters. This is required by the Manley-Saleski ansatz.
460  const auto &particles = ParticleType::list_all();
461  for (const auto &mother : particles) {
462  if (mother.is_stable()) {
463  continue;
464  }
465  const auto &decays = mother.decay_modes().decay_mode_list();
466  for (const auto &decay : decays) {
467  if (mother.mass() <= decay->threshold()) {
468  std::stringstream s;
469  s << << " → ";
470  for (const auto &p : decay->particle_types()) {
471  s << p->name();
472  }
473  s << " with " << mother.mass() << " ≤ " << decay->threshold();
474  throw InvalidDecay(
475  "For all decays, the minimum mass of daughters"
476  "must be smaller\nthan the mother's pole mass "
477  "(Manley-Saleski Ansatz)\n"
478  "Violated by the following decay: " +
479  s.str());
480  }
481  }
482  }
483  if (total_large_renormalized > 0) {
484  logg[LDecayModes].warn(
485  "Branching ratios of ", total_large_renormalized,
486  " hadrons were renormalized by more than 1% to have sum 1.");
487  }
488 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ get_decay_type()

DecayType * smash::DecayModes::get_decay_type ( ParticleTypePtr  mother,
ParticleTypePtrList  particle_types,
int  L 

Retrieve a decay type.

[in]motherthe decaying particle
[in]particle_typesthe products of the decay
[in]Lthe angular momentum
the corresponding DecayType object
InvalidDecayif there are less than 2 or more than 3 products

Definition at line 44 of file

46  {
47  assert(all_decay_types != nullptr);
49  // check if the decay type already exisits
50  for (const auto &type : *all_decay_types) {
51  if (type->has_mother(mother) && type->has_particles(particle_types) &&
52  type->angular_momentum() == L) {
53  return type.get();
54  }
55  }
57  // if the type does not exist yet, create a new one
58  switch (particle_types.size()) {
59  case 2:
60  if (is_dilepton(particle_types[0]->pdgcode(),
61  particle_types[1]->pdgcode())) {
62  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
63  make_unique<TwoBodyDecayDilepton>(particle_types, L));
64  } else if (particle_types[0]->is_stable() &&
65  particle_types[1]->is_stable()) {
66  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
67  make_unique<TwoBodyDecayStable>(particle_types, L));
68  } else if (particle_types[0]->is_stable() ||
69  particle_types[1]->is_stable()) {
70  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
71  make_unique<TwoBodyDecaySemistable>(particle_types, L));
72  } else {
73  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
74  make_unique<TwoBodyDecayUnstable>(particle_types, L));
75  }
76  break;
77  case 3:
78  if (has_lepton_pair(particle_types[0]->pdgcode(),
79  particle_types[1]->pdgcode(),
80  particle_types[2]->pdgcode())) {
81  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
82  make_unique<ThreeBodyDecayDilepton>(mother, particle_types, L));
83  } else {
84  all_decay_types->emplace_back(
85  make_unique<ThreeBodyDecay>(particle_types, L));
86  }
87  break;
88  default:
89  throw InvalidDecay(
90  "DecayModes::get_decay_type was instructed to add a decay mode "
91  "with " +
92  std::to_string(particle_types.size()) +
93  " particles. This is an invalid input.");
94  }
96  return all_decay_types->back().get();
97 }
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ ParticleType::decay_modes

const friend DecayModes& ParticleType::decay_modes ( ) const

allow ParticleType::decay_modes to access all_decay_modes

Member Data Documentation

◆ decay_modes_

DecayBranchList smash::DecayModes::decay_modes_

Vector of decay modes.

Each mode consists of a vector of the pdg codes of decay products and a ratio of this decay mode compared to all possible modes

Definition at line 123 of file decaymodes.h.

◆ all_decay_modes

std::vector< DecayModes > * smash::DecayModes::all_decay_modes = nullptr

A list of all DecayModes objects using the same indexing as all_particle_types.

Global pointer to the decay modes list.

Definition at line 132 of file decaymodes.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
build_vector_< Line > line_parser(const std::string &input)
Helper function for parsing particles.txt and decaymodes.txt.
std::size_t find_offset(PdgCode pdg)
Passes back the address offset of a particletype in the list of all particles.
static bool exists(PdgCode pdgcode)
DecayBranchList decay_modes_
Vector of decay modes.
Definition: decaymodes.h:123
static const IsoParticleType & find(const std::string &name)
Returns the IsoParticleType object for the given name.
std::vector< DecayTypePtr > * all_decay_types
Global pointer to the decay types list.
static DecayType * get_decay_type(ParticleTypePtr mother, ParticleTypePtrList particle_types, int L)
Retrieve a decay type.
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:37
static const ParticleType & find(PdgCode pdgcode)
Returns the ParticleType object for the given pdgcode.
static int min_angular_momentum(int s0, int s1, int s2)
static const ParticleTypePtr find_state(const std::string &name)
Returns the ParticleType object for the given name, by first finding the correct multiplet and then l...
static constexpr int LDecayModes
bool is_empty() const
Definition: decaymodes.h:60
Positive parity.
static const IsoParticleType * try_find(const std::string &name)
Returns the IsoParticleType pointer for the given name.
bool has_lepton_pair(const PdgCode pdg1, const PdgCode pdg2, const PdgCode pdg3)
Definition: pdgcode.h:1004
std::string trim(const std::string &s)
Strip leading and trailing whitespaces.
static std::vector< DecayModes > * all_decay_modes
A list of all DecayModes objects using the same indexing as all_particle_types.
Definition: decaymodes.h:132
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_3to1(const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &p_c, const ParticleType &Res)
Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for three particles p_a, p_b and p_c couplin...
Represent the parity of a particle type.
Definition: particletype.h:24
constexpr int p
Definition: pdgcode_constants.h:28
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to1(const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &Res)
Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a ...
Definition: clebschgordan.h:42
bool is_dilepton(const PdgCode pdg1, const PdgCode pdg2)
Definition: pdgcode.h:992
static const ParticleTypeList & list_all()