Version: SMASH-3.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2016-2020,2022
3  * SMASH Team
4  *
5  * GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
6  */
10 #include <memory>
11 #include <vector>
13 #include "angles.h"
14 #include "clock.h"
15 #include "configuration.h"
16 #include "density.h"
17 #include "distributions.h"
18 #include "forwarddeclarations.h"
19 #include "hadgas_eos.h"
20 #include "lattice.h"
21 #include "particledata.h"
22 #include "quantumnumbers.h"
24 namespace smash {
49  public:
66  void add_particle(const ParticleData& p, double factor);
91  void set_rest_frame_quantities(double T0, double mub0, double mus0,
92  double muq0, const ThreeVector v0);
94  FourVector Tmu0() const { return Tmu0_; }
96  double nb() const { return nb_; }
98  double ns() const { return ns_; }
100  double nq() const { return nq_; }
102  double e() const { return e_; }
104  double p() const { return p_; }
106  ThreeVector v() const { return v_; }
108  double T() const { return T_; }
110  double mub() const { return mub_; }
112  double mus() const { return mus_; }
114  double muq() const { return muq_; }
116  private:
120  double nb_;
122  double ns_;
124  double nq_;
126  double e_;
128  double p_;
132  double T_;
134  double mub_;
136  double mus_;
138  double muq_;
139 };
147 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const ThermLatticeNode& node);
153 enum class HadronClass {
155  Baryon = 0,
157  Antibaryon = 1,
159  PositiveSMeson = 2,
161  NegativeSMeson = 3,
167  ZeroQZeroSMeson = 6,
168 };
189  public:
206  GrandCanThermalizer(const std::array<double, 3> lat_sizes,
207  const std::array<int, 3> n_cells,
208  const std::array<double, 3> origin, bool periodicity,
209  double e_critical, double t_start, double delta_t,
210  ThermalizationAlgorithm algo, bool BF_microcanonical);
213  const std::array<double, 3> lat_sizes,
214  const std::array<double, 3> origin, bool periodicity)
216  lat_sizes, conf.take({"Cell_Number"}), origin, periodicity,
217  conf.take({"Critical_Edens"}), conf.take({"Start_Time"}),
218  conf.take({"Timestep"}),
219  conf.take({"Algorithm"}, ThermalizationAlgorithm::BiasedBF),
220  conf.take({"Microcanonical"}, false)) {}
226  bool is_time_to_thermalize(std::unique_ptr<Clock>& clock) const {
227  const double t = clock->current_time();
228  const int n = static_cast<int>(std::floor((t - t_start_) / period_));
229  return (t > t_start_ &&
230  t < t_start_ + n * period_ + clock->timestep_duration());
231  }
241  void update_thermalizer_lattice(const std::vector<Particles>& ensembles,
242  const DensityParameters& par,
243  bool ignore_cells_under_threshold = true);
245  ThreeVector uniform_in_cell() const;
253  void renormalize_momenta(ParticleList& plist,
254  const FourVector required_total_momentum);
256  // Functions for BF-sampling algorithm
266  void sample_multinomial(HadronClass particle_class, int N);
278  void sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo(ParticleList& plist, const double time,
279  size_t type_index);
292  void thermalize_BF_algo(QuantumNumbers& conserved_initial, double time,
293  int ntest);
295  // Functions for mode-sampling algorithm
301  template <typename F>
302  void compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(F&& condition) {
303  N_in_cells_.clear();
304  N_total_in_cells_ = 0.0;
305  for (auto cell_index : cells_to_sample_) {
306  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
307  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
308  double N_tot = 0.0;
309  for (ParticleTypePtr i : eos_typelist_) {
310  if (condition(i->strangeness(), i->baryon_number(), i->charge())) {
311  // N_i = n u^mu dsigma_mu = (isochronous hypersurface) n * V * gamma
312  N_tot += lat_cell_volume_ * gamma *
313  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*i, cell.T(), cell.mub(),
314  cell.mus(), 0.0);
315  }
316  }
317  N_in_cells_.push_back(N_tot);
318  N_total_in_cells_ += N_tot;
319  }
320  }
332  template <typename F>
334  F&& condition) {
335  // Choose random cell, probability = N_in_cell/N_total
336  double r = random::uniform(0.0, N_total_in_cells_);
337  double partial_sum = 0.0;
338  int index_only_thermalized = -1;
339  while (partial_sum < r) {
340  index_only_thermalized++;
341  partial_sum += N_in_cells_[index_only_thermalized];
342  }
343  const int cell_index = cells_to_sample_[index_only_thermalized];
344  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
345  const ThreeVector cell_center = lat_->cell_center(cell_index);
346  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
347  const double N_in_cell = N_in_cells_[index_only_thermalized];
348  // Which sort to sample - probability N_i/N_tot
349  r = random::uniform(0.0, N_in_cell);
350  double N_sum = 0.0;
351  ParticleTypePtr type_to_sample;
352  for (ParticleTypePtr i : eos_typelist_) {
353  if (!condition(i->strangeness(), i->baryon_number(), i->charge())) {
354  continue;
355  }
356  N_sum += lat_cell_volume_ * gamma *
357  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*i, cell.T(), cell.mub(),
358  cell.mus(), 0.0);
359  if (N_sum >= r) {
360  type_to_sample = i;
361  break;
362  }
363  }
364  ParticleData particle(*type_to_sample);
365  // Note: it's pole mass for resonances!
366  const double m = type_to_sample->mass();
367  // Position
368  particle.set_4position(FourVector(time, cell_center + uniform_in_cell()));
369  // Momentum
370  double momentum_radial = sample_momenta_from_thermal(cell.T(), m);
371  Angles phitheta;
372  phitheta.distribute_isotropically();
373  particle.set_4momentum(m, phitheta.threevec() * momentum_radial);
374  particle.boost_momentum(-cell.v());
375  particle.set_formation_time(time);
376  return particle;
377  }
387  void thermalize_mode_algo(QuantumNumbers& conserved_initial, double time);
395  void thermalize(const Particles& particles, double time, int ntest);
403  void print_statistics(const Clock& clock) const;
407  double e_crit() const { return e_crit_; }
409  ParticleList particles_to_remove() const { return to_remove_; }
411  ParticleList particles_to_insert() const { return sampled_list_; }
413  private:
418  ParticleTypePtrList list_eos_particles() const {
419  ParticleTypePtrList res;
420  for (const ParticleType& ptype : ParticleType::list_all()) {
421  if (HadronGasEos::is_eos_particle(ptype)) {
422  res.push_back(&ptype);
423  }
424  }
425  return res;
426  }
431  HadronClass get_class(size_t typelist_index) const {
432  const int B = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->baryon_number();
433  const int S = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->strangeness();
434  const int ch = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->charge();
435  // clang-format off
436  return (B > 0) ? HadronClass::Baryon :
437  (B < 0) ? HadronClass::Antibaryon :
438  (S > 0) ? HadronClass::PositiveSMeson :
439  (S < 0) ? HadronClass::NegativeSMeson :
440  (ch > 0) ? HadronClass::PositiveQZeroSMeson :
441  (ch < 0) ? HadronClass::NegativeQZeroSMeson :
442  HadronClass::ZeroQZeroSMeson;
443  // clang-format on
444  }
446  double mult_class(const HadronClass cl) const {
447  return mult_classes_[static_cast<size_t>(cl)];
448  }
450  std::vector<double> N_in_cells_;
452  std::vector<size_t> cells_to_sample_;
454  HadronGasEos eos_ = HadronGasEos(true, false);
456  std::unique_ptr<RectangularLattice<ThermLatticeNode>> lat_;
458  ParticleList to_remove_;
460  ParticleList sampled_list_;
469  const ParticleTypePtrList eos_typelist_;
471  const size_t N_sorts_;
473  std::vector<double> mult_sort_;
475  std::vector<int> mult_int_;
480  std::array<double, 7> mult_classes_;
489  const double e_crit_;
491  const double t_start_;
493  const double period_;
498 };
500 } // namespace smash
Angles provides a common interface for generating directions: i.e., two angles that should be interpr...
Definition: angles.h:59
ThreeVector threevec() const
Definition: angles.h:288
void distribute_isotropically()
Populate the object with a new direction.
Definition: angles.h:199
Clock tracks the time in the simulation.
Definition: clock.h:86
Interface to the SMASH configuration files.
Value take(std::initializer_list< const char * > keys)
The default interface for SMASH to read configuration values.
A class to pre-calculate and store parameters relevant for density calculation.
Definition: density.h:108
The FourVector class holds relevant values in Minkowski spacetime with (+, −, −, −) metric signature.
Definition: fourvector.h:33
The GrandCanThermalizer class implements the following functionality:
void compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(F &&condition)
Computes average number of particles in each cell for the mode algorithm.
std::vector< double > mult_sort_
Real number multiplicity for each particle type.
std::vector< int > mult_int_
Integer multiplicity for each particle type.
GrandCanThermalizer(Configuration &conf, const std::array< double, 3 > lat_sizes, const std::array< double, 3 > origin, bool periodicity)
ParticleList to_remove_
Particles to be removed after this thermalization step.
const bool BF_enforce_microcanonical_
Enforce energy conservation as part of BF sampling algorithm or not.
std::unique_ptr< RectangularLattice< ThermLatticeNode > > lat_
The lattice on which the thermodynamic quantities are calculated.
ParticleList particles_to_insert() const
List of newly created particles to be inserted in the simulation.
double mult_class(const HadronClass cl) const
ParticleList particles_to_remove() const
List of particles to be removed from the simulation.
HadronClass get_class(size_t typelist_index) const
Defines the class of hadrons by quantum numbers.
GrandCanThermalizer(const std::array< double, 3 > lat_sizes, const std::array< int, 3 > n_cells, const std::array< double, 3 > origin, bool periodicity, double e_critical, double t_start, double delta_t, ThermalizationAlgorithm algo, bool BF_microcanonical)
Default constructor for the GranCanThermalizer to allocate the lattice.
const double t_start_
Starting time of the simulation.
const double period_
Defines periodicity of the lattice in fm.
ParticleTypePtrList list_eos_particles() const
Extracts the particles in the hadron gas equation of state from the complete list of particle types i...
const double e_crit_
Critical energy density above which cells are thermalized.
ParticleList sampled_list_
Newly generated particles by thermalizer.
std::array< double, 7 > mult_classes_
The different hadron species according to the enum defined in.
std::vector< size_t > cells_to_sample_
Cells above critical energy density.
const ThermalizationAlgorithm algorithm_
Algorithm to choose for sampling of particles obeying conservation laws.
bool is_time_to_thermalize(std::unique_ptr< Clock > &clock) const
Check that the clock is close to n * period of thermalization, since the thermalization only happens ...
RectangularLattice< ThermLatticeNode > & lattice() const
Getter function for the lattice.
double e_crit() const
Get the critical energy density.
const ParticleTypePtrList eos_typelist_
List of particle types from which equation of state is computed.
std::vector< double > N_in_cells_
Number of particles to be sampled in one cell.
ParticleData sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(const double time, F &&condition)
Samples one particle and the species, cell, momentum and coordinate are chosen from the corresponding...
double lat_cell_volume_
Volume of a single lattice cell, necessary to convert thermal densities to actual particle numbers.
const size_t N_sorts_
Number of different species to be sampled.
double N_total_in_cells_
Total number of particles over all cells in thermalization region.
Class to handle the equation of state (EoS) of the hadron gas, consisting of all hadrons included in ...
Definition: hadgas_eos.h:125
ParticleData contains the dynamic information of a certain particle.
Definition: particledata.h:58
void set_4momentum(const FourVector &momentum_vector)
Set the particle's 4-momentum directly.
Definition: particledata.h:164
void set_4position(const FourVector &pos)
Set the particle's 4-position directly.
Definition: particledata.h:209
void set_formation_time(const double &form_time)
Set the absolute formation time.
Definition: particledata.h:251
void boost_momentum(const ThreeVector &v)
Apply a Lorentz-boost to only the momentum.
Definition: particledata.h:332
A pointer-like interface to global references to ParticleType objects.
Definition: particletype.h:676
Particle type contains the static properties of a particle species.
Definition: particletype.h:98
double mass() const
Definition: particletype.h:145
The Particles class abstracts the storage and manipulation of particles.
Definition: particles.h:33
A container for storing conserved values.
A container class to hold all the arrays on the lattice and access them.
Definition: lattice.h:47
The ThermLatticeNode class is intended to compute thermodynamical quantities in a cell given a set of...
void compute_rest_frame_quantities(HadronGasEos &eos)
Temperature, chemical potentials and rest frame velocity are calculated given the hadron gas equation...
double muq() const
Get the net charge chemical potential.
FourVector Tmu0() const
Get Four-momentum flow of the cell.
double ns_
Net strangeness density of the cell in the computational frame.
void set_rest_frame_quantities(double T0, double mub0, double mus0, double muq0, const ThreeVector v0)
Set all the rest frame quantities to some values, this is useful for testing.
double p() const
Get pressure in the rest frame.
double p_
Pressure in the rest frame.
double mus_
Net strangeness chemical potential.
ThreeVector v() const
Get 3-velocity of the rest frame.
double ns() const
Get net strangeness density of the cell in the computational frame.
double e_
Energy density in the rest frame.
double nb_
Net baryon density of the cell in the computational frame.
void add_particle(const ParticleData &p, double factor)
Add particle contribution to Tmu0, nb, ns and nq May look like unused at first glance,...
double muq_
Net charge chemical potential.
void add_particle_for_derivatives(const ParticleData &, double, ThreeVector)
dummy function for update_lattice
double nq() const
Get net charge density of the cell in the computational frame.
double mub_
Net baryon chemical potential.
FourVector Tmu0_
Four-momentum flow of the cell.
double mus() const
Get the net strangeness chemical potential.
ThreeVector v_
Velocity of the rest frame.
Default constructor of thermal quantities on the lattice returning thermodynamic quantities in comput...
double mub() const
Get the net baryon chemical potential.
double nb() const
Get net baryon density of the cell in the computational frame.
double nq_
Net charge density of the cell in the computational frame.
double e() const
Get energy density in the rest frame.
double T() const
Get the temperature.
The ThreeVector class represents a physical three-vector with the components .
Definition: threevector.h:31
double sqr() const
Definition: threevector.h:266
Defines the algorithm used for the forced thermalization.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &out, const ActionPtr &action)
Convenience: dereferences the ActionPtr to Action.
Definition: action.h:547
constexpr int n
T uniform(T min, T max)
Definition: random.h:88
Definition: action.h:24
double sample_momenta_from_thermal(const double temperature, const double mass)
Samples a momentum from the Maxwell-Boltzmann (thermal) distribution in a faster way,...
Specifier to classify the different hadron species according to their quantum numbers.
@ Antibaryon
All anti-baryons.
@ ZeroQZeroSMeson
Neutral non-strange mesons.
@ NegativeSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S < 0.
@ NegativeQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q < 0.
@ PositiveSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S > 0.
@ Baryon
All baryons.
@ PositiveQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q > 0.
#define S(x, n)