Version: SMASH-2.0 File Reference
#include "smash/logging.h"
#include <array>
#include "smash/configuration.h"
#include "smash/stringfunctions.h"

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einhard::LogLevel smash::default_loglevel ()
void smash::set_default_loglevel (einhard::LogLevel level)
 Set the default log level (what will be returned from subsequent default_loglevel calls). More...
template<int index, int stop = 0>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index==stop), int >::type smash::find_longest_logger_name ()
template<int index, int stop = 0, int mid = (index + stop) / 2>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index > stop), int >::type smash::find_longest_logger_name ()
template<std::size_t index, int >
std::enable_if<(index==0)>::type smash::create_all_loggers_impl (Configuration &)
template<std::size_t index, int longest_name = find_longest_logger_name<index - 1>()>
std::enable_if<(index !=0)>::type smash::create_all_loggers_impl (Configuration &config)
void smash::create_all_loggers (Configuration config)
 Called from main() right after the Configuration object is fully set up to create all logger objects (as defined by LogArea::AreaTuple) with the correct area names and log levels. More...


static einhard::LogLevel smash::global_default_loglevel = einhard::ALL
 The default logging level is ALL. More...