Version: SMASH-2.0
Todo List
Member smash::ColliderModus::ColliderModus (Configuration modus_config, const ExperimentParameters &parameters)
include a check that only one method of specifying impact is used
Member smash::Configuration::Value::node_
(steinberg) What is that?
Member smash::CrossSections::NNbar_annihilation (const double current_xs, const double scale_xs) const
Same assumption made by string_excitation. Resolve.
Member smash::CrossSections::string_excitation (double total_string_xs, StringProcess *string_process, bool use_AQM) const
Same assumption made by NNbar_annihilation. Resolve.
Member smash::density_integrand (const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
rename the following 4 functions to make clear what they are and check if they are actually used
Member smash::GrandCanThermalizer::sample_multinomial (HadronClass particle_class, int N)
(oliiny) what to do with this output?
Member smash::kminusp_pi0lambda (double sqrts)
clarify this
Class smash::ModusDefault
JB: many of these functions could/should be virtual (contradicts description given above, Vinzent says (in a nice way): does not make any sense whatsoever anyway)
Member smash::ParticleType::spectral_function_const_width (double m) const
unused The spectral function with a constant width (= width at pole).
Member smash::PdgCode::spin () const
(oliiny): take care of spin for nuclei
Member smash::RectangularLattice< T >::value_at (const ThreeVector &r, T &value)
(oliiny): maybe 1-order interpolation instead of 0-order?
Member smash::ScatterActionsFinder::find_final_actions (const Particles &, bool=false) const override
Seems to do nothing.
Member smash::StringProcess::set_pmin_gluon_lightcone (double p_light_cone_min)
The following set_ functions are replaced with constructor with arguments.
Member smash::ThermLatticeNode::compute_rest_frame_quantities (HadronGasEos &eos)
(oliiny): use Newton's method instead of these iterations
Class smash::TimeStampCounter::Data
Why this data type?