void | smash::Test::create_actual_particletypes () |
| Creates the ParticleType list containing the actual particles that SMASH uses. More...
void | smash::Test::create_actual_decaymodes () |
| Creates the DecayModes list containing the actual decay modes that SMASH uses. More...
void | smash::Test::create_smashon_particletypes () |
| Creates a ParticleType list containing only the smashon test particle. More...
void | smash::Test::create_stable_smashon_particletypes () |
| Creates a ParticleType list containing only the smashon test particle with width 0 (stable). More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon (int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with 0 position and momentum vectors and optionally a given id . More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon (const Position &position, int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with 0 momentum vector, the given position , and optionally a given id . More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon (const Momentum &momentum, int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with 0 position vector, the given momentum , and optionally a given id . More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon (const Position &position, const Momentum &momentum, int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with the given position and momentum vectors, and optionally a given id . More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon (const Momentum &momentum, const Position &position, int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with the given position and momentum vectors, and optionally a given id . More...
ParticleData | smash::Test::smashon_random (int id=-1) |
| Create a particle with random position and momentum vectors and optionally a given id . More...
std::unique_ptr< ExperimentBase > | smash::Test::experiment (Configuration c) |
| Create an experiment given an input configuration. More...
template<typename G > |
ParticleList | smash::Test::create_particle_list (std::size_t n, G &&generator) |
| Generate a list of particles from the given generator function. More...
template<typename G > |
ParticlesPtr | smash::Test::create_particles (int n, G &&generator) |
| Creates a Particles object and fills it with n particles generated by the generator function. More...
ParticlesPtr | smash::Test::create_particles (const std::initializer_list< ParticleData > &init) |
| Creates a Particles object and fills it with the particles passed as initializer_list to this function. More...
ReactionsBitSet | smash::Test::all_reactions_included () |
| returns BitSet of 2->2 reactions, where everything is on More...
MultiParticleReactionsBitSet | smash::Test::no_multiparticle_reactions () |
| returns BitSet for multi-particle reactions, where everything is off More...
ExperimentParameters | smash::Test::default_parameters (int testparticles=1, double dt=0.1, CollisionCriterion crit=CollisionCriterion::Geometric) |
| Creates a standard ExperimentParameters object which works for almost all testing purposes. More...
ScatterActionsFinderParameters | smash::Test::default_finder_parameters (double elastic_parameter=10, NNbarTreatment nnbar_treatment=NNbarTreatment::NoAnnihilation, ReactionsBitSet included_2to2=all_reactions_included(), bool strings_switch=true, bool use_AQM=false, bool strings_with_probability=false, TotalCrossSectionStrategy xs_strategy=TotalCrossSectionStrategy::BottomUp) |
| Creates a standard ScatterActionsFinderParameters object which works for almost all testing purposes. More...
EventInfo | smash::Test::default_event_info (double impact_parameter=0.0, bool empty_event=false) |
| Creates default EventInfo object for testing purposes. More...
std::unique_ptr< StringProcess > | smash::Test::default_string_process_interface () |
| Creates a default StringProcessInterface object for testing. More...