Version: SMASH-3.1
smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver Class Reference

#include <chemicalpotential.h>

A class which encapsulates a GSL algorithm for finding the effective chemical potential and supporting functions.

Definition at line 24 of file chemicalpotential.h.


struct  ParametersForChemPotSolver
 Struct, root equations, and procedure for finding the effective chemical potential for a given particle species. More...

Public Member Functions

double effective_chemical_potential (double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double statistics, double solution_precision)
 Convenience wrapper for finding the effective chemical potential for a given particle species and performing sanity checks on the result. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static double density_one_species (double degeneracy, double mass, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics, Integrator *integrator)
 Vector number density of one particle species, obtained through integrating the Juttner distribution function over the momentum space. More...
static double root_equation_effective_chemical_potential (double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics, Integrator *integrator)
 Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species. More...
static int root_equation_effective_chemical_potential_for_GSL (const gsl_vector *roots_array, void *parameters, gsl_vector *function)
 Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species, suited for the GSL root finding procedure. More...
static void print_state_effective_chemical_potential (unsigned int iter, gsl_multiroot_fsolver *solver)
 A GSL utility which allows for printing out the status of the solver during the root finding procedure. More...
static int find_effective_chemical_potential (double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double statistics, double mu_initial_guess, double solution_precision, Integrator *integrator, double *effective_chemical_potential)
 A GSL root solver for finding the effective chemical potential. More...

Private Attributes

Integrator integrator_ = Integrator(1E6)
 A wrapper for gsl numerical integration. More...

Member Function Documentation

◆ density_one_species()

double smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::density_one_species ( double  degeneracy,
double  mass,
double  temperature,
double  effective_chemical_potential,
double  statistics,
Integrator integrator 

Vector number density of one particle species, obtained through integrating the Juttner distribution function over the momentum space.

Vector number density of one particle species.

[in]degeneracydegeneracy g of the particle species
[in]mass(pole) mass m of the particle species [GeV]
[in]temperaturetemperature T of the system [GeV]
[in]effective_chemical_potentialeffective chemical potential of the system [GeV]
[in]statisticsquantum statistics of the particles species (+1 for Fermi, -1 for Bose, 0 for Boltzmann)
[in]integratorwrapper for gsl numerical integration
the vector number density for a given species of particles [GeV^3]

Definition at line 30 of file

33  {
34  const auto integral = (*integrator)(0.0, 1.0, [&](double x) {
35  return ((1.0 - x) * (1.0 - x) / (x * x * x * x)) *
36  juttner_distribution_func((1.0 - x) / x, mass, temperature,
37  effective_chemical_potential, statistics);
38  });
39  const double integrated_number_density =
40  (degeneracy / (2.0 * M_PI * M_PI)) * integral;
42  return integrated_number_density;
43 }
double effective_chemical_potential(double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double statistics, double solution_precision)
Convenience wrapper for finding the effective chemical potential for a given particle species and per...
double juttner_distribution_func(double momentum_radial, double mass, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics)
Relativistic Juttner distribution function is just a convenience wrapper for displaying Fermi,...

◆ root_equation_effective_chemical_potential()

double smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::root_equation_effective_chemical_potential ( double  degeneracy,
double  mass,
double  number_density,
double  temperature,
double  effective_chemical_potential,
double  statistics,
Integrator integrator 

Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species.

[in]degeneracydegeneracy g of the particle species
[in]mass(pole) mass m of the particle species
[in]number_densitynumber density n of the particle species [GeV^3]
[in]temperaturetemperature T of the system [GeV]
[in]effective_chemical_potentialeffective chemical potential of the system [GeV]
[in]statisticsquantum statistics of the particles species (+1 for Fermi, -1 for Bose, 0 for Boltzmann)
[in]integratorwrapper for gsl numerical integration
the root equation

Definition at line 50 of file

53  {
54  const double integrated_number_density =
55  density_one_species(degeneracy, mass, temperature,
56  effective_chemical_potential, statistics, integrator);
58  return number_density - integrated_number_density;
59 }
static double density_one_species(double degeneracy, double mass, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics, Integrator *integrator)
Vector number density of one particle species, obtained through integrating the Juttner distribution ...

◆ root_equation_effective_chemical_potential_for_GSL()

int smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::root_equation_effective_chemical_potential_for_GSL ( const gsl_vector *  roots_array,
void *  parameters,
gsl_vector *  function 

Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species, suited for the GSL root finding procedure.

[in]roots_arrayan array holding the current best estimate of the roots of the solved equation
[in]parametersrefers to the parameters as provided in the GSL root solving procedure
[in]functionrefers to the root equation(s) as provided in the GSL root solving procedure (where it's called "function")
the root equation suited for GSL root finding procedure

Definition at line 61 of file

62  {
63  struct ParametersForChemPotSolver *par =
64  static_cast<ParametersForChemPotSolver *>(parameters);
66  const double degeneracy = (par->degeneracy);
67  const double mass = (par->mass);
68  const double number_density = (par->number_density);
69  const double temperature = (par->temperature);
70  const double statistics = (par->statistics);
71  Integrator *integrator = (par->integrator);
73  const double effective_chemical_potential = gsl_vector_get(roots_array, 0);
75  gsl_vector_set(function, 0,
77  degeneracy, mass, number_density, temperature,
78  effective_chemical_potential, statistics, integrator));
80  return GSL_SUCCESS;
81 }
static double root_equation_effective_chemical_potential(double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics, Integrator *integrator)
Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species.

◆ print_state_effective_chemical_potential()

void smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::print_state_effective_chemical_potential ( unsigned int  iter,
gsl_multiroot_fsolver *  solver 

A GSL utility which allows for printing out the status of the solver during the root finding procedure.

[in]itervariable keeping track of how many steps in the root solving procedure have been taken
[in]solverGSL solver object, which has access to the current best estimate of the roots and the corresponding function values
message about the current state of the solver

Definition at line 83 of file

84  {
85  std::printf(
86  "\n***\nfind_effective_chemical_potential(): iter = %3u \t"
87  "x = % .3f \t"
88  "f(x) = % .3e \n",
89  iter, gsl_vector_get(solver->x, 0), gsl_vector_get(solver->f, 0));
90 }

◆ find_effective_chemical_potential()

int smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::find_effective_chemical_potential ( double  degeneracy,
double  mass,
double  number_density,
double  temperature,
double  statistics,
double  mu_initial_guess,
double  solution_precision,
Integrator integrator,
double *  effective_chemical_potential 

A GSL root solver for finding the effective chemical potential.

In practice one should use the convenience wrapper effective_chemical_potential(), which also performs sanity checks on the obtained solution.

Solver of the equation for chemical potential \( \mu \)

\[ n = \frac{g}{2 \pi^2} \int \frac{p^2 dp}{ e^{(\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} - \mu)/T} \pm 1} \]

given the density \( n \), and temperature \( T \).

[in]degeneracydegeneracy g of the particle species
[in]massm (pole) mass m of the particle species [GeV]
[in]number_densitynumber density n of the particle species n [GeV^3]
[in]temperaturetemperature T of the system in GeV
[in]statisticsquantum statistics of the particles species (+1 for Fermi, -1 for Bose, 0 for Boltzmann)
[in]mu_initial_guessthe initial guess for the value of the effective chemical potential [GeV]
[in]solution_precisionprecision with which the solution is found; note that this precision also goes into the precision of integrals calculated in the process
[in]integratorwrapper for gsl numerical integration
[out]effective_chemical_potentialthe solution stored in an array object (we use an array in anticipation of generalizing to multidimensional root finding, needed for example when scalar interactions are present and effective mass is calculated at the same time as the effective chemical potential)

Definition at line 92 of file

95  {
96  const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type *Solver_name;
97  gsl_multiroot_fsolver *Root_finder;
99  int status;
100  size_t iter = 0;
102  const size_t problem_dimension = 1;
104  struct ParametersForChemPotSolver parameters = {
105  degeneracy, mass, number_density, temperature, statistics, integrator};
107  gsl_multiroot_function EffectiveChemicalPotential = {
110  problem_dimension, &parameters};
112  double roots_array_initial[problem_dimension] = {mu_initial_guess};
114  gsl_vector *roots_array = gsl_vector_alloc(problem_dimension);
115  gsl_vector_set(roots_array, 0, roots_array_initial[0]);
117  Solver_name = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_hybrids;
118  Root_finder = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_alloc(Solver_name, problem_dimension);
119  gsl_multiroot_fsolver_set(Root_finder, &EffectiveChemicalPotential,
120  roots_array);
122  // print_state_effective_chemical_potential (iter, Root_finder);
124  do {
125  iter++;
127  /*
128  * gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate returns either 0 for a correct behavior,
129  * or an error code (a positive integer) when the solver is stuck
130  */
131  status = gsl_multiroot_fsolver_iterate(Root_finder);
133  // print_state_effective_chemical_potential (iter, Root_finder);
135  /*
136  * Check whether the solver is stuck
137  */
138  if (status) {
139  std::cout << "\nGSL error message:\n"
140  << gsl_strerror(status) << "\n\n"
141  << std::endl;
142  const double conversion_factor =
144  logg[LogArea::Main::id].warn(
145  "\n\nThe GSL solver\nfind_effective_chemical_potential\nis stuck!"
146  "\n\nInput parameters:"
147  "\n degeneracy = ",
148  degeneracy, "\n mass [GeV] = ", mass,
149  "\nnumber_density [fm^-3] = ", number_density / (conversion_factor),
150  "\n temperature [GeV] = ", temperature,
151  "\n statistics = ", statistics,
152  "\n solution_precision = ", solution_precision,
153  "\n\n"
154  "Initialization cannot continue without calculating the "
155  "chemical potential. \nTry adjusting the initial "
156  "guess or the solution precision.\n\n\n");
157  throw std::runtime_error(
158  "Chemical potential calculation returned no result.\n\n");
159  continue;
160  }
162  status = gsl_multiroot_test_residual(Root_finder->f, solution_precision);
164  if (status == GSL_SUCCESS) {
165  effective_chemical_potential[0] = gsl_vector_get(Root_finder->x, 0);
166  }
167  } while (status == GSL_CONTINUE && iter < 100000);
169  gsl_multiroot_fsolver_free(Root_finder);
170  gsl_vector_free(roots_array);
172  return 0;
173 }
static int root_equation_effective_chemical_potential_for_GSL(const gsl_vector *roots_array, void *parameters, gsl_vector *function)
Root equation for finding the value of the effective chemical potential for one particle species,...
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
constexpr double hbarc
GeV <-> fm conversion factor.
Definition: constants.h:25

◆ effective_chemical_potential()

double smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::effective_chemical_potential ( double  degeneracy,
double  mass,
double  number_density,
double  temperature,
double  statistics,
double  solution_precision 

Convenience wrapper for finding the effective chemical potential for a given particle species and performing sanity checks on the result.

[in]degeneracydegeneracy g of the particle species
[in]mass(pole) mass m of the particle species [GeV]
[in]number_densitynumber density n of the particle species [GeV^3]
[in]temperaturetemperature T of the system [GeV]
[in]statisticsquantum statistics of the particles species (+1 for Fermi, -1 for Bose, 0 for Boltzmann)
[in]solution_precisionprecision with which the solution is found; note that this precision also goes into the precision of integrals calculated in the process
effective chemical potential mu, the solution [GeV]

Integration precision should be better than solving precision

value of small_p in GeV; value is chosen to be small (arbitrary choice)

Definition at line 180 of file

182  {
183  assert(temperature > 0); // zero temperature case is not considered here
184  assert(degeneracy > 0);
185  assert(mass > 0);
186  /*
187  * The initial guess for the GSL chemical potential finding
188  * procedure; the guess has to be different for Bose and Fermi
189  * particles.
190  */
191  double initial_guess = 0.0;
192  if (statistics == -1.0) {
193  /*
194  * Such initial guess allows one to sample really close to the Bose
195  * condensate region; at the same time, it works fine in other regions.
196  */
197  initial_guess = 0.999999 * mass;
198  } else {
199  initial_guess = 1.05 * mass;
200  }
203  const double integration_precision = 0.1 * solution_precision;
204  integrator_.set_precision(integration_precision, integration_precision);
206  /*
207  * Array for the GSL chemical potential finder.
208  * Use of array is motivated by anticipating a generalization or overloading
209  * of this solver to include effective mass calculation, which will lead to
210  * multidimensional root finding, in which case the result is best passed as
211  * an array.
212  */
213  double chemical_potential[1];
214  chemical_potential[0] = 0.0;
216  /*
217  * Call the GSL effective chemical potential finding procedure.
218  */
220  degeneracy, mass, number_density, temperature, statistics, initial_guess,
221  solution_precision, &integrator_, chemical_potential);
223  /*
224  * Sanity checks are performed for the obtained value of the chemical
225  * potential .
226  */
228  /*
229  * Check that the calculated chemical potential reproduces the input number
230  * density within acceptable error.
231  */
232  // precision for number density in units of fm^-3
233  const double precision_fm = 1e-3;
234  const double conversion_factor = smash::hbarc * smash::hbarc * smash::hbarc;
235  double nDensityCheck =
236  density_one_species(degeneracy, mass, temperature, chemical_potential[0],
237  statistics, &integrator_);
239  if (std::abs((number_density - nDensityCheck) / conversion_factor) >
240  precision_fm) {
241  logg[LogArea::Main::id].warn(
242  "\n\nThe calculated chemical potential = ", chemical_potential[0],
243  " [GeV] does not reproduce the input number density to within ",
244  precision_fm,
245  "!"
246  "\nnumber_density [GeV^3] = ",
247  number_density, "\n nDensityCheck [GeV^3] = ", nDensityCheck,
248  "\nnumber_density [fm^-3] = ", number_density / (conversion_factor),
249  "\n nDensityCheck [fm^-3] = ", nDensityCheck / (conversion_factor),
250  "\n\n"
251  "Input parameters:"
252  "\n degeneracy = ",
253  degeneracy, "\n mass [GeV] = ", mass,
254  "\nnumber_density [fm^-3] = ", number_density / (conversion_factor),
255  "\n temperature [GeV] = ", temperature,
256  "\n statistics = ", statistics,
257  "\n solution_precision = ", solution_precision,
258  "\n\n"
259  "Initialization cannot continue without a correct "
260  "calculation of the chemical potential."
261  "\nTry adjusting the initial guess or the solution precision.\n\n\n");
262  throw std::runtime_error(
263  "Chemical potential calculation does not reproduce the "
264  "input number density.\n\n");
265  }
267  /*
268  * Check if the obtained value of the effective chemical potential indicates
269  * that the number density is such that for bosons one has encountered the
270  * Bose-Einstein condensate. We need mu < mass in order for the system NOT to
271  * be in the Bose-Einstein condensate region.
272  */
273  if ((statistics == -1) && (chemical_potential[0] > mass)) {
274  logg[LogArea::Main::id].warn(
275  "\n\nThe calculated chemical potential indicates the "
276  "input number density is such that Bose-Einstein "
277  "condensate is encountered."
278  "Input parameters:"
279  "\n degeneracy = ",
280  degeneracy, "\n mass [GeV] = ", mass,
281  "\nnumber_density [fm^-3] = ", number_density / (conversion_factor),
282  "\n temperature [GeV] = ", temperature,
283  "\n statistics = ", statistics,
284  "\n solution_precision = ", solution_precision,
285  "\n\n"
286  "Initialization cannot proceed with a pathological "
287  "distribution function leading to the Bose-Einstein "
288  "condensate. \nTry increasing the temperature or "
289  "decreasing the number density.\n\n\n");
290  throw std::runtime_error(
291  "Chemical potential calculation indicates that the Bose-Einstein "
292  "condensate is produced.");
293  }
295  /*
296  * Check if the distribution is pathological, i.e., has negative values
297  * for low momenta (Bose statistics, in the Bose-Einstein condensate regime,
298  * may produce pathological distributions for which f(p) < 0 ).
299  */
301  const double small_p = 0.005;
302  const double distribution_at_small_p = juttner_distribution_func(
303  small_p, mass, temperature, chemical_potential[0], statistics);
304  if (distribution_at_small_p < 0.0) {
305  logg[LogArea::Main::id].warn(
306  "\n\nNegative values of the distribution function at "
307  "small momenta indicate that Bose-Einstein "
308  "condensate is encountered."
309  "Input parameters:"
310  "\n degeneracy = ",
311  degeneracy, "\n mass [GeV] = ", mass,
312  "\nnumber_density [fm^-3] = ", number_density / (conversion_factor),
313  "\n temperature [GeV] = ", temperature,
314  "\n statistics = ", statistics,
315  "\n solution_precision = ", solution_precision, "\n\nf(p=", small_p,
316  ") = ", distribution_at_small_p,
317  "\n\n"
318  "Initialization cannot proceed with a pathological "
319  "distribution function leading to the Bose-Einstein "
320  "condensate. \nTry increasing the temperature or "
321  "decreasing the number density.\n\n\n");
322  throw std::runtime_error(
323  "Negative values of the distribution function at low momenta "
324  "indicate that the Bose-Einstein condensate is produced.");
325  }
327  return chemical_potential[0];
328 }
Integrator integrator_
A wrapper for gsl numerical integration.
static int find_effective_chemical_potential(double degeneracy, double mass, double number_density, double temperature, double statistics, double mu_initial_guess, double solution_precision, Integrator *integrator, double *effective_chemical_potential)
A GSL root solver for finding the effective chemical potential.
void set_precision(double absolute, double relative)
Set precision for the absolute and relative error of the integration.
Definition: integrate.h:168

Member Data Documentation

◆ integrator_

Integrator smash::ChemicalPotentialSolver::integrator_ = Integrator(1E6)

A wrapper for gsl numerical integration.

Definition at line 184 of file chemicalpotential.h.

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