Version: SMASH-3.1
smash Namespace Reference


 The namespace where log areas are declared.
 Constants representing PDG codes.
 Namespace random provides functions for random Number Generation.


class  Action
 Action is the base class for a generic process that takes a number of incoming particles and transforms them into any number of outgoing particles. More...
class  ActionFinderInterface
 ActionFinderInterface is the abstract base class for all action finders, i.e. More...
class  Actions
 The Actions class abstracts the storage and manipulation of actions. More...
class  Angles
 Angles provides a common interface for generating directions: i.e., two angles that should be interpreted as azimuthal and polar angles. More...
class  Average
 Calculate an average value incrementally. More...
class  BinaryOutputBase
 Base class for SMASH binary output. More...
class  BinaryOutputCollisions
 Saves SMASH collision history to binary file. More...
class  BinaryOutputParticles
 Writes the particle list at specific times to the binary file. More...
class  BinaryOutputInitialConditions
 Writes the particles when crossing the hypersurface to the binary file. More...
class  BoxModus
 BoxModus: Provides a modus for infinite matter calculations. More...
class  BremsstrahlungAction
 BremsAction is a special action which takes two incoming particles and performs a perturbative scattering where a Bremsstrahlung photon is produced. More...
class  ChemicalPotentialSolver
 A class which encapsulates a GSL algorithm for finding the effective chemical potential and supporting functions. More...
class  I_tot_range
 Range of total isospin for reaction of particle a with particle b. More...
class  ClebschGordan
 Class to store and retrieve/calculate Clebsch-Gordan coefficients. More...
class  Clock
 Clock tracks the time in the simulation. More...
class  UniformClock
 Clock with uniformly spaced time steps. More...
class  CustomClock
 Clock with explicitly defined time steps. More...
class  ColliderModus
 ColliderModus: Provides a modus for colliding nuclei. More...
class  Configuration
 Interface to the SMASH configuration files. More...
class  CrossSections
 The cross section class assembels everything that is needed to calculate the cross section and returns a list of all possible reactions for the incoming particles at the given energy with the calculated cross sections. More...
class  CrosssectionsPhoton
class  CrosssectionsPhoton< ComputationMethod::Analytic >
 Class to calculate the cross-section of a meson-meson to meson-photon process. More...
struct  Nucleoncustom
 Contains data for one nucleon that is read in from the list. More...
class  CustomNucleus
 Inheriting from Nucleus-Class using modified Nucleon configurations. More...
class  DecayAction
 DecayAction is a special action which takes one single particle in the initial state and makes it decay into a number of daughter particles (currently two or three). More...
class  DecayActionDilepton
 DecayActionDilepton is special action created for particles that can decay into dileptons. More...
class  DecayActionsFinder
 A simple decay finder: Just loops through all particles and checks if they can decay during the next timestep. More...
class  DecayActionsFinderDilepton
 A dilepton decay finder: Loops through all particles and if they can decay into dileptons, it treats the decays with the shining method. More...
class  DecayModes
 The DecayModes class is used to store and update information about decay branches (i.e. More...
class  DecayType
 DecayType is the abstract base class for all decay types. More...
class  TwoBodyDecay
 TwoBodyDecay represents a decay type with two final-state particles. More...
class  TwoBodyDecayStable
 TwoBodyDecayStable represents a decay type with two stable final-state particles. More...
class  TwoBodyDecaySemistable
 TwoBodyDecaySemistable represents a decay type with two final-state particles, one of which is stable and the other is unstable. More...
class  TwoBodyDecayUnstable
 TwoBodyDecayUnstable represents a decay type with two unstable final-state particles. More...
class  TwoBodyDecayDilepton
 TwoBodyDecayDilepton represents a decay with a lepton and its antilepton as the final-state particles. More...
class  ThreeBodyDecay
 ThreeBodyDecay represents a decay type with three final-state particles. More...
class  ThreeBodyDecayDilepton
 ThreeBodyDecayDilepton represents a decay type with three final-state particles, two of which are leptons. More...
class  DeformedNucleus
 DeformedNucleus: Child of nucleus for deformed nuclei. More...
class  DensityParameters
 A class to pre-calculate and store parameters relevant for density calculation. More...
class  DensityOnLattice
 A class for time-efficient (time-memory trade-off) calculation of density on the lattice. More...
class  EnergyMomentumTensor
 The EnergyMomentumTensor class represents a symmetric positive semi-definite energy-momentum tensor \( T^{\mu \nu}\). More...
class  ExperimentBase
 Non-template interface to Experiment<Modus>. More...
class  Experiment
 The main class, where the simulation of an experiment is executed. More...
struct  ExperimentParameters
 Helper structure for Experiment. More...
class  FieldsOnLattice
 A class for calculating the fields A^mu associated with the VDF potentials. More...
struct  FileDeleter
 FileDeleter is the deleter class for std::unique_ptr of std::FILE. More...
class  RenamingFilePtr
 A RAII type to replace std::FILE *. More...
class  FileLock
 Guard to create a file lock. More...
class  FourVector
 The FourVector class holds relevant values in Minkowski spacetime with (+, −, −, −) metric signature. More...
class  DisableFloatTraps
 Guard type that safely disables floating point traps for the scope in which it is placed. More...
class  FreeforallAction
 Action class to create any incoming/outgoing particle combination freely. More...
class  ThermLatticeNode
 The ThermLatticeNode class is intended to compute thermodynamical quantities in a cell given a set of particles. More...
class  GrandCanThermalizer
 The GrandCanThermalizer class implements the following functionality: More...
class  GridBase
 Base class for Grid to host common functions that do not depend on the GridOptions parameter. More...
class  Grid
 Abstracts a list of cells that partition the particles in the experiment into regions of space that can interact / cannot interact. More...
class  EosTable
 A class to hold, compute and access tabulated EoS. More...
class  HadronGasEos
 Class to handle the equation of state (EoS) of the hadron gas, consisting of all hadrons included in SMASH. More...
class  HepMcInterface
 Base class for output handlers that need the HepMC3 structure. More...
class  HepMcOutput
 SMASH output to HepMC file. More...
class  HypersurfacecrossingAction
 Hypersurfacecrossingaction is a special action which indicates that a particle has crossed a hypersurface of given proper time. More...
class  HyperSurfaceCrossActionsFinder
 Finder for hypersurface crossing actions. More...
class  ICOutput
 SMASH output in ASCII format containing initial conditions for hydrodynamic codes. More...
class  Key
 Object to store a YAML input file key together with metadata associated to it. More...
struct  InputKeys
 A container to keep track of all ever existed input keys. More...
struct  Line
 Line consists of a line number and the contents of that line. More...
struct  GslWorkspaceDeleter
 A deleter type for std::unique_ptr to be used with gsl_integration_workspace pointers. More...
class  Result
 The result type returned from integrations, containing the value and an error. More...
class  Integrator
 A C++ interface for numerical integration in one dimension with the GSL CQUAD integration functions. More...
struct  Integrand2d
 This is a wrapper for the integrand, so we can pass the limits as well for renormalizing to the unit cube. More...
class  Integrator2d
 A C++ interface for numerical integration in two dimensions with the Cuba Cuhre integration function. More...
class  InterpolateLinear
 Represent a linear interpolation. More...
class  InterpolateDataLinear
 Represent a piecewise linear interpolation. More...
class  InterpolateDataSpline
 Represent a cubic spline interpolation. More...
class  InterpolateData2DSpline
 Represent a bicubic spline interpolation. More...
class  IsoParticleType
 IsoParticleType is a class to represent isospin multiplets. More...
class  RectangularLattice
 A container class to hold all the arrays on the lattice and access them. More...
class  ListModus
 ListModus: Provides a modus for running SMASH on an external particle list, for example as an afterburner calculation. More...
class  ListBoxModus
 ListBox: Provides a modus for running the SMASH Box with an external particle list,. More...
struct  FormattingHelper
class  ModusDefault
 Base class for Modus classes that provides default function implementations. More...
class  Nucleus
 A nucleus is a collection of particles that are initialized, before the beginning of the simulation and all have the same velocity. More...
class  OscarOutput
struct  EventInfo
 Structure to contain custom data for output. More...
class  OutputInterface
 Abstraction of generic output. More...
struct  RivetOutputParameters
 Helper structure for OutputParameters in order to store and hand over Rivet parameters. More...
struct  OutputParameters
 Helper structure for Experiment to hold output options and parameters. More...
struct  pair_hash
 Hash a pair of integers. More...
class  KaonNucleonRatios
 Calculate and store isospin ratios for K N -> K Delta reactions. More...
struct  HistoryData
 A structure to hold information about the history of the particle, e.g. More...
class  ParticleData
 ParticleData contains the dynamic information of a certain particle. More...
struct  PrintParticleListDetailed
class  Particles
 The Particles class abstracts the storage and manipulation of particles. More...
class  ParticleType
 Particle type contains the static properties of a particle species. More...
class  ParticleTypePtr
 A pointer-like interface to global references to ParticleType objects. More...
class  PauliBlocker
 A class that stores parameters needed for Pauli blocking, tabulates necessary integrals and computes phase-space density. More...
class  PdgCode
 PdgCode stores a Particle Data Group Particle Numbering Scheme particle type number. More...
class  Potentials
 A class that stores parameters of potentials, calculates potentials and their gradients. More...
class  ProcessBranch
 ProcessBranch represents one possible final state of an interaction process. More...
class  CollisionBranch
 CollisionBranch is a derivative of ProcessBranch, which is used to represent particular final-state channels in a collision. More...
class  DecayBranch
 DecayBranch is a derivative of ProcessBranch, which is used to represent decay channels. More...
struct  ExpansionProperties
 Struct containing the type of the metric and the expansion parameter of the metric. More...
class  QuantumNumbers
 A container for storing conserved values. More...
class  QuantumSampling
 This class: More...
class  RivetOutput
 SMASH output to Rivet analyses. More...
class  RootOutput
class  RootSolver1D
 A class used for calculating the root of a one-dimensional equation. More...
class  ScatterAction
 ScatterAction is a special action which takes two incoming particles and performs a scattering, producing one or more final-state particles. More...
class  ScatterActionMulti
 ScatterActionMulti is a special action which takes any number of incoming particles and performs a scattering with the use of the stochastic criterion, producing one or more final-state particles. More...
class  ScatterActionPhoton
 ScatterActionPhoton is a special action which takes two incoming particles and performs a perturbative electromagnetic scattering. More...
class  ScatterActionsFinder
 A simple scatter finder: Just loops through all particles and checks each pair for a collision. More...
struct  StringTransitionParameters
 Constants related to transition between low and high collision energies. More...
struct  ScatterActionsFinderParameters
 Helper structure for ScatterActionsFinder. More...
class  SphereModus
 SphereModus: Provides a modus for expanding matter calculations. More...
class  StringProcess
 String excitation processes used in SMASH. More...
class  Tabulation
 A class for storing a one-dimensional lookup table of floating-point values. More...
class  ThermalizationAction
 ThermalizationAction implements forced thermalization as an Action class. More...
class  ThermodynamicLatticeOutput
 Writes the thermodynamic quantities at lattice points versus time. More...
class  ThermodynamicOutput
 Writes the thermodynamic quantities at a specified point versus time. More...
class  ThreeVector
 The ThreeVector class represents a physical three-vector \( \mathbf{x} = (x_1,x_2,x_3)\) with the components \( x_1,x_2,x_3 \). More...
class  VtkOutput
 SMASH output in a paraview format, intended for simple visualization. More...
class  WallcrossingAction
 WallcrossingAction is a special action which indicates that a particle has crossed a box wall. More...
class  WallCrossActionsFinder
 Finder for wall crossing actions, when using peridic boundary conditons. More...
struct  NeighborLookup
 A strust containing the informations needed to search the neighboring cell. More...
struct  FinalStateCrossSection
 Represent a final-state cross section. More...


using SystemTimePoint = std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock >
 Type (alias) that is used to store the current time. More...
using SystemClock = std::chrono::system_clock
 Type (alias) used to obtain the current time via SystemClock:Now(). More...
using SystemTimeSpan = SystemClock::duration
 The time duration type (alias) used for measuring run times. More...
typedef RectangularLattice< DensityOnLatticeDensityLattice
 Conveniency typedef for lattice of density. More...
typedef RectangularLattice< FieldsOnLatticeFieldsLattice
 Conveniency typedef for lattice of fields. More...
using FilePtr = std::unique_ptr< std::FILE, FileDeleter >
 A RAII type to replace std::FILE *. More...
using Version = std::string
 Descriptive alias for storing SMASH versions associated to keys metadata. More...
using KeyLabels = std::vector< std::string >
 Descriptive alias for storing key labels, i.e. More...
using Permutation = std::vector< size_t >
 Represent a permutation. More...


enum class  ComputationMethod { Analytic }
 Calculation method for the cross sections. More...
enum class  DensityType {
  None = 0 , Hadron = 1 , Baryon = 2 , BaryonicIsospin = 3 ,
  Pion = 4 , Isospin3_tot = 5 , Charge = 6 , Strangeness = 7
 Allows to choose which kind of density to calculate. More...
enum class  HadronClass {
  Baryon = 0 , Antibaryon = 1 , PositiveSMeson = 2 , NegativeSMeson = 3 ,
  PositiveQZeroSMeson = 4 , NegativeQZeroSMeson = 5 , ZeroQZeroSMeson = 6
 Specifier to classify the different hadron species according to their quantum numbers. More...
enum class  GridOptions : char { Normal = 0 , PeriodicBoundaries = 1 }
 Identifies the mode of the Grid. More...
enum class  CellSizeStrategy : char { Optimal , Largest }
 Indentifies the strategy of determining the cell size. More...
enum class  CellNumberLimitation : char { None , ParticleNumber }
 Identifies whether the number of cells should be limited. More...
enum class  LatticeUpdate { AtOutput = 0 , EveryTimestep = 1 , EveryFixedInterval = 2 }
 Enumerator option for lattice updates. More...
enum  OscarOutputFormat { OscarFormat2013 , OscarFormat2013Extended , OscarFormat1999 }
 Selector for the output format of OscarOutput. More...
enum  OscarOutputContents {
  OscarInteractions = 0x001 , OscarTimesteps = 0x002 , OscarAtEventstart = 0x004 , OscarParticlesAtEventend = 0x008 ,
  OscarParticlesAtEventendIfNotEmpty = 0x010 , OscarParticlesIC = 0x020
 Flags for the Contents template parameter of OscarOutput. More...
enum class  BelongsTo : uint8_t { Nothing = 0 , Projectile = 1 , Target = 2 }
enum class  Parity { Pos , Neg }
 Represent the parity of a particle type. More...
enum class  WhichDecaymodes { All , Hadronic , Dileptons }
 Decide which decay mode widths are returned in get partical widths. More...
enum class  ProcessType {
  None = 0 , Elastic = 1 , TwoToOne = 2 , TwoToTwo = 3 ,
  TwoToThree = 4 , TwoToFour = 15 , TwoToFive = 13 , Decay = 5 ,
  Wall = 6 , Thermalization = 7 , HyperSurfaceCrossing = 8 , Bremsstrahlung = 9 ,
  MultiParticleThreeMesonsToOne = 10 , MultiParticleThreeToTwo = 11 , MultiParticleFourToTwo = 14 , MultiParticleFiveToTwo = 12 ,
  StringSoftSingleDiffractiveAX = 41 , StringSoftSingleDiffractiveXB = 42 , StringSoftDoubleDiffractive = 43 , StringSoftAnnihilation = 44 ,
  StringSoftNonDiffractive = 45 , StringHard = 46 , FailedString = 47 , Freeforall = 90
 ProcessTypes are used to identify the type of the process. More...
enum class  Extrapolation { Zero = 0 , Const = 1 , Linear = 2 }
 The kind of extrapolation used by the tabulation. More...
enum class  NeedsToWrap { PlusLength , No , MinusLength }
 The options determining what to do if a particle flies out of the grids PlusLength: Used if a periodic boundary condition is applied and a particle passes through the lower bound of the grid. More...


std::vector< ActionPtr > & operator+= (std::vector< ActionPtr > &lhs, std::vector< ActionPtr > &&rhs)
 Append vector of action pointers. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ActionPtr &action)
 Convenience: dereferences the ActionPtr to Action. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ActionList &actions)
 Writes multiple actions to the out stream. More...
template<typename Iterator >
static bool enforce_periodic_boundaries (Iterator begin, const Iterator &end, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type length)
 Enforces periodic boundaries on the given collection of values. More...
template<typename Container , typename UnaryPredicate >
bool all_of (Container &&c, UnaryPredicate &&p)
 Convenience wrapper for std::all_of that operates on a complete container. More...
template<typename Container , typename UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction for_each (Container &&c, UnaryFunction &&f)
 Convenience wrapper for std::for_each that operates on a complete container. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Angles &a)
 Creates output for an Angles object in the form "φ: 0.1294, cos ϑ: 0.423". More...
template<typename T >
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::vector< T > > dedup_avg (const std::vector< T > &x, const std::vector< T > &y)
 Remove duplicates from data (x, y) by averaging y. More...
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to1 (const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &Res)
 Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a resonance Res. More...
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_3to1 (const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &p_c, const ParticleType &Res)
 Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for three particles p_a, p_b and p_c coupling to a resonance Res. More...
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2 (const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &p_c, const ParticleType &p_d, const int I=-1)
 Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for a 2-to-2 reaction A + B -> C + D. More...
double cut_off (const double sigma_mb)
 Cross section after cut off. More...
double y_l_m (int l, int m, double cosx, double phi)
 Spherical harmonics Y_2_0, Y_2_2, Y_3_0 and Y_4_0. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, DensityType dt)
 Create the output operator for the densities. More...
double density_factor (const ParticleType &type, DensityType dens_type)
 Get the factor that determines how much a particle contributes to the density type that is computed. More...
double smearing_factor_norm (const double two_sigma_sqr)
 Norm of the Gaussian smearing function. More...
double smearing_factor_rcut_correction (const double rcut_in_sigma)
 Gaussians used for smearing are cut at radius \(r_{cut} = a \sigma \) for calculation speed-up. More...
std::pair< double, ThreeVectorunnormalized_smearing_factor (const ThreeVector &r, const FourVector &p, const double m_inv, const DensityParameters &dens_par, const bool compute_gradient=false)
 Implements gaussian smearing for any quantity. More...
std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVectorcurrent_eckart (const ThreeVector &r, const ParticleList &plist, const DensityParameters &par, DensityType dens_type, bool compute_gradient, bool smearing)
 Calculates Eckart rest frame density and 4-current of a given density type and optionally the gradient of the density in an arbitary frame (grad j0), the curl of the 3-current, and the time, x, y, and z derivatives of the 4-current. More...
std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVectorcurrent_eckart (const ThreeVector &r, const Particles &plist, const DensityParameters &par, DensityType dens_type, bool compute_gradient, bool smearing)
 convenience overload of the above (ParticleList -> Particles) More...
template<typename T >
void update_lattice (RectangularLattice< T > *lat, const LatticeUpdate update, const DensityType dens_type, const DensityParameters &par, const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, const bool compute_gradient)
 Updates the contents on the lattice. More...
void update_lattice (RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice > *lat, RectangularLattice< FourVector > *old_jmu, RectangularLattice< FourVector > *new_jmu, RectangularLattice< std::array< FourVector, 4 >> *four_grad_lattice, const LatticeUpdate update, const DensityType dens_type, const DensityParameters &par, const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, const double time_step, const bool compute_gradient)
 Updates the contents on the lattice of DensityOnLattice type. More...
double breit_wigner (double m, double pole, double width)
 Returns a relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution. More...
double breit_wigner_nonrel (double m, double pole, double width)
 Returns a non-relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution, which is essentially a Cauchy distribution with half width. More...
double cauchy (double x, double pole, double width)
 Returns a Cauchy distribution (sometimes also called Lorentz or non-relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution) with the given parameters. More...
double density_integrand_mass (const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
 density_integrand_mass - off_equilibrium distribution for massive particles More...
double density_integrand_1M_IC (const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
 density integrand - 1M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky [7] More...
double density_integrand_2M_IC (const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
 density integrand - 2M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky [7] More...
double juttner_distribution_func (double momentum_radial, double mass, double temperature, double effective_chemical_potential, double statistics)
 Relativistic Juttner distribution function is just a convenience wrapper for displaying Fermi, Bose, and Boltzmann distributions in one mathematical form. More...
double sample_momenta_non_eq_mass (const double temperature, const double mass)
 Samples a momentum via rejection method from the non-equilibrium distribution. More...
double sample_momenta_1M_IC (const double temperature, const double mass)
 Samples a momentum from the non-equilibrium distribution 1M_IC from Bazow:2016oky [7]. More...
double sample_momenta_2M_IC (const double temperature, const double mass)
 Samples a momentum from the non-equilibrium distribution 2M_IC from Bazow:2016oky [7]. More...
double sample_momenta_from_thermal (const double temperature, const double mass)
 Samples a momentum from the Maxwell-Boltzmann (thermal) distribution in a faster way, given by Scott Pratt (see Pratt:2014vja [44]) APPENDIX: ALGORITHM FOR GENERATING PARTICLES math trick: for \( x^{n-1}e^{-x} \) distribution, sample x by: \( x = -ln(r_1 r_2 r_3 ... r_n) \) where \( r_i \) are uniform random numbers between [0,1) for \( T/m > 0.6 \): \( p^2 e^{-E/T} = p^2 e^{-p/T} * e^{(p-E)/T} \), where \( e^{(p-E)/T}\) is used as rejection weight. More...
double sample_momenta_IC_ES (const double temperature)
 Sample momenta according to the momentum distribution in Bazow:2016oky [7]. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const EnergyMomentumTensor &Tmn)
 Prints out 4x4 tensor to the output stream. More...
EnergyMomentumTensor operator+ (EnergyMomentumTensor a, const EnergyMomentumTensor &b)
 Direct addition operator. More...
EnergyMomentumTensor operator- (EnergyMomentumTensor a, const EnergyMomentumTensor &b)
 Direct subtraction operator. More...
EnergyMomentumTensor operator* (EnergyMomentumTensor a, const double b)
 Direct multiplication operator. More...
EnergyMomentumTensor operator* (const double a, EnergyMomentumTensor b)
 Direct multiplication operator. More...
EnergyMomentumTensor operator/ (EnergyMomentumTensor a, const double b)
 Direct division operator. More...
template<typename Modus >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Experiment< Modus > &e)
 Creates a verbose textual description of the setup of the Experiment. More...
ExperimentParameters create_experiment_parameters (Configuration &config)
 Gathers all general Experiment parameters. More...
const std::string hline (113, '-')
 String representing a horizontal line. More...
std::string format_measurements (const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, uint64_t scatterings_this_interval, const QuantumNumbers &conserved_initial, SystemTimePoint time_start, double time, double E_mean_field, double E_mean_field_initial)
 Generate a string which will be printed to the screen when SMASH is running. More...
double calculate_mean_field_energy (const Potentials &potentials, RectangularLattice< smash::DensityOnLattice > &jmu_B_lat, RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *em_lattice, const ExperimentParameters &parameters)
 Calculate the total mean field energy of the system; this will be printed to the screen when SMASH is running. More...
EventInfo fill_event_info (const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, double E_mean_field, double modus_impact_parameter, const ExperimentParameters &parameters, bool projectile_target_interact, bool kinematic_cut_for_SMASH_IC)
 Generate the EventInfo object which is passed to outputs_. More...
void validate_and_adjust_particle_list (ParticleList &particle_list)
 Validate a particle list adjusting each particle to be a valid SMASH particle. More...
void check_interactions_total (uint64_t interactions_total)
 Make sure interactions_total can be represented as a 32-bit integer. More...
void update_fields_lattice (RectangularLattice< FieldsOnLattice > *fields_lat, RectangularLattice< FourVector > *old_fields, RectangularLattice< FourVector > *new_fields, RectangularLattice< std::array< FourVector, 4 >> *fields_four_grad_lattice, DensityLattice *jmu_B_lat, const LatticeUpdate fields_lat_update, const Potentials &potentials, const double time_step)
 Updates the contents on the lattice of FieldsOnLattice type. More...
FilePtr fopen (const std::filesystem::path &filename, const std::string &mode)
 Open a file with given mode. More...
double blatt_weisskopf_sqr (const double p_ab, const int L)
double post_ff_sqr (double m, double M0, double srts0, double L)
 An additional form factor for unstable final states as used in GiBUU, according to M. More...
double em_form_factor_ps (PdgCode pdg, double mass)
double em_form_factor_sqr_vec (PdgCode pdg, double mass)
double form_factor_delta ([[maybe_unused]] double m)
FourVector operator+ (FourVector a, const FourVector &b)
 add two FourVectors More...
FourVector operator- (FourVector a, const FourVector &b)
 subtract two FourVectors More...
FourVector operator* (FourVector a, double b)
 multiply a vector with a scalar More...
FourVector operator* (double b, FourVector a)
 multiply a vector with a scalar More...
FourVector operator/ (FourVector a, const double &b)
 divide a vector by a scalar More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const FourVector &vec)
 Writes the four components of the vector to the output stream. More...
bool enable_float_traps (int)
 Fallback that fails to set the trap. More...
void setup_default_float_traps ()
 Setup the floating-point traps used throughout SMASH. More...
template<typename F >
void without_float_traps (F &&f)
 Convenience function to create a scope where all floating point traps are disabled. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ThermLatticeNode &node)
 This operator writes all the thermodynamic quantities at a certain position to the file out. More...
std::string build_error_string (std::string message, const Line &line)
 Builds a meaningful error message. More...
build_vector_< Lineline_parser (const std::string &input)
 Helper function for parsing particles.txt and decaymodes.txt. More...
void ensure_all_read (std::istream &input, const Line &line)
 Makes sure that nothing is left to read from this line. More...
std::string read_all (std::istream &&input)
 Utility function to read a complete input stream (e.g. More...
bool has_crlf_line_ending (const std::string in)
 Check if a line in the string ends with \r\n. More...
template<typename T >
interpolate_trilinear (T ax, T ay, T az, T f1, T f2, T f3, T f4, T f5, T f6, T f7, T f8)
 Perform a trilinear 1st order interpolation. More...
template<typename T , typename Cmp >
Permutation generate_sort_permutation (std::vector< T > const &v, Cmp compare)
 Calculate the permutations necessary for sorting a vector. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > apply_permutation (const std::vector< T > &v, const Permutation &p)
 Apply a permutation to a vector. More...
template<typename T >
void check_duplicates (const std::vector< T > &x, const std::string &error_position)
 Check whether two components have the same value in a sorted vector x. More...
template<typename T >
size_t find_index (const std::vector< T > &v, T x)
 Find the index in v that corresponds to the last value strictly smaller than x. More...
template<int w = 9, int p = w - 3, typename CharT , typename Traits >
std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > & field (std::basic_ostream< CharT, Traits > &s)
 Stream modifier to align the next object to a specific width w. More...
double center_of_velocity_v (double s, double ma, double mb)
double fixed_target_projectile_v (double s, double ma, double mb)
template<typename T >
pCM_sqr_from_s (const T s, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
template<typename T >
pCM_from_s (const T s, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
template<typename T >
pCM (const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
template<typename T >
pCM_sqr (const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
template<typename T >
std::array< T, 2 > get_t_range (const T sqrts, const T m1, const T m2, const T m3, const T m4)
 Get the range of Mandelstam-t values allowed in a particular 2->2 process, see PDG 2014 booklet, eq. More...
static void check_energy (double mandelstam_s, double m_sum)
 Helper function for plab_from_s. More...
static void check_radicand (double mandelstam_s, double radicand)
 Helper function for plab_from_s. More...
double plab_from_s (double mandelstam_s, double mass)
 Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision. More...
double plab_from_s (double mandelstam_s)
 Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision. More...
double plab_from_s (double mandelstam_s, double m_projectile, double m_target)
 Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision. More...
double s_from_Etot (double e_tot, double m_P, double m_T)
 Convert E_tot to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and a total energy e_tot and a target of mass m_T at rest. More...
double s_from_Etot (double e_tot_p, double e_tot_t, double m_p, double m_t)
 Convert E_tot to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total energies and masses (E,m) More...
double s_from_Ekin (double e_kin, double m_P, double m_T)
 Convert E_kin to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and a kinetic energy e_kin and a target of mass m_T at rest. More...
double s_from_Ekin (double e_kin_p, double e_kin_t, double m_p, double m_t)
 Convert E_kin=(E_tot-m) to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total energies and masses (E,m) More...
double s_from_plab (double plab, double m_P, double m_T)
 Convert p_lab to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and momentum plab and a target of mass m_T at rest. More...
double s_from_plab (double plab_p, double plab_t, double m_p, double m_t)
 Convert P_lab to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total momenta and masses (P,m) (P_lab gives per nucleon, P=P_lab*A) More...
Configuration setup_config_and_logging (const std::string &config_file, const std::string &particles_file={}, const std::string &decaymodes_file={}, const std::vector< std::string > &extra_config={})
 Set up configuration and logging from input files and extra config. More...
void initialize_particles_decays_and_tabulations (Configuration &configuration, const std::string &version, const std::string &tabulations_dir={})
 Initialize the particles and decays from the given configuration, plus tabulate the resonance integrals. More...
void create_all_loggers (Configuration config)
 Called from main() right after the Configuration object is fully set up to create all logger objects (as defined by LogArea::AreaTuple) with the correct area names and log levels. More...
einhard::LogLevel default_loglevel ()
void set_default_loglevel (einhard::LogLevel level)
 Set the default log level (what will be returned from subsequent default_loglevel calls). More...
template<typename T >
FormattingHelper< T > format (const T &value, const char *unit, int width=-1, int precision=-1)
 Acts as a stream modifier for std::ostream to output an object with an optional suffix string and with a given field width and precision. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > smooth (const std::vector< T > &x, const std::vector< T > &y, T span=2./3, size_t iter=3, T delta=0)
 Apply the LOWESS smoother (see the reference below) to the given data (x, y). More...
template<typename D , typename S >
constexpr D numeric_cast (const S value)
 Function template to perform a safe numeric conversion between types. More...
constexpr uint32_t numeric_cast (const size_t value)
 Function template specialization to perform a safe numeric conversion from size_t to uint32_t . More...
template<typename N >
bool almost_equal (const N x, const N y)
 Checks two numbers for relative approximate equality. More...
template<typename N >
bool almost_equal_physics (const N x, const N y)
 Same as smash::almost_equal, but for physical checks like energy-momentum conservation small_number is enough precision-wise. More...
template<typename T = std::initializer_list<double>>
bool is_any_nan (const T &collection)
 This function iterates through the elements of a collection and checks if any of them is NaN using the std::isnan function. More...
std::unique_ptr< OutputInterfacecreate_oscar_output (const std::string &format, const std::string &content, const std::filesystem::path &path, const OutputParameters &out_par)
bool parametrization_exists (const PdgCode &pdg_a, const PdgCode &pdg_b)
 Checks if supplied codes have existing parametrizations of total cross sections. More...
double xs_high_energy (double mandelstam_s, bool is_opposite_charge, double ma, double mb, double P, double R1, double R2)
 total hadronic cross sections at high energies parametrized in the 2016 PDG book( More...
double pp_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 pp total cross section at high energies More...
double ppbar_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 ppbar total cross section at high energies More...
double np_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 np total cross section at high energies More...
double npbar_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 npbar total cross section at high energies More...
double piplusp_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 pi+p total cross section at high energies More...
double piminusp_high_energy (double mandelstam_s)
 pi-p total cross section at high energies More...
double xs_ppbar_annihilation (double mandelstam_s)
 parametrized cross-section for proton-antiproton annihilation used in the UrQMD model More...
double xs_string_hard (double mandelstam_s, double xs_0, double e_0, double lambda_pow)
 Utility function called by specific other parametrizations Parametrized hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering) This parametrization is a direct fit to cross sections in PYTHIA See Sjostrand:1987su [51]. More...
double NN_string_hard (double mandelstam_s)
 nucleon-nucleon hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering) More...
double Npi_string_hard (double mandelstam_s)
 nucleon-pion hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering) More...
double pipi_string_hard (double mandelstam_s)
 pion-pion hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering) More...
double pipluspiminus_total (double sqrts)
 pi+ pi- total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. More...
double pizeropizero_total (double sqrts)
 pi0 pi0 total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. More...
double piplusp_total (double sqrts)
 pi+ p total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. More...
double piplusp_elastic_high_energy (double mandelstam_s, double m1, double m2)
 pi+p elactic cross section parametrization. More...
double piplusp_elastic_AQM (double mandelstam_s, double m1, double m2)
 An overload of piplusp_elastic_high_energy in which the very low part is replaced by a flat 5 mb cross section; used for meson-meson interactions. More...
double piplusp_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 pi+p elastic cross section parametrization, PDG data. More...
double piplusp_sigmapluskplus_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
 pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ cross section parametrization, PDG data. More...
double piminusp_total (double sqrts)
 pi- p total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. More...
double piminusp_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 pi-p elastic cross section parametrization Source: GiBUU:parametrizationBarMes_HighEnergy.f90 More...
double piminusp_lambdak0_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
 pi- p -> Lambda K0 cross section parametrization, PDG data. More...
double piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
 pi- p -> Sigma- K+ cross section parametrization, PDG data. More...
double piminusp_sigma0k0_res (double mandelstam_s)
 pi- p -> Sigma0 K0 cross section parametrization, resonance contribution. More...
double pp_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 pp elastic cross section parametrization Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq. More...
double pp_elastic_high_energy (double mandelstam_s, double m1, double m2)
 pp elastic cross section parametrization, with only the high energy part generalized to all energy regimes (used for AQM) Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq. More...
double pp_total (double mandelstam_s)
 pp total cross section parametrization Sources: low-p: Cugnon:1996kh [18] highest-p: Buss:2011mx [13] More...
double np_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 np elastic cross section parametrization Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq. More...
double np_total (double mandelstam_s)
 np total cross section parametrization Sources: low-p: Cugnon:1996kh [18] highest-p: Buss:2011mx [13] More...
double ppbar_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 ppbar elastic cross section parametrization Source: Bass:1998ca [5] More...
double ppbar_total (double mandelstam_s)
 ppbar total cross section parametrization Source: Bass:1998ca [5] More...
double deuteron_pion_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 Deuteron pion elastic cross-section [mb] parametrized to fit pi-d elastic scattering data (the data collection was be obtained from SAID data base, More...
double deuteron_nucleon_elastic (double mandelstam_s)
 Deuteron nucleon elastic cross-section [mb] parametrized by Oh:2009gx [39]. More...
double kplusp_total (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ p total cross section parametrization. More...
double kplusn_total (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ n total cross section parametrization. More...
double kminusn_total (double mandelstam_s)
 K- n total cross section parametrization. More...
double kminusp_total (double mandelstam_s)
 K- p total cross section parametrization. More...
double kplusp_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ p elastic background cross section parametrization. More...
double kplusn_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ n elastic background cross section parametrization sigma(K+n->K+n) = sigma(K+n->K0p) = 0.5 * sigma(K+p->K+p) Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8. More...
double kplusn_k0p (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ n charge exchange cross section parametrization. More...
double kminusp_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K- p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double kminusn_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K- n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double k0p_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K0 p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double k0n_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K0 n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double kbar0p_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 Kbar0 p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double kbar0n_elastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 Kbar0 n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9. More...
double kplusp_inelastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ p inelastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8. More...
double kplusn_inelastic_background (double mandelstam_s)
 K+ n inelastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8. More...
double kminusp_kbar0n (double mandelstam_s)
 K- p <-> Kbar0 n cross section parametrization. More...
double kminusp_piminussigmaplus (double sqrts)
 K- p <-> pi- Sigma+ cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double kminusp_piplussigmaminus (double sqrts)
 K- p <-> pi+ Sigma- cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double kminusp_pi0sigma0 (double sqrts)
 K- p <-> pi0 Sigma0 cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values. More...
double kminusp_pi0lambda (double sqrts)
 K- p <-> pi0 Lambda cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values. More...
double kminusn_piminussigma0 (double sqrts)
 K- n <-> pi- Sigma0 cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry. More...
double kminusn_pi0sigmaminus (double sqrts)
 K- n <-> pi0 Sigma- cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry. More...
double kminusn_piminuslambda (double sqrts)
 K- n <-> pi- Lambda cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry. More...
double lambdalambda_ximinusp (double sqrts_sqrts0, double p_N, double p_lambda)
 Lambda Lambda <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double lambdalambda_xi0n (double sqrts_sqrts0, double p_N, double p_lambda)
 Lambda Lambda <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double lambdasigmaplus_xi0p (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Lambda Sigma+ <-> Xi0 p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double lambdasigmaminus_ximinusn (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Lambda Sigma- <-> Xi- n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double lambdasigma0_ximinusp (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Lambda Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double lambdasigma0_xi0n (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Lambda Sigma0 <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigma0sigma0_ximinusp (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma0 Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigma0sigma0_xi0n (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma0 Sigma0 <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0p (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi0 p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigma0sigmaminus_ximinusn (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma0 Sigma- <-> Xi- n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigmaplussigmaminus_ximinusp (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
double sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0n (double sqrts_sqrts0)
 Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const ParticleData &p)
 Writes the state of the particle to the output stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ParticleList &particle_list)
 Writes a compact overview over the particles in the particle_list argument to the stream. More...
PrintParticleListDetailed detailed (const ParticleList &list)
 Request the ParticleList to be printed in full detail (i.e. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PrintParticleListDetailed &particle_list)
 Writes a detailed overview over the particles in the particle_list argument to the stream. More...
ParticleData create_valid_smash_particle_matching_provided_quantities (PdgCode pdgcode, double mass, const FourVector &four_position, const FourVector &four_momentum, int log_area, bool &mass_warning, bool &on_shell_warning)
 This function creates a SMASH particle validating the provided information. More...
bool are_particles_identical_at_given_time (const ParticleData &p1, const ParticleData &p2, double time)
 Utility function to compare two ParticleData instances with respect to their PDG code, 4-position and 4-momenta. More...
Parity operator- (Parity p)
Parity operator* (Parity x, Parity y)
void operator*= (Parity &x, Parity y)
ParticleTypePtrList list_possible_resonances (const ParticleTypePtr type_a, const ParticleTypePtr type_b)
 Lists the possible resonances that decay into two particles. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, PdgCode &code)
 Sets the PDG code from the textual representation in the input stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &is, const PdgCode &code)
 Writes the textual representation of the PDG code to the output stream. More...
bool is_dilepton (const PdgCode pdg1, const PdgCode pdg2)
bool has_lepton_pair (const PdgCode pdg1, const PdgCode pdg2, const PdgCode pdg3)
constexpr uint64_t pack (int32_t x, int32_t y)
 Pack two int32_t into an uint64_t. More...
template<class T >
constexpr T pow_int (const T base, unsigned const exponent)
 Efficient template for calculating integer powers using squaring. More...
template<class T >
constexpr T square (const T base)
 Efficient template for calculating the square. More...
bool is_string_soft_process (ProcessType p)
 Check if a given process type is a soft string excitation. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProcessType process_type)
 Writes the textual representation of the process_type to the output stream os. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const CollisionBranch &cbranch)
 Writes the textual representation of the Collision Branch cbranch to the output stream os. More...
double calc_hubble (double time, const ExpansionProperties &metric)
 Calculate the Hubble parameter \(H(t)\), which describes how large the expansion flow is. More...
double propagate_straight_line (Particles *particles, double to_time, const std::vector< FourVector > &beam_momentum)
 Propagates the positions of all particles on a straight line to a given moment. More...
void expand_space_time (Particles *particles, const ExperimentParameters &parameters, const ExpansionProperties &metric)
 Modifies positions and momentum of all particles to account for space-time deformation. More...
void update_momenta (std::vector< Particles > &particles, double dt, const Potentials &pot, RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *FB_lat, RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *FI3_lat, RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *EM_lat, DensityLattice *jB_lat)
 Updates the momenta of all particles at the current time step according to the equations of motion: More...
ScatterActionsFinderParameters create_finder_parameters (Configuration &config, const ExperimentParameters &parameters)
 Gather all relevant parameters for a ScatterActionsFinder either getting them from an ExperimentParameters instance or extracting them from a Configuration . More...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > load_particles_and_decaymodes (const std::filesystem::path &particles_file, const std::filesystem::path &decaymodes_file)
 Loads particles and decaymodes from provided files particles_file and decaymodes_file. More...
void initialize_default_particles_and_decaymodes ()
 Loads default smash particle list and decaymodes. More...
std::string trim (const std::string &s)
 Strip leading and trailing whitespaces. More...
void remove_substr (std::string &s, const std::string &p)
 Remove all instances of a substring p in a string s. More...
void isoclean (std::string &s)
 Remove ⁺, ⁻, ⁰ from string. More...
std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &s, char delim)
 Split string by delimiter. More...
std::string join (const std::vector< std::string > &v, const std::string &delim)
 Join strings using delimiter. More...
std::string quote (const std::string &s)
 Add quotes around string. More...
double spec_func_integrand_1res (double resonance_mass, double sqrts, double stable_mass, const ParticleType &type)
 Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with one resonance in the final state (the second particle is stable). More...
double spec_func_integrand_2res (double sqrts, double res_mass_1, double res_mass_2, const ParticleType &t1, const ParticleType &t2)
 Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with two resonances in the final state. More...
Tabulation spectral_integral_semistable (Integrator &integrate, const ParticleType &resonance, const ParticleType &stable, double range)
 Create a table for the spectral integral of a resonance and a stable particle. More...
Tabulation spectral_integral_unstable (Integrator2d &integrate2d, const ParticleType &res1, const ParticleType &res2, double range)
 Create a table for the spectral integral of two resonances. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const ThreeVector &)
 Writes the three components of the vector to the output stream. More...
ThreeVector operator+ (ThreeVector a, const ThreeVector &b)
ThreeVector operator- (ThreeVector a, const ThreeVector &b)
ThreeVector operator* (ThreeVector a, const double &b)
 multiply a three-vector by constant factor: \( b\cdot\mathbf{a} \). More...
ThreeVector operator* (const double &a, ThreeVector b)
 multiply a three-vector by constant factor: \( a\cdot\mathbf{b} \). More...
double operator* (ThreeVector a, const ThreeVector &b)
ThreeVector operator/ (ThreeVector a, const double &b)
 divide a three-vector by constant factor: \(\mathbf{a}/b\). More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BoxModus &m)
static double isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1 (const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const int I_tot, const int I_z)
 Calculate isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a total isospin. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ColliderModus &m)
static double detailed_balance_factor_stable (double s, const ParticleType &a, const ParticleType &b, const ParticleType &c, const ParticleType &d)
 Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that. More...
static double detailed_balance_factor_RK (double sqrts, double pcm, const ParticleType &a, const ParticleType &b, const ParticleType &c, const ParticleType &d)
 Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that. More...
static double detailed_balance_factor_RR (double sqrts, double pcm, const ParticleType &a, const ParticleType &b, const ParticleType &c, const ParticleType &d)
 Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that. More...
static void append_list (CollisionBranchList &main_list, CollisionBranchList in_list, double weight=1.)
 Helper function: Append a list of processes to another (main) list of processes. More...
static int min_angular_momentum (int s0, int s1, int s2)
static int min_angular_momentum (int s0, int s1, int s2, int s3)
static double integrand_rho_Manley_1res (double sqrts, double mass, double stable_mass, ParticleTypePtr type, int L)
static double integrand_rho_Manley_2res (double sqrts, double m1, double m2, ParticleTypePtr t1, ParticleTypePtr t2, int L)
static ParticleTypePtrList & arrange_particles (ParticleTypePtrList &part_types)
 Rearrange the particle list such that the first particle is the stable one. More...
static ParticleTypePtrList sort_particles (ParticleTypePtrList part_types)
 sort the particle list More...
template<typename T >
std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVectorcurrent_eckart_impl (const ThreeVector &r, const T &plist, const DensityParameters &par, DensityType dens_type, bool compute_gradient, bool smearing)
 Calculates Eckart rest frame density and 4-current of a given density type and optionally the gradient of the density in an arbitary frame (grad j0), the curl of the 3-current, and the time, x, y, and z derivatives of the 4-current. More...
static IsoParticleTypetry_find_private (const std::string &name)
 Helper function for IsoParticleType::try_find and friends. More...
static std::string multiplet_name (std::string name)
 Construct the name-string for an isospin multiplet from the given name-string for the particle. More...
static std::filesystem::path generate_tabulation_path (const std::filesystem::path &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &res_name)
void cache_integral (std::unordered_map< std::string, Tabulation > &tabulations, const std::filesystem::path &dir, sha256::Hash hash, const IsoParticleType &part, const IsoParticleType &res, const IsoParticleType *antires, bool unstable)
static Configuration create_configuration (const std::string &, const std::vector< std::string > &)
static void do_minimal_loggers_setup_for_config_validation ()
static void fully_validate_configuration (const Configuration &)
static void setup_logging (Configuration &)
static void read_particles_and_decaymodes_files_setting_keys_in_configuration (const std::string &, const std::string &, Configuration &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ListModus &m)
template<int index, int stop = 0>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index==stop), int >::type find_longest_logger_name ()
template<int index, int stop = 0, int mid = (index + stop) / 2>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index > stop), int >::type find_longest_logger_name ()
template<std::size_t index, int >
std::enable_if<(index==0)>::type create_all_loggers_impl (Configuration &)
template<std::size_t index, int longest_name = find_longest_logger_name<index - 1>()>
std::enable_if<(index !=0)>::type create_all_loggers_impl (Configuration &config)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Nucleus &n)
static double piplusp_elastic_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
static double piminusp_elastic_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
static double kminusp_elastic_pdg (double mandelstam_s)
static void initialize (std::unordered_map< std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t >, double, pair_hash > &ratios)
 Calculate and store isospin ratios for K N -> K Delta reactions. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Particles &particles)
static std::string antiname (const std::string &name, PdgCode code)
 Construct an antiparticle name-string from the given name-string for the particle and its PDG code. More...
static std::string chargestr (int charge)
 Construct a charge string, given the charge as integer. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ParticleType &type)
static double high_energy_bpp (double plab)
 Computes the B coefficients from the STAR fit, see fig. More...
static double Cugnon_bpp (double plab)
 Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic pp scattering. More...
static double Cugnon_bnp (double plab)
 Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic np scattering. More...
static void deduplicate (std::vector< FinalStateCrossSection > &final_state_xs)
 Deduplicate the final-state cross sections by summing. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SphereModus &m)
template<typename Out >
void split (const std::string &s, char delim, Out result)
 Split string by delimiter. More...
static void swrite (std::ofstream &stream, double x)
 Write binary representation to stream. More...
static double sread_double (std::ifstream &stream)
 Read binary representation of a double. More...
static void swrite (std::ofstream &stream, size_t x)
 Write binary representation to stream. More...
static size_t sread_size (std::ifstream &stream)
 Read binary representation of a size_t. More...
static void swrite (std::ofstream &stream, const std::vector< double > x)
 Write binary representation to stream. More...
static std::vector< double > sread_vector (std::ifstream &stream)
 Read binary representation of a vector of doubles. More...
static void swrite (std::ofstream &stream, sha256::Hash x)
 Write binary representation to stream. More...
static sha256::Hash sread_hash (std::ifstream &stream)
 Read binary representation of a SHA256 hash. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TimeStampCounter &tsc)


static constexpr int LAction = LogArea::Action::id
static constexpr int LClock = LogArea::Clock::id
constexpr double hbarc = 0.197327053
 GeV <-> fm conversion factor. More...
constexpr double fm2_mb = 0.1
 mb <-> fm^2 conversion factor. More...
constexpr double gev2_mb = hbarc * hbarc / fm2_mb
 GeV^-2 <-> mb conversion factor. More...
constexpr double mev_to_gev = 1.e-3
 MeV to GeV conversion factor. More...
constexpr double really_small = 1.0e-6
 Numerical error tolerance. More...
constexpr double very_small_double = 1.0e-15
 A very small double, used to avoid division by zero. More...
constexpr double twopi = 2. * M_PI
 \( 2\pi \). More...
constexpr double nuclear_density = 0.168
 Ground state density of symmetric nuclear matter [fm^-3]. More...
constexpr double small_number = 1.0e-4
 Physical error tolerance. More...
constexpr double nucleon_mass = 0.938
 Nucleon mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double pion_mass = 0.138
 Pion mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double kaon_mass = 0.494
 Kaon mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double omega_mass = 0.783
 omega mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double delta_mass = 1.232
 Delta mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double deuteron_mass = 1.8756
 Deuteron mass in GeV. More...
constexpr double fine_structure = 7.2973525698e-3
 Fine-struture constant, approximately 1/137. More...
const double elementary_charge = std::sqrt(fine_structure * 4 * M_PI)
 Elementary electric charge in natural units, approximately 0.3. More...
constexpr int maximum_rndm_seed_in_pythia = 900000000
 The maximum value of the random seed used in PYTHIA. More...
constexpr double minimum_sqrts_pythia_can_handle = 10.0
 Energy in GeV, below which hard reactions via pythia are impossible. More...
constexpr std::uint32_t ID_PROCESS_PHOTON
 Process ID for any photon process. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_K
 photon momentum More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_THETA
 theta angle with respect to collision axis of incoming pions More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_SIG
 Total π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_DIFF_SIG_K
 dSigma/dk for π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_DIFF_SIG_THETA
 dSigma/dtheta for π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_SIG
 Total π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_DIFF_SIG_K
 dSigma/dk for π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_DIFF_SIG_THETA
 dSigma/dtheta for π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_SIG
 Total π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_DIFF_SIG_K
 dSigma/dk for π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_DIFF_SIG_THETA
 dSigma/dtheta for π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_SIG
 Total π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_DIFF_SIG_K
 dSigma/dk for π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_DIFF_SIG_THETA
 dSigma/dtheta for π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_SIG
 Total π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_DIFF_SIG_K
 dSigma/dk for π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_DIFF_SIG_THETA
 dSigma/dtheta for π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ More...
static constexpr int LDensity = LogArea::Density::id
static constexpr int LMain = LogArea::Main::id
static constexpr int LInitialConditions = LogArea::InitialConditions::id
static constexpr int LLattice = LogArea::Lattice::id
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
 An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects. More...
static constexpr int LOutput = LogArea::Output::id
static constexpr int LExperiment = LogArea::Experiment::id
KaonNucleonRatios kaon_nucleon_ratios
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSN_TOT_PLAB
 PDG data on K- n total cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusn_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSN_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSN_TOT_SIG
 PDG data on K- n total cross section: cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
 PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
 PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_ELASTIC data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_TOT_PLAB
 PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusp_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_TOT_SIG
 PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: cross section. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_RES_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy list for K̅⁻ N⁺ More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_RES_SIG
 Elastic K̅⁻ N⁺ cross section contributions from decays. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSplinekminusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_RES data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSN_TOT_PLAB
 PDG data on K+ n total cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSN_TOT_SIG
 PDG data on K+ n total cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kplusn_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSN_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSP_TOT_PLAB
 PDG data on K+ p total cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSP_TOT_SIG
 PDG data on K+ p total cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kplusp_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSP_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
 PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
 PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_ELASTIC data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_P_LAB
 PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_SIG
 PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0 data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_P_LAB
 PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_SIG
 PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SQRTS
 pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: square root s More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SIG
 pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: cross section More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_RES_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_RES_SIG
 Elastic π⁻N⁺ cross section contributions from decays. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSplinepiminusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_RES data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
 PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
 PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_P_LAB
 PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG
 PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ section: cross section. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_RES_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_RES_SIG
 Elastic π⁺N⁺ cross section contributions from decays. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSplinepiplusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr
 A null interpolation that gets filled using the PIPLUSP_RES data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_TOT_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_TOT_SIG
 Total p π⁺ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_TOT_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_TOT_SIG
 Total p π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SIG
 Total π⁺ π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipluspiminus_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT data. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SQRTS
 Center-of-mass energy. More...
const std::initializer_list< double > PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SIG
 Total π⁰ π⁰ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0 using the hadronic list from PDG2018. More...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pizeropizero_total_interpolation = nullptr
 An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIZEROPIZERO_TOT data. More...
RectangularLattice< FourVector > * UB_lat_pointer = nullptr
 Pointer to the skyrme potential on the lattice. More...
RectangularLattice< FourVector > * UI3_lat_pointer = nullptr
 Pointer to the symmmetry potential on the lattice. More...
Potentialspot_pointer = nullptr
 Pointer to a Potential class. More...
static constexpr int LPotentials = LogArea::Potentials::id
static constexpr int LRootSolver = LogArea::RootSolver::id
static constexpr int LPythia = LogArea::Pythia::id
static constexpr int LPauliBlocking = LogArea::PauliBlocking::id
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id
static constexpr int LBox = LogArea::Box::id
static constexpr int LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id
static constexpr int LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id
static constexpr int LCollider = LogArea::Collider::id
static constexpr int LConfiguration = LogArea::Configuration::id
static constexpr int LCrossSections = LogArea::CrossSections::id
static constexpr int LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id
static constexpr int LCollider = LogArea::Collider::id
static constexpr int LDecayModes = LogArea::DecayModes::id
static constexpr int LDecayModes = LogArea::DecayModes::id
std::vector< DecayTypePtr > * all_decay_types = nullptr
 Global pointer to the decay types list. More...
constexpr size_t num_tab_pts = 200
 Number of tabulation points. More...
static Integrator integrate
static Integrator2d integrate2d (1E7)
static constexpr int LDistributions = LogArea::Distributions::id
static constexpr int LTmn = LogArea::Tmn::id
static constexpr int LFpe = LogArea::Fpe::id
static constexpr int LGrandcanThermalizer = LogArea::GrandcanThermalizer::id
static constexpr int LGrid = LogArea::Grid::id
static const std::initializer_list< GridBase::SizeTypeZERO {0}
static const std::initializer_list< GridBase::SizeTypeZERO_ONE {0, 1}
static const std::initializer_list< GridBase::SizeTypeMINUS_ONE_ZERO {-1, 0}
static const std::initializer_list< GridBase::SizeTypeMINUS_ONE_ZERO_ONE
static constexpr int LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id
static constexpr int LInputParser = LogArea::InputParser::id
static constexpr int LParticleType = LogArea::ParticleType::id
static IsoParticleTypeList iso_type_list
static std::vector< const IsoParticleType * > iso_baryon_resonances
static Integrator integrate
static Integrator2d integrate2d
static std::unordered_map< std::string, TabulationNR_tabulations
 Tabulation of all N R integrals. More...
static std::unordered_map< std::string, TabulationpiR_tabulations
 Tabulation of all pi R integrals. More...
static std::unordered_map< std::string, TabulationRK_tabulations
 Tabulation of all K R integrals. More...
static std::unordered_map< std::string, TabulationDeltaR_tabulations
 Tabulation of all Delta R integrals. More...
static std::unordered_map< std::string, TabulationrhoR_tabulations
 Tabulation of all rho rho integrals. More...
static constexpr int LMain = LogArea::Main::id
static constexpr int LList = LogArea::List::id
static einhard::LogLevel global_default_loglevel = einhard::ALL
 The default logging level is ALL. More...
static constexpr int LNucleus = LogArea::Nucleus::id
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id
static constexpr int LParticleType = LogArea::ParticleType::id
static constexpr int LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id
static constexpr int LPauliBlocking = LogArea::PauliBlocking::id
static constexpr int LPropagation = LogArea::Propagation::id
static constexpr int LGrandcanThermalizer = LogArea::GrandcanThermalizer::id
static constexpr int LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id
static constexpr int LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id
static constexpr int LScatterActionMulti = LogArea::ScatterActionMulti::id
static constexpr int LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id
static constexpr int LFindScatter = LogArea::FindScatter::id
static constexpr int LSphere = LogArea::Sphere::id
static constexpr int LOutput = LogArea::Output::id
Interpolation objects for π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ processes

(opposite charge incoming pions, charged pions in final state)

static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipi_pipi_opp_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr
Interpolation objects for π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ and

or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ processes (same charge incoming pions)

static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipi_pipi_same_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr
Interpolation objects for π + π0 -> π + π0 + γ processes
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipi0_pipi0_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr
Interpolation objects for π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ processes
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipi_pi0pi0_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr
Interpolation objects for π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ processes
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pi0pi0_pipi_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateData2DSplinepi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Typedef Documentation

◆ SystemTimePoint

using smash::SystemTimePoint = typedef std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::system_clock>

Type (alias) that is used to store the current time.

Definition at line 22 of file chrono.h.

◆ SystemClock

using smash::SystemClock = typedef std::chrono::system_clock

Type (alias) used to obtain the current time via SystemClock:Now().

Definition at line 25 of file chrono.h.

◆ SystemTimeSpan

using smash::SystemTimeSpan = typedef SystemClock::duration

The time duration type (alias) used for measuring run times.

Definition at line 28 of file chrono.h.

◆ DensityLattice

Conveniency typedef for lattice of density.

Definition at line 527 of file density.h.

◆ FieldsLattice

Conveniency typedef for lattice of fields.

Definition at line 122 of file fields.h.

◆ FilePtr

using smash::FilePtr = typedef std::unique_ptr<std::FILE, FileDeleter>

A RAII type to replace std::FILE *.

This is an alias type for std::unique_ptr to automatically free the std::FILE resource after the last reference goes out of scope. It is important to use a custom deleter type, and therefore SMASH code should never use std::unique_ptr directly with std::FILE.

Definition at line 61 of file file.h.

◆ Version

using smash::Version = typedef std::string

Descriptive alias for storing SMASH versions associated to keys metadata.

At the moment simply a std::string .

Definition at line 32 of file input_keys.h.

◆ KeyLabels

using smash::KeyLabels = typedef std::vector<std::string>

Descriptive alias for storing key labels, i.e.

the series of strings that identify a key in the input file from the main section. At the moment simply a std::vector<std::string> .

Definition at line 39 of file input_keys.h.

◆ Permutation

using smash::Permutation = typedef std::vector<size_t>

Represent a permutation.

Definition at line 136 of file interpolation.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ComputationMethod

Calculation method for the cross sections.

It has only one member at the moment. In the future there will be more options.


Definition at line 37 of file crosssectionsphoton.h.

◆ DensityType

enum smash::DensityType

Allows to choose which kind of density to calculate.

The baryon density is necessary for the Skyrme potential. For the symmetry potential one needs to know the isospin density.


Definition at line 36 of file density.h.

◆ HadronClass

enum smash::HadronClass

Specifier to classify the different hadron species according to their quantum numbers.


All baryons.


All anti-baryons.


Mesons with strangeness S > 0.


Mesons with strangeness S < 0.


Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q > 0.


Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q < 0.


Neutral non-strange mesons.

Definition at line 153 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

153  {
155  Baryon = 0,
157  Antibaryon = 1,
159  PositiveSMeson = 2,
161  NegativeSMeson = 3,
167  ZeroQZeroSMeson = 6,
168 };
@ Antibaryon
All anti-baryons.
@ ZeroQZeroSMeson
Neutral non-strange mesons.
@ NegativeSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S < 0.
@ NegativeQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q < 0.
@ PositiveSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S > 0.
@ PositiveQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q > 0.

◆ GridOptions

enum smash::GridOptions : char

Identifies the mode of the Grid.


Without ghost cells.


With ghost cells for periodic boundaries.

Definition at line 25 of file grid.h.

25  : char {
27  Normal = 0,
30 };
@ Normal
Without ghost cells.
@ PeriodicBoundaries
With ghost cells for periodic boundaries.

◆ CellSizeStrategy

enum smash::CellSizeStrategy : char

Indentifies the strategy of determining the cell size.


Look for optimal cell size.


Make cells as large as possible.

This means a single cell for normal boundary conditions and 8 cells for periodic boundary conditions.

Definition at line 33 of file grid.h.

33  : char {
35  Optimal,
43  Largest
44 };
@ Largest
Resonance of largest mass for all processes.
@ Optimal
Look for optimal cell size.

◆ CellNumberLimitation

enum smash::CellNumberLimitation : char

Identifies whether the number of cells should be limited.

For the geometric criterion it makes sense to not have less than 1 particle in each cell, since the grid cell search is an optimization and the cells can be always made larger. For the stochastic collision criterion, the cell size is an important calculation parameter, which should be kept constant. The number of cells therefore cannot be limited as the medium grows even though this might be inefficient for large systems.


No cell number limitation.


Limit the number of cells to the number of particles.

Definition at line 55 of file grid.h.

55  : char {
57  None,
61 };
@ ParticleNumber
Limit the number of cells to the number of particles.

◆ LatticeUpdate

enum smash::LatticeUpdate

Enumerator option for lattice updates.

Updating the lattice is a costly operation and should be performed only if necessary. Possible needs are:

  • output: then it is enough to update lattice just before output,
  • physics: update every time step is unavoidable.

Definition at line 36 of file lattice.h.

36  {
37  AtOutput = 0,
38  EveryTimestep = 1,
40 };

◆ BelongsTo

enum smash::BelongsTo : uint8_t

Definition at line 20 of file particledata.h.

20  : uint8_t {
21  Nothing = 0,
22  Projectile = 1,
23  Target = 2,
24 };

◆ Parity

enum smash::Parity

Represent the parity of a particle type.


Positive parity.


Negative parity.

Definition at line 25 of file particletype.h.

25  {
27  Pos,
29  Neg
30 };
@ Neg
Negative parity.
@ Pos
Positive parity.

◆ WhichDecaymodes

Decide which decay mode widths are returned in get partical widths.


All decay mode widths.


Ignore dilepton decay modes widths.


Only return dilepton decays widths.

Definition at line 33 of file particletype.h.

33  {
35  All,
37  Hadronic,
39  Dileptons
40 };
@ Hadronic
Ignore dilepton decay modes widths.
@ Dileptons
Only return dilepton decays widths.

◆ ProcessType

enum smash::ProcessType

ProcessTypes are used to identify the type of the process.

Corresponding integer numbers are given explicitly, because they appear in the output.

Types (41-45) refers to soft string excitations. Here "soft" means that the process does not involve quark or gluon scattering. A string is formed by quark and antiquark, or quark and diquark, in its ends. Then this string decays. Depending on which quark and anti- (or di-)quarks are selected for string formation, the process has one of the following types.
Since the process type numbers appear in the output, it is important to have an explanation in the user guide. We therefore do not give here an explicit members description and we simply refer to the user guide. If you add a new process type here, document the new member as the other existing ones and include the corresponding description in the Doxygen page with anchor "doxypage_output_oscar_particles_process_types".

See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.


See here for a short description.

Definition at line 39 of file processbranch.h.

39  {
41  None = 0,
43  Elastic = 1,
45  TwoToOne = 2,
47  TwoToTwo = 3,
49  TwoToThree = 4,
51  TwoToFour = 15,
53  TwoToFive = 13,
55  Decay = 5,
57  Wall = 6,
59  Thermalization = 7,
63  Bremsstrahlung = 9,
83  StringHard = 46,
85  FailedString = 47,
87  Freeforall = 90
88 };
@ TwoToFive
Directly create 5 pions, use with multi-particle reactions.
@ FailedString
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToOne
See here for a short description.
@ MultiParticleThreeToTwo
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftDoubleDiffractive
See here for a short description.
@ Bremsstrahlung
See here for a short description.
@ Thermalization
See here for a short description.
@ Freeforall
See here for a short description.
@ Decay
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftSingleDiffractiveXB
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToTwo
See here for a short description.
@ Wall
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToFour
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftAnnihilation
See here for a short description.
@ MultiParticleThreeMesonsToOne
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftNonDiffractive
See here for a short description.
@ MultiParticleFourToTwo
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftSingleDiffractiveAX
See here for a short description.
@ StringHard
See here for a short description.
@ HyperSurfaceCrossing
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToThree
See here for a short description.
@ MultiParticleFiveToTwo
See here for a short description.

◆ Extrapolation

enum smash::Extrapolation

The kind of extrapolation used by the tabulation.


Definition at line 26 of file tabulation.h.

26  {
27  Zero = 0,
28  Const = 1,
29  Linear = 2,
30 };

◆ NeedsToWrap

enum smash::NeedsToWrap

The options determining what to do if a particle flies out of the grids PlusLength: Used if a periodic boundary condition is applied and a particle passes through the lower bound of the grid.

No: Used if the boundary condition is not periodic. MinusLength: Used if a periodic boundary condition is applied and a particle passes through the upper bound of the grid.


Definition at line 355 of file

@ No
Print initial, intermediate and final-state particles.

Function Documentation

◆ operator+=()

std::vector<ActionPtr>& smash::operator+= ( std::vector< ActionPtr > &  lhs,
std::vector< ActionPtr > &&  rhs 

Append vector of action pointers.

[in]lhsvector of action pointers that is appended to
[in]rhsvector of action pointers that is appended
vector of action pointers containing lhs and rhs

Definition at line 532 of file action.h.

533  {
534  if (lhs.size() == 0) {
535  lhs = std::move(rhs);
536  } else {
537  lhs.insert(lhs.end(), std::make_move_iterator(rhs.begin()),
538  std::make_move_iterator(rhs.end()));
539  }
540  return lhs;
541 }

◆ enforce_periodic_boundaries()

template<typename Iterator >
static bool smash::enforce_periodic_boundaries ( Iterator  begin,
const Iterator &  end,
typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type  length 

Enforces periodic boundaries on the given collection of values.

The values in an arbitrary container, starting from begin and ending at end, will be checked. If the value is less than 0, length will be added to it. If the value is greater than or equal to length, length will be subtracted from it.

The implementation therefore assumes that the values are at most one length away from the 0 to length range.

Template Parameters
IteratorType of the iterator.
beginIterator pointing to the first value to check.
endEnd iterator.
lengthThe length of the valid interval.
Whether a correction was done.

Definition at line 53 of file algorithms.h.

55  {
56  bool had_to_wrap = false;
57  for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
58  auto &x = *begin;
59  if (x < 0) {
60  had_to_wrap = true;
61  x += length;
62  } else if (x >= length) {
63  had_to_wrap = true;
64  x -= length;
65  }
66  }
67  return had_to_wrap;
68 }

◆ all_of()

template<typename Container , typename UnaryPredicate >
bool smash::all_of ( Container &&  c,
UnaryPredicate &&  p 

Convenience wrapper for std::all_of that operates on a complete container.

Template Parameters
ContainerType of the container.
UnaryPredicateType of the predicate.
cA container of elements to examine.
pUnary predicate.
Whether all elements in c return true when passed to p.

Definition at line 80 of file algorithms.h.

80  {
81  return std::all_of(std::begin(c), std::end(c),
82  std::forward<UnaryPredicate>(p));
83 }
constexpr int p
bool all_of(Container &&c, UnaryPredicate &&p)
Convenience wrapper for std::all_of that operates on a complete container.
Definition: algorithms.h:80

◆ for_each()

template<typename Container , typename UnaryFunction >
UnaryFunction smash::for_each ( Container &&  c,
UnaryFunction &&  f 

Convenience wrapper for std::for_each that operates on a complete container.

Template Parameters
ContainerType of the container.
UnaryFunctionType of the function.
cA container of elements on which to perform the function f
fA function to apply on all elements of the container c
The function that was applied to all elements.

Definition at line 96 of file algorithms.h.

96  {
97  return std::for_each(std::begin(c), std::end(c),
98  std::forward<UnaryFunction>(f));
99 }
UnaryFunction for_each(Container &&c, UnaryFunction &&f)
Convenience wrapper for std::for_each that operates on a complete container.
Definition: algorithms.h:96

◆ dedup_avg()

template<typename T >
std::pair<std::vector<T>, std::vector<T> > smash::dedup_avg ( const std::vector< T > &  x,
const std::vector< T > &  y 

Remove duplicates from data (x, y) by averaging y.

Assumes (x, y) is sorted.

Template Parameters
TType of the values (should be floating point).
New x and y values as a pair of vectors.

Definition at line 65 of file average.h.

66  {
67  if (x.size() != y.size()) {
68  std::stringstream ss;
69  ss << "x and y have to be of same size: " << x.size() << " != " << y.size();
70  throw std::runtime_error(ss.str());
71  }
72  if (x.size() < 1) {
73  throw std::runtime_error("x cannot be empty.");
74  }
75  std::vector<T> new_x;
76  new_x.reserve(x.size());
77  std::vector<T> new_y;
78  new_y.reserve(y.size());
79  Average<T> avg;
80  T prev_x = x[0];
81  for (size_t i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
82  if (x[i] == prev_x) {
83  avg.add(y[i]);
84  } else {
85  assert(i != 0);
86  new_x.push_back(x[i - 1]);
87  new_y.push_back(avg.average());
88  avg.clear();
89  avg.add(y[i]);
90  prev_x = x[i];
91  }
92  }
93  new_x.push_back(x.back());
94  new_y.push_back(avg.average());
95  return std::make_pair(std::move(new_x), std::move(new_y));
96 }

◆ isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to1()

double smash::isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to1 ( const ParticleType p_a,
const ParticleType p_b,
const ParticleType Res 

Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a resonance Res.

[in]p_aInformation on spin/isospin of particle a
[in]p_bInformation on spin/isospin of particle b
[in]ResInformation on spin/isospin of resonance
Clebsch-Gordan squared for 2->1 reaction

Definition at line 26 of file clebschgordan.h.

28  {
29  const double cg = ClebschGordan::coefficient(p_a.isospin(), p_b.isospin(),
30  Res.isospin(), p_a.isospin3(),
31  p_b.isospin3(), Res.isospin3());
32  return cg * cg;
33 }

◆ isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_3to1()

double smash::isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_3to1 ( const ParticleType p_a,
const ParticleType p_b,
const ParticleType p_c,
const ParticleType Res 

Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for three particles p_a, p_b and p_c coupling to a resonance Res.

[in]p_aInformation on spin/isospin of particle a
[in]p_bInformation on spin/isospin of particle b
[in]p_cInformation on spin/isospin of particle c
[in]ResInformation on spin/isospin of resonance
Clebsch-Gordan squared for 3->1 reaction

Definition at line 37 of file

40  {
41  // Calculate allowed isospin range for 3->1 reaction I_ab
42  const auto min_I_ab = std::abs(p_a.isospin() - p_b.isospin());
43  const auto max_I_ab = p_a.isospin() + p_b.isospin();
44  std::vector<int> possible_I_ab(max_I_ab - min_I_ab + 1);
45  std::iota(possible_I_ab.begin(), possible_I_ab.end(), min_I_ab);
46  std::vector<int> allowed_I_ab;
47  allowed_I_ab.reserve(possible_I_ab.size());
48  for (const auto Iab : possible_I_ab) {
49  const auto min_I = std::abs(Iab - p_c.isospin());
50  const auto max_I = Iab + p_c.isospin();
51  if (min_I <= Res.isospin() && Res.isospin() <= max_I) {
52  allowed_I_ab.push_back(Iab);
53  }
54  }
55  if (allowed_I_ab.size() != 1) {
56  throw std::runtime_error(
57  "The coupled 3-body isospin state is not uniquely defined for " +
58 + " -> " + + " " + + " " +;
59  }
60  const auto I_ab = allowed_I_ab[0];
62  const int I_abz = p_a.isospin3() + p_b.isospin3();
63  const double cg =
64  ClebschGordan::coefficient(I_ab, p_c.isospin(), Res.isospin(), I_abz,
65  p_c.isospin3(), Res.isospin3()) *
66  ClebschGordan::coefficient(p_a.isospin(), p_b.isospin(), I_ab,
67  p_a.isospin3(), p_b.isospin3(), I_abz);
68  return cg * cg;
69 }

◆ isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2()

double smash::isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2 ( const ParticleType p_a,
const ParticleType p_b,
const ParticleType p_c,
const ParticleType p_d,
const int  I = -1 

Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for a 2-to-2 reaction A + B -> C + D.

If a total isospin value I is given (doubled in order to be integer), then only contributions with that total isospin will be counted.

[in]p_aInformation on spin/isospin of particle a
[in]p_bInformation on spin/isospin of particle b
[in]p_cInformation on spin/isospin of particle c
[in]p_dInformation on spin/isospin of particle d
[in]Itotal isospin of the reaction
Clebsch-Gordan squared for 2->2 reaction

Definition at line 71 of file

74  {
75  const int I_z = p_a.isospin3() + p_b.isospin3();
77  /* Loop over total isospin in allowed range. */
78  double isospin_factor = 0.;
79  for (const int I_tot : I_tot_range(p_a, p_b, p_c, p_d)) {
80  if (I < 0 || I_tot == I) {
81  const double cg_in = isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1(p_a, p_b, I_tot, I_z);
82  const double cg_out = isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1(p_c, p_d, I_tot, I_z);
83  isospin_factor = isospin_factor + cg_in * cg_in * cg_out * cg_out;
84  }
85  }
86  return isospin_factor;
87 }
static double isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1(const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const int I_tot, const int I_z)
Calculate isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a total isospi...

◆ cut_off()

double smash::cut_off ( const double  sigma_mb)

Cross section after cut off.

Photon cross sections diverge tremendously at the threshold which becomes particularly problematic when running with broad rho mesons. Then the actual photon cross section is used for the weight: W = Sigma_photon/Sigma_hadron. If the photon cross section diverges, the weight becomes huge and we significantly overestimate photon production. This cutoff fixes the problem.

Either the cross section is returned or, if the cross section i larger than the cut off, the cut off value is returned.

[in]sigma_mbcross section before cut off [mb]
Cross section after cut off [mb]

Definition at line 55 of file

55  {
56  constexpr double maximum_cross_section_photon = 200.0; // [mb]
57  return (sigma_mb > maximum_cross_section_photon)
58  ? maximum_cross_section_photon
59  : sigma_mb;
60 }

◆ y_l_m()

double smash::y_l_m ( int  l,
int  m,
double  cosx,
double  phi 

Spherical harmonics Y_2_0, Y_2_2, Y_3_0 and Y_4_0.

[in]lAngular momentum value (2 and 4 are supported)
[in]mprojection value (l = 2 and m = 2 are supported)
[in]cosxCosine of the polar angle
[in]phiAzimuthal angle
Value of the corresponding spherical harmonic
domain_errorif unsupported l is encountered

Definition at line 242 of file

242  {
243  if (l == 2 && m == 0) {
244  return (1. / 4) * std::sqrt(5 / M_PI) * (3. * (cosx * cosx) - 1);
245  } else if (l == 2 && m == 2) {
246  double sinx2 = 1. - cosx * cosx;
247  return (1. / 4) * std::sqrt(15 / (2. * M_PI)) * sinx2 * std::cos(2. * phi);
248  } else if (l == 3 && m == 0) {
249  return (1. / 4) * std::sqrt(7 / M_PI) *
250  (5. * cosx * (cosx * cosx) - 3. * cosx);
251  } else if (l == 4 && m == 0) {
252  return (3. / 16) * std::sqrt(1 / M_PI) *
253  (35. * (cosx * cosx) * (cosx * cosx) - 30. * (cosx * cosx) + 3);
254  } else {
255  throw std::domain_error(
256  "Not a valid angular momentum quantum number in y_l_m.");
257  }
258 }

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

std::ostream & smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
DensityType  dt 

Create the output operator for the densities.

[out]osOutput operator for the densities
[in]dtType of density (e.g. baryon density)
An output operator for the densities

Definition at line 280 of file

280  {
281  switch (dens_type) {
282  case DensityType::Hadron:
283  os << "hadron density";
284  break;
285  case DensityType::Baryon:
286  os << "baryon density";
287  break;
288  case DensityType::BaryonicIsospin:
289  os << "baryonic isospin density";
290  break;
291  case DensityType::Pion:
292  os << "pion density";
293  break;
294  case DensityType::Isospin3_tot:
295  os << "total isospin3 density";
296  break;
297  case DensityType::None:
298  os << "none";
299  break;
300  default:
301  os.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
302  }
303  return os;
304 }

◆ density_factor()

double smash::density_factor ( const ParticleType type,
DensityType  dens_type 

Get the factor that determines how much a particle contributes to the density type that is computed.

E.g. positive pion contributes with factor 1 to total particle density and with factor 0 to baryon density. Proton contributes with factor 1 to baryon density, anti-proton - with factor -1 to baryon density, and so on.

[in]typetype of the particle to be tested
[in]dens_typeThe density type
The corresponding factor (0 if the particle doesn't contribute at all).

Definition at line 17 of file

17  {
18  switch (dens_type) {
19  case DensityType::Hadron:
20  return type.is_hadron() ? 1. : 0.;
21  case DensityType::Baryon:
22  return static_cast<double>(type.baryon_number());
23  case DensityType::BaryonicIsospin:
24  return type.is_baryon() || type.is_nucleus() ? type.isospin3_rel() : 0.;
25  case DensityType::Pion:
26  return type.pdgcode().is_pion() ? 1. : 0.;
27  case DensityType::Isospin3_tot:
28  return type.is_hadron() ? type.isospin3() : 0.;
29  case DensityType::Charge:
30  return static_cast<double>(type.charge());
31  case DensityType::Strangeness:
32  return static_cast<double>(type.strangeness());
33  default:
34  return 0.;
35  }
36 }

◆ smearing_factor_norm()

double smash::smearing_factor_norm ( const double  two_sigma_sqr)

Norm of the Gaussian smearing function.

[in]two_sigma_sqr\(2 \sigma^2 \) [fm \(^2\)], \( \sigma \) - width of gaussian smearing
\( (2 \pi \sigma^2)^{3/2}\) [fm \(^3\)]

Definition at line 77 of file density.h.

77  {
78  const double tmp = two_sigma_sqr * M_PI;
79  return tmp * std::sqrt(tmp);
80 }

◆ smearing_factor_rcut_correction()

double smash::smearing_factor_rcut_correction ( const double  rcut_in_sigma)

Gaussians used for smearing are cut at radius \(r_{cut} = a \sigma \) for calculation speed-up.

In the limit of \(a \to \infty \) smearing factor is normalized to 1:

\[ \frac{4 \pi}{(2 \pi \sigma^2)^{3/2}} \int_0^{\infty} e^{-r^2/2 \sigma^2} r^2 dr = 1 \]

However, for finite \( a\) integral is less than one:

\[ g(a) \equiv \frac{4 \pi}{(2 \pi \sigma^2)^{3/2}} \int_0^{a \sigma} e^{-r^2/2 \sigma^2} r^2 dr = -\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}} a e^{-a^2/2} + Erf[a/\sqrt{2}] \]

This \( g(a) \) is typically close to 1. For example, for \(r_{cut} = 3 \sigma \), and thus \( a=3 \), g(3) = 0.9707; g(4) = 0.9987. The aim of this function is to compensate for this factor.

[in]rcut_in_sigma\( a = r_{cut} / \sigma\)
\( g(a) \)

Definition at line 99 of file density.h.

99  {
100  const double x = rcut_in_sigma / std::sqrt(2.0);
101  return -2.0 / std::sqrt(M_PI) * x * std::exp(-x * x) + std::erf(x);
102 }

◆ unnormalized_smearing_factor()

std::pair< double, ThreeVector > smash::unnormalized_smearing_factor ( const ThreeVector r,
const FourVector p,
const double  m_inv,
const DensityParameters dens_par,
const bool  compute_gradient = false 

Implements gaussian smearing for any quantity.

Computes smearing factor taking Lorentz contraction into account. Integral of unnormalized smearing factor over space should be \( (2 \pi \sigma^2)^{3/2} \). Division over norm is split for efficiency: it is not nice to recalculate the same constant norm at every call.

[in]rvector from the particle to the point of interest [fm]
[in]pparticle 4-momentum to account for Lorentz contraction [GeV]
[in]m_invparticle mass, \( (E^2 - p^2)^{-1/2} \) [GeV]
[in]dens_parobject containing precomputed parameters for density calculation.
[in]compute_gradientoption, true - compute gradient, false - no
(smearing factor, the gradient of the smearing factor or a zero three vector)

Definition at line 38 of file

40  {
41  const double r_sqr = r.sqr();
42  // Distance from particle to point of interest > r_cut
43  if (r_sqr > dens_par.r_cut_sqr()) {
44  return std::make_pair(0.0, ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
45  }
47  const FourVector u = p * m_inv;
48  const double u_r_scalar = r * u.threevec();
49  const double r_rest_sqr = r_sqr + u_r_scalar * u_r_scalar;
51  // Lorentz contracted distance from particle to point of interest > r_cut
52  if (r_rest_sqr > dens_par.r_cut_sqr()) {
53  return std::make_pair(0.0, ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
54  }
55  const double sf = std::exp(-r_rest_sqr * dens_par.two_sig_sqr_inv()) * u.x0();
56  const ThreeVector sf_grad = compute_gradient
57  ? sf * (r + u.threevec() * u_r_scalar) *
58  dens_par.two_sig_sqr_inv() * 2.0
59  : ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
61  return std::make_pair(sf, sf_grad);
62 }

◆ current_eckart() [1/2]

std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector > smash::current_eckart ( const ThreeVector r,
const ParticleList &  plist,
const DensityParameters par,
DensityType  dens_type,
bool  compute_gradient,
bool  smearing 

Calculates Eckart rest frame density and 4-current of a given density type and optionally the gradient of the density in an arbitary frame (grad j0), the curl of the 3-current, and the time, x, y, and z derivatives of the 4-current.

\[ j^{\mu} = (\sqrt{2\pi} \sigma )^{-3} \sum_{i=1}^N C_i u^{\mu}_i \exp \left( - \frac{\bigl[\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i + \frac{\gamma_i^2}{1 + \gamma_i} \boldsymbol{\beta}_i (\boldsymbol{\beta}_i, \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i) \bigr]^2}{2\sigma^2} \right) \]

\[ \rho^{Eckart} = \sqrt{j^{\mu} j_{\mu}} \]

Here \( C_i \) is a corresponding value of "charge". If baryon current option is selected then \( C_i \) is 1 for baryons, -1 for antibaryons and 0 otherwise. For proton/neutron current \( C_i = 1\) for proton/neutron and 0 otherwise.

To avoid the problems with Eckart frame definition, densities for positive and negative charges, \(\rho_+ \) and \( \rho_-\), are computed separately and final density is \(\rho_+ - \rho_-\).

[in]rArbitrary space point where 4-current is calculated [fm]; ignored if smearing is false
[in]plistList of all particles to be used in \(j^{\mu}\) calculation. If smearing is false or if the distance between particle and calculation point r, \( |r-r_i| > r_{cut} \) then particle input to density will be ignored.

Next four values are taken from ExperimentalParameters structure:

[in]parSet of parameters packed in one structure. From them the cutting radius r_cut \( r_{cut} / \sigma \), number of test-particles ntest and the gaussian width gs_sigma are needed.
[in]dens_typetype of four-currect to be calculated: baryon, proton or neutron options are currently available
[in]compute_gradienttrue - compute gradient, false - no
[in]smearingwhether to use gaussian smearing or not. If false, this parameter will use ALL particles equally to calculate the current, and that as such it will not be normalized wrt volume. This should be true for any internal calculation of any quantity and only makes sense to turn off for output purposes in a box.
(rest frame density in the local Eckart frame [fm \(^{-3}\)], \( j^\mu \) as a 4-vector, \( \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot j^0 \) or a 0 3-vector, \( \boldsymbol{\nabla} \times \mathbf{j} \) or a 0 3-vector, \( \partial_t j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_x j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_y j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_z j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector).

Definition at line 171 of file

173  {
174  return current_eckart_impl(r, plist, par, dens_type, compute_gradient,
175  smearing);
176 }
std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector > current_eckart_impl(const ThreeVector &r, const T &plist, const DensityParameters &par, DensityType dens_type, bool compute_gradient, bool smearing)
Calculates Eckart rest frame density and 4-current of a given density type and optionally the gradien...

◆ current_eckart() [2/2]

std::tuple< double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector > smash::current_eckart ( const ThreeVector r,
const Particles plist,
const DensityParameters par,
DensityType  dens_type,
bool  compute_gradient,
bool  smearing 

convenience overload of the above (ParticleList -> Particles)

Definition at line 179 of file

181  {
182  return current_eckart_impl(r, plist, par, dens_type, compute_gradient,
183  smearing);
184 }

◆ update_lattice() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void smash::update_lattice ( RectangularLattice< T > *  lat,
const LatticeUpdate  update,
const DensityType  dens_type,
const DensityParameters par,
const std::vector< Particles > &  ensembles,
const bool  compute_gradient 

Updates the contents on the lattice.

[out]latThe lattice on which the content will be updated
[in]updatetells if called for update at printout or at timestep
[in]dens_typedensity type to be computed on the lattice
[in]para structure containing testparticles number and gaussian smearing parameters.
[in]ensemblesthe particles vector for each ensemble
[in]compute_gradientWhether to compute the gradients
Template Parameters

Definition at line 542 of file density.h.

545  {
546  // Do not proceed if lattice does not exists/update not required
547  if (lat == nullptr || lat->when_update() != update) {
548  return;
549  }
551  lat->reset();
552  // get the normalization factor for the covariant Gaussian smearing
553  const double norm_factor_gaus = par.norm_factor_sf();
554  // get the volume of the cell and weights for discrete smearing
555  const double V_cell =
556  (lat->cell_sizes())[0] * (lat->cell_sizes())[1] * (lat->cell_sizes())[2];
557  // weights for coarse smearing
558  const double big = par.central_weight();
559  const double small = (1.0 - big) / 6.0;
560  // get the radii for triangular smearing
561  const std::array<double, 3> triangular_radius = {
562  par.triangular_range() * (lat->cell_sizes())[0],
563  par.triangular_range() * (lat->cell_sizes())[1],
564  par.triangular_range() * (lat->cell_sizes())[2]};
565  const double prefactor_triangular =
566  1.0 /
567  (par.ntest() * par.nensembles() * triangular_radius[0] *
568  triangular_radius[0] * triangular_radius[1] * triangular_radius[1] *
569  triangular_radius[2] * triangular_radius[2]);
571  for (const Particles &particles : ensembles) {
572  for (const ParticleData &part : particles) {
573  if (par.only_participants()) {
574  // if this conditions holds, the hadron is a spectator
575  if (part.get_history().collisions_per_particle == 0) {
576  continue;
577  }
578  }
579  const double dens_factor = density_factor(part.type(), dens_type);
580  if (std::abs(dens_factor) < really_small) {
581  continue;
582  }
583  const FourVector p_mu = part.momentum();
584  const ThreeVector pos = part.position().threevec();
586  // act accordingly to which smearing is used
587  if (par.smearing() == SmearingMode::CovariantGaussian) {
588  const double m = p_mu.abs();
589  if (unlikely(m < really_small)) {
590  logg[LDensity].warn("Gaussian smearing is undefined for momentum ",
591  p_mu);
592  continue;
593  }
594  const double m_inv = 1.0 / m;
596  // unweighted contribution to density
597  const double common_weight = dens_factor * norm_factor_gaus;
598  lat->iterate_in_cube(
599  pos, par.r_cut(), [&](T &node, int ix, int iy, int iz) {
600  // find the weight for smearing
601  const ThreeVector r = lat->cell_center(ix, iy, iz);
602  const auto sf = unnormalized_smearing_factor(
603  pos - r, p_mu, m_inv, par, compute_gradient);
604  node.add_particle(part, sf.first * common_weight);
605  if (par.derivatives() == DerivativesMode::CovariantGaussian) {
606  node.add_particle_for_derivatives(part, dens_factor,
607  sf.second * norm_factor_gaus);
608  }
609  });
610  } else if (par.smearing() == SmearingMode::Discrete) {
611  // unweighted contribution to density
612  const double common_weight =
613  dens_factor / (par.ntest() * par.nensembles() * V_cell);
614  lat->iterate_nearest_neighbors(
615  pos, [&](T &node, int iterated_index, int center_index) {
616  node.add_particle(
617  part, common_weight *
618  // the contribution to density is weighted depending
619  // on what node it is added to
620  (iterated_index == center_index ? big : small));
621  });
622  } else if (par.smearing() == SmearingMode::Triangular) {
623  // unweighted contribution to density
624  const double common_weight = dens_factor * prefactor_triangular;
625  lat->iterate_in_rectangle(
626  pos, triangular_radius, [&](T &node, int ix, int iy, int iz) {
627  // compute the position of the node
628  const ThreeVector cell_center = lat->cell_center(ix, iy, iz);
629  // compute smearing weight
630  const double weight_x =
631  triangular_radius[0] - std::abs(cell_center[0] - pos[0]);
632  const double weight_y =
633  triangular_radius[1] - std::abs(cell_center[1] - pos[1]);
634  const double weight_z =
635  triangular_radius[2] - std::abs(cell_center[2] - pos[2]);
636  // add the contribution to the node
637  node.add_particle(part,
638  common_weight * weight_x * weight_y * weight_z);
639  });
640  }
641  } // end of for (const ParticleData &part : particles)
642  } // end of for (const Particles &particles : ensembles)
643 }
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
#define unlikely(x)
Tell the branch predictor that this expression is likely false.
Definition: macros.h:16
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:37
double density_factor(const ParticleType &type, DensityType dens_type)
Get the factor that determines how much a particle contributes to the density type that is computed.
static constexpr int LDensity
Definition: density.h:29

◆ update_lattice() [2/2]

void smash::update_lattice ( RectangularLattice< DensityOnLattice > *  lat,
RectangularLattice< FourVector > *  old_jmu,
RectangularLattice< FourVector > *  new_jmu,
RectangularLattice< std::array< FourVector, 4 >> *  four_grad_lattice,
const LatticeUpdate  update,
const DensityType  dens_type,
const DensityParameters par,
const std::vector< Particles > &  ensembles,
const double  time_step,
const bool  compute_gradient 

Updates the contents on the lattice of DensityOnLattice type.

[out]latThe lattice of DensityOnLattice type on which the content will be updated
[in]old_jmuAuxiliary lattice, filled with current values at t0, needed for calculating time derivatives
[in]new_jmuAuxiliary lattice,filled with current values at t0 + dt, needed for calculating time derivatives
[in]four_grad_latticeAuxiliary lattice for calculating the fourgradient of the current
[in]updateTells if called for update at printout or at timestep
[in]dens_typeDensity type to be computed on the lattice
[in]para structure containing testparticles number and gaussian smearing parameters.
[in]ensemblesThe particles vector for each ensemble
[in]time_stepTime step used in the simulation
[in]compute_gradientWhether to compute the gradients

Definition at line 186 of file

193  {
194  // Do not proceed if lattice does not exists/update not required
195  if (lat == nullptr || lat->when_update() != update) {
196  return;
197  }
198  const std::array<int, 3> lattice_n_cells = lat->n_cells();
199  const int number_of_nodes =
200  lattice_n_cells[0] * lattice_n_cells[1] * lattice_n_cells[2];
202  /*
203  * Take the provided DensityOnLattice lattice and use the information about
204  * the current to create a lattice of current FourVectors. Because the lattice
205  * hasn't been updated at this point yet, it provides the t_0 time step
206  * information on the currents.
207  */
208  // copy values of jmu at t_0 onto old_jmu;
209  // proceed only if finite difference gradients are calculated
210  if (par.derivatives() == DerivativesMode::FiniteDifference) {
211  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
212  old_jmu->assign_value(i, ((*lat)[i]).jmu_net());
213  }
214  }
216  update_lattice(lat, update, dens_type, par, ensembles, compute_gradient);
218  // calculate the gradients for finite difference derivatives
219  if (par.derivatives() == DerivativesMode::FiniteDifference) {
220  // copy values of jmu FourVectors at t_0 + time_step onto new_jmu
221  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
222  new_jmu->assign_value(i, ((*lat)[i]).jmu_net());
223  }
225  // compute time derivatives and gradients of all components of jmu
226  new_jmu->compute_four_gradient_lattice(*old_jmu, time_step,
227  *four_grad_lattice);
229  // substitute new derivatives
230  int node_number = 0;
231  for (auto &node : *lat) {
232  auto tmp = (*four_grad_lattice)[node_number];
233  node.overwrite_djmu_dxnu(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
234  node_number++;
235  }
236  } // if (par.derivatives() == DerivativesMode::FiniteDifference)
238  // calculate gradients of rest frame density
239  if (par.rho_derivatives() == RestFrameDensityDerivativesMode::On) {
240  for (auto &node : *lat) {
241  // the rest frame density
242  double rho = node.rho();
243  const int sgn = rho > 0 ? 1 : -1;
244  if (std::abs(rho) < very_small_double) {
245  rho = sgn * very_small_double;
246  }
248  // the computational frame j^mu
249  const FourVector jmu = node.jmu_net();
250  // computational frame array of derivatives of j^mu
251  const std::array<FourVector, 4> djmu_dxnu = node.djmu_dxnu();
253  const double drho_dt =
254  (1 / rho) *
255  (jmu.x0() * djmu_dxnu[0].x0() - jmu.x1() * djmu_dxnu[0].x1() -
256  jmu.x2() * djmu_dxnu[0].x2() - jmu.x3() * djmu_dxnu[0].x3());
258  const double drho_dx =
259  (1 / rho) *
260  (jmu.x0() * djmu_dxnu[1].x0() - jmu.x1() * djmu_dxnu[1].x1() -
261  jmu.x2() * djmu_dxnu[1].x2() - jmu.x3() * djmu_dxnu[1].x3());
263  const double drho_dy =
264  (1 / rho) *
265  (jmu.x0() * djmu_dxnu[2].x0() - jmu.x1() * djmu_dxnu[2].x1() -
266  jmu.x2() * djmu_dxnu[2].x2() - jmu.x3() * djmu_dxnu[2].x3());
268  const double drho_dz =
269  (1 / rho) *
270  (jmu.x0() * djmu_dxnu[3].x0() - jmu.x1() * djmu_dxnu[3].x1() -
271  jmu.x2() * djmu_dxnu[3].x2() - jmu.x3() * djmu_dxnu[3].x3());
273  const FourVector drho_dxnu = {drho_dt, drho_dx, drho_dy, drho_dz};
275  node.overwrite_drho_dxnu(drho_dxnu);
276  }
277  } // if (par.rho_derivatives() == RestFrameDensityDerivatives::On){
278 } // void update_lattice()
int sgn(T val)
Signum function.
Definition: random.h:190
void update_lattice(RectangularLattice< T > *lat, const LatticeUpdate update, const DensityType dens_type, const DensityParameters &par, const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, const bool compute_gradient)
Updates the contents on the lattice.
Definition: density.h:542
constexpr double very_small_double
A very small double, used to avoid division by zero.
Definition: constants.h:40

◆ breit_wigner()

double smash::breit_wigner ( double  m,
double  pole,
double  width 

Returns a relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution.

The normalization is such that the integration over \( \sqrt{s} \) from 0 to infinity yields one.

[in]mArgument of the Breit-Wigner function (off-shell mass m in GeV)
[in]poleResonance pole mass \( m_0 \) in GeV
[in]widthResonance width \( \Gamma \) in GeV
\( \frac{2}{\pi} \frac{m^2\Gamma}{(m^2-m_0^2)^2 + m^2\Gamma^2} \)

Definition at line 25 of file

25  {
26  const double msqr = m * m;
27  const double dmsqr = msqr - pole * pole;
28  return 2. * msqr * width / (M_PI * (dmsqr * dmsqr + msqr * width * width));
29 }

◆ breit_wigner_nonrel()

double smash::breit_wigner_nonrel ( double  m,
double  pole,
double  width 

Returns a non-relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution, which is essentially a Cauchy distribution with half width.

[in]mArgument of the Breit-Wigner function (off-shell mass m in GeV)
[in]poleresonance pole mass \( m_0 \) in GeV
[in]widthresonance width \( \Gamma \) in GeV
\( \frac{\Gamma/2}{\pi ((m-m_0)^2+\Gamma^2/4)}\)

Definition at line 32 of file

32  {
33  return cauchy(m, pole, width / 2.);
34 }
double cauchy(double x, double pole, double width)
Returns a Cauchy distribution (sometimes also called Lorentz or non-relativistic Breit-Wigner distrib...

◆ cauchy()

double smash::cauchy ( double  x,
double  pole,
double  width 

Returns a Cauchy distribution (sometimes also called Lorentz or non-relativistic Breit-Wigner distribution) with the given parameters.

The normalization is such that integrating over x from -infinity to +infinity yields one.

xArgument of the Cauchy function in GeV.
polePole parameter \( m_0 \) of the Cauchy function in GeV, i.e. location of the peak.
widthWidth parameter \( \Gamma \) of the Cauchy function in GeV, determining the sharpness of the peak.
\( \frac{\Gamma}{\pi ((x-m_0)^2+\Gamma^2)}\)

Definition at line 37 of file

37  {
38  const double dm = x - pole;
39  return width / (M_PI * (dm * dm + width * width));
40 }

◆ density_integrand_mass()

double smash::density_integrand_mass ( const double  energy,
const double  momentum_sqr,
const double  temperature 

density_integrand_mass - off_equilibrium distribution for massive particles

[in]energy\(E\) (in GeV)
[in]momentum_sqrsquared \(p\) (in GeV \(^2\))
[in]temperature\(T\) (in GeV)


Definition at line 42 of file

43  {
44  return momentum_sqr * std::sqrt(momentum_sqr) *
45  std::exp(-energy / temperature);
46 }

◆ density_integrand_1M_IC()

double smash::density_integrand_1M_IC ( const double  energy,
const double  momentum_sqr,
const double  temperature 

density integrand - 1M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky [7]

[in]energy\(E\) (in GeV)
[in]momentum_sqrsquared \(p\) (in GeV \(^2\))
[in]temperature\(T\) (in GeV)
Value of function 1M_IC

Definition at line 48 of file

49  {
50  return ((3.0 / 20.0) * (momentum_sqr / (temperature * temperature)) -
51  (6.0 / 5.0) * (energy / temperature) + (14.0 / 5.0)) *
52  std::exp(-energy / temperature) * momentum_sqr;
53 }

◆ density_integrand_2M_IC()

double smash::density_integrand_2M_IC ( const double  energy,
const double  momentum_sqr,
const double  temperature 

density integrand - 2M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky [7]

[in]energy\(E\) (in GeV)
[in]momentum_sqrsquared \(p\) (in GeV \(^2\))
[in]temperature\(T\) (in GeV)
Value of function 2M_IC

Definition at line 55 of file

56  {
57  return (0.75 + 0.125 * (momentum_sqr / (temperature * temperature)) -
58  (1.0 / 30.0) * (momentum_sqr * energy /
59  (temperature * temperature * temperature)) +
60  (1.0 / 480.0) *
61  (momentum_sqr * momentum_sqr /
62  (temperature * temperature * temperature * temperature))) *
63  std::exp(-energy / temperature) * momentum_sqr;
64 }

◆ juttner_distribution_func()

double smash::juttner_distribution_func ( double  momentum_radial,
double  mass,
double  temperature,
double  effective_chemical_potential,
double  statistics 

Relativistic Juttner distribution function is just a convenience wrapper for displaying Fermi, Bose, and Boltzmann distributions in one mathematical form.

Juttner distribution is a unified way of introducing quantum thermal distributions, in which the "statistics" variable controls the type of the distribution used: statistics = 0: Boltzmann distribution statistics = -1: Bose distribution statistics = +1: Fermi distribution.

[in]momentum_radiallength of the momentum vector [GeV]
[in]mass(pole) mass of the particle species [GeV]
[in]temperaturetemperature of the system [GeV]
[in]effective_chemical_potentialeffective chemical potential of the system [GeV]
[in]statisticsquantum statistics of the particles species (+1 for Fermi, -1 for Bose, 0 for Boltzmann)
the Juttner distribution function

Definition at line 74 of file

77  {
78  const double Boltzmann_factor =
79  std::exp(-(std::sqrt(momentum_radial * momentum_radial + mass * mass) -
80  effective_chemical_potential) /
81  temperature);
82  // exp(-x) / [1 + exp(-x)] is numerically more stable than 1 / [exp(x) + 1]
83  return Boltzmann_factor / (1 + statistics * Boltzmann_factor);
84 }

◆ sample_momenta_non_eq_mass()

double smash::sample_momenta_non_eq_mass ( const double  temperature,
const double  mass 

Samples a momentum via rejection method from the non-equilibrium distribution.


See also
[in]temperatureTemperature \(T\) [GeV]
[in]massMass of the particle: \(m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2}\) [GeV]
one possible momentum between mass and 50 GeV

Definition at line 86 of file

86  {
87  logg[LDistributions].debug("Sample momenta with mass ", mass, " and T ",
88  temperature);
90  /* Calculate range on momentum values to use
91  * ideally 0.0 and as large as possible but we want to be efficient! */
92  const double mom_min = 0.0;
93  const double mom_max =
94  std::sqrt(50. * 50. * temperature * temperature - mass * mass);
95  /* Calculate momentum and energy values that will give
96  * maxima of density_integrand_mass, verified by differentiation */
97  const double p_non_eq_sq =
98  0.5 * (9 * temperature * temperature +
99  temperature *
100  std::sqrt(81 * temperature * temperature + 36 * mass * mass));
101  const double e_non_eq = std::sqrt(p_non_eq_sq + mass * mass);
102  const double probability_max =
103  2. * density_integrand_mass(e_non_eq, p_non_eq_sq, temperature);
105  /* sample by rejection method: (see numerical recipes for more efficient)
106  * random momenta and random probability need to be below the distribution */
107  double energy, momentum_radial, probability;
108  do {
109  // sample uniformly in momentum, DONT sample uniformly in energy!
110  momentum_radial = random::uniform(mom_min, mom_max);
111  // Energy by on-shell condition
112  energy = std::sqrt(momentum_radial * momentum_radial + mass * mass);
113  probability = density_integrand_mass(
114  energy, momentum_radial * momentum_radial, temperature);
115  } while (random::uniform(0., probability_max) > probability);
117  return momentum_radial;
118 }
T uniform(T min, T max)
Definition: random.h:88
static constexpr int LDistributions
double density_integrand_mass(const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
density_integrand_mass - off_equilibrium distribution for massive particles

◆ sample_momenta_1M_IC()

double smash::sample_momenta_1M_IC ( const double  temperature,
const double  mass 

Samples a momentum from the non-equilibrium distribution 1M_IC from Bazow:2016oky [7].

See also
[in]temperatureTemperature \(T\) [GeV]
[in]massMass of the particle: \(m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2}\) [GeV]
one possible momentum between mass and 50 GeV

Definition at line 120 of file

120  {
121  logg[LDistributions].debug("Sample momenta with mass ", mass, " and T ",
122  temperature);
123  // Maxwell-Boltzmann average E <E>=3T + m * K_1(m/T) / K_2(m/T)
124  double energy_average;
125  if (mass > 0.) {
126  // massive particles
127  const double m_over_T = mass / temperature;
128  energy_average = 3 * temperature + mass * gsl_sf_bessel_K1(m_over_T) /
129  gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, m_over_T);
130  } else {
131  // massless particles
132  energy_average = 3 * temperature;
133  }
134  const double momentum_average_sqr =
135  (energy_average - mass) * (energy_average + mass);
136  const double energy_min = mass;
137  const double energy_max = 50. * temperature;
138  /* 16 * the massless peak value to be well above maximum of the
139  * distribution */
140  const double probability_max =
141  16. * density_integrand_1M_IC(energy_average, momentum_average_sqr,
142  temperature);
144  /* sample by rejection method: (see numerical recipes for more efficient)
145  * random momenta and random probability need to be below the distribution */
146  double momentum_radial_sqr, probability;
147  do {
148  double energy = random::uniform(energy_min, energy_max);
149  momentum_radial_sqr = (energy - mass) * (energy + mass);
150  probability =
151  density_integrand_1M_IC(energy, momentum_radial_sqr, temperature);
152  } while (random::uniform(0., probability_max) > probability);
154  return std::sqrt(momentum_radial_sqr);
155 }
double density_integrand_1M_IC(const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
density integrand - 1M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky

◆ sample_momenta_2M_IC()

double smash::sample_momenta_2M_IC ( const double  temperature,
const double  mass 

Samples a momentum from the non-equilibrium distribution 2M_IC from Bazow:2016oky [7].

See also
[in]temperatureTemperature \(T\) [GeV]
[in]massMass of the particle: \(m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2}\) [GeV]
one possible momentum between mass and 50 GeV

Definition at line 157 of file

157  {
158  logg[LDistributions].debug("Sample momenta with mass ", mass, " and T ",
159  temperature);
160  /* Maxwell-Boltzmann average E <E>=3T + m * K_1(m/T) / K_2(m/T) */
161  double energy_average;
162  if (mass > 0.) {
163  // massive particles
164  const double m_over_T = mass / temperature;
165  energy_average = 3 * temperature + mass * gsl_sf_bessel_K1(m_over_T) /
166  gsl_sf_bessel_Kn(2, m_over_T);
167  } else {
168  // massless particles
169  energy_average = 3 * temperature;
170  }
171  const double momentum_average_sqr =
172  (energy_average - mass) * (energy_average + mass);
173  const double energy_min = mass;
174  const double energy_max = 50. * temperature;
175  /* 16 * the massless peak value to be well above maximum of the
176  * distribution */
177  const double probability_max =
178  16. * density_integrand_2M_IC(energy_average, momentum_average_sqr,
179  temperature);
181  /* sample by rejection method: (see numerical recipes for more efficient)
182  * random momenta and random probability need to be below the distribution */
183  double momentum_radial_sqr, probability;
184  do {
185  double energy = random::uniform(energy_min, energy_max);
186  momentum_radial_sqr = (energy - mass) * (energy + mass);
187  probability =
188  density_integrand_2M_IC(energy, momentum_radial_sqr, temperature);
189  } while (random::uniform(0., probability_max) > probability);
191  return std::sqrt(momentum_radial_sqr);
192 }
double density_integrand_2M_IC(const double energy, const double momentum_sqr, const double temperature)
density integrand - 2M_IC massless particles for expanding metric initialization, see Bazow:2016oky

◆ sample_momenta_from_thermal()

double smash::sample_momenta_from_thermal ( const double  temperature,
const double  mass 

Samples a momentum from the Maxwell-Boltzmann (thermal) distribution in a faster way, given by Scott Pratt (see Pratt:2014vja [44]) APPENDIX: ALGORITHM FOR GENERATING PARTICLES math trick: for \( x^{n-1}e^{-x} \) distribution, sample x by: \( x = -ln(r_1 r_2 r_3 ... r_n) \) where \( r_i \) are uniform random numbers between [0,1) for \( T/m > 0.6 \): \( p^2 e^{-E/T} = p^2 e^{-p/T} * e^{(p-E)/T} \), where \( e^{(p-E)/T}\) is used as rejection weight.

Since \(T/m > 0.6 \), \( e^{(p-E)/T}\) is close to 1. for \( T/m < 0.6 \), there are many rejections another manipulation is used: \( p^2 e^{-E/T} dp = dE \frac{E}{p} p^2 e^{-E/T} \) \( = dK \frac{p}{E} (K+m)^2 e^{-K/T} e^{-m/T} \) \( = dK (K^2 + 2mK + m^2) e^{-K/T} \frac{p}{E}\) where \( \frac{p}{E} \) is used as rejection weight.

[in]temperatureTemperature \(T\) [GeV]
[in]massMass of the particle: \(m = \sqrt{E^2 - p^2}\) [GeV]
one possible momentum

Definition at line 194 of file

195  {
196  logg[LDistributions].debug("Sample momenta with mass ", mass, " and T ",
197  temperature);
198  double momentum_radial, energy;
199  // when temperature/mass
200  if (temperature > 0.6 * mass) {
201  while (true) {
202  const double a = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
203  const double b = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
204  const double c = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
205  momentum_radial = temperature * (a + b + c);
206  energy = std::sqrt(momentum_radial * momentum_radial + mass * mass);
207  if (random::canonical() <
208  std::exp((momentum_radial - energy) / temperature)) {
209  break;
210  }
211  }
212  } else {
213  while (true) {
214  const double r0 = random::canonical();
215  const double I1 = mass * mass;
216  const double I2 = 2.0 * mass * temperature;
217  const double I3 = 2.0 * temperature * temperature;
218  const double Itot = I1 + I2 + I3;
219  double K;
220  if (r0 < I1 / Itot) {
221  const double r1 = random::canonical_nonzero();
222  K = -temperature * std::log(r1);
223  } else if (r0 < (I1 + I2) / Itot) {
224  const double r1 = random::canonical_nonzero();
225  const double r2 = random::canonical_nonzero();
226  K = -temperature * std::log(r1 * r2);
227  } else {
228  const double r1 = random::canonical_nonzero();
229  const double r2 = random::canonical_nonzero();
230  const double r3 = random::canonical_nonzero();
231  K = -temperature * std::log(r1 * r2 * r3);
232  }
233  energy = K + mass;
234  momentum_radial = std::sqrt((energy + mass) * (energy - mass));
235  if (random::canonical() < momentum_radial / energy) {
236  break;
237  }
238  }
239  }
240  return momentum_radial;
241 }
T canonical_nonzero()
Definition: random.h:122
T canonical()
Definition: random.h:113
static const uint32_t K[64]
The K array.

◆ sample_momenta_IC_ES()

double smash::sample_momenta_IC_ES ( const double  temperature)

Sample momenta according to the momentum distribution in Bazow:2016oky [7].

[in]temperatureThe temperature for the distribution [GeV]
Radial momentum

Definition at line 243 of file

243  {
244  double momentum_radial;
245  const double a = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
246  const double b = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
247  const double c = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
248  const double d = -std::log(random::canonical_nonzero());
249  momentum_radial = (3.0 / 4.0) * temperature * (a + b + c + d);
251  return momentum_radial;
252 }

◆ operator+() [1/3]

EnergyMomentumTensor smash::operator+ ( EnergyMomentumTensor  a,
const EnergyMomentumTensor b 

Direct addition operator.

Definition at line 162 of file energymomentumtensor.h.

163  {
164  a += b;
165  return a;
166 }

◆ operator-() [1/4]

EnergyMomentumTensor smash::operator- ( EnergyMomentumTensor  a,
const EnergyMomentumTensor b 

Direct subtraction operator.

Definition at line 176 of file energymomentumtensor.h.

177  {
178  a -= b;
179  return a;
180 }

◆ operator*() [1/8]

EnergyMomentumTensor smash::operator* ( EnergyMomentumTensor  a,
const double  b 

Direct multiplication operator.

Definition at line 189 of file energymomentumtensor.h.

189  {
190  a *= b;
191  return a;
192 }

◆ operator*() [2/8]

EnergyMomentumTensor smash::operator* ( const double  a,
EnergyMomentumTensor  b 

Direct multiplication operator.

Definition at line 194 of file energymomentumtensor.h.

194  {
195  b *= a;
196  return b;
197 }

◆ operator/() [1/3]

EnergyMomentumTensor smash::operator/ ( EnergyMomentumTensor  a,
const double  b 

Direct division operator.

Definition at line 206 of file energymomentumtensor.h.

206  {
207  a /= b;
208  return a;
209 }

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

template<typename Modus >
std::ostream & smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Experiment< Modus > &  e 

Creates a verbose textual description of the setup of the Experiment.

Writes the initial state for the Experiment to the output stream.

It automatically appends the output of the current Modus.

Definition at line 713 of file experiment.h.

713  {
714  out << "End time: " << e.end_time_ << " fm\n";
715  out << e.modus_;
716  return out;
717 }

◆ create_experiment_parameters()

ExperimentParameters smash::create_experiment_parameters ( Configuration config)

Gathers all general Experiment parameters.

[in,out]configConfiguration element
The ExperimentParameters struct filled with values from the Configuration

The maximum around 200 mb occurs in the Delta peak of the pi+p cross section. Many SMASH cross sections diverge at the threshold, these divergent parts are effectively cut off. If deuteron production via d' is considered, then the default should be increased to 2000 mb to function correctly (see Oliinychenko:2018ugs [42]). If the cross sections are globally scaled, the maximum cross section is also scaled.

The maximum around 200 mb occurs in the Delta peak of the pi+p cross section. Many SMASH cross sections diverge at the threshold, these divergent parts are effectively cut off. If deuteron production via d' is considered, then the default should be increased to 2000 mb to function correctly (see Oliinychenko:2018ugs [42]). If the cross sections are globally scaled, the maximum cross section is also scaled.

Definition at line 132 of file

132  {
135  const int ntest = config.take({"General", "Testparticles"}, 1);
136  if (ntest <= 0) {
137  throw std::invalid_argument("Testparticle number should be positive!");
138  }
140  // sets whether to consider only participants in thermodynamic outputs or not
141  const bool only_participants =
142  config.take({"Output", "Thermodynamics", "Only_Participants"}, false);
144  if (only_participants && config.has_value({"Potentials"})) {
145  throw std::invalid_argument(
146  "Only_Participants option cannot be "
147  "set to True when using Potentials.");
148  }
150  const std::string modus_chooser = config.take({"General", "Modus"});
151  // remove config maps of unused Modi
152  config.remove_all_entries_in_section_but_one(modus_chooser, {"Modi"});
154  double box_length = -1.0;
155  if (config.has_value({"Modi", "Box", "Length"})) {
156  box_length ={"Modi", "Box", "Length"});
157  }
159  if (config.has_value({"Modi", "ListBox", "Length"})) {
160  box_length ={"Modi", "ListBox", "Length"});
161  }
163  /* If this Delta_Time option is absent (this can be for timestepless mode)
164  * just assign 1.0 fm, reasonable value will be set at event initialization
165  */
166  const double dt = config.take({"General", "Delta_Time"}, 1.);
167  if (dt <= 0.) {
168  throw std::invalid_argument("Delta_Time cannot be zero or negative.");
169  }
171  const double t_end ={"General", "End_Time"});
172  if (t_end <= 0.) {
173  throw std::invalid_argument("End_Time cannot be zero or negative.");
174  }
176  // Enforce a small time step, if the box modus is used
177  if (box_length > 0.0 && dt > box_length / 10.0) {
178  throw std::invalid_argument(
179  "Please decrease the timestep size. "
180  "A value of (dt <= l_box / 10) is necessary in the box modus.");
181  }
183  // define output clock
184  std::unique_ptr<Clock> output_clock = nullptr;
185  if (config.has_value({"Output", "Output_Times"})) {
186  if (config.has_value({"Output", "Output_Interval"})) {
187  throw std::invalid_argument(
188  "Please specify either Output_Interval or Output_Times");
189  }
190  std::vector<double> output_times = config.take({"Output", "Output_Times"});
191  // Add an output time larger than the end time so that the next time is
192  // always defined during the time evolution
193  output_times.push_back(t_end + 1.);
194  output_clock = std::make_unique<CustomClock>(output_times);
195  } else {
196  const double output_dt = config.take({"Output", "Output_Interval"}, t_end);
197  if (output_dt <= 0.) {
198  throw std::invalid_argument(
199  "Output_Interval cannot be zero or negative.");
200  }
201  output_clock = std::make_unique<UniformClock>(0.0, output_dt, t_end);
202  }
204  // Add proper error messages if photons are not configured properly.
205  // 1) Missing Photon config section.
206  if (config.has_value({"Output", "Photons"}) &&
207  (!config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Photons"}))) {
208  throw std::invalid_argument(
209  "Photon output is enabled although photon production is disabled. "
210  "Photon production can be configured in the \"Photon\" subsection "
211  "of the \"Collision_Term\".");
212  }
214  // 2) Missing Photon output section.
215  bool missing_output_2to2 = false;
216  bool missing_output_brems = false;
217  if (!(config.has_value({"Output", "Photons"}))) {
218  if (config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Photons", "2to2_Scatterings"})) {
219  missing_output_2to2 =
220{"Collision_Term", "Photons", "2to2_Scatterings"});
221  }
222  if (config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Photons", "Bremsstrahlung"})) {
223  missing_output_brems =
224{"Collision_Term", "Photons", "Bremsstrahlung"});
225  }
227  if (missing_output_2to2 || missing_output_brems) {
228  throw std::invalid_argument(
229  "Photon output is disabled although photon production is enabled. "
230  "Please enable the photon output.");
231  }
232  }
234  // Add proper error messages if dileptons are not configured properly.
235  // 1) Missing Dilepton config section.
236  if (config.has_value({"Output", "Dileptons"}) &&
237  (!config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Dileptons"}))) {
238  throw std::invalid_argument(
239  "Dilepton output is enabled although dilepton production is disabled. "
240  "Dilepton production can be configured in the \"Dileptons\" subsection "
241  "of the \"Collision_Term\".");
242  }
244  // 2) Missing Dilepton output section.
245  bool missing_output_decays = false;
246  if (!(config.has_value({"Output", "Dileptons"}))) {
247  if (config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Dileptons", "Decays"})) {
248  missing_output_decays =
249{"Collision_Term", "Dileptons", "Decays"});
250  }
252  if (missing_output_decays) {
253  throw std::invalid_argument(
254  "Dilepton output is disabled although dilepton production is "
255  "enabled. "
256  "Please enable the dilepton output.");
257  }
258  }
259  /* Elastic collisions between the nucleons with the square root s
260  * below low_snn_cut are excluded. */
261  const double low_snn_cut =
262  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Elastic_NN_Cutoff_Sqrts"}, 1.98);
263  const auto proton = ParticleType::try_find(pdg::p);
264  const auto pion = ParticleType::try_find(pdg::pi_z);
265  if (proton && pion &&
266  low_snn_cut > proton->mass() + proton->mass() + pion->mass()) {
267  logg[LExperiment].warn("The cut-off should be below the threshold energy",
268  " of the process: NN to NNpi");
269  }
270  const bool potential_affect_threshold =
271  config.take({"Lattice", "Potentials_Affect_Thresholds"}, false);
272  const double scale_xs =
273  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Cross_Section_Scaling"}, 1.0);
275  const auto criterion = config.take({"Collision_Term", "Collision_Criterion"},
278  if (config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Fixed_Min_Cell_Length"}) &&
279  criterion != CollisionCriterion::Stochastic) {
280  throw std::invalid_argument(
281  "Only use a fixed minimal cell length with the stochastic collision "
282  "criterion.");
283  }
284  if (config.has_value({"Collision_Term", "Maximum_Cross_Section"}) &&
285  criterion == CollisionCriterion::Stochastic) {
286  throw std::invalid_argument(
287  "Only use maximum cross section with the "
288  "geometric collision criterion. Use Fixed_Min_Cell_Length to change "
289  "the grid "
290  "size for the stochastic criterion.");
291  }
301  const double maximum_cross_section_default =
302  ParticleType::exists("d'") ? 2000.0 : 200.0;
304  double maximum_cross_section =
305  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Maximum_Cross_Section"},
306  maximum_cross_section_default);
307  maximum_cross_section *= scale_xs;
308  return {
309  std::make_unique<UniformClock>(0.0, dt, t_end),
310  std::move(output_clock),
311  config.take({"General", "Ensembles"}, 1),
312  ntest,
313  config.take({"General", "Derivatives_Mode"},
315  config.has_value({"Potentials", "VDF"})
318  config.take({"General", "Field_Derivatives_Mode"},
320  config.take({"General", "Smearing_Mode"},
322  config.take({"General", "Gaussian_Sigma"}, 1.),
323  config.take({"General", "Gauss_Cutoff_In_Sigma"}, 4.),
324  config.take({"General", "Discrete_Weight"}, 1. / 3.0),
325  config.take({"General", "Triangular_Range"}, 2.0),
326  criterion,
327  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Two_to_One"}, true),
328  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Included_2to2"}, ReactionsBitSet().set()),
329  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Multi_Particle_Reactions"},
330  MultiParticleReactionsBitSet().reset()),
331  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Strings"}, modus_chooser != "Box"),
332  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Resonance_Lifetime_Modifier"}, 1.),
333  config.take({"Collision_Term", "NNbar_Treatment"},
335  low_snn_cut,
336  potential_affect_threshold,
337  box_length,
338  maximum_cross_section,
339  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Fixed_Min_Cell_Length"}, 2.5),
340  scale_xs,
341  only_participants,
342  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Include_Weak_And_EM_Decays_At_The_End"},
343  false),
344  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Decay_Initial_Particles"},
345  InputKeys::collTerm_decayInitial.default_value()),
346  std::nullopt};
347 }
std::bitset< 10 > ReactionsBitSet
Container for the 2 to 2 reactions in the code.
@ Strings
Use string fragmentation.
std::bitset< 4 > MultiParticleReactionsBitSet
Container for the n to m reactions in the code.
@ Stochastic
Stochastic Criteiron.
@ Covariant
Covariant Criterion.
Hackery that is required to output the location in the source code where the log statement occurs.
Definition: logging.h:153
constexpr int pi_z
static constexpr int LExperiment

◆ hline()

const std::string smash::hline ( 113  ,

String representing a horizontal line.

◆ format_measurements()

std::string smash::format_measurements ( const std::vector< Particles > &  ensembles,
uint64_t  scatterings_this_interval,
const QuantumNumbers conserved_initial,
SystemTimePoint  time_start,
double  time,
double  E_mean_field,
double  E_mean_field_initial 

Generate a string which will be printed to the screen when SMASH is running.

[in]ensemblesThe simulated particles: one Particles object per ensemble. The information about particles is used to check the conservation of the total energy and momentum as well as print other useful information.
[in]scatterings_this_intervalNumber of the scatterings occur within the current timestep.
[in]conserved_initialInitial quantum numbers needed to check the conservations.
[in]time_startMoment in the REAL WORLD when SMASH starts to run [s].
[in]timeCurrent moment in SMASH [fm].
[in]E_mean_fieldValue of the mean-field contribution to the total energy of the system at the current time.
[in]E_mean_field_initialValue of the mean-field contribution to the total energy of the system at t=0.
'Current time in SMASH [fm]', 'Total kinetic energy in the system [GeV]', 'Total mean field energy in the system [GeV]', 'Total energy in the system [GeV]', 'Total energy per particle [GeV]', 'Deviation of the energy per particle from the initial value [GeV]', 'Number of scatterings that occurred within the timestep', 'Total particle number', 'Computing time consumed'.

Definition at line 349 of file

354  {
355  const SystemTimeSpan elapsed_seconds = SystemClock::now() - time_start;
357  const QuantumNumbers current_values(ensembles);
358  const QuantumNumbers difference = current_values - conserved_initial;
359  int total_particles = 0;
360  for (const Particles &particles : ensembles) {
361  total_particles += particles.size();
362  }
364  // Make sure there are no FPEs in case of IC output, were there will
365  // eventually be no more particles in the system
366  const double current_energy = current_values.momentum().x0();
367  const double energy_per_part =
368  (total_particles > 0) ? (current_energy + E_mean_field) / total_particles
369  : 0.0;
371  std::ostringstream ss;
372  // clang-format off
373  ss << field<7, 3> << time
374  // total kinetic energy in the system
375  << field<11, 3> << current_energy
376  // total mean field energy in the system
377  << field<11, 3> << E_mean_field
378  // total energy in the system
379  << field<12, 3> << current_energy + E_mean_field
380  // total energy per particle in the system
381  << field<12, 6> << energy_per_part;
382  // change in total energy per particle (unless IC output is enabled)
383  if (total_particles == 0) {
384  ss << field<13, 6> << "N/A";
385  } else {
386  ss << field<13, 6> << (difference.momentum().x0()
387  + E_mean_field - E_mean_field_initial)
388  / total_particles;
389  }
390  ss << field<14, 3> << scatterings_this_interval
391  << field<10, 3> << total_particles
392  << field<9, 3> << elapsed_seconds;
393  // clang-format on
394  return ss.str();
395 }
SystemClock::duration SystemTimeSpan
The time duration type (alias) used for measuring run times.
Definition: chrono.h:28

◆ calculate_mean_field_energy()

double smash::calculate_mean_field_energy ( const Potentials potentials,
RectangularLattice< smash::DensityOnLattice > &  jmu_B_lat,
RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *  em_lattice,
const ExperimentParameters parameters 

Calculate the total mean field energy of the system; this will be printed to the screen when SMASH is running.

Using the baryon density lattice is necessary.

[in]potentialsParameters of the potentials used in the simulation.
[in]jmu_B_latLattice of baryon density and baryon current values as well as their gradients at each lattice node.
[in]em_latticeLattice containing the electric and magnetic field in fm^-2
[in]parametersParameters of the experiment, needed for the access to the number of testparticles.
Total mean field energy in the Box.

Definition at line 397 of file

401  {
402  // basic parameters and variables
403  const double V_cell = (jmuB_lat.cell_sizes())[0] *
404  (jmuB_lat.cell_sizes())[1] * (jmuB_lat.cell_sizes())[2];
406  double E_mean_field = 0.0;
407  double density_mean = 0.0;
408  double density_variance = 0.0;
410  /*
411  * We anticipate having other options, like the vector DFT potentials, in the
412  * future, hence we include checking which potentials are used.
413  */
414  if (potentials.use_skyrme()) {
415  /*
416  * Calculating the symmetry energy contribution to the total mean field
417  * energy in the system is not implemented at this time.
418  */
419  if (potentials.use_symmetry() &&
420  parameters.outputclock->current_time() == 0.0) {
421  logg[LExperiment].warn()
422  << "Note:"
423  << "\nSymmetry energy is not included in the mean field calculation."
424  << "\n\n";
425  }
427  /*
428  * Skyrme potential parameters:
429  * C1GeV are the Skyrme coefficients converted to GeV,
430  * b1 are the powers of the baryon number density entering the expression
431  * for the energy density of the system. Note that these exponents are
432  * larger by 1 than those for the energy of a particle (which are used in
433  * Potentials class). The formula for a total mean field energy due to a
434  * Skyrme potential is E_MF = \sum_i (C_i/b_i) ( n_B^b_i )/( n_0^(b_i - 1) )
435  * where nB is the local rest frame baryon number density and n_0 is the
436  * saturation density. Then the single particle potential follows from
437  * V = d E_MF / d n_B .
438  */
439  double C1GeV = (potentials.skyrme_a()) / 1000.0;
440  double C2GeV = (potentials.skyrme_b()) / 1000.0;
441  double b1 = 2.0;
442  double b2 = (potentials.skyrme_tau()) + 1.0;
444  /*
445  * Note: calculating the mean field only works if lattice is used.
446  * We iterate over the nodes of the baryon density lattice to sum their
447  * contributions to the total mean field.
448  */
449  int number_of_nodes = 0;
450  double lattice_mean_field_total = 0.0;
452  for (auto &node : jmuB_lat) {
453  number_of_nodes++;
454  // the rest frame density
455  double rhoB = node.rho();
456  // the computational frame density
457  const double j0B = node.jmu_net().x0();
459  const double abs_rhoB = std::abs(rhoB);
460  if (abs_rhoB < very_small_double) {
461  continue;
462  }
463  density_mean += j0B;
464  density_variance += j0B * j0B;
466  /*
467  * The mean-field energy for the Skyrme potential. Note: this expression
468  * is only exact in the rest frame, and is expected to significantly
469  * deviate from the correct value for systems that are considerably
470  * relativistic. Note: symmetry energy is not taken into the account.
471  *
472  * TODO: Add symmetry energy.
473  */
474  double mean_field_contribution_1 = (C1GeV / b1) * std::pow(abs_rhoB, b1) /
475  std::pow(nuclear_density, b1 - 1);
476  double mean_field_contribution_2 = (C2GeV / b2) * std::pow(abs_rhoB, b2) /
477  std::pow(nuclear_density, b2 - 1);
479  lattice_mean_field_total +=
480  V_cell * (mean_field_contribution_1 + mean_field_contribution_2);
481  }
483  // logging statistical properties of the density calculation
484  density_mean = density_mean / number_of_nodes;
485  density_variance = density_variance / number_of_nodes;
486  double density_scaled_variance =
487  std::sqrt(density_variance - density_mean * density_mean) /
488  density_mean;
489  logg[LExperiment].debug() << "\t\t\t\t\t";
490  logg[LExperiment].debug()
491  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t density mean = " << density_mean;
492  logg[LExperiment].debug()
493  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t density scaled variance = " << density_scaled_variance;
494  logg[LExperiment].debug()
495  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t total mean_field = "
496  << lattice_mean_field_total * parameters.testparticles *
497  parameters.n_ensembles
498  << "\n";
500  E_mean_field = lattice_mean_field_total;
501  } // if (potentials.use_skyrme())
503  if (potentials.use_vdf()) {
504  /*
505  * Safety check:
506  * Calculating the symmetry energy contribution to the total mean field
507  * energy in the system is not implemented at this time.
508  */
509  if (potentials.use_symmetry() &&
510  parameters.outputclock->current_time() == 0.0) {
511  logg[LExperiment].error()
512  << "\nSymmetry energy is not included in the VDF mean-field "
513  "calculation"
514  << "\nas VDF potentials haven't been fitted with symmetry energy."
515  << "\n\n";
516  }
518  /*
519  * The total mean-field energy density due to a VDF potential is
520  * E_MF = \sum_i C_i rho^(b_i - 2) *
521  * * [j_0^2 - rho^2 * (b_i - 1)/b_i] / rho_0^(b_i - 1)
522  * where j_0 is the local computational frame baryon density, rho is the
523  * local rest frame baryon density, and rho_0 is the saturation density.
524  */
526  // saturation density of nuclear matter specified in the VDF parameters
527  double rhoB_0 = potentials.saturation_density();
529  /*
530  * Note: calculating the mean field only works if lattice is used.
531  * We iterate over the nodes of the baryon density lattice to sum their
532  * contributions to the total mean field.
533  */
534  int number_of_nodes = 0;
535  double lattice_mean_field_total = 0.0;
537  for (auto &node : jmuB_lat) {
538  number_of_nodes++;
539  // the rest frame density
540  double rhoB = node.rho();
541  // the computational frame density
542  const double j0B = node.jmu_net().x0();
543  double abs_rhoB = std::abs(rhoB);
544  density_mean += j0B;
545  density_variance += j0B * j0B;
547  /*
548  * The mean-field energy for the VDF potential. This expression is correct
549  * in any frame, and in the rest frame conforms to the Skyrme mean-field
550  * energy (if same coefficients and powers are used).
551  */
552  // in order to prevent dividing by zero in case any b_i < 2.0
553  if (abs_rhoB < very_small_double) {
554  abs_rhoB = very_small_double;
555  }
556  double mean_field_contribution = 0.0;
557  for (int i = 0; i < potentials.number_of_terms(); i++) {
558  mean_field_contribution +=
559  potentials.coeffs()[i] *
560  std::pow(abs_rhoB, potentials.powers()[i] - 2.0) *
561  (j0B * j0B -
562  ((potentials.powers()[i] - 1.0) / potentials.powers()[i]) *
563  abs_rhoB * abs_rhoB) /
564  std::pow(rhoB_0, potentials.powers()[i] - 1.0);
565  }
566  lattice_mean_field_total += V_cell * mean_field_contribution;
567  }
569  // logging statistical properties of the density calculation
570  density_mean = density_mean / number_of_nodes;
571  density_variance = density_variance / number_of_nodes;
572  double density_scaled_variance =
573  std::sqrt(density_variance - density_mean * density_mean) /
574  density_mean;
575  logg[LExperiment].debug() << "\t\t\t\t\t";
576  logg[LExperiment].debug()
577  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t density mean = " << density_mean;
578  logg[LExperiment].debug()
579  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t density scaled variance = " << density_scaled_variance;
580  logg[LExperiment].debug()
581  << "\n\t\t\t\t\t total mean_field = "
582  << lattice_mean_field_total * parameters.testparticles *
583  parameters.n_ensembles
584  << "\n";
586  E_mean_field = lattice_mean_field_total;
587  }
589  double electromagnetic_potential = 0.0;
590  if (potentials.use_coulomb() && em_lattice) {
591  // Use cell volume of electromagnetic fields lattice even though it should
592  // be the same as for net-baryon density
593  double V_cell_em = em_lattice->cell_sizes()[0] *
594  em_lattice->cell_sizes()[1] *
595  em_lattice->cell_sizes()[2];
596  for (auto &fields : *em_lattice) {
597  // Energy is 0.5 * int E^2 + B^2 dV
598  electromagnetic_potential +=
599  hbarc * 0.5 * V_cell_em * (fields.first.sqr() + fields.second.sqr());
600  }
601  }
602  logg[LExperiment].debug() << "Total energy in electromagnetic field = "
603  << electromagnetic_potential;
604  E_mean_field += electromagnetic_potential;
605  /*
606  * E_mean_field is multiplied by the number of testparticles per particle and
607  * the number of parallel ensembles because the total kinetic energy tracked
608  * is that of all particles in the simulation, including test-particles and/or
609  * ensembles, and so this way is more consistent.
610  */
611  E_mean_field =
612  E_mean_field * parameters.testparticles * parameters.n_ensembles;
614  return E_mean_field;
615 }
constexpr double nuclear_density
Ground state density of symmetric nuclear matter [fm^-3].
Definition: constants.h:48
constexpr double hbarc
GeV <-> fm conversion factor.
Definition: constants.h:25

◆ fill_event_info()

EventInfo smash::fill_event_info ( const std::vector< Particles > &  ensembles,
double  E_mean_field,
double  modus_impact_parameter,
const ExperimentParameters parameters,
bool  projectile_target_interact,
bool  kinematic_cut_for_SMASH_IC 

Generate the EventInfo object which is passed to outputs_.

[in]ensemblesThe simulated particles: one Particles object per ensemble. Information about all particles (positions, momenta, etc.)is passed to the output.
[in]E_mean_fieldValue of the mean-field contribution to the total energy of the system at the current time.
[in]modus_impact_parameterThe impact parameter
[in]parametersstructure that holds various global parameters such as testparticle number, see ExperimentParameters
[in]projectile_target_interacttrue if there was at least one collision
[in]kinematic_cut_for_SMASH_ICtrue if kinematic cuts in y or pT are enabled when exracting initial conditions for hydrodynamics

Definition at line 617 of file

621  {
622  const QuantumNumbers current_values(ensembles);
623  const double E_kinetic_total = current_values.momentum().x0();
624  const double E_total = E_kinetic_total + E_mean_field;
626  EventInfo event_info{modus_impact_parameter,
627  parameters.box_length,
628  parameters.outputclock->current_time(),
629  E_kinetic_total,
630  E_mean_field,
631  E_total,
632  parameters.testparticles,
633  parameters.n_ensembles,
634  !projectile_target_interact,
635  kinematic_cut_for_SMASH_IC};
636  return event_info;
637 }

◆ validate_and_adjust_particle_list()

void smash::validate_and_adjust_particle_list ( ParticleList &  particle_list)

Validate a particle list adjusting each particle to be a valid SMASH particle.

If the provided particle has an invalid PDG code, it is removed from the list and the user warned. If the particles in the list are adjusted, the function warns the user only the first time this function is called.

See also
create_valid_smash_particle_matching_provided_quantities for more information about which adjustements are made to the particles.
[in]particle_listThe particle list which should be adjusted

Definition at line 639 of file

639  {
640  static bool warn_mass_discrepancy = true;
641  static bool warn_off_shell_particle = true;
642  for (auto it = particle_list.begin(); it != particle_list.end();) {
643  auto &particle = *it;
644  auto pdgcode = particle.pdgcode();
645  try {
646  // Convert Kaon-L or Kaon-S into K0 or Anti-K0 used in SMASH
647  if (pdgcode == 0x310 || pdgcode == 0x130) {
648  pdgcode = (random::uniform_int(0, 1) == 0) ? pdg::K_z : pdg::Kbar_z;
649  }
650  /* ATTENTION: It would be wrong to directly assign here the return value
651  * to 'particle', because this would potentially also change its id and
652  * process number, which in turn, might lead to actions to be discarded.
653  * Here, only the particle momentum has to be adjusted and this is done
654  * creating a new particle and using its momentum to set 'particle' one.
655  * The position and momentum of the particle are checked for nan values.
656  */
657  auto valid_smash_particle =
659  pdgcode, particle.effective_mass(), particle.position(),
660  particle.momentum(), LExperiment, warn_mass_discrepancy,
661  warn_off_shell_particle);
662  particle.set_4position(valid_smash_particle.position());
663  particle.set_4momentum(valid_smash_particle.momentum());
664  particle.set_cross_section_scaling_factor(
665  valid_smash_particle.xsec_scaling_factor());
666  it++;
667  } catch (ParticleType::PdgNotFoundFailure &) {
668  logg[LExperiment].warn()
669  << "SMASH does not recognize pdg code " << pdgcode
670  << " obtained from hadron list. This particle will be ignored.\n";
671  it = particle_list.erase(it);
672  }
673  }
674 }
constexpr int K_z
constexpr int Kbar_z
T uniform_int(T min, T max)
Definition: random.h:100
ParticleData create_valid_smash_particle_matching_provided_quantities(PdgCode pdgcode, double mass, const FourVector &four_position, const FourVector &four_momentum, int log_area, bool &mass_warning, bool &on_shell_warning)
This function creates a SMASH particle validating the provided information.

◆ check_interactions_total()

void smash::check_interactions_total ( uint64_t  interactions_total)

Make sure interactions_total can be represented as a 32-bit integer.

This is necessary for converting to a id_process. The latter is 32-bit integer, because it is written like this to binary output.

[in]interactions_totalTotal interaction number

Definition at line 2510 of file experiment.h.

2510  {
2511  constexpr uint64_t max_uint32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
2512  if (interactions_total >= max_uint32) {
2513  throw std::runtime_error("Integer overflow in total interaction number!");
2514  }
2515 }

◆ update_fields_lattice()

void smash::update_fields_lattice ( RectangularLattice< FieldsOnLattice > *  fields_lat,
RectangularLattice< FourVector > *  old_fields,
RectangularLattice< FourVector > *  new_fields,
RectangularLattice< std::array< FourVector, 4 >> *  fields_four_grad_lattice,
DensityLattice jmu_B_lat,
const LatticeUpdate  fields_lat_update,
const Potentials potentials,
const double  time_step 

Updates the contents on the lattice of FieldsOnLattice type.

[out]fields_latThe lattice of FieldsOnLattice type on which the content will be updated
[in]old_fieldsAuxiliary lattice, filled with field values at t0, needed for calculating time derivatives
[in]new_fieldsAuxiliary lattice, filled with field values at t0 + dt, needed for calculating time derivatives
[in]fields_four_grad_latticeAuxiliary lattice for calculating the fourgradient of the fields
[in]jmu_B_latLattice of baryon four-current
[in]fields_lat_updateTells if called for update at printout or at timestep
[in]potentialsmean-field potentials used in the simulation
[in]time_stepTime step used in the simulation

Definition at line 14 of file

20  {
21  // Do not proceed if lattice does not exists/update not required
22  if (fields_lat == nullptr || fields_lat->when_update() != fields_lat_update) {
23  return;
24  }
25  // get the number of nodes on the fields lattice
26  const std::array<int, 3> lattice_n_cells = fields_lat->n_cells();
27  const int number_of_nodes =
28  lattice_n_cells[0] * lattice_n_cells[1] * lattice_n_cells[2];
30  /*
31  * Take the provided FieldsOnLattice lattice, fields_lat, and use the
32  * information about the fields to populate the lattice of A^mu FourVectors at
33  * t0, old_fields.
34  */
35  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
36  old_fields->assign_value(i, ((*fields_lat)[i]).A_mu());
37  }
39  /*
40  * Update the fields lattice
41  */
42  fields_lat->reset();
44  // Get the potential parameters
45  const double rhoB_0 = potentials.saturation_density();
47  // update the fields lattice
48  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
49  // read values off the jmu_B lattice (which holds values at t0 + Delta t)
50  double rhoB_at_i = ((*jmuB_lat)[i]).rho();
51  FourVector jmuB_at_i = ((*jmuB_lat)[i]).jmu_net();
53  double abs_rhoB_at_i = std::abs(rhoB_at_i);
54  // this is to prevent nan expressions
55  if (abs_rhoB_at_i < very_small_double) {
56  abs_rhoB_at_i = very_small_double;
57  }
59  // this needs to be used in order to prevent trying to calculate something
60  // an expression like (-rhoB)^{3.4}
61  const int sgn = rhoB_at_i > 0 ? 1 : -1;
63  // field contributions as obtained in the VDF model
64  double field_contribution = 0.0;
65  for (int j = 0; j < potentials.number_of_terms(); j++) {
66  field_contribution +=
67  sgn * potentials.coeffs()[j] *
68  std::pow(abs_rhoB_at_i / rhoB_0, potentials.powers()[j] - 2.0) /
69  rhoB_0;
70  }
71  FourVector field_at_i = field_contribution * jmuB_at_i;
73  // fill the A_mu lattice
74  ((*fields_lat)[i]).overwrite_A_mu(field_at_i);
75  }
77  /*
78  * Use the updated fields lattice, fields_lat, to populate the lattice of A^mu
79  * FourVectors at t0 + Delta t, new_fields.
80  */
81  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
82  new_fields->assign_value(i, ((*fields_lat)[i]).A_mu());
83  }
85  /*
86  * Compute time derivatives and gradients of all components of A^mu
87  */
88  new_fields->compute_four_gradient_lattice(*old_fields, time_step,
89  *fields_four_grad_lattice);
91  // substitute new derivatives
92  for (int i = 0; i < number_of_nodes; i++) {
93  auto tmp = (*fields_four_grad_lattice)[i];
94  ((*fields_lat)[i]).overwrite_dAmu_dxnu(tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2], tmp[3]);
95  }
96 } // void update_fields_lattice()

◆ fopen()

FilePtr smash::fopen ( const std::filesystem::path &  filename,
const std::string &  mode 

Open a file with given mode.

This wraps std::fopen but uses FileDeleter to automatically close the file.

[in]filenamePath to the file.
[in]modeThe mode in which the file should be opened (see std::fopen).
The constructed FilePtr.

Definition at line 14 of file

14  {
15  FilePtr f{std::fopen(filename.c_str(), mode.c_str())};
16  return f;
17 }
std::unique_ptr< std::FILE, FileDeleter > FilePtr
A RAII type to replace std::FILE *.
Definition: file.h:61
FilePtr fopen(const std::filesystem::path &filename, const std::string &mode)
Open a file with given mode.

◆ blatt_weisskopf_sqr()

double smash::blatt_weisskopf_sqr ( const double  p_ab,
const int  L 
the squared Blatt-Weisskopf functions, which influence the mass dependence of the decay widths. See e.g. Effenberger:1999wlg [21], page 28 and where the recursive formula used here is given.
p_abMomentum of outgoing particles A and B in center-of-mass frame [GeV]
LAngular momentum of outgoing particles A and B.

This is used as a standard form factor for all hadronic decays. Note that all the Blatt-Weisskopf functions approach one for large p_ab and behave like p_ab**L for small p_ab. They are increasing monotonically with p_ab.

Definition at line 35 of file formfactors.h.

35  {
36  if (L == 0) {
37  return 1.;
38  }
39  constexpr double R = 1. / hbarc; /* interaction radius = 1 fm */
40  const double x = p_ab * R;
41  const double x2 = x * x;
42  if (L == 1) {
43  return x2 / (1. + x2);
44  }
45  std::complex<double> g_prevprev(1, 0);
46  std::complex<double> g_prev(1, -x);
47  double numer = x2;
48  for (int l = 1; l < L; l++) {
49  numer *= x2;
50  const auto new_g =
51  static_cast<double>(2 * l + 1) * g_prev - x2 * g_prevprev;
52  g_prevprev = g_prev;
53  g_prev = new_g;
54  }
55  const double denom = std::norm(g_prev);
56  return numer / denom;
57 }
#define R(x, n)

◆ post_ff_sqr()

double smash::post_ff_sqr ( double  m,
double  M0,
double  srts0,
double  L 

An additional form factor for unstable final states as used in GiBUU, according to M.

Post, see eq. (174) in Buss:2011mx [13] or eq. (13) in Post:2003hu [43].

mActual mass of the decaying resonance [GeV].
M0Pole mass of the decaying resonance [GeV].
srts0Threshold of the reaction, i.e. minimum possible sqrt(s) [GeV].
LLambda parameter of the form factor [GeV]. This is a cut-off parameter that can be different for baryons and mesons.
The squared value of the form factor (dimensionless).

This form factor is equal to one at m=M0 and m=srts0. For decreasing values of L, the form factor results in a stronger and stronger suppression of the high-mass tail (m > M0) and a corresponding enhancement of the low-mass tail (m < M0).

Definition at line 77 of file formfactors.h.

77  {
78  const auto L4 = L * L * L * L;
79  const auto M2 = M0 * M0;
80  const auto s0 = srts0 * srts0;
81  const auto sminus = (s0 - M2) * 0.5;
82  const auto splus = m * m - (s0 + M2) * 0.5;
83  const auto FF = (L4 + sminus * sminus) / (L4 + splus * splus);
84  return FF * FF;
85 }

◆ em_form_factor_ps()

double smash::em_form_factor_ps ( PdgCode  pdg,
double  mass 
Electromagnetic transition form factor for P → γ e⁺ e⁻, with a pseudoscalar meson P = π⁰,η,η', as a function of the dilepton mass.

For the π⁰ see Landsberg:1985gaz [33]. For the η the Lambda parameter is fitted to NA60 data, see NA60:2009una [4].

pdgPDG code of the decaying meson.
massInvariant dilepton mass [GeV].

Definition at line 99 of file formfactors.h.

99  {
100  switch (pdg.code()) {
101  case pdg::pi_z:
102  return 1. + 5.5 * mass * mass;
103  case pdg::eta: {
104  const double lambda_eta = 0.716;
105  const double m_over_eta = mass / lambda_eta;
106  return 1. / (1. - m_over_eta * m_over_eta);
107  }
108  default: /* η' etc */
109  return 1.; // use QED approximation
110  }
111 }
constexpr int eta

◆ em_form_factor_sqr_vec()

double smash::em_form_factor_sqr_vec ( PdgCode  pdg,
double  mass 
Squared electromagnetic transition form factor for V → π⁰ e⁺ e⁻, with a vector meson V = ω,φ, as a function of the dilepton mass.

For the ω, see Bratkovskaya:1996qe [11].

pdgPDG code of the decaying meson.
massInvariant dilepton mass [GeV].

Definition at line 122 of file formfactors.h.

122  {
123  switch (pdg.code()) {
124  case pdg::omega: {
125  constexpr double lambda = 0.65;
126  constexpr double gamma = 0.075;
127  constexpr double lambda_sqr = lambda * lambda;
128  constexpr double gamma_sqr = gamma * gamma;
129  const double tmp = lambda_sqr - mass * mass;
130  const double denom = tmp * tmp + lambda_sqr * gamma_sqr;
131  return lambda_sqr * lambda_sqr / denom;
132  }
133  default: /* φ etc */
134  return 1.; // use QED approximation
135  }
136 }
constexpr int omega

◆ form_factor_delta()

double smash::form_factor_delta ( [[maybe_unused] ] double  m)
Electromagnetic transition form factor for Delta -> N e+ e- as a function of the dilepton mass m.
mInvariant dilepton mass [GeV].

Currently assumed to be constant, normalized at the real-photon point.

Definition at line 146 of file formfactors.h.

146 { return 3.12; }

◆ operator+() [2/3]

FourVector smash::operator+ ( FourVector  a,
const FourVector b 

add two FourVectors

[in]aThe first FourVector to add
[in]bThe second FourVector to add
\(x^\mu = a^\mu + b^\mu\)

Definition at line 376 of file fourvector.h.

376  {
377  a += b;
378  return a;
379 }

◆ operator-() [2/4]

FourVector smash::operator- ( FourVector  a,
const FourVector b 

subtract two FourVectors

[in]aThe FourVector from which to subtract
[in]bThe FourVector to subtract
\(x^\mu = a^\mu - b^\mu\)

Definition at line 397 of file fourvector.h.

397  {
398  a -= b;
399  return a;
400 }

◆ operator*() [3/8]

FourVector smash::operator* ( FourVector  a,
double  b 

multiply a vector with a scalar

[in]aThe FourVector to multiply
[in]bThe value with which to multiply
\(x^\mu = b \cdot a^\mu\)

Definition at line 418 of file fourvector.h.

418  {
419  a *= b;
420  return a;
421 }

◆ operator*() [4/8]

FourVector smash::operator* ( double  b,
FourVector  a 

multiply a vector with a scalar

[in]bThe value with which to multiply
[in]aThe FourVector to multiply
\(x^\mu = b \cdot a^\mu\)

Definition at line 429 of file fourvector.h.

429  {
430  a *= b;
431  return a;
432 }

◆ operator/() [2/3]

FourVector smash::operator/ ( FourVector  a,
const double &  b 

divide a vector by a scalar

[in]aThe FourVector to divide
[in]bThe value with which to divide
\(x^\mu = \frac{1}{b} \cdot a^\mu\)

Definition at line 451 of file fourvector.h.

451  {
452  a /= b;
453  return a;
454 }

◆ enable_float_traps()

bool smash::enable_float_traps ( int  )

Fallback that fails to set the trap.

Definition at line 40 of file fpenvironment.h.

40 { return false; }

◆ setup_default_float_traps()

void smash::setup_default_float_traps ( )

Setup the floating-point traps used throughout SMASH.

If possible, this function additionally installs a signal handler that prints what kind of condition triggered the trap. This requires POSIX.1-2001 to work.

Definition at line 69 of file

69  {
70  {
71  // pole error occurred in a floating-point operation:
72  if (!enable_float_traps(FE_DIVBYZERO)) {
73  logg[LFpe].warn("Failed to setup trap on pole error.");
74  }
76  // domain error occurred in an earlier floating-point operation:
77  if (!enable_float_traps(FE_INVALID)) {
78  logg[LFpe].warn("Failed to setup trap on domain error.");
79  }
81  /* The result of the earlier floating-point operation was too large to be
82  * representable: */
83  if (!enable_float_traps(FE_OVERFLOW)) {
84  logg[LFpe].warn("Failed to setup trap on overflow.");
85  }
87  /* There's also FE_UNDERFLOW, where the result of the earlier
88  * floating-point operation was subnormal with a loss of precision.
89  * We do not consider this an error by default.
90  * Furthermore, there's FE_INEXACT, but this traps if "rounding was
91  * necessary to store the result of an earlier floating-point
92  * operation". This is common and not really an error condition. */
93  }
95 // Install the signal handler if we have the functionality.
96 #if (defined _POSIX_C_SOURCE && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 199309L) || \
97  (defined _XOPEN_SOURCE && _XOPEN_SOURCE) || \
98  (defined _POSIX_SOURCE && _POSIX_SOURCE)
99 /* The missing-fields-initializers warning says that not all fields of this
100  * struct were explicitly initialized. That's exactly what is the intention
101  * here, because then they are default-initialized, which is zero. */
102 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-field-initializers"
103  struct sigaction action = {};
104  action.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
105  action.sa_sigaction = [](int signal, siginfo_t *info, void *) {
106  if (signal == SIGFPE) {
107  const char *msg = nullptr;
108  switch (info->si_code) {
109  case FPE_FLTDIV:
110  msg = "Division by Zero (NaN)";
111  break;
112  case FPE_FLTUND:
113  msg = "Underflow (result was subnormal with a loss of precision)";
114  break;
115  case FPE_FLTOVF:
116  msg = "Overflow (result was too large to be representable)";
117  break;
118  case FPE_FLTINV:
119  msg = "Invalid (domain error occurred)";
120  break;
121  case FPE_FLTRES:
122  msg =
123  "Inexact Result (rounding was necessary to store the result of "
124  "an earlier floating-point operation)";
125  break;
126  default:
127  msg = "unknown";
128  break;
129  }
131  "Floating point trap was raised: ", msg);
132  } else {
133  logg[LFpe].fatal(SMASH_SOURCE_LOCATION, "Unexpected Signal ", signal,
134  " received in the FPE signal handler. Aborting.");
135  }
136  std::abort();
137  };
138  sigaction(SIGFPE, &action, nullptr);
139 #endif
140 }
bool enable_float_traps(int)
Fallback that fails to set the trap.
Definition: fpenvironment.h:40
static constexpr int LFpe

◆ without_float_traps()

template<typename F >
void smash::without_float_traps ( F &&  f)

Convenience function to create a scope where all floating point traps are disabled.


// some code where FPEs will trap
// all code up to the closing brace will not trap anymore.
// more code where FPEs will trap
void without_float_traps(F &&f)
Convenience function to create a scope where all floating point traps are disabled.
fA functor (e.g. lambda) that is executed in the cleared floating point environment.
Template Parameters
Ftype of the functor

Definition at line 129 of file fpenvironment.h.

129  {
130  DisableFloatTraps guard;
131  f();
132 }

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream & smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const ThermLatticeNode node 

This operator writes all the thermodynamic quantities at a certain position to the file out.

[in]slocation of the output
[in]nodeposition on the lattice, where the output is generated

Definition at line 97 of file

97  {
98  return out << "T[mu,0]: " << node.Tmu0() << ", nb: " << node.nb()
99  << ", ns: " << node.ns() << ", v: " << node.v()
100  << ", e: " << node.e() << ", p: " << node.p()
101  << ", T: " << node.T() << ", mub: " << node.mub()
102  << ", mus: " << node.mus() << ", muq: " << node.muq();
103 }

◆ build_error_string()

std::string smash::build_error_string ( std::string  message,
const Line line 

Builds a meaningful error message.

Takes the message and quotes the Line where the error occurs

[in]messageError message
[in]lineLine object containing line number and line content.

Definition at line 42 of file inputfunctions.h.

42  {
43  return message + " (on line " + std::to_string(line.number) + ": \"" +
44  line.text + "\")";
45 }

◆ line_parser()

std::vector< Line > smash::line_parser ( const std::string &  input)

Helper function for parsing particles.txt and decaymodes.txt.

This function goes through an input stream line by line and removes comments and empty lines. The remaining lines will be returned as a vector of strings and linenumber pairs (Line).

[in]inputan lvalue reference to an input stream

Definition at line 21 of file

21  {
22  logg[LInputParser].trace() << SMASH_SOURCE_LOCATION << input;
23  std::istringstream input_stream(input);
24  std::vector<Line> lines;
25  lines.reserve(50);
27  std::string line;
28  int line_number = 0;
29  while (std::getline(input_stream, line)) {
30  ++line_number;
31  const auto hash_pos = line.find('#');
32  if (hash_pos != std::string::npos) {
33  // Found a comment, remove it from the line and look further
34  line = line.substr(0, hash_pos);
35  }
36  if (line.find_first_not_of(" \t") == std::string::npos) {
37  // Only whitespace (or nothing) on this line. Next, please.
38  continue;
39  }
40  line = trim(line);
41  lines.emplace_back(line_number, std::move(line));
42  line = std::string();
43  }
44  return lines;
45 }
std::string trim(const std::string &s)
Strip leading and trailing whitespaces.
static constexpr int LInputParser

◆ ensure_all_read()

void smash::ensure_all_read ( std::istream &  input,
const Line line 

Makes sure that nothing is left to read from this line.

Definition at line 59 of file inputfunctions.h.

59  { /*{{{*/
60  std::string tmp;
61  input >> tmp;
62  if (!input.eof()) {
63  throw ParticleType::LoadFailure(
64  build_error_string("While loading the Particle data:\nGarbage (" + tmp +
65  ") at the remainder of the line.",
66  line));
67  }
68 } /*}}}*/
std::string build_error_string(std::string message, const Line &line)
Builds a meaningful error message.

◆ read_all()

std::string smash::read_all ( std::istream &&  input)

Utility function to read a complete input stream (e.g.

file) into one string.

[in]inputThe input stream. Since it reads until EOF und thus "uses up the whole input stream" the function takes an rvalue reference to the stream object (just pass a temporary).
There's no slicing here: the actual istream object is a temporary that is not destroyed until read_all returns.

Definition at line 80 of file inputfunctions.h.

80  {
81  return {std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{input},
82  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>{}};
83 }

◆ has_crlf_line_ending()

bool smash::has_crlf_line_ending ( const std::string  in)

Check if a line in the string ends with \r\n.

This may happen when a file was edited on Windows.

[in]inInput string
True if \r\n was found, else false

Definition at line 91 of file inputfunctions.h.

91  {
92  if (in.find("\r\n") != std::string::npos) {
93  return true;
94  }
95  return false;
96 }

◆ interpolate_trilinear()

template<typename T >
T smash::interpolate_trilinear ( ax,

Perform a trilinear 1st order interpolation.

Assume, we seek the value of a function f at position (x, y, z). We know the position (x, y, z) lies within a 3D cube, for which the values of the function f are known at each corner (f1, ..., f8). We can now interpolate those values trilinearly to obtain an estimate of f at position (x, y, z).

[in]axfraction of the step in x-direction
[in]ayfraction of the step in y-direction
[in]azfraction of the step in z-direction
[in]f1Value at the lower left front corner of the cube
[in]f2Value at the lower right front corner of the cube
[in]f3Value at the upper left front corner of the cube
[in]f4Value at the upper right front corner of the cube
[in]f5Value at the lower left back corner of the cube
[in]f6Value at the lower right back corner of the cube
[in]f7Value at the upper left back corner of the cube
[in]f8Value at the upper right back corner of the cube
Interpolated value

Definition at line 126 of file interpolation.h.

127  {
128  T res = az * (ax * (ay * f8 + (1.0 - ay) * f6) +
129  (1.0 - ax) * (ay * f7 + (1.0 - ay) * f5)) +
130  (1 - az) * (ax * (ay * f4 + (1.0 - ay) * f2) +
131  (1.0 - ax) * (ay * f3 + (1.0 - ay) * f1));
132  return res;
133 }

◆ generate_sort_permutation()

template<typename T , typename Cmp >
Permutation smash::generate_sort_permutation ( std::vector< T > const &  v,
Cmp  compare 

Calculate the permutations necessary for sorting a vector.

Template Parameters
CmpType of comparison function.
vVector to be sorted.
compareComparison function (see std::sort).
Vector of indices into the original vector.

Definition at line 147 of file interpolation.h.

147  {
148  Permutation p(v.size());
149  std::iota(p.begin(), p.end(), 0);
150  std::sort(p.begin(), p.end(),
151  [&](size_t i, size_t j) { return compare(v[i], v[j]); });
152  return p;
153 }
std::vector< size_t > Permutation
Represent a permutation.

◆ apply_permutation()

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> smash::apply_permutation ( const std::vector< T > &  v,
const Permutation p 

Apply a permutation to a vector.

Template Parameters
TType of values to be permuted.
vVector to be permuted.
pPermutation to be applied.
Permuted vector.

Definition at line 164 of file interpolation.h.

165  {
166  std::vector<T> copied_v = v;
167  std::transform(p.begin(), p.end(), copied_v.begin(),
168  [&](size_t i) { return v[i]; });
169  return copied_v;
170 }

◆ check_duplicates()

template<typename T >
void smash::check_duplicates ( const std::vector< T > &  x,
const std::string &  error_position 

Check whether two components have the same value in a sorted vector x.

Throws an exception if duplicates are encountered.

Template Parameters
TType of values to be checked for duplicates.
xVector to be checked for duplicates.
error_positionString used in the error message, indicating where the error originated.

Definition at line 183 of file interpolation.h.

184  {
185  auto it = std::adjacent_find(x.begin(), x.end());
186  if (it != x.end()) {
187  std::stringstream error_msg;
188  error_msg << error_position << ": Each x value must be unique. \"" << *it
189  << "\" was found twice.";
190  throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str());
191  }
192 }

◆ find_index()

template<typename T >
size_t smash::find_index ( const std::vector< T > &  v,

Find the index in v that corresponds to the last value strictly smaller than x.

If no such value exists, the first value is returned.

This assumes v is sorted and uses a binary search.

Template Parameters
TType of values to be compared to x.
vVector to be searched.
xUpper bound for indexed value.
Largest index corresponding to value below upper bound.


std::vector<int> x = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }; find_index(x, 2)


find_index(x, 3)


Definition at line 230 of file interpolation.h.

230  {
231  const auto it = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), x);
232  if (it == v.begin()) {
233  return 0;
234  } else {
235  return it - 1 - v.begin();
236  }
237 }

◆ center_of_velocity_v()

double smash::center_of_velocity_v ( double  s,
double  ma,
double  mb 
Velocity in the center of velocities frame of two particles given their Mandelstam s and masses
[in]sMandelstam s of the collision [GeV^2]
[in]maMass of the first particle [GeV]
[in]mbMass of the second particle [GeV]

Definition at line 26 of file kinematics.h.

26  {
27  const double m_sum = ma + mb;
28  const double m_dif = ma - mb;
29  return std::sqrt((s - m_sum * m_sum) / (s - m_dif * m_dif));
30 }

◆ fixed_target_projectile_v()

double smash::fixed_target_projectile_v ( double  s,
double  ma,
double  mb 
Velocity of projectile in the fixed target frame given the Mandelstam s of projectile and target and their masses
[in]sMandelstam s of the collision [GeV^2]
[in]maMass of the projectile [GeV]
[in]mbMass of the target [GeV]

Definition at line 39 of file kinematics.h.

39  {
40  const double inv_gamma = 2 * ma * mb / (s - ma * ma - mb * mb);
41  return std::sqrt(1.0 - inv_gamma * inv_gamma);
42 }

◆ pCM_sqr_from_s()

template<typename T >
T smash::pCM_sqr_from_s ( const T  s,
const T  mass_a,
const T  mass_b 
The squared center-of-mass momentum of two particles, given s and their masses. [GeV^2]
[in]sMandelstam s of the process [GeV^2].
[in]mass_aMass of first particle [GeV].
[in]mass_bMass of second particle [GeV].

Definition at line 52 of file kinematics.h.

52  {
53  const auto mass_a_sqr = mass_a * mass_a;
54  const auto x = s + mass_a_sqr - mass_b * mass_b;
55  return x * x * (T(0.25) / s) - mass_a_sqr;
56 }

◆ pCM_from_s()

template<typename T >
T smash::pCM_from_s ( const T  s,
const T  mass_a,
const T  mass_b 
The center-of-mass momentum of two particles, given s and their masses. [GeV]
[in]sMandelstam s of the process [GeV^2].
[in]mass_aMass of first particle [GeV].
[in]mass_bMass of second particle [GeV].

Definition at line 66 of file kinematics.h.

66  {
67  const auto psqr = pCM_sqr_from_s(s, mass_a, mass_b);
68  return psqr > T(0.) ? std::sqrt(psqr) : T(0.);
69 }
T pCM_sqr_from_s(const T s, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:52

◆ pCM()

template<typename T >
T smash::pCM ( const T  sqrts,
const T  mass_a,
const T  mass_b 
The center-of-mass momentum of two particles, given sqrt(s) and their masses. [GeV]
[in]sqrtssqrt(s) of the process [GeV].
[in]mass_aMass of first particle [GeV].
[in]mass_bMass of second particle [GeV].

Definition at line 79 of file kinematics.h.

79  {
80  return pCM_from_s(sqrts * sqrts, mass_a, mass_b);
81 }
T pCM_from_s(const T s, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:66

◆ pCM_sqr()

template<typename T >
T smash::pCM_sqr ( const T  sqrts,
const T  mass_a,
const T  mass_b 
The squared center-of-mass momentum of two particles, given sqrt(s) and their masses.
[in]sqrtssqrt(s) of the process [GeV].
[in]mass_aMass of first particle [GeV].
[in]mass_bMass of second particle [GeV].

Definition at line 91 of file kinematics.h.

91  {
92  return pCM_sqr_from_s(sqrts * sqrts, mass_a, mass_b);
93 }

◆ get_t_range()

template<typename T >
std::array<T, 2> smash::get_t_range ( const T  sqrts,
const T  m1,
const T  m2,
const T  m3,
const T  m4 

Get the range of Mandelstam-t values allowed in a particular 2->2 process, see PDG 2014 booklet, eq.


[in]sqrtssqrt(s) of the process [GeV].
[in]m1Mass of first incoming particle [GeV].
[in]m2Mass of second incoming particle [GeV].
[in]m3Mass of first outgoing particle [GeV].
[in]m4Mass of second outgoing particle [GeV].
array consisting of {t_min, t_max}

Note that both t_min and t_max are negative, with |t_min| < |t_max|, i.e. t_min > t_max.

Definition at line 109 of file kinematics.h.

110  {
111  const T p_i = pCM(sqrts, m1, m2); // initial-state CM momentum
112  const T p_f = pCM(sqrts, m3, m4); // final-state CM momentum
113  const T sqrt_t0 = (m1 * m1 - m2 * m2 - m3 * m3 + m4 * m4) / (2. * sqrts);
114  const T t0 = sqrt_t0 * sqrt_t0;
115  const T t_min = t0 - (p_i - p_f) * (p_i - p_f);
116  const T t_max = t0 - (p_i + p_f) * (p_i + p_f);
117  assert(t_min >= t_max);
118  return {t_min, t_max};
119 }
T pCM(const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:79

◆ check_energy()

static void smash::check_energy ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  m_sum 

Helper function for plab_from_s.

[in]mandelstam_sThe Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]
[in]m_sumSum of masses of target and projectile [GeV] \( m_1 + m_2 \)

Definition at line 127 of file kinematics.h.

127  {
128  if (mandelstam_s < m_sum * m_sum) {
129  std::stringstream err;
130  err << "plab_from_s: s too small: " << mandelstam_s << " < "
131  << m_sum * m_sum;
132  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
133  }
134 }

◆ check_radicand()

static void smash::check_radicand ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  radicand 

Helper function for plab_from_s.

[in]mandelstam_sThe Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]
[in]radicand\( (s - (m_1 + m_2)^2) * (s - (m_1 - m_2)^2) \) where \( m_1 \) and \( m_2 \) are masses of incoming particles [GeV^4]

Definition at line 142 of file kinematics.h.

142  {
143  if (radicand < 0) {
144  std::stringstream err;
145  err << "plab_from_s: negative radicand: " << mandelstam_s;
146  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
147  }
148 }

◆ plab_from_s() [1/3]

double smash::plab_from_s ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  mass 

Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.

This assumes both particles have the given mass.

[in]mandelstam_sThe Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]
[in]massMass of projectile and target [GeV]
Momentum of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]

Definition at line 157 of file kinematics.h.

157  {
158  const double radicand = mandelstam_s * (mandelstam_s - 4 * mass * mass);
159 #ifndef NDEBUG
160  const double m_sum = 2 * mass;
161  check_energy(mandelstam_s, m_sum);
162  check_radicand(mandelstam_s, radicand);
163 #endif
164  return std::sqrt(radicand) / (2 * mass);
165 }
static void check_radicand(double mandelstam_s, double radicand)
Helper function for plab_from_s.
Definition: kinematics.h:142
static void check_energy(double mandelstam_s, double m_sum)
Helper function for plab_from_s.
Definition: kinematics.h:127

◆ plab_from_s() [2/3]

double smash::plab_from_s ( double  mandelstam_s)

Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.

This assumes both particles have the mass of a nucleon.

[in]mandelstam_sThe Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]
Momentum of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]

Definition at line 173 of file kinematics.h.

173  {
174  return plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, nucleon_mass);
175 }
constexpr double nucleon_mass
Nucleon mass in GeV.
Definition: constants.h:58
double plab_from_s(double mandelstam_s, double m_projectile, double m_target)
Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.
Definition: kinematics.h:185

◆ plab_from_s() [3/3]

double smash::plab_from_s ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  m_projectile,
double  m_target 

Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.

The mass of the projectile and the mass of the target have to be given.

[in]mandelstam_sthe Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]
[in]m_projectilemass of the projectile [GeV]
[in]m_targetmass of the target [GeV]
momentum of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]

Definition at line 185 of file kinematics.h.

186  {
187  const double m_sum = m_projectile + m_target;
188  const double m_diff = m_projectile - m_target;
189  const double radicand =
190  (mandelstam_s - m_sum * m_sum) * (mandelstam_s - m_diff * m_diff);
191 /* This is equivalent to:
192  * const double radicand
193  * = (mandelstam_s - m_a_sq - m_b_sq) * (mandelstam_s - m_a_sq - m_b_sq)
194  * - 4 * m_a_sq * m_b_sq; */
195 #ifndef NDEBUG
196  check_energy(mandelstam_s, m_sum);
197  check_radicand(mandelstam_s, radicand);
198 #endif
199  return std::sqrt(radicand) / (2 * m_target);
200 }

◆ s_from_Etot() [1/2]

double smash::s_from_Etot ( double  e_tot,
double  m_P,
double  m_T 

Convert E_tot to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and a total energy e_tot and a target of mass m_T at rest.

[in]e_totenergy of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]
[in]m_Pmass of the projectile [GeV]
[in]m_Tmass of the target [GeV]
The Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 211 of file kinematics.h.

211  {
212  return m_P * m_P + m_T * m_T + 2 * m_T * e_tot;
213 }

◆ s_from_Etot() [2/2]

double smash::s_from_Etot ( double  e_tot_p,
double  e_tot_t,
double  m_p,
double  m_t 

Convert E_tot to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total energies and masses (E,m)

[in]e_tot_pTotal energy of projectile [GeV]
[in]e_tot_tTotal energy of target [GeV]
[in]m_pMass of projectile [GeV]
[in]m_tMass of target [GeV]
Mandelstam-s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 224 of file kinematics.h.

225  {
226  double pz_p = std::sqrt(e_tot_p * e_tot_p - m_p * m_p);
227  double pz_t = std::sqrt(e_tot_t * e_tot_t - m_t * m_t);
228  return std::pow(e_tot_p + e_tot_t, 2) - std::pow(pz_p - pz_t, 2);
229 }

◆ s_from_Ekin() [1/2]

double smash::s_from_Ekin ( double  e_kin,
double  m_P,
double  m_T 

Convert E_kin to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and a kinetic energy e_kin and a target of mass m_T at rest.

[in]e_kinkinetic energy of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]
[in]m_Pmass of the projectile [GeV]
[in]m_Tmass of the target [GeV]
The Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 239 of file kinematics.h.

239  {
240  return s_from_Etot(e_kin + m_P, m_P, m_T);
241 }
double s_from_Etot(double e_tot_p, double e_tot_t, double m_p, double m_t)
Convert E_tot to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total energies and masses (E,m)
Definition: kinematics.h:224

◆ s_from_Ekin() [2/2]

double smash::s_from_Ekin ( double  e_kin_p,
double  e_kin_t,
double  m_p,
double  m_t 

Convert E_kin=(E_tot-m) to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total energies and masses (E,m)

[in]e_kin_pKinetic energy of projectile [GeV]
[in]e_kin_tKinetic energy of target [GeV]
[in]m_pMass of projectile [GeV]
[in]m_tMass of target [GeV]
Mandelstam-s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 252 of file kinematics.h.

253  {
254  return s_from_Etot(e_kin_p + m_t, e_kin_t + m_t, m_p, m_t);
255 }

◆ s_from_plab() [1/2]

double smash::s_from_plab ( double  plab,
double  m_P,
double  m_T 

Convert p_lab to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and momentum plab and a target of mass m_T at rest.

[in]plabMomentum of the projectile in the lab frame [GeV]
[in]m_PMass of the projectile [GeV]
[in]m_TMass of the target [GeV]
The Mandelstam variable s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 265 of file kinematics.h.

265  {
266  return m_P * m_P + m_T * m_T + 2 * m_T * std::sqrt(m_P * m_P + plab * plab);
267 }

◆ s_from_plab() [2/2]

double smash::s_from_plab ( double  plab_p,
double  plab_t,
double  m_p,
double  m_t 

Convert P_lab to Mandelstam-s for two beams with total momenta and masses (P,m) (P_lab gives per nucleon, P=P_lab*A)

[in]plab_pKinetic energy of projectile [GeV]
[in]plab_tKinetic energy of target [GeV]
[in]m_pMass of projectile [GeV]
[in]m_tMass of target [GeV]
Mandelstam-s [GeV^2]

Definition at line 278 of file kinematics.h.

279  {
280  return s_from_Etot(std::sqrt(m_p * m_p + plab_p * plab_p),
281  std::sqrt(m_t * m_t + plab_t * plab_t), plab_p, plab_t);
282 }

◆ setup_config_and_logging()

Configuration smash::setup_config_and_logging ( const std::string &  config_file,
const std::string &  particles_file = {},
const std::string &  decaymodes_file = {},
const std::vector< std::string > &  extra_config = {} 

Set up configuration and logging from input files and extra config.

[in]config_filePath to config input file
[in]particles_filePath to particles input file.
[in]decaymodes_filePath to decaymodes input file.
[in]extra_configExtra config entries.
Configuration object with particles, decaymodes and extra configs included.

If no particles and decaymodes files are given the default files in the input directory are used.

Definition at line 33 of file

36  {
37  Configuration configuration = create_configuration(config_file, extra_config);
38  fully_validate_configuration(configuration);
39  setup_logging(configuration);
41  particles_file, decaymodes_file, configuration);
42  return configuration;
43 }
static void read_particles_and_decaymodes_files_setting_keys_in_configuration(const std::string &, const std::string &, Configuration &)
static Configuration create_configuration(const std::string &, const std::vector< std::string > &)
static void setup_logging(Configuration &)
static void fully_validate_configuration(const Configuration &)

◆ initialize_particles_decays_and_tabulations()

void smash::initialize_particles_decays_and_tabulations ( Configuration configuration,
const std::string &  version,
const std::string &  tabulations_dir = {} 

Initialize the particles and decays from the given configuration, plus tabulate the resonance integrals.

[in]configurationFully-setup configuration i.e. including particles and decaymodes.
[in]versionCurrent version of SMASH.
[in]tabulations_dirPath where tabulations should be stored.

Definition at line 45 of file

47  {
49  " create ParticleType and DecayModes");
50  const std::string particles_string = configuration.take({"particles"});
51  const std::string decaymodes_string = configuration.take({"decaymodes"});
52  ParticleType::create_type_list(particles_string);
53  DecayModes::load_decaymodes(decaymodes_string);
54  ParticleType::check_consistency();
56  // Calculate a hash of the SMASH version, the particles and decaymodes.
57  sha256::Context hash_context;
58  hash_context.update(version);
59  hash_context.update(particles_string);
60  hash_context.update(decaymodes_string);
61  const auto hash = hash_context.finalize();
62  logg[LMain].info() << "Config hash: " << sha256::hash_to_string(hash);
64  logg[LMain].info("Tabulating cross section integrals...");
65  std::filesystem::path tabulations_path(tabulations_dir);
66  if (!tabulations_path.empty()) {
67  // Store tabulations on disk
68  std::filesystem::create_directories(tabulations_path);
69  logg[LMain].info() << "Tabulations path: " << tabulations_path;
70  }
71  IsoParticleType::tabulate_integrals(hash, tabulations_path);
72 }
std::string hash_to_string(Hash hash)
Convert a SHA256 hash to a hexadecimal string.
static constexpr int LMain

◆ smooth()

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> smash::smooth ( const std::vector< T > &  x,
const std::vector< T > &  y,
span = 2. / 3,
size_t  iter = 3,
delta = 0 

Apply the LOWESS smoother (see the reference below) to the given data (x, y).

spanThe smoother span. This gives the proportion of points in the plot which influence the smoothness at each value. Larger values give more smoothness.
iterThe number of robustifying iterations which should be performed. Using smaller values of iter will make lowess run faster.
deltaValues of x which lie within delta of each other replaced by a single value in the output from lowess. For delta = 0, delta will be calculated.
Smoothed y-values.


  • Cleveland, W. S. (1979) Robust locally weighted regression and smoothing scatterplots. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 74, 829-836.
  • Cleveland, W. S. (1981) LOWESS: A program for smoothing scatterplots by robust locally weighted regression. The American Statistician, 35, 54.

Definition at line 289 of file lowess.h.

290  {
291  assert(x.size() == y.size());
292  std::vector<T> result;
293  result.resize(x.size());
294  std::vector<T> rw;
295  rw.resize(x.size());
296  std::vector<T> res;
297  res.resize(x.size());
298  lowess::lowess(&x.front(), &y.front(), x.size(), &result.front(), span, iter,
299  delta, &rw.front(), &res.front());
300  return result;
301 }
void lowess(const T *x, const T *y, size_t n, T *ys, T span, size_t iter, T delta, T *rw, T *res)
Lowess regression smoother.
Definition: lowess.h:139

◆ numeric_cast() [1/2]

template<typename D , typename S >
constexpr D smash::numeric_cast ( const S  value)

Function template to perform a safe numeric conversion between types.

Template Parameters
DDestination type
SSource type
[in]valueInput value to be converted
The input value converted to the new type D .
std::overflow_errorIf the value to be converted cannot be represented by any value of the destination type.

NOTE: This template is only declared and not implemented! Only specializations are implemented so that only given conversions do not result in compilation errors.

◆ numeric_cast() [2/2]

constexpr uint32_t smash::numeric_cast ( const size_t  value)

Function template specialization to perform a safe numeric conversion from size_t to uint32_t .

[in]valueInput value to be converted
The input value converted to the uint32_t type.
std::overflow_errorIf the value to be converted is larger than the maximum of uint32_t type.

Definition at line 42 of file numeric_cast.h.

42  {
43  // Conversion from unsigned to unsigned
44  // => the only possible problem is a positive overflow.
45  if (value > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
46  throw std::overflow_error(
47  "Input value overflows the target uint32_t type!");
48  }
49  return static_cast<uint32_t>(value);
50 }

◆ almost_equal()

template<typename N >
bool smash::almost_equal ( const N  x,
const N  y 

Checks two numbers for relative approximate equality.

Template Parameters
NNumber type.
xLeft-hand side.
yRight-hand side.
true if the difference between x and y is less than or equal to \(\delta = \)smash::really_small or that times the average of \(|x|\) and \(|y|\):

\[|x - y| \stackrel{?}{\le} \delta \mbox{ or } |x - y| \stackrel{?}{\le} \frac{|x| + |y|}{2} \cdot \delta\]

See also

Definition at line 44 of file numerics.h.

44  {
45  return (std::abs(x - y) <= N(really_small) ||
46  std::abs(x - y) <=
47  N(0.5 * really_small) * (std::abs(x) + std::abs(y)));
48 }

◆ almost_equal_physics()

template<typename N >
bool smash::almost_equal_physics ( const N  x,
const N  y 

Same as smash::almost_equal, but for physical checks like energy-momentum conservation small_number is enough precision-wise.

Template Parameters
NNumber type.
xLeft-hand side.
yRight-hand side.
true if the difference between x and y is less than or equal to \(\delta = \)smash::small_number or that times the average of \(|x|\) and \(|y|\):
See also

Definition at line 64 of file numerics.h.

64  {
65  return (std::abs(x - y) <= N(small_number) ||
66  std::abs(x - y) <=
67  N(0.5 * small_number) * (std::abs(x) + std::abs(y)));
68 }
constexpr double small_number
Physical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:51

◆ is_any_nan()

template<typename T = std::initializer_list<double>>
bool smash::is_any_nan ( const T &  collection)

This function iterates through the elements of a collection and checks if any of them is NaN using the std::isnan function.

NaN is a special floating-point value that represents undefined or unrepresentable values.

Template Parameters
TThe type of the collection. It can be any iterable container of numeric values.
collectionThe collection to be checked for NaN values.
true if any element in the collection is NaN, false otherwise

Definition at line 82 of file numerics.h.

82  {
83  for (const auto& number : collection) {
84  if (unlikely(std::isnan(number)))
85  return true;
86  }
87  return false;
88 }

◆ parametrization_exists()

bool smash::parametrization_exists ( const PdgCode pdg_a,
const PdgCode pdg_b 

Checks if supplied codes have existing parametrizations of total cross sections.

[in]pdg_aPDG code of first incoming particle
[in]pdg_bPDG code of second incoming particle
Whether the parametrization exists

Definition at line 30 of file

30  {
31  const bool two_nucleons = pdg_a.is_nucleon() && pdg_b.is_nucleon();
32  const bool nucleon_and_kaon = (pdg_a.is_nucleon() && pdg_b.is_kaon()) ||
33  (pdg_a.is_kaon() && pdg_b.is_nucleon());
34  const bool nucleon_and_pion = (pdg_a.is_nucleon() && pdg_b.is_pion()) ||
35  (pdg_a.is_pion() && pdg_b.is_nucleon());
36  const bool two_pions = pdg_a.is_pion() && pdg_b.is_pion();
37  return two_nucleons || nucleon_and_kaon || nucleon_and_pion || two_pions;
38 }

◆ xs_high_energy()

double smash::xs_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s,
bool  is_opposite_charge,
double  ma,
double  mb,
double  P,
double  R1,
double  R2 

total hadronic cross sections at high energies parametrized in the 2016 PDG book(

This function is a utility function called from specific parametrizations.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
[in]is_opposite_chargewhether the particles being collided have opposite charges
[in]mamass of first particle [GeV]
[in]mbmass of second particle [GeV]
[in]PPomeranchuk's constant term [mb]
[in]R1intensity of the first Regge pole contribution [mb]
[in]R2intensity of the second Regge pole contribution [mb]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 40 of file

41  {
42  const double M = 2.1206;
43  const double H = 0.272;
44  const double eta1 = 0.4473;
45  const double eta2 = 0.5486;
46  const double s_sab = mandelstam_s / (ma + mb + M) / (ma + mb + M);
47  double xs =
48  H * std::log(s_sab) * std::log(s_sab) + P + R1 * std::pow(s_sab, -eta1);
49  xs = is_opposite_charge ? xs + R2 * std::pow(s_sab, -eta2)
50  : xs - R2 * std::pow(s_sab, -eta2);
51  return xs;
52 }

◆ pp_high_energy()

double smash::pp_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

pp total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 54 of file

54  {
55  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, false, 0.939, 0.939, 34.41, 13.07, 7.394);
56 }
double xs_high_energy(double mandelstam_s, bool is_opposite_charge, double ma, double mb, double P, double R1, double R2)
total hadronic cross sections at high energies parametrized in the 2016 PDG book(http://pdg....

◆ ppbar_high_energy()

double smash::ppbar_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

ppbar total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 58 of file

58  {
59  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, true, 0.939, 0.939, 34.41, 13.07, 7.394);
60 }

◆ np_high_energy()

double smash::np_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

np total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 62 of file

62  {
63  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, false, 0.939, 0.939, 34.41, 12.52, 6.66);
64 }

◆ npbar_high_energy()

double smash::npbar_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

npbar total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 66 of file

66  {
67  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, true, 0.939, 0.939, 34.41, 12.52, 6.66);
68 }

◆ piplusp_high_energy()

double smash::piplusp_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi+p total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 70 of file

70  {
71  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, false, 0.939, 0.138, 18.75, 9.56, 1.767);
72 }

◆ piminusp_high_energy()

double smash::piminusp_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi-p total cross section at high energies

See also
[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 74 of file

74  {
75  return xs_high_energy(mandelstam_s, true, 0.939, 0.138, 18.75, 9.56, 1.767);
76 }

◆ xs_ppbar_annihilation()

double smash::xs_ppbar_annihilation ( double  mandelstam_s)

parametrized cross-section for proton-antiproton annihilation used in the UrQMD model

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 78 of file

78  {
79  const double xs_ref = 120.;
80  const double s_ref = 4. * nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass;
81  const double constant_a = 0.05;
82  const double constant_b = 0.6;
83  const double factor = constant_a * constant_a * s_ref /
84  ((mandelstam_s - s_ref) * (mandelstam_s - s_ref) +
85  constant_a * constant_a * s_ref) +
86  constant_b;
87  return xs_ref * (s_ref / mandelstam_s) * factor;
88 }

◆ xs_string_hard()

double smash::xs_string_hard ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  xs_0,
double  e_0,
double  lambda_pow 

Utility function called by specific other parametrizations Parametrized hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering) This parametrization is a direct fit to cross sections in PYTHIA See Sjostrand:1987su [51].

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
[in]xs_0a fit parameter [mb]
[in]e_0a fit parameter [GeV]
[in]lambda_powa fit parameter
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 90 of file

91  {
92  const double sqrts = std::sqrt(mandelstam_s);
93  if (sqrts < e_0) {
94  return 0.;
95  } else {
96  double xs = xs_0 * std::pow(std::log(sqrts / e_0), lambda_pow);
97  return xs;
98  }
99 }

◆ NN_string_hard()

double smash::NN_string_hard ( double  mandelstam_s)

nucleon-nucleon hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering)

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See also

Definition at line 101 of file

101  {
102  return xs_string_hard(mandelstam_s, 0.087, 4.1, 3.8);
103 }
double xs_string_hard(double mandelstam_s, double xs_0, double e_0, double lambda_pow)
Utility function called by specific other parametrizations Parametrized hard scattering cross section...

◆ Npi_string_hard()

double smash::Npi_string_hard ( double  mandelstam_s)

nucleon-pion hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering)

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See also

Definition at line 105 of file

105  {
106  return xs_string_hard(mandelstam_s, 0.042, 3.5, 4.2);
107 }

◆ pipi_string_hard()

double smash::pipi_string_hard ( double  mandelstam_s)

pion-pion hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering)

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See also

Definition at line 109 of file

109  {
110  return xs_string_hard(mandelstam_s, 0.013, 2.3, 4.7);
111 }

◆ pipluspiminus_total()

double smash::pipluspiminus_total ( double  sqrts)

pi+ pi- total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm.

If the requested energy is out of the interpolation bounds, the hard string value is returned.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 113 of file

113  {
114  if (pipluspiminus_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
115  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
117  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.01, 10);
119  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
120  }
121  const double last = *(PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SQRTS.end() - 1);
122  if (sqrts < last)
123  return (*pipluspiminus_total_interpolation)(sqrts);
124  else
125  return pipi_string_hard(sqrts * sqrts);
126 }
std::vector< T > smooth(const std::vector< T > &x, const std::vector< T > &y, T span=2./3, size_t iter=3, T delta=0)
Apply the LOWESS smoother (see the reference below) to the given data (x, y).
Definition: lowess.h:289
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.
double pipi_string_hard(double mandelstam_s)
pion-pion hard scattering cross section (with partonic scattering)
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SIG
Total π⁺ π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018...
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pipluspiminus_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT data.

◆ pizeropizero_total()

double smash::pizeropizero_total ( double  sqrts)

pi0 pi0 total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm.

If the requested energy is out of the interpolation bounds, the hard string value is returned.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 128 of file

128  {
129  if (pizeropizero_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
130  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
132  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.01, 10);
134  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
135  }
136  const double last = *(PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SQRTS.end() - 1);
137  if (sqrts < last)
138  return (*pizeropizero_total_interpolation)(sqrts);
139  else
140  return pipi_string_hard(sqrts * sqrts);
141 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SIG
Total π⁰ π⁰ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0 using the hadronic list from PDG2018.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > pizeropizero_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIZEROPIZERO_TOT data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.

◆ piplusp_total()

double smash::piplusp_total ( double  sqrts)

pi+ p total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm.

If the requested energy is out of the interpolation bounds, the high energy cross section is returned.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 143 of file

143  {
144  if (piplusp_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
145  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
146  dedup_avg<double>(PIPLUSP_TOT_SQRTS, PIPLUSP_TOT_SIG);
147  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.01, 10);
149  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
150  }
151  const double last = *(PIPLUSP_TOT_SQRTS.end() - 1);
152  if (sqrts < last)
153  return (*piplusp_total_interpolation)(sqrts);
154  else
155  return piplusp_high_energy(sqrts * sqrts);
156 }
double piplusp_high_energy(double mandelstam_s)
pi+p total cross section at high energies
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_TOT data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_TOT_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_TOT_SIG
Total p π⁺ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018.

◆ piplusp_elastic_high_energy()

double smash::piplusp_elastic_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  m1,
double  m2 

pi+p elactic cross section parametrization.

Source: GiBUU:parametrizationBarMes_HighEnergy.f90 Elastic contributions from decays are not subtracted, high energy parametrization used at all energies (useful for AQM)

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
[in]m1the mass of the first particle [GeV]
[in]m2the mass of the second particle [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 175 of file

175  {
176  const double p_lab = (m1 > m2) ? plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m2, m1)
177  : plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m1, m2);
178  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
179  return 11.4 * std::pow(p_lab, -0.4) + 0.079 * logp * logp;
180 }
double plab_from_s(double mandelstam_s, double mass)
Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.
Definition: kinematics.h:157

◆ piplusp_elastic_AQM()

double smash::piplusp_elastic_AQM ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  m1,
double  m2 

An overload of piplusp_elastic_high_energy in which the very low part is replaced by a flat 5 mb cross section; used for meson-meson interactions.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
[in]m1the mass of the first particle [GeV]
[in]m2the mass of the second particle [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 182 of file

182  {
183  const double p_lab = (m1 > m2) ? plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m2, m1)
184  : plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m1, m2);
185  if (p_lab < 3.05) { // the plab from which the param starts to explode
186  return 7.5; // this will be scaled down by 2/3 for meson-meson
187  } else {
188  return piplusp_elastic_high_energy(mandelstam_s, m1, m2);
189  }
190 }
double piplusp_elastic_high_energy(double mandelstam_s, double m1, double m2)
pi+p elactic cross section parametrization.

◆ piplusp_elastic()

double smash::piplusp_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi+p elastic cross section parametrization, PDG data.

Source: GiBUU:parametrizationBarMes_HighEnergy.f90

The parametrizations of the elastic pion+nucleon cross sections are still under tuning. The parametrizaton is employed to give a non-zero cross section at high energies. To make sure it doesn't affect the cross section at the low energies, I truncate the parametrization at p_lab = 8 GeV, which correspons to square root of s equal to 4 GeV.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 192 of file

192  {
193  double sigma;
194  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
195  if (mandelstam_s < 2.25) {
196  sigma = really_small;
197  } else if (mandelstam_s > 4.84) {
198  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
199  sigma = 11.4 * std::pow(p_lab, -0.4) + 0.079 * logp * logp;
200  } else {
201  sigma = piplusp_elastic_pdg(mandelstam_s);
202  }
204  // The elastic contributions from decays still need to be subtracted.
205  if (piplusp_elastic_res_interpolation == nullptr) {
206  std::vector<double> x = PIPLUSP_RES_SQRTS;
207  for (auto& i : x) {
208  i = i * i;
209  }
210  std::vector<double> y = PIPLUSP_RES_SIG;
212  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataSpline>(x, y);
213  }
214  sigma -= (*piplusp_elastic_res_interpolation)(mandelstam_s);
215  if (sigma < 0) {
216  sigma = really_small;
217  }
218  return sigma;
219 }
static double piplusp_elastic_pdg(double mandelstam_s)
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_RES_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSpline > piplusp_elastic_res_interpolation
A null interpolation that gets filled using the PIPLUSP_RES data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_RES_SIG
Elastic π⁺N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.
constexpr double pion_mass
Pion mass in GeV.
Definition: constants.h:65

◆ piplusp_sigmapluskplus_pdg()

double smash::piplusp_sigmapluskplus_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ cross section parametrization, PDG data.

The PDG data is smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. If more than one cross section was given for one p_lab value, the corresponding cross sections are averaged.

Definition at line 226 of file

226  {
227  if (piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation == nullptr) {
228  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] = dedup_avg<double>(PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_P_LAB,
230  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.2, 5);
232  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
233  }
234  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
235  /* If p_lab is beyond the upper bound of the linear interpolation,
236  * InterpolationDataLinear will return the value at the upper bound and this
237  * is what we want here. */
238  return (*piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation)(p_lab);
239 }
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG
PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ section: cross section.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_P_LAB
PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame.

◆ piminusp_total()

double smash::piminusp_total ( double  sqrts)

pi- p total cross section parametrized from PDG2018, smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm.

If the requested energy is out of the interpolation bounds, the high energy cross section is returned.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 241 of file

241  {
242  if (piminusp_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
243  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
244  dedup_avg<double>(PIMINUSP_TOT_SQRTS, PIMINUSP_TOT_SIG);
245  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.01, 6);
247  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
248  }
249  const double last = *(PIMINUSP_TOT_SQRTS.end() - 1);
250  if (sqrts < last)
251  return (*piminusp_total_interpolation)(sqrts);
252  else
253  return piminusp_high_energy(sqrts * sqrts);
254 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_TOT_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_TOT_SIG
Total p π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_TOT data.
double piminusp_high_energy(double mandelstam_s)
pi-p total cross section at high energies

◆ piminusp_elastic()

double smash::piminusp_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi-p elastic cross section parametrization Source: GiBUU:parametrizationBarMes_HighEnergy.f90

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 273 of file

273  {
274  double sigma;
275  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
276  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
277  if (mandelstam_s < 1.69) {
278  sigma = really_small;
279  } else if (mandelstam_s > 4.84) {
280  sigma = 1.76 + 11.2 * std::pow(p_lab, -0.64) + 0.043 * logp * logp;
281  } else {
282  sigma = piminusp_elastic_pdg(mandelstam_s);
283  }
284  /* Tune down the elastic cross section when sqrt s is between 1.8 GeV
285  * and 1.97 GeV so that the total cross section can fit the data. The
286  * scaling factor is chosen so that the it's equal to one and its
287  * derivate vanishes at the both ends. The minimum scaling factor in this
288  * region is 0.88-0.12=0.76. */
289  if (mandelstam_s > 3.24 && mandelstam_s < 3.8809) {
290  sigma *= (0.12 * std::cos(2 * M_PI * (std::sqrt(mandelstam_s) - 1.8) /
291  (1.97 - 1.8)) +
292  0.88);
293  }
294  // The elastic contributions from decays still need to be subtracted.
295  if (piminusp_elastic_res_interpolation == nullptr) {
296  std::vector<double> x = PIMINUSP_RES_SQRTS;
297  for (auto& i : x) {
298  i = i * i;
299  }
300  std::vector<double> y = PIMINUSP_RES_SIG;
301  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] = dedup_avg(x, y);
303  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataSpline>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
304  }
305  sigma -= (*piminusp_elastic_res_interpolation)(mandelstam_s);
306  if (sigma < 0) {
307  sigma = really_small;
308  }
309  return sigma;
310 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_RES_SIG
Elastic π⁻N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.
static double piminusp_elastic_pdg(double mandelstam_s)
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_RES_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy.
std::pair< std::vector< T >, std::vector< T > > dedup_avg(const std::vector< T > &x, const std::vector< T > &y)
Remove duplicates from data (x, y) by averaging y.
Definition: average.h:65
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSpline > piminusp_elastic_res_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_RES data.

◆ piminusp_lambdak0_pdg()

double smash::piminusp_lambdak0_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi- p -> Lambda K0 cross section parametrization, PDG data.

The PDG data is smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. If more than one cross section was given for one p_lab value, the corresponding cross sections are averaged.

Definition at line 317 of file

317  {
318  if (piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation == nullptr) {
319  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
321  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.2, 6);
323  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
324  }
325  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
326  return (*piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation)(p_lab);
327 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_P_LAB
PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: momentum in lab frame.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0 data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_SIG
PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: cross section.

◆ piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_pdg()

double smash::piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi- p -> Sigma- K+ cross section parametrization, PDG data.

The PDG data is smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. If more than one cross section was given for one p_lab value, the corresponding cross sections are averaged.

Definition at line 334 of file

334  {
336  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] = dedup_avg<double>(PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_P_LAB,
338  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.2, 6);
340  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
341  }
342  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
344 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_P_LAB
PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_SIG
PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: cross section.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS data.

◆ piminusp_sigma0k0_res()

double smash::piminusp_sigma0k0_res ( double  mandelstam_s)

pi- p -> Sigma0 K0 cross section parametrization, resonance contribution.

The data is smoothed using the LOWESS algorithm. If more than one cross section was given for one sqrts value, the corresponding cross sections are averaged.

Definition at line 351 of file

351  {
352  if (piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation == nullptr) {
353  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] = dedup_avg<double>(PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SQRTS,
355  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.2, 6);
357  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
358  }
359  const double sqrts = std::sqrt(mandelstam_s);
360  return (*piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation)(sqrts);
361 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SIG
pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: cross section
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SQRTS
pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: square root s
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES data.

◆ pp_elastic()

double smash::pp_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

pp elastic cross section parametrization Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq.


[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 363 of file

363  {
364  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
365  if (p_lab < 0.435) {
366  return 5.12 * nucleon_mass /
367  (mandelstam_s - 4 * nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass) +
368  1.67;
369  } else if (p_lab < 0.8) {
370  return 23.5 + 1000 * pow_int(p_lab - 0.7, 4);
371  } else if (p_lab < 2.0) {
372  return 1250 / (p_lab + 50) - 4 * (p_lab - 1.3) * (p_lab - 1.3);
373  } else if (p_lab < 2.776) {
374  return 77 / (p_lab + 1.5);
375  } else {
376  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
377  return 11.9 + 26.9 * std::pow(p_lab, -1.21) + 0.169 * logp * logp -
378  1.85 * logp;
379  }
380 }
constexpr T pow_int(const T base, unsigned const exponent)
Efficient template for calculating integer powers using squaring.
Definition: pow.h:23

◆ pp_elastic_high_energy()

double smash::pp_elastic_high_energy ( double  mandelstam_s,
double  m1,
double  m2 

pp elastic cross section parametrization, with only the high energy part generalized to all energy regimes (used for AQM) Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq.


[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
[in]m1the mass of the first particle [GeV]
[in]m2the mass of the second particle [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 382 of file

382  {
383  const double p_lab = (m1 > m2) ? plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m2, m1)
384  : plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, m1, m2);
385  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
386  return 11.9 + 26.9 * std::pow(p_lab, -1.21) + 0.169 * logp * logp -
387  1.85 * logp;
388 }

◆ pp_total()

double smash::pp_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

pp total cross section parametrization Sources: low-p: Cugnon:1996kh [18] highest-p: Buss:2011mx [13]

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 390 of file

390  {
391  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
392  if (p_lab < 0.4) {
393  return 34 * std::pow(p_lab / 0.4, -2.104);
394  } else if (p_lab < 0.8) {
395  return 23.5 + 1000 * pow_int(p_lab - 0.7, 4);
396  } else if (p_lab < 1.5) {
397  return 23.5 + 24.6 / (1 + std::exp(-(p_lab - 1.2) / 0.1));
398  } else if (p_lab < 5.0) {
399  return 41 + 60 * (p_lab - 0.9) * std::exp(-1.2 * p_lab);
400  } else {
401  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
402  return 48.0 + 0.522 * logp * logp - 4.51 * logp;
403  }
404 }

◆ np_elastic()

double smash::np_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

np elastic cross section parametrization Source: Weil:2013mya [60], eq.


[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 406 of file

406  {
407  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
408  if (p_lab < 0.525) {
409  return 17.05 * nucleon_mass /
410  (mandelstam_s - 4 * nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass) -
411  6.83;
412  } else if (p_lab < 0.8) {
413  return 33 + 196 * std::pow(std::abs(p_lab - 0.95), 2.5);
414  } else if (p_lab < 2.0) {
415  return 31 / std::sqrt(p_lab);
416  } else if (p_lab < 2.776) {
417  return 77 / (p_lab + 1.5);
418  } else {
419  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
420  return 11.9 + 26.9 * std::pow(p_lab, -1.21) + 0.169 * logp * logp -
421  1.85 * logp;
422  }
423 }

◆ np_total()

double smash::np_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

np total cross section parametrization Sources: low-p: Cugnon:1996kh [18] highest-p: Buss:2011mx [13]

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 425 of file

425  {
426  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
427  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
428  if (p_lab < 0.4) {
429  return 6.3555 * std::pow(p_lab, -3.2481) * std::exp(-0.377 * logp * logp);
430  } else if (p_lab < 1.0) {
431  return 33 + 196 * std::pow(std::abs(p_lab - 0.95), 2.5);
432  } else if (p_lab < 2.0) {
433  return 24.2 + 8.9 * p_lab;
434  } else if (p_lab < 5.0) {
435  return 42;
436  } else {
437  return 48.0 + 0.522 * logp * logp - 4.51 * logp;
438  }
439 }

◆ ppbar_elastic()

double smash::ppbar_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

ppbar elastic cross section parametrization Source: Bass:1998ca [5]

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 441 of file

441  {
442  if (mandelstam_s < 4 * nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass) {
443  // Needed, since called directly from p_52
444  return 0.0;
445  }
446  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
447  if (p_lab < 0.3) {
448  return 78.6;
449  } else if (p_lab < 5.0) {
450  return 31.6 + 18.3 / p_lab - 1.1 / (p_lab * p_lab) - 3.8 * p_lab;
451  } else {
452  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
453  return 10.2 + 52.7 * std::pow(p_lab, -1.16) + 0.125 * logp * logp -
454  1.28 * logp;
455  }
456 }

◆ ppbar_total()

double smash::ppbar_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

ppbar total cross section parametrization Source: Bass:1998ca [5]

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 458 of file

458  {
459  if (mandelstam_s < 4 * nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass) {
460  // Needed, since called directly from p_52
461  return 0.0;
462  }
463  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s);
464  if (p_lab < 0.3) {
465  return 271.6 * std::exp(-1.1 * p_lab * p_lab);
466  } else if (p_lab < 5.0) {
467  return 75.0 + 43.1 / p_lab + 2.6 / (p_lab * p_lab) - 3.9 * p_lab;
468  } else {
469  const auto logp = std::log(p_lab);
470  return 38.4 + 77.6 * std::pow(p_lab, -0.64) + 0.26 * logp * logp -
471  1.2 * logp;
472  }
473 }

◆ deuteron_pion_elastic()

double smash::deuteron_pion_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

Deuteron pion elastic cross-section [mb] parametrized to fit pi-d elastic scattering data (the data collection was be obtained from SAID data base,

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 475 of file

475  {
476  const double tmp = std::sqrt(mandelstam_s) - 2.172;
477  return 4.0 + 0.27 / (tmp * tmp + 0.065 * 0.065);
478 }

◆ deuteron_nucleon_elastic()

double smash::deuteron_nucleon_elastic ( double  mandelstam_s)

Deuteron nucleon elastic cross-section [mb] parametrized by Oh:2009gx [39].

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 480 of file

480  {
481  const double s = mandelstam_s;
482  return 2500.0 * std::exp(-smash::square(s - 7.93) / 0.003) +
483  600.0 * std::exp(-smash::square(s - 7.93) / 0.1) + 10.0;
484 }
constexpr T square(const T base)
Efficient template for calculating the square.
Definition: pow.h:37

◆ kplusp_total()

double smash::kplusp_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ p total cross section parametrization.

Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
In total parametrizations of KN processes, if the interaction energy exceeds the bounds of the interpolation, the last value available is returned, which is desired behavior.

Definition at line 486 of file

486  {
487  if (kplusp_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
488  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
489  dedup_avg<double>(KPLUSP_TOT_PLAB, KPLUSP_TOT_SIG);
490  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.1, 5);
492  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
493  }
494  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
495  return (*kplusp_total_interpolation)(p_lab);
496 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSP_TOT_SIG
PDG data on K+ p total cross section: cross section.
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSP_TOT_PLAB
PDG data on K+ p total cross section: momentum in lab frame.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kplusp_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSP_TOT data.
constexpr double kaon_mass
Kaon mass in GeV.
Definition: constants.h:72

◆ kplusn_total()

double smash::kplusn_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ n total cross section parametrization.

Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See this note about the return value.

Definition at line 498 of file

498  {
499  if (kplusn_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
500  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
501  dedup_avg<double>(KPLUSN_TOT_PLAB, KPLUSN_TOT_SIG);
502  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.05, 5);
504  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
505  }
506  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
507  return (*kplusn_total_interpolation)(p_lab);
508 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSN_TOT_SIG
PDG data on K+ n total cross section: cross section.
const std::initializer_list< double > KPLUSN_TOT_PLAB
PDG data on K+ n total cross section: momentum in lab frame.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kplusn_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSN_TOT data.

◆ kminusn_total()

double smash::kminusn_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

K- n total cross section parametrization.

Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See this note about return value.

Definition at line 523 of file

523  {
524  if (kminusn_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
525  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
526  dedup_avg<double>(KMINUSN_TOT_PLAB, KMINUSN_TOT_SIG);
527  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.05, 5);
529  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
530  }
531  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
532  return (*kminusn_total_interpolation)(p_lab);
533 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSN_TOT_PLAB
PDG data on K- n total cross section: momentum in lab frame.
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSN_TOT_SIG
PDG data on K- n total cross section: cross section.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusn_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSN_TOT data.

◆ kminusp_total()

double smash::kminusp_total ( double  mandelstam_s)

K- p total cross section parametrization.

Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]
See this note about return value.

Definition at line 510 of file

510  {
511  if (kminusp_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
512  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
513  dedup_avg<double>(KMINUSP_TOT_PLAB, KMINUSP_TOT_SIG);
514  // Parametrization data is pre-smoothed
515  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.01, 5);
517  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
518  }
519  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
520  return (*kminusp_total_interpolation)(p_lab);
521 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_TOT_PLAB
PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: momentum in lab frame.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusp_total_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_TOT data.
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_TOT_SIG
PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: cross section.

◆ kplusp_elastic_background()

double smash::kplusp_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ p elastic background cross section parametrization.

sigma(K+n->K+n) = sigma(K+n->K0p) = 0.5 * sigma(K+p->K+p) Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 535 of file

535  {
536  constexpr double a0 = 10.508; // mb
537  constexpr double a1 = -3.716; // mb/GeV
538  constexpr double a2 = 1.845; // mb/GeV^2
539  constexpr double a3 = -0.764; // GeV^-1
540  constexpr double a4 = 0.508; // GeV^-2
542  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
543  const double p_lab2 = p_lab * p_lab;
545  return (a0 + a1 * p_lab + a2 * p_lab2) / (1 + a3 * p_lab + a4 * p_lab2);
546 }

◆ kplusn_elastic_background()

double smash::kplusn_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ n elastic background cross section parametrization sigma(K+n->K+n) = sigma(K+n->K0p) = 0.5 * sigma(K+p->K+p) Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 548 of file

548  {
549  return 0.25 * kplusp_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
550 }
double kplusp_elastic_background(double mandelstam_s)
K+ p elastic background cross section parametrization.

◆ kplusn_k0p()

double smash::kplusn_k0p ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ n charge exchange cross section parametrization.

sigma(K+n->K+n) = sigma(K+n->K0p) = 0.5 * sigma(K+p->K+p) Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 552 of file

552  {
553  return 0.25 * kplusp_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
554 }

◆ kminusp_elastic_background()

double smash::kminusp_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K- p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 573 of file

573  {
574  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
575  double sigma;
576  if (std::sqrt(mandelstam_s) < 1.68) {
577  /* The parametrization here also works for anti-K0 n, Lambda pi0,
578  * Sigma+ pi-, Sigma- pi+, Sigma0 pi0 with different parameters a0, a1, a2.
579  *
580  * The values of the parameters are *not* taken from the source above,
581  * they come from a fit to PDG data. */
582  constexpr double a0 = 186.03567644; // mb GeV^2
583  constexpr double a1 = 0.22002795; // Gev
584  constexpr double a2 = 0.64907116;
586  const double p_i = p_lab;
587  const double p_f = p_lab;
589  const double ratio = a1 * a1 / (a1 * a1 + p_f * p_f);
590  sigma = a0 * p_f / (p_i * mandelstam_s) * std::pow(ratio, a2);
591  } else {
592  sigma = kminusp_elastic_pdg(mandelstam_s);
593  }
594  // The elastic contributions from decays still need to be subtracted.
595  if (kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation == nullptr) {
596  std::vector<double> x = KMINUSP_RES_SQRTS;
597  for (auto& i : x) {
598  i = plab_from_s(i * i, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
599  }
600  std::vector<double> y = KMINUSP_RES_SIG;
602  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataSpline>(x, y);
603  }
604  const auto old_sigma = sigma;
605  sigma -= (*kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation)(p_lab);
606  if (sigma < 0) {
607  std::cout << "NEGATIVE SIGMA: sigma=" << sigma
608  << ", sqrt(s)=" << std::sqrt(mandelstam_s)
609  << ", sig_el_exp=" << old_sigma
610  << ", sig_el_res=" << (*kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation)(p_lab)
611  << std::endl;
612  }
613  assert(sigma >= 0);
614  return sigma;
615 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_RES_SQRTS
Center-of-mass energy list for K̅⁻ N⁺
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_RES_SIG
Elastic K̅⁻ N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataSpline > kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_RES data.
static double kminusp_elastic_pdg(double mandelstam_s)

◆ kminusn_elastic_background()

double smash::kminusn_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K- n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 617 of file

617 { return 4.0; }

◆ k0p_elastic_background()

double smash::k0p_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K0 p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 619 of file

619  {
620  // by isospin symmetry
621  return kplusn_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
622 }
double kplusn_elastic_background(double mandelstam_s)
K+ n elastic background cross section parametrization sigma(K+n->K+n) = sigma(K+n->K0p) = 0....

◆ k0n_elastic_background()

double smash::k0n_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K0 n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 624 of file

624  {
625  // by isospin symmetry
626  return kplusp_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
627 }

◆ kbar0p_elastic_background()

double smash::kbar0p_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

Kbar0 p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 629 of file

629  {
630  // by isospin symmetry
631  return kminusn_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
632 }
double kminusn_elastic_background(double mandelstam_s)
K- n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx , B.3.9.

◆ kbar0n_elastic_background()

double smash::kbar0n_elastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

Kbar0 n elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 634 of file

634  {
635  // by isospin symmetry
636  return kminusp_elastic_background(mandelstam_s);
637 }
double kminusp_elastic_background(double mandelstam_s)
K- p elastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx , B.3.9.

◆ kplusp_inelastic_background()

double smash::kplusp_inelastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ p inelastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 639 of file

639  {
640  if (kplusp_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
641  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
642  dedup_avg<double>(KPLUSP_TOT_PLAB, KPLUSP_TOT_SIG);
643  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.1, 5);
645  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
646  }
647  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
649  mandelstam_s);
650 }

◆ kplusn_inelastic_background()

double smash::kplusn_inelastic_background ( double  mandelstam_s)

K+ n inelastic background cross section parametrization Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.8.

This interpolates the experimental data of the total cross section and subtracts the elastic and charge exchange cross section.

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 652 of file

652  {
653  if (kplusn_total_interpolation == nullptr) {
654  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
655  dedup_avg<double>(KPLUSN_TOT_PLAB, KPLUSN_TOT_SIG);
656  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.05, 5);
658  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
659  }
660  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
662  mandelstam_s) -
663  kplusn_k0p(mandelstam_s);
664 }
double kplusn_k0p(double mandelstam_s)
K+ n charge exchange cross section parametrization.

◆ kminusp_kbar0n()

double smash::kminusp_kbar0n ( double  mandelstam_s)

K- p <-> Kbar0 n cross section parametrization.

Source: Buss:2011mx [13], B.3.9

[in]mandelstam_sthe rest frame total energy squared [GeV^2]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 771 of file

771  {
772  constexpr double a0 = 100; // mb GeV^2
773  constexpr double a1 = 0.15; // GeV
774  constexpr unsigned a2 = 2;
776  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
777  const double p_i = p_lab;
778  const double p_f = p_lab;
780  return a0 * p_f / (p_i * mandelstam_s) *
781  pow_int(a1 * a1 / (a1 * a1 + p_f * p_f), a2);
782 }

◆ kminusp_piminussigmaplus()

double smash::kminusp_piminussigmaplus ( double  sqrts)

K- p <-> pi- Sigma+ cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 784 of file

784  {
785  return 0.0788265 / smash::square(sqrts - 1.38841);
786 }

◆ kminusp_piplussigmaminus()

double smash::kminusp_piplussigmaminus ( double  sqrts)

K- p <-> pi+ Sigma- cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 788 of file

788  {
789  return 0.0196741 / smash::square(sqrts - 1.42318);
790 }

◆ kminusp_pi0sigma0()

double smash::kminusp_pi0sigma0 ( double  sqrts)

K- p <-> pi0 Sigma0 cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 792 of file

792  {
793  return 0.0403364 / smash::square(sqrts - 1.39830305);
794 }

◆ kminusp_pi0lambda()

double smash::kminusp_pi0lambda ( double  sqrts)

K- p <-> pi0 Lambda cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values.

clarify this
[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 796 of file

796  {
797  return 0.05932562 / smash::square(sqrts - 1.38786692);
798 }

◆ kminusn_piminussigma0()

double smash::kminusn_piminussigma0 ( double  sqrts)

K- n <-> pi- Sigma0 cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 800 of file

800  {
801  return kminusp_piminussigmaplus(sqrts) + kminusp_piplussigmaminus(sqrts) -
802  2. * kminusp_pi0sigma0(sqrts);
803 }
double kminusp_piminussigmaplus(double sqrts)
K- p <-> pi- Sigma+ cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra ).
double kminusp_pi0sigma0(double sqrts)
K- p <-> pi0 Sigma0 cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values.
double kminusp_piplussigmaminus(double sqrts)
K- p <-> pi+ Sigma- cross section parametrization Taken from UrQMD (Graef:2014mra ).

◆ kminusn_pi0sigmaminus()

double smash::kminusn_pi0sigmaminus ( double  sqrts)

K- n <-> pi0 Sigma- cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

◆ kminusn_piminuslambda()

double smash::kminusn_piminuslambda ( double  sqrts)

K- n <-> pi- Lambda cross section parametrization Follow from the parametrization with the same strange product via isospin symmetry.

[in]sqrtsthe rest frame total energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 805 of file

805  {
806  return 2. * kminusp_pi0lambda(sqrts);
807 }
double kminusp_pi0lambda(double sqrts)
K- p <-> pi0 Lambda cross section parametrization Fit to Landolt-Börnstein instead of UrQMD values.

◆ lambdalambda_ximinusp()

double smash::lambdalambda_ximinusp ( double  sqrts_sqrts0,
double  p_N,
double  p_lambda 

Lambda Lambda <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
[in]p_Nmomentum of outgoing nucleon in center of mass frame [GeV]
[in]p_lambdamomentum of incoming lambda in center of mass frame [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 811 of file

811  {
812  assert(p_lambda != 0);
813  assert(sqrts_sqrts0 >= 0);
814  return 37.15 / 2 * p_N / p_lambda * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.16);
815 }

◆ lambdalambda_xi0n()

double smash::lambdalambda_xi0n ( double  sqrts_sqrts0,
double  p_N,
double  p_lambda 

Lambda Lambda <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
[in]p_Nmomentum of outgoing nucleon in center of mass frame [GeV]
[in]p_lambdamomentum of incoming lambda in center of mass frame [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 817 of file

817  {
818  return lambdalambda_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0, p_N, p_lambda);
819 }
double lambdalambda_ximinusp(double sqrts_sqrts0, double p_N, double p_lambda)
Lambda Lambda <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model ...

◆ lambdasigmaplus_xi0p()

double smash::lambdasigmaplus_xi0p ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Lambda Sigma+ <-> Xi0 p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 821 of file

821  {
822  assert(sqrts_sqrts0 >= 0);
823  return 24.3781 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.479);
824 }

◆ lambdasigmaminus_ximinusn()

double smash::lambdasigmaminus_ximinusn ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Lambda Sigma- <-> Xi- n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 826 of file

826  {
827  return lambdasigmaplus_xi0p(sqrts_sqrts0);
828 }
double lambdasigmaplus_xi0p(double sqrts_sqrts0)
Lambda Sigma+ <-> Xi0 p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model ...

◆ lambdasigma0_ximinusp()

double smash::lambdasigma0_ximinusp ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Lambda Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 830 of file

830  {
831  assert(sqrts_sqrts0 >= 0);
832  if (sqrts_sqrts0 < 0.03336) {
833  return 6.475 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.4167);
834  } else {
835  return 14.5054 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.1795);
836  }
837 }

◆ lambdasigma0_xi0n()

double smash::lambdasigma0_xi0n ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Lambda Sigma0 <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 839 of file

839  {
840  return lambdasigma0_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0);
841 }
double lambdasigma0_ximinusp(double sqrts_sqrts0)
Lambda Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model ...

◆ sigma0sigma0_ximinusp()

double smash::sigma0sigma0_ximinusp ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma0 Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 843 of file

843  {
844  assert(sqrts_sqrts0 >= 0);
845  if (sqrts_sqrts0 < 0.09047) {
846  return 5.625 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.318);
847  } else {
848  return 4.174 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.4421);
849  }
850 }

◆ sigma0sigma0_xi0n()

double smash::sigma0sigma0_xi0n ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma0 Sigma0 <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

Note that there is a typo in the paper in equation (6): "Lambda Sigma0 -> Xi0 n" should be "Sigma0 Sigma0 -> Xi0 n".

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 852 of file

852  {
853  return sigma0sigma0_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0);
854 }
double sigma0sigma0_ximinusp(double sqrts_sqrts0)
Sigma0 Sigma0 <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model ...

◆ sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0p()

double smash::sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0p ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi0 p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 856 of file

856  {
857  return 4 * sigma0sigma0_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0);
858 }

◆ sigma0sigmaminus_ximinusn()

double smash::sigma0sigmaminus_ximinusn ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma0 Sigma- <-> Xi- n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 860 of file

860  {
861  return 4 * sigma0sigma0_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0);
862 }

◆ sigmaplussigmaminus_ximinusp()

double smash::sigmaplussigmaminus_ximinusp ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 864 of file

864  {
865  return 14.194 * std::pow(sqrts_sqrts0, -0.442);
866 }

◆ sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0n()

double smash::sigmaplussigmaminus_xi0n ( double  sqrts_sqrts0)

Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi0 n cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model by Feng Li, as in UrQMD (Graef:2014mra [24]).

[in]sqrts_sqrts0the rest frame total energy minus threshold energy [GeV]
the parametrized cross-section [mb]

Definition at line 868 of file

868  {
869  return sigmaplussigmaminus_ximinusp(sqrts_sqrts0);
870 }
double sigmaplussigmaminus_ximinusp(double sqrts_sqrts0)
Sigma+ Sigma- <-> Xi- p cross section parametrization Two hyperon exchange, based on effective model ...

◆ create_valid_smash_particle_matching_provided_quantities()

ParticleData smash::create_valid_smash_particle_matching_provided_quantities ( PdgCode  pdgcode,
double  mass,
const FourVector four_position,
const FourVector four_momentum,
int  log_area,
bool &  mass_warning,
bool &  on_shell_warning 

This function creates a SMASH particle validating the provided information.

  • The input position and momentum is checked for nan values.
  • A particle is first created using the given PDG code, setting its 4-momentum to the given one.
  • Afterwards, if stable, its mass is compared to the given one and, if these do not match (up to numeric rounding), the internal SMASH value (i.e. that from the particles file) is used to put the particle on the SMASH mass shell.
  • Finally, for unstable particles or if the previous mass check passed, the particle is checked to be on its mass shell and, if not, its energy is adjusted to put the particle on its mass shell.

This function possibly warns the user, if requested.

[in]pdgcodePdgCode of the particle which is supposed to be checked
[in]massMass of the new particle
[in]four_positionPosition four vector of the new particle
[in]four_momentumMomentum four vector of the new particle
[in]log_areaLogging area for the warning
[in,out]mass_warningWhether to warn about mass discrepancies
[in,out]on_shell_warningWhether to warn about off-shell particles
Valid SMASH particle matching all given input quantities
The boolean flags are passed by reference, since we want to allow client code to warn the user only once per flag. Hence, this function is turning the flags to false after having warned the user.

Definition at line 165 of file

168  {
169  // Check input position and momentum for nan values
170  if (is_any_nan(four_position) || is_any_nan(four_momentum)) {
171  logg[log_area].fatal() << "Input particle has at least one nan value in "
172  "position and/or momentum four vector.";
173  throw std::invalid_argument(
174  "Invalid input (nan) for particle position or momentum.");
175  }
177  // Some preliminary tool to avoid duplication later
178  static const auto emph = einhard::Yellow_t_::ANSI();
179  static const auto restore_default = einhard::NoColor_t_::ANSI();
180  auto prepare_needed_warnings = [&mass_warning, &on_shell_warning, &mass,
181  &four_momentum](const ParticleData &p) {
182  std::array<std::optional<std::string>, 2> warnings{};
183  if (mass_warning) {
184  warnings[0] = "Provided mass of stable particle " + p.type().name() +
185  " = " + std::to_string(mass) +
186  " [GeV] is inconsistent with value = " +
187  std::to_string(p.pole_mass()) + " [GeV] from " +
188  "particles file.\nForcing E = sqrt(p^2 + m^2)" +
189  ", where m is the mass contained in the particles file." +
190  "\nFurther warnings about discrepancies between the " +
191  "input mass and the mass contained in the particles file" +
192  " will be suppressed.\n" + emph + "Please make sure" +
193  " that changing input particle properties is an " +
194  "acceptable behavior." + restore_default;
195  }
196  if (on_shell_warning) {
197  std::stringstream ss{};
198  ss << four_momentum;
199  warnings[1] =
200  "Provided 4-momentum " + ss.str() + " [GeV] and mass " +
201  std::to_string(mass) + " [GeV] do not satisfy E^2 - p^2 = m^2.\n" +
202  "This may originate from the lack of numerical" +
203  " precision in the input. Setting E to sqrt(p^2 + " +
204  "m^2).\nFurther warnings about E != sqrt(p^2 + m^2) will" +
205  " be suppressed.\n" + emph + "Please make sure that setting " +
206  "particles back on the mass shell is an acceptable behavior." +
207  restore_default;
208  }
209  return warnings;
210  };
211  auto warn_if_needed = [&log_area](bool &flag,
212  const std::optional<std::string> &message) {
213  if (flag) {
214  logg[log_area].warn(message.value());
215  flag = false;
216  }
217  };
218  auto is_particle_stable_and_with_invalid_mass =
219  [&mass](const ParticleData &p) {
220  return p.type().is_stable() &&
221  std::abs(mass - p.pole_mass()) > really_small;
222  };
223  auto is_particle_off_its_mass_shell = [&mass](const ParticleData &p) {
224  return std::abs(p.momentum().sqr() - mass * mass) > really_small;
225  };
227  // Actual implementation
228  ParticleData smash_particle{ParticleType::find(pdgcode)};
229  const auto warnings = prepare_needed_warnings(smash_particle);
230  if (is_particle_stable_and_with_invalid_mass(smash_particle)) {
231  warn_if_needed(mass_warning, warnings[0]);
232  smash_particle.set_4momentum(smash_particle.pole_mass(),
233  four_momentum.threevec());
234  } else {
235  smash_particle.set_4momentum(four_momentum);
236  if (is_particle_off_its_mass_shell(smash_particle)) {
237  warn_if_needed(on_shell_warning, warnings[1]);
238  smash_particle.set_4momentum(mass, four_momentum.threevec());
239  }
240  }
242  // Set spatial coordinates, they will later be backpropagated if needed
243  smash_particle.set_4position(four_position);
244  smash_particle.set_formation_time(four_position.x0());
245  smash_particle.set_cross_section_scaling_factor(1.0);
247  return smash_particle;
248 }
bool is_any_nan(const T &collection)
This function iterates through the elements of a collection and checks if any of them is NaN using th...
Definition: numerics.h:82

◆ are_particles_identical_at_given_time()

bool smash::are_particles_identical_at_given_time ( const ParticleData p1,
const ParticleData p2,
double  time 

Utility function to compare two ParticleData instances with respect to their PDG code, 4-position and 4-momenta.

The particles are propagated to the given time before being compared. 4-vectors are compared using the FourVector::operator== overload.

p1The first particle
p2The second particle
timeThe time at which the comparison should take place
true if the two particles have the same PDG codes, 4-position and 4-momentum;
false otherwise.

Definition at line 250 of file

252  {
253  if (p1.pdgcode() != p2.pdgcode()) {
254  return false;
255  } else {
256  if (p1.momentum() != p2.momentum()) {
257  return false;
258  }
259  auto get_propagated_position = [&time](const ParticleData &p) {
260  const double t = p.position().x0();
261  const FourVector u(1.0, p.velocity());
262  return p.position() + u * (time - t);
263  };
264  return get_propagated_position(p1) == get_propagated_position(p2);
265  }
266 }

◆ operator-() [3/4]

Parity smash::operator- ( Parity  p)
pGiven parity.
Inverted parity.

Definition at line 46 of file particletype.h.

46  {
47  switch (p) {
48  case Parity::Pos:
49  return Parity::Neg;
50  case Parity::Neg:
51  return Parity::Pos;
52  }
53  // This is unreachable and should be optimized away.
54  // It is required to silence a compiler warning.
55  throw std::runtime_error("unreachable");
56 }

◆ operator*() [5/8]

Parity smash::operator* ( Parity  x,
Parity  y 
xLeft-hand parity
yRight-hand parity
Product of x and y.

Definition at line 63 of file particletype.h.

63  {
64  if (x == y) {
65  return Parity::Pos;
66  } else {
67  return Parity::Neg;
68  }
69 }

◆ operator*=()

void smash::operator*= ( Parity x,
Parity  y 
xLeft-hand parity
yRight-hand parity
Product of x and y.

Definition at line 76 of file particletype.h.

76  {
77  if (x == y) {
78  x = Parity::Pos;
79  } else {
80  x = Parity::Neg;
81  }
82 }

◆ list_possible_resonances()

ParticleTypePtrList smash::list_possible_resonances ( const ParticleTypePtr  type_a,
const ParticleTypePtr  type_b 

Lists the possible resonances that decay into two particles.

[in]type_afirst incoming particle.
[in]type_bsecond incoming particle.
list of possible resonances.
Internally, a static std::map is used as a caching mechanism and is filled the first time this function is called, such that calling it again just returns the same list.

Definition at line 775 of file

776  {
777  static std::map<std::set<ParticleTypePtr>, ParticleTypePtrList>
778  map_possible_resonances_of;
779  std::set<ParticleTypePtr> incoming{type_a, type_b};
780  const ParticleTypePtrList incoming_types = {type_a, type_b};
781  // Fill map if set is not yet present
782  if (map_possible_resonances_of.count(incoming) == 0) {
783  logg[LResonances].debug()
784  << "Filling map of compatible resonances for ptypes " << type_a->name()
785  << " " << type_b->name();
786  ParticleTypePtrList resonance_list{};
787  // The tests below are redundant as the decay modes already obey them, but
788  // they are quicker to check and so improve performance.
789  for (const ParticleType &resonance : ParticleType::list_all()) {
790  /* Not a resonance, go to next type of particle */
791  if (resonance.is_stable()) {
792  continue;
793  }
794  // Same resonance as in the beginning, ignore
795  if ((resonance.pdgcode() == type_a->pdgcode()) ||
796  (resonance.pdgcode() == type_b->pdgcode())) {
797  continue;
798  }
799  // Check for charge conservation.
800  if (resonance.charge() != type_a->charge() + type_b->charge()) {
801  continue;
802  }
803  // Check for baryon-number conservation.
804  if (resonance.baryon_number() !=
805  type_a->baryon_number() + type_b->baryon_number()) {
806  continue;
807  }
808  // Check for strangeness conservation.
809  if (resonance.strangeness() !=
810  type_a->strangeness() + type_b->strangeness()) {
811  continue;
812  }
813  const auto &decaymodes = resonance.decay_modes().decay_mode_list();
814  for (const auto &mode : decaymodes) {
815  if (mode->type().has_particles(incoming_types)) {
816  resonance_list.push_back(&resonance);
817  break;
818  }
819  }
820  }
821  // Here `resonance_list` can be empty, corresponding to the case where there
822  // are no possible resonances.
823  map_possible_resonances_of[incoming] = resonance_list;
824  }
826  return map_possible_resonances_of[incoming];
827 }
static constexpr int LResonances

◆ operator>>()

std::istream & smash::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
PdgCode code 

Sets the PDG code from the textual representation in the input stream.

istream >> PdgCode assigns the PDG Code from an istream.

[in]isinput string
[out]codePdgCode to be set

Definition at line 14 of file

14  {
15  std::string codestring("");
16  is >> codestring;
17  if (!is) {
18  code = PdgCode::invalid();
19  return is;
20  }
21  try {
22  // set the fields from the string:
23  code.set_from_string(codestring);
24  } catch (PdgCode::InvalidPdgCode&) {
25  is.setstate(std::ios::failbit);
26  code = PdgCode::invalid();
27  }
28  return is;
29 }
constexpr int invalid
Invalid particle.

◆ is_dilepton()

bool smash::is_dilepton ( const PdgCode  pdg1,
const PdgCode  pdg2 
if two given particles represent a lepton pair (e+e- or mu+mu-).

Definition at line 1117 of file pdgcode.h.

1117  {
1118  const auto c1 = pdg1.code();
1119  const auto c2 = pdg2.code();
1120  const auto min = std::min(c1, c2);
1121  const auto max = std::max(c1, c2);
1122  return (max == 0x11 && min == -0x11) || (max == 0x13 && min == -0x13);
1123 }

◆ has_lepton_pair()

bool smash::has_lepton_pair ( const PdgCode  pdg1,
const PdgCode  pdg2,
const PdgCode  pdg3 
if two of the three given particles represent a lepton pair (e+e- or mu+mu-).

Definition at line 1129 of file pdgcode.h.

1130  {
1131  return is_dilepton(pdg1, pdg2) || is_dilepton(pdg1, pdg3) ||
1132  is_dilepton(pdg2, pdg3);
1133 }
bool is_dilepton(const PdgCode pdg1, const PdgCode pdg2)
Definition: pdgcode.h:1117

◆ pack()

constexpr uint64_t smash::pack ( int32_t  x,
int32_t  y 

Pack two int32_t into an uint64_t.

This is useful for switch statements on pairs.

xFirst integer to be packed.
ySecond integer to be packed.
Combined integer.

Definition at line 130 of file pdgcode_constants.h.

130  {
131  return (static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(x)) << 32) |
132  static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<uint32_t>(y));
133  //^ Casting to an intermediate 32-bit integer is important!
134 }

◆ pow_int()

template<class T >
constexpr T smash::pow_int ( const T  base,
unsigned const  exponent 

Efficient template for calculating integer powers using squaring.

Template Parameters
TType that implements multiplication.

Definition at line 23 of file pow.h.

23  {
24  return (exponent == 0) ? 1
25  : (exponent % 2 == 0)
26  ? pow_int(base, exponent / 2) * pow_int(base, exponent / 2)
27  : base * pow_int(base, exponent - 1);
28 }

◆ square()

template<class T >
constexpr T smash::square ( const T  base)

Efficient template for calculating the square.

Template Parameters
TType that implements multiplication.
[in]basevalue that gets squared
result of squaring base

Definition at line 37 of file pow.h.

37  {
38  return pow_int(base, 2);
39 }

◆ is_string_soft_process()

bool smash::is_string_soft_process ( ProcessType  p)

Check if a given process type is a soft string excitation.

[in]pThe process type

Definition at line 18 of file

18  {
19  return p == ProcessType::StringSoftSingleDiffractiveAX ||
20  p == ProcessType::StringSoftSingleDiffractiveXB ||
21  p == ProcessType::StringSoftDoubleDiffractive ||
22  p == ProcessType::StringSoftAnnihilation ||
23  p == ProcessType::StringSoftNonDiffractive;
24 }

◆ calc_hubble()

double smash::calc_hubble ( double  time,
const ExpansionProperties metric 

Calculate the Hubble parameter \(H(t)\), which describes how large the expansion flow is.

The flow \(\mathbf{v}=H(t)\:\mathbf{x}\) Tindall:2016try [58]

[in]timetime in the computational frame. [fm]
[in]metricStruct containing the parameters needed to calculate the metric.
Hubble parameter [fm^ \({-1}\)]

Definition at line 21 of file

21  {
22  double h; // Hubble parameter
24  switch (metric.mode_) {
26  h = 0.;
27  break;
29  h = metric.b_ / (2 * (metric.b_ * time + 1));
30  break;
32  h = 2 * metric.b_ / (3 * (metric.b_ * time + 1));
33  break;
35  h = metric.b_ * time;
36  break;
37  default:
38  h = 0.;
39  }
41  return h;
42 }

◆ propagate_straight_line()

double smash::propagate_straight_line ( Particles particles,
double  to_time,
const std::vector< FourVector > &  beam_momentum 

Propagates the positions of all particles on a straight line to a given moment.

For each particle, the position is shifted:

\[ \mathbf{x}^\prime = \mathbf{x} + \mathbf{v}\:\Delta t \]

where \(\mathbf{x}\) is the current position, \(\mathbf{v}\) its velocity and \(\Delta t\) the duration of this timestep.

[out]particlesThe particle list in the event
[in]to_timefinal time [fm]
[in]beam_momentumThis vector of 4-momenta should have non-zero size only if "frozen Fermi motion" is on. The the Fermi momenta are only used for collisions, but not for propagation. In this case beam_momentum is used for propagating the initial nucleons. [GeV]
dt time interval of propagation which is equal to the difference between the final time and the initial time read from the 4-position of the particle.

Definition at line 44 of file

45  {
46  bool negative_dt_error = false;
47  double dt = 0.0;
48  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
49  const double t0 = data.position().x0();
50  dt = to_time - t0;
51  if (dt < 0.0 && !negative_dt_error) {
52  // Print error message once, not for every particle
53  negative_dt_error = true;
54  logg[LPropagation].error("propagate_straight_line - negative dt = ", dt);
55  }
56  assert(dt >= 0.0);
57  /* "Frozen Fermi motion": Fermi momenta are only used for collisions,
58  * but not for propagation. This is done to avoid nucleus flying apart
59  * even if potentials are off. Initial nucleons before the first collision
60  * are propagated only according to beam momentum.
61  * Initial nucleons are distinguished by < the size of
62  * beam_momentum, which is by default zero except for the collider modus
63  * with the fermi motion == frozen.
64  * todo(m. mayer): improve this condition (see comment #11 issue #4213)*/
65  assert( >= 0);
66  const bool avoid_fermi_motion =
67  (static_cast<uint64_t>( <
68  static_cast<uint64_t>(beam_momentum.size())) &&
69  (data.get_history().collisions_per_particle == 0);
70  ThreeVector v;
71  if (avoid_fermi_motion) {
72  const FourVector vbeam = beam_momentum[];
73  v = vbeam.velocity();
74  } else {
75  v = data.velocity();
76  }
77  const FourVector distance = FourVector(0.0, v * dt);
78  logg[LPropagation].debug("Particle ", data, " motion: ", distance);
79  FourVector position = data.position() + distance;
80  position.set_x0(to_time);
81  data.set_4position(position);
82  }
83  return dt;
84 }
static constexpr int LPropagation

◆ expand_space_time()

void smash::expand_space_time ( Particles particles,
const ExperimentParameters parameters,
const ExpansionProperties metric 

Modifies positions and momentum of all particles to account for space-time deformation.

[out]particlesAll the particles in the event
[in]parametersA struct containing the parameters from which we extract the time in the computational frame.
[in]metricA struct containing the parameters need to calculate the metric

Definition at line 86 of file

88  {
89  const double dt = parameters.labclock->timestep_duration();
90  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
91  // Momentum and position modification to ensure appropriate expansion
92  const double h = calc_hubble(parameters.labclock->current_time(), metric);
93  FourVector delta_mom = FourVector(0.0, h * data.momentum().threevec() * dt);
94  FourVector expan_dist =
95  FourVector(0.0, h * data.position().threevec() * dt);
97  logg[LPropagation].debug("Particle ", data,
98  " expansion motion: ", expan_dist);
99  // New position and momentum
100  FourVector position = data.position() + expan_dist;
101  FourVector momentum = data.momentum() - delta_mom;
103  // set the new momentum and position variables
104  data.set_4position(position);
105  data.set_4momentum(momentum);
106  // force the on shell condition to ensure correct energy
107  data.set_4momentum(data.pole_mass(), data.momentum().threevec());
108  }
109 }
double calc_hubble(double time, const ExpansionProperties &metric)
Calculate the Hubble parameter , which describes how large the expansion flow is.

◆ update_momenta()

void smash::update_momenta ( std::vector< Particles > &  particles,
double  dt,
const Potentials pot,
RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *  FB_lat,
RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *  FI3_lat,
RectangularLattice< std::pair< ThreeVector, ThreeVector >> *  EM_lat,
DensityLattice jB_lat 

Updates the momenta of all particles at the current time step according to the equations of motion:

\[ \frac{dp}{dt} = q\,(\mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B}) \]

[out]particlesThe particle list in the event
[in]potThe potentials in the system
[in]FB_latLattice for the electric and magnetic components of the Skyrme force
[in]FI3_latLattice for the electric and magnetic components of the symmetry force
[in]EM_latLattice for the electric and magnetic field
[in]jB_latLattice of the net baryon density

Definition at line 111 of file

116  {
117  // Copy particles from ALL ensembles to a single list before propagation
118  // and calculate potentials from this list
119  ParticleList plist;
120  for (Particles &particles : ensembles) {
121  const ParticleList tmp = particles.copy_to_vector();
122  plist.insert(plist.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
123  }
125  bool possibly_use_lattice =
126  (pot.use_skyrme() ? (FB_lat != nullptr) : true) &&
127  (pot.use_vdf() ? (FB_lat != nullptr) : true) &&
128  (pot.use_symmetry() ? (FI3_lat != nullptr) : true);
129  std::pair<ThreeVector, ThreeVector> FB, FI3, EM_fields;
130  double min_time_scale = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
132  for (Particles &particles : ensembles) {
133  for (ParticleData &data : particles) {
134  // Only baryons and nuclei will be affected by the potentials
135  if (!(data.is_baryon() || data.is_nucleus())) {
136  continue;
137  }
138  const auto scale = pot.force_scale(data.type());
139  const ThreeVector r = data.position().threevec();
140  /* Lattices can be used for calculation if 1-2 are fulfilled:
141  * 1) Required lattices are not nullptr - possibly_use_lattice
142  * 2) r is not out of required lattices */
143  const bool use_lattice =
144  possibly_use_lattice &&
145  (pot.use_skyrme() ? FB_lat->value_at(r, FB) : true) &&
146  (pot.use_vdf() ? FB_lat->value_at(r, FB) : true) &&
147  (pot.use_symmetry() ? FI3_lat->value_at(r, FI3) : true);
148  if (!use_lattice && !pot.use_potentials_outside_lattice()) {
149  continue;
150  }
151  if (!pot.use_skyrme() && !pot.use_vdf()) {
152  FB = std::make_pair(ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.), ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.));
153  }
154  if (!pot.use_symmetry()) {
155  FI3 = std::make_pair(ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.), ThreeVector(0., 0., 0.));
156  }
157  if (!use_lattice) {
158  const auto tmp = pot.all_forces(r, plist);
159  FB = std::make_pair(std::get<0>(tmp), std::get<1>(tmp));
160  FI3 = std::make_pair(std::get<2>(tmp), std::get<3>(tmp));
161  }
162  /* Floating point traps should be raised if the force is not overwritten
163  * with a meaningful value */
164  const auto sNaN = std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN();
165  ThreeVector force(sNaN, sNaN, sNaN);
166  if (pot.use_momentum_dependence()) {
167  ThreeVector energy_grad = pot.single_particle_energy_gradient(
168  jB_lat, data.position().threevec(), data.momentum().threevec(),
169  data.effective_mass(), plist);
170  force = -energy_grad * scale.first;
171  force +=
172  scale.second * data.type().isospin3_rel() *
173  (FI3.first + data.momentum().velocity().cross_product(FI3.second));
174  } else {
175  force = scale.first *
176  (FB.first +
177  data.momentum().velocity().cross_product(FB.second)) +
178  scale.second * data.type().isospin3_rel() *
179  (FI3.first +
180  data.momentum().velocity().cross_product(FI3.second));
181  }
182  // Potentially add Lorentz force
183  if (pot.use_coulomb() && EM_lat->value_at(r, EM_fields)) {
184  // factor hbar*c to convert fields from 1/fm^2 to GeV/fm
185  force += hbarc * data.type().charge() * elementary_charge *
186  (EM_fields.first +
187  data.momentum().velocity().cross_product(EM_fields.second));
188  }
189  logg[LPropagation].debug("Update momenta: F [GeV/fm] = ", force);
190  data.set_4momentum(data.effective_mass(),
191  data.momentum().threevec() + force * dt);
193  // calculate the time scale of the change in momentum
194  const double Force_abs = force.abs();
195  if (Force_abs < really_small) {
196  continue;
197  }
198  const double time_scale = data.momentum().x0() / Force_abs;
199  if (time_scale < min_time_scale) {
200  min_time_scale = time_scale;
201  }
202  }
203  }
204  // warn if the time step is too big
205  constexpr double safety_factor = 0.1;
206  if (dt > safety_factor * min_time_scale) {
207  logg[LPropagation].warn()
208  << "The time step size is too large for an accurate propagation "
209  << "with potentials. Maximum safe value: "
210  << safety_factor * min_time_scale << " fm.\n"
211  << "In case of Triangular or Discrete smearing you may additionally "
212  << "need to increase the number of ensembles or testparticles.";
213  }
214 }
const double elementary_charge
Elementary electric charge in natural units, approximately 0.3.
Definition: constants.h:98

◆ create_finder_parameters()

ScatterActionsFinderParameters smash::create_finder_parameters ( Configuration config,
const ExperimentParameters parameters 

Gather all relevant parameters for a ScatterActionsFinder either getting them from an ExperimentParameters instance or extracting them from a Configuration .

[in]parametersThe parameters of the considered experiment
[in,out]configSMASH input configuration
A ScatterActionsFinderParameters appropriately filled.

Definition at line 130 of file

131  {
132  std::pair<double, double> sqrts_range_Npi =
133  config.take({"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "Sqrts_Range_Npi"},
134  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_rangeNpi.default_value());
135  std::pair<double, double> sqrts_range_NN =
136  config.take({"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "Sqrts_Range_NN"},
137  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_rangeNN.default_value());
138  if (sqrts_range_Npi.first < nucleon_mass + pion_mass) {
139  sqrts_range_Npi.first = nucleon_mass + pion_mass;
140  if (sqrts_range_Npi.second < sqrts_range_Npi.first)
141  sqrts_range_Npi.second = sqrts_range_Npi.first;
142  logg[LFindScatter].warn(
143  "Lower bound of Sqrts_Range_Npi too small, setting it to mass "
144  "threshold. New range is [",
145  sqrts_range_Npi.first, ',', sqrts_range_Npi.second, "] GeV");
146  }
147  if (sqrts_range_NN.first < 2 * nucleon_mass) {
148  sqrts_range_NN.first = 2 * nucleon_mass;
149  if (sqrts_range_NN.second < sqrts_range_NN.first)
150  sqrts_range_NN.second = sqrts_range_NN.first;
151  logg[LFindScatter].warn(
152  "Lower bound of Sqrts_Range_NN too small, setting it to mass "
153  "threshold. New range is [",
154  sqrts_range_NN.first, ',', sqrts_range_NN.second, "] GeV.");
155  }
156  auto xs_strategy =
157  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Total_Cross_Section_Strategy"},
158  InputKeys::collTerm_totXsStrategy.default_value());
159  if (xs_strategy == TotalCrossSectionStrategy::BottomUp) {
160  logg[LFindScatter].info(
161  "Evaluating total cross sections from partial processes.");
162  } else if (parameters.included_2to2[IncludedReactions::Elastic] == 1 &&
163  parameters.included_2to2.count() == 1) {
164  throw std::invalid_argument(
165  "The BottomUp strategy for total cross section evaluation is needed to "
166  "have only elastic interactions, please change the configuration "
167  "accordingly.");
168  } else if (xs_strategy == TotalCrossSectionStrategy::TopDown) {
169  logg[LFindScatter].info(
170  "Evaluating total cross sections from parametrizations.");
171  } else if (xs_strategy == TotalCrossSectionStrategy::TopDownMeasured) {
172  logg[LFindScatter].info(
173  "Evaluating total cross sections from parametrizations only for "
174  "measured processes.");
175  }
176  return {
177  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Elastic_Cross_Section"}, -1.),
178  parameters.low_snn_cut,
179  parameters.scale_xs,
180  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Additional_Elastic_Cross_Section"}, 0.0),
181  parameters.maximum_cross_section,
182  parameters.coll_crit,
183  parameters.nnbar_treatment,
184  parameters.included_2to2,
185  parameters.included_multi,
186  parameters.testparticles,
187  parameters.two_to_one,
188  config.take({"Modi", "Collider", "Collisions_Within_Nucleus"}, false),
189  parameters.strings_switch,
190  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Use_AQM"}, true),
191  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Strings_with_Probability"}, true),
192  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Only_Warn_For_High_Probability"}, false),
193  StringTransitionParameters{
194  sqrts_range_Npi, sqrts_range_NN,
195  config.take({"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "Sqrts_Lower"},
196  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_lower.default_value()),
197  config.take(
198  {"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "Sqrts_Range_Width"},
199  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_range_width.default_value()),
200  config.take(
201  {"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "PiPi_Offset"},
202  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_pipiOffset.default_value()),
203  config.take(
204  {"Collision_Term", "String_Transition", "KN_Offset"},
205  InputKeys::collTerm_stringTrans_KNOffset.default_value())},
206  xs_strategy,
207  config.take({"Collision_Term", "Pseudoresonance"},
208  InputKeys::collTerm_pseudoresonance.default_value())};
209 }
@ TopDownMeasured
Mix the two above, using the parametrizations only for measured processes, and summing up partials fo...
@ TopDown
Use parametrizations based on existing data, rescaling with AQM for unmeasured processes.
@ BottomUp
Sum the existing partial contributions.
static constexpr int LFindScatter

◆ load_particles_and_decaymodes()

std::pair< std::string, std::string > smash::load_particles_and_decaymodes ( const std::filesystem::path &  particles_file,
const std::filesystem::path &  decaymodes_file 

Loads particles and decaymodes from provided files particles_file and decaymodes_file.

In case if particles_file or decaymodes_file are nullptr, the defaults are taken

[in]particles_filea file containing particles list. See Particles.
[in]decaymodes_filea file containing decay modes of the resonances. See Decay modes.
a pair of strings – the contents of particle and decaymode files.

Definition at line 28 of file

30  {
31  std::string particle_string, decay_string;
32  if (!particles_file.empty()) {
33  if (!std::filesystem::exists(particles_file)) {
34  std::stringstream err;
35  err << "The particles file was expected at '" << particles_file
36  << "', but the file does not exist.";
37  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
38  }
39  particle_string = read_all(std::ifstream{particles_file});
40  if (has_crlf_line_ending(particle_string)) {
41  std::stringstream err;
42  err << "The particles file has CR LF line endings. Please use LF"
43  " line endings.";
44  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
45  }
46  } else {
47  particle_string = particles_txt::data;
48  }
50  if (!decaymodes_file.empty()) {
51  if (!std::filesystem::exists(decaymodes_file)) {
52  std::stringstream err;
53  err << "The decay modes file was expected at '" << decaymodes_file
54  << "', but the file does not exist.";
55  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
56  }
57  decay_string = read_all(std::ifstream{decaymodes_file});
58  if (has_crlf_line_ending(decay_string)) {
59  std::stringstream err;
60  err << "The decay mode file has CR LF line endings. Please use LF"
61  " line endings.";
62  throw std::runtime_error(err.str());
63  }
64  } else {
65  decay_string = decaymodes_txt::data;
66  }
67  return std::make_pair(particle_string, decay_string);
68 }
bool has_crlf_line_ending(const std::string in)
Check if a line in the string ends with \r\n.
std::string read_all(std::istream &&input)
Utility function to read a complete input stream (e.g.

◆ initialize_default_particles_and_decaymodes()

void smash::initialize_default_particles_and_decaymodes ( )

Loads default smash particle list and decaymodes.

Definition at line 70 of file

70  {
71  const auto pd = load_particles_and_decaymodes({}, {});
72  ParticleType::create_type_list(pd.first);
73  DecayModes::load_decaymodes(pd.second);
74  ParticleType::check_consistency();
75 }
std::pair< std::string, std::string > load_particles_and_decaymodes(const std::filesystem::path &particles_file, const std::filesystem::path &decaymodes_file)
Loads particles and decaymodes from provided files particles_file and decaymodes_file.

◆ trim()

std::string smash::trim ( const std::string &  s)

Strip leading and trailing whitespaces.

sString to be trimmed.
Trimmed string.

Definition at line 76 of file

76  {
77  const auto begin = s.find_first_not_of(" \t\n\r");
78  if (begin == std::string::npos) {
79  return {};
80  }
81  const auto end = s.find_last_not_of(" \t\n\r");
82  return s.substr(begin, end - begin + 1);
83 }

◆ remove_substr()

void smash::remove_substr ( std::string &  s,
const std::string &  p 

Remove all instances of a substring p in a string s.

[in,out]sString to be searched and modified.
[in]pSubstring to be removed.

Definition at line 85 of file

85  {
86  using str = std::string;
87  str::size_type n = p.length();
88  for (str::size_type i = s.find(p); i != str::npos; i = s.find(p)) {
89  s.erase(i, n);
90  }
91 }
constexpr int n

◆ isoclean()

void smash::isoclean ( std::string &  s)

Remove ⁺, ⁻, ⁰ from string.

[in,out]sString to be cleaned.

Definition at line 93 of file

93  {
94  remove_substr(s, "⁺");
95  remove_substr(s, "⁻");
96  remove_substr(s, "⁰");
97 }
void remove_substr(std::string &s, const std::string &p)
Remove all instances of a substring p in a string s.

◆ split() [1/2]

std::vector< std::string > smash::split ( const std::string &  s,
char  delim 

Split string by delimiter.

[in]sString to be split.
[in]delimSplitting delimiter.
Split string.

Definition at line 121 of file

121  {
122  std::vector<std::string> elems;
123  split(s, delim, std::back_inserter(elems));
124  return elems;
125 }
void split(const std::string &s, char delim, Out result)
Split string by delimiter.

◆ join()

std::string smash::join ( const std::vector< std::string > &  v,
const std::string &  delim 

Join strings using delimiter.

[in]vStrings to be joint.
[in]delimJoining delimiter.
Joint string.

Definition at line 127 of file

127  {
128  return std::accumulate(std::begin(v), std::end(v), std::string{},
129  [&delim](const std::string &ss, const std::string &s) {
130  return ss.empty() ? s : ss + delim + s;
131  });
132 }

◆ quote()

std::string smash::quote ( const std::string &  s)

Add quotes around string.

This is a simpler version of std::quoted that also escapes e.g. contained quotes and cannot directly be converted to a string.

[in]sStrings to be quoted.
Quoted string.

Definition at line 134 of file

134 { return "\"" + s + "\""; }

◆ spec_func_integrand_1res()

double smash::spec_func_integrand_1res ( double  resonance_mass,
double  sqrts,
double  stable_mass,
const ParticleType type 

Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with one resonance in the final state (the second particle is stable).

The integrand is \( A(m) p_{cm}^f \), where \( m \) is the resonance mass, \( A(m) \) is the spectral function and \( p_{cm}^f \) is the center-of-mass momentum of the final state.

[in]resonance_massActual mass of the resonance [GeV].
[in]sqrtsCenter-of-mass Energy, i.e. sqrt of Mandelstam s [GeV].
[in]stable_massMass of the stable particle in the final state [GeV].
[in]typeType of the resonance.
Value of the integrand.

Definition at line 136 of file tabulation.h.

138  {
139  if (sqrts <= stable_mass + resonance_mass) {
140  return 0.;
141  }
143  /* Integrand is the spectral function weighted by the CM momentum of the
144  * final state. */
145  return type.spectral_function(resonance_mass) *
146  pCM(sqrts, stable_mass, resonance_mass);
147 }

◆ spec_func_integrand_2res()

double smash::spec_func_integrand_2res ( double  sqrts,
double  res_mass_1,
double  res_mass_2,
const ParticleType t1,
const ParticleType t2 

Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with two resonances in the final state.

The integrand is \( A_1(m_1) A_2(m_2) p_{cm}^f \), where \( m_1 \) and \( m_2 \) are the resonance masses, \( A_1 \) and \( A_2 \) are the spectral functions and \( p_{cm}^f \) is the center-of-mass momentum of the final state.

[in]sqrtsCenter-of-mass energy, i.e. sqrt of Mandelstam s [GeV].
[in]res_mass_1Actual mass of the first resonance [GeV].
[in]res_mass_2Actual mass of the second resonance [GeV].
[in]t1Type of the first resonance.
[in]t2Type of the second resonance.
Value of the integrand.

Definition at line 165 of file tabulation.h.

168  {
169  if (sqrts <= res_mass_1 + res_mass_2) {
170  return 0.;
171  }
173  /* Integrand is the product of the spectral function weighted by the
174  * CM momentum of the final state. */
175  return t1.spectral_function(res_mass_1) * t2.spectral_function(res_mass_2) *
176  pCM(sqrts, res_mass_1, res_mass_2);
177 }

◆ spectral_integral_semistable()

Tabulation smash::spectral_integral_semistable ( Integrator integrate,
const ParticleType resonance,
const ParticleType stable,
double  range 

Create a table for the spectral integral of a resonance and a stable particle.

[in,out]integrateNumerical integrator.
[in]resonanceType of the resonance particle.
[in]stableType of the stable particle.
[in]rangeDistance between tabulation points [GeV].
Tabulation of the given integral.

Definition at line 189 of file tabulation.h.

192  {
193  const double m_min = resonance.min_mass_kinematic();
194  const double m_stable = stable.mass();
195  return Tabulation(m_min + m_stable, range, 100, [&](double srts) {
196  return integrate(m_min, srts - m_stable, [&](double m) {
197  return spec_func_integrand_1res(m, srts, m_stable, resonance);
198  });
199  });
200 }
static Integrator integrate
double spec_func_integrand_1res(double resonance_mass, double sqrts, double stable_mass, const ParticleType &type)
Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with one resonance in the final state (the second pa...
Definition: tabulation.h:136

◆ spectral_integral_unstable()

Tabulation smash::spectral_integral_unstable ( Integrator2d integrate2d,
const ParticleType res1,
const ParticleType res2,
double  range 

Create a table for the spectral integral of two resonances.

[in,out]integrate2dNumerical integrator.
[in]res1Type of the first resonance particle.
[in]res2Type of the second resonance particle.
[in]rangeDistance between tabulation points [GeV].
Tabulation of the given integral.

Definition at line 211 of file tabulation.h.

214  {
215  const double m1_min = res1.min_mass_kinematic();
216  const double m2_min = res2.min_mass_kinematic();
217  return Tabulation(m1_min + m2_min, range, 125, [&](double srts) {
218  const double m1_max = srts - m2_min;
219  const double m2_max = srts - m1_min;
220  return integrate2d(
221  m1_min, m1_max, m2_min, m2_max, [&](double m1, double m2) {
222  return spec_func_integrand_2res(srts, m1, m2, res1, res2);
223  });
224  });
225 }
static Integrator2d integrate2d(1E7)
double spec_func_integrand_2res(double sqrts, double res_mass_1, double res_mass_2, const ParticleType &t1, const ParticleType &t2)
Spectral function integrand for GSL integration, with two resonances in the final state.
Definition: tabulation.h:165

◆ operator+() [3/3]

ThreeVector smash::operator+ ( ThreeVector  a,
const ThreeVector b 
sum of two three-vectors: \( \mathbf{a} + \mathbf{b} \).

Definition at line 202 of file threevector.h.

202  {
203  a += b;
204  return a;
205 }

◆ operator-() [4/4]

ThreeVector smash::operator- ( ThreeVector  a,
const ThreeVector b 
difference between two three-vectors: \(\mathbf{a}-\mathbf{b}\).

Definition at line 215 of file threevector.h.

215  {
216  a -= b;
217  return a;
218 }

◆ operator*() [6/8]

ThreeVector smash::operator* ( ThreeVector  a,
const double &  b 

multiply a three-vector by constant factor: \( b\cdot\mathbf{a} \).

Definition at line 228 of file threevector.h.

228  {
229  a *= b;
230  return a;
231 }

◆ operator*() [7/8]

ThreeVector smash::operator* ( const double &  a,
ThreeVector  b 

multiply a three-vector by constant factor: \( a\cdot\mathbf{b} \).

Definition at line 234 of file threevector.h.

234  {
235  b *= a;
236  return b;
237 }

◆ operator*() [8/8]

double smash::operator* ( ThreeVector  a,
const ThreeVector b 
inner product of two three-vectors: \(\mathbf{a}\cdot\mathbf{b}\).

Definition at line 242 of file threevector.h.

242  {
243  return a.x1() * b.x1() + a.x2() * b.x2() + a.x3() * b.x3();
244 }

◆ operator/() [3/3]

ThreeVector smash::operator/ ( ThreeVector  a,
const double &  b 

divide a three-vector by constant factor: \(\mathbf{a}/b\).

Definition at line 261 of file threevector.h.

261  {
262  a /= b;
263  return a;
264 }

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const BoxModus m 
[in]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]mThe BoxModus object to write into out

Definition at line 32 of file

32  {
33  out << "-- Box Modus:\nSize of the box: (" << m.length_ << " fm)³\n";
34  if (m.use_thermal_) {
35  out << "Thermal multiplicities "
36  << "(T = " << m.temperature_ << " GeV, muB = " << m.mub_
37  << " GeV, muS = " << m.mus_ << " GeV, muQ = " << m.muq_ << " GeV)\n";
38  } else {
39  for (const auto &p : m.init_multipl_) {
40  ParticleTypePtr ptype = &ParticleType::find(p.first);
41  out << ptype->name() << " initial multiplicity " << p.second << '\n';
42  }
43  }
44  switch (m.initial_condition_) {
46  out << "All initial momenta = 3T = " << 3 * m.temperature_ << " GeV\n";
47  break;
49  out << "Boltzmann momentum distribution with T = " << m.temperature_
50  << " GeV.\n";
51  break;
53  out << "Fermi/Bose momentum distribution with T = " << m.temperature_
54  << " GeV.\n";
55  break;
56  }
57  if (m.jet_pdg_) {
58  ParticleTypePtr ptype = &ParticleType::find(m.jet_pdg_.value());
59  out << "Adding a " << ptype->name() << " as a jet in the middle "
60  << "of the box with " << m.jet_mom_ << " GeV initial momentum.\n";
61  }
62  return out;
63 }
@ ThermalMomentaBoltzmann
A thermalized ensemble is generated, with momenta sampled from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
@ ThermalMomentaQuantum
A thermalized ensemble is generated, with momenta of baryons(mesons) sampled from a Fermi(Bose) distr...
@ PeakedMomenta
All particles have the same momentum with T being the temperature.

◆ isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1()

static double smash::isospin_clebsch_gordan_2to1 ( const ParticleType p_a,
const ParticleType p_b,
const int  I_tot,
const int  I_z 

Calculate isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for two particles p_a and p_b coupling to a total isospin.

See also
ClebschGordan::coefficient for details (I_tot, I_z).
[in]p_aInformation of particle type for first particle
[in]p_bInformation of particle type for second particle
[out]I_totTotal isospin of the reaction
[out]I_zTotal isospin 3 component of the reaction

Definition at line 30 of file

32  {
33  return ClebschGordan::coefficient(p_a.isospin(), p_b.isospin(), I_tot,
34  p_a.isospin3(), p_b.isospin3(), I_z);
35 }

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ColliderModus m 
[in]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]mThe ColliderModus object to write into out

Definition at line 273 of file

273  {
274  return out << "-- Collider Modus:\n"
275  << "sqrt(S) (nucleus-nucleus) = "
276  << format(std::sqrt(m.total_s_), "GeV\n")
277  << "sqrt(S) (nucleon-nucleon) = " << format(m.sqrt_s_NN_, "GeV\n")
278  << "Projectile:\n"
279  << *m.projectile_ << "\nTarget:\n"
280  << *m.target_;
281 }
FormattingHelper< T > format(const T &value, const char *unit, int width=-1, int precision=-1)
Acts as a stream modifier for std::ostream to output an object with an optional suffix string and wit...
Definition: logging.h:217

◆ detailed_balance_factor_stable()

static double smash::detailed_balance_factor_stable ( double  s,
const ParticleType a,
const ParticleType b,
const ParticleType c,
const ParticleType d 

Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that.

\[ R = \sigma(AB \to CD) / \sigma(CD \to AB) \]

where \( A, B, C, D \) are stable.

Definition at line 28 of file

31  {
32  double spin_factor = (c.spin() + 1) * (d.spin() + 1);
33  spin_factor /= (a.spin() + 1) * (b.spin() + 1);
34  double symmetry_factor = (1 + (a == b));
35  symmetry_factor /= (1 + (c == d));
36  const double momentum_factor = pCM_sqr_from_s(s, c.mass(), d.mass()) /
37  pCM_sqr_from_s(s, a.mass(), b.mass());
38  return spin_factor * symmetry_factor * momentum_factor;
39 }

◆ detailed_balance_factor_RK()

static double smash::detailed_balance_factor_RK ( double  sqrts,
double  pcm,
const ParticleType a,
const ParticleType b,
const ParticleType c,
const ParticleType d 

Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that.

\[ R = \sigma(AB \to CD) / \sigma(CD \to AB) \]

where \(A\) is unstable, \(B\) is a kaon and \(C, D\) are stable.

Definition at line 47 of file

51  {
52  assert(!a.is_stable());
53  assert(b.pdgcode().is_kaon());
54  double spin_factor = (c.spin() + 1) * (d.spin() + 1);
55  spin_factor /= (a.spin() + 1) * (b.spin() + 1);
56  double symmetry_factor = (1 + (a == b));
57  symmetry_factor /= (1 + (c == d));
58  const double momentum_factor =
59  pCM_sqr(sqrts, c.mass(), d.mass()) /
60  (pcm * a.iso_multiplet()->get_integral_RK(sqrts));
61  return spin_factor * symmetry_factor * momentum_factor;
62 }
T pCM_sqr(const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:91

◆ detailed_balance_factor_RR()

static double smash::detailed_balance_factor_RR ( double  sqrts,
double  pcm,
const ParticleType a,
const ParticleType b,
const ParticleType c,
const ParticleType d 

Helper function: Calculate the detailed balance factor R such that.

\[ R = \sigma(AB \to CD) / \sigma(CD \to AB) \]

where \(A\) and \(B\) are unstable, and \(C\) and \(D\) are stable.

Definition at line 70 of file

74  {
75  assert(!a.is_stable());
76  assert(!b.is_stable());
77  double spin_factor = (c.spin() + 1) * (d.spin() + 1);
78  spin_factor /= (a.spin() + 1) * (b.spin() + 1);
79  double symmetry_factor = (1 + (a == b));
80  symmetry_factor /= (1 + (c == d));
81  const double momentum_factor =
82  pCM_sqr(sqrts, c.mass(), d.mass()) /
83  (pcm * a.iso_multiplet()->get_integral_RR(b.iso_multiplet(), sqrts));
84  return spin_factor * symmetry_factor * momentum_factor;
85 }

◆ append_list()

static void smash::append_list ( CollisionBranchList &  main_list,
CollisionBranchList  in_list,
double  weight = 1. 

Helper function: Append a list of processes to another (main) list of processes.

Definition at line 91 of file

92  {
93  main_list.reserve(main_list.size() + in_list.size());
94  for (auto& proc : in_list) {
95  proc->set_weight(proc->weight() * weight);
96  main_list.emplace_back(std::move(proc));
97  }
98 }

◆ min_angular_momentum() [1/2]

static int smash::min_angular_momentum ( int  s0,
int  s1,
int  s2 

Definition at line 138 of file

138  {
139  int min_L = std::min(std::abs(s0 - s1 - s2), std::abs(s0 - s1 + s2));
140  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 + s1 - s2));
141  if (min_L % 2 != 0) {
142  throw std::runtime_error(
143  "min_angular_momentum: sum of spins should be integer");
144  }
145  return min_L / 2.;
146 }

◆ min_angular_momentum() [2/2]

static int smash::min_angular_momentum ( int  s0,
int  s1,
int  s2,
int  s3 

Definition at line 148 of file

148  {
149  int min_L =
150  std::min(std::abs(s0 - s1 + s2 + s3), std::abs(s0 + s1 - s2 + s3));
151  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 + s1 + s2 - s3));
152  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 - s1 - s2 + s3));
153  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 - s1 + s2 - s3));
154  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 + s1 - s2 - s3));
155  min_L = std::min(min_L, std::abs(s0 - s1 - s2 - s3));
156  if (min_L % 2 != 0) {
157  throw std::runtime_error(
158  "min_angular_momentum: sum of spins should be integer");
159  }
160  return min_L / 2.;
161 }

◆ integrand_rho_Manley_1res()

static double smash::integrand_rho_Manley_1res ( double  sqrts,
double  mass,
double  stable_mass,
ParticleTypePtr  type,
int  L 

Definition at line 21 of file

23  {
24  if (sqrts <= mass + stable_mass) {
25  return 0.;
26  }
28  /* center-of-mass momentum of final state particles */
29  const double p_f = pCM(sqrts, stable_mass, mass);
31  return p_f / sqrts * blatt_weisskopf_sqr(p_f, L) *
32  type->spectral_function(mass);
33 }
double blatt_weisskopf_sqr(const double p_ab, const int L)
Definition: formfactors.h:35

◆ integrand_rho_Manley_2res()

static double smash::integrand_rho_Manley_2res ( double  sqrts,
double  m1,
double  m2,
ParticleTypePtr  t1,
ParticleTypePtr  t2,
int  L 

Definition at line 35 of file

37  {
38  if (sqrts <= m1 + m2) {
39  return 0.;
40  }
42  /* center-of-mass momentum of final state particles */
43  const double p_f = pCM(sqrts, m1, m2);
45  return p_f / sqrts * blatt_weisskopf_sqr(p_f, L) * t1->spectral_function(m1) *
46  t2->spectral_function(m2);
47 }

◆ arrange_particles()

static ParticleTypePtrList& smash::arrange_particles ( ParticleTypePtrList &  part_types)

Rearrange the particle list such that the first particle is the stable one.

[in,out]part_typesParticle list to be rearranged.
Reference to rearranged particle list.

Definition at line 109 of file

109  {
110  if (part_types[1]->is_stable()) {
111  std::swap(part_types[0], part_types[1]);
112  }
113  /* verify that this is really a "semi-stable" decay,
114  * i.e. the first particle is stable and the second unstable */
115  if (!part_types[0]->is_stable() || part_types[1]->is_stable()) {
116  throw std::runtime_error("Error in TwoBodyDecaySemistable constructor: " +
117  part_types[0]->pdgcode().string() + " " +
118  part_types[1]->pdgcode().string());
119  }
120  return part_types;
121 }

◆ sort_particles()

static ParticleTypePtrList smash::sort_particles ( ParticleTypePtrList  part_types)

sort the particle list

Definition at line 269 of file

269  {
270  std::sort(part_types.begin(), part_types.end());
271  return part_types;
272 }

◆ current_eckart_impl()

template<typename T >
std::tuple<double, FourVector, ThreeVector, ThreeVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector, FourVector> smash::current_eckart_impl ( const ThreeVector r,
const T &  plist,
const DensityParameters par,
DensityType  dens_type,
bool  compute_gradient,
bool  smearing 

Calculates Eckart rest frame density and 4-current of a given density type and optionally the gradient of the density in an arbitary frame (grad j0), the curl of the 3-current, and the time, x, y, and z derivatives of the 4-current.

\[ j^{\mu} = (\sqrt{2\pi} \sigma )^{-3} \sum_{i=1}^N C_i u^{\mu}_i \exp \left( - \frac{\bigl[\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i + \frac{\gamma_i^2}{1 + \gamma_i} \boldsymbol{\beta}_i (\boldsymbol{\beta}_i, \mathbf{r} - \mathbf{r}_i) \bigr]^2}{2\sigma^2} \right) \]

\[ \rho^{Eckart} = \sqrt{j^{\mu} j_{\mu}} \]

Here \( C_i \) is a corresponding value of "charge". If baryon current option is selected then \( C_i \) is 1 for baryons, -1 for antibaryons and 0 otherwise. For proton/neutron current \( C_i = 1\) for proton/neutron and 0 otherwise.

To avoid the problems with Eckart frame definition, densities for positive and negative charges, \(\rho_+ \) and \( \rho_-\), are computed separately and final density is \(\rho_+ - \rho_-\).

[in]rArbitrary space point where 4-current is calculated [fm]; ignored if smearing is false
[in]plistList of all particles to be used in \(j^{\mu}\) calculation. If smearing is false or if the distance between particle and calculation point r, \( |r-r_i| > r_{cut} \) then particle input to density will be ignored.

Next four values are taken from ExperimentalParameters structure:

[in]parSet of parameters packed in one structure. From them the cutting radius r_cut \( r_{cut} / \sigma \), number of test-particles ntest and the gaussian width gs_sigma are needed.
[in]dens_typetype of four-currect to be calculated: baryon, proton or neutron options are currently available
[in]compute_gradienttrue - compute gradient, false - no
[in]smearingwhether to use gaussian smearing or not. If false, this parameter will use ALL particles equally to calculate the current, and that as such it will not be normalized wrt volume. This should be true for any internal calculation of any quantity and only makes sense to turn off for output purposes in a box.
(rest frame density in the local Eckart frame [fm \(^{-3}\)], \( j^\mu \) as a 4-vector, \( \boldsymbol{\nabla}\cdot j^0 \) or a 0 3-vector, \( \boldsymbol{\nabla} \times \mathbf{j} \) or a 0 3-vector, \( \partial_t j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_x j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_y j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector, \( \partial_z j^\mu \) or a 0 4-vector).

Definition at line 68 of file

70  {
71  /* The current density of the positively and negatively charged particles.
72  * Division into positive and negative charges is necessary to avoid
73  * problems with the Eckart frame definition. Example of problem:
74  * get Eckart frame for two identical oppositely flying bunches of
75  * electrons and positrons. For this case jmu = (0, 0, 0, non-zero),
76  * so jmu.abs does not exist and Eckart frame is not defined.
77  * If one takes rho = jmu_pos.abs - jmu_neg.abs, it is still Lorentz-
78  * invariant and gives the right limit in non-relativistic case, but
79  * it gives no such problem. */
80  FourVector jmu_pos, jmu_neg;
81  /* The array of the derivatives of the current density.
82  * The zeroth component is the time derivative,
83  * while the next 3 ones are spacial derivatives. */
84  std::array<FourVector, 4> djmu_dxnu;
86  for (const auto &p : plist) {
87  if (par.only_participants()) {
88  // if this conditions holds, the hadron is a spectator
89  if (p.get_history().collisions_per_particle == 0) {
90  continue;
91  }
92  }
93  const double dens_factor = density_factor(p.type(), dens_type);
94  if (std::fabs(dens_factor) < really_small) {
95  continue;
96  }
97  const FourVector mom = p.momentum();
98  const double m = mom.abs();
99  if (m < really_small) {
100  continue;
101  }
102  const double m_inv = 1.0 / m;
103  const auto sf_and_grad = unnormalized_smearing_factor(
104  p.position().threevec() - r, mom, m_inv, par, compute_gradient);
105  const FourVector tmp = mom * (dens_factor / mom.x0());
106  if (smearing) {
107  if (dens_factor > 0.) {
108  jmu_pos += tmp * sf_and_grad.first;
109  } else {
110  jmu_neg += tmp * sf_and_grad.first;
111  }
112  } else {
113  if (dens_factor > 0.) {
114  jmu_pos += tmp;
115  } else {
116  jmu_neg += tmp;
117  }
118  }
119  if (compute_gradient) {
120  for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) {
121  djmu_dxnu[k] += tmp * sf_and_grad.second[k - 1];
122  djmu_dxnu[0] -= tmp * sf_and_grad.second[k - 1] *
123  tmp.threevec()[k - 1] / dens_factor;
124  }
125  }
126  }
128  // Eckart density (rest frame density)
129  const double rho_eck = (jmu_pos.abs() - jmu_neg.abs()) * par.norm_factor_sf();
131  // $\partial_t j^{\mu}$
132  const FourVector djmu_dt = compute_gradient
133  ? djmu_dxnu[0] * par.norm_factor_sf()
134  : FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
135  // $\partial_x j^{\mu}$
136  const FourVector djmu_dx = compute_gradient
137  ? djmu_dxnu[1] * par.norm_factor_sf()
138  : FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
139  // $\partial_y j^{\mu}$
140  const FourVector djmu_dy = compute_gradient
141  ? djmu_dxnu[2] * par.norm_factor_sf()
142  : FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
143  // $\partial_z j^{\mu}$
144  const FourVector djmu_dz = compute_gradient
145  ? djmu_dxnu[3] * par.norm_factor_sf()
146  : FourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
148  // Gradient of j0
149  ThreeVector grad_j0 = ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
150  // Curl of the 3-current density
151  ThreeVector curl_vecj = ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
152  if (compute_gradient) {
153  curl_vecj.set_x1(djmu_dxnu[2].x3() - djmu_dxnu[3].x2());
154  curl_vecj.set_x2(djmu_dxnu[3].x1() - djmu_dxnu[1].x3());
155  curl_vecj.set_x3(djmu_dxnu[1].x2() - djmu_dxnu[2].x1());
156  curl_vecj *= par.norm_factor_sf();
157  for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
158  grad_j0[i - 1] += djmu_dxnu[i].x0() * par.norm_factor_sf();
159  }
160  }
161  if (smearing) {
162  jmu_pos *= par.norm_factor_sf();
163  jmu_neg *= par.norm_factor_sf();
164  }
165  return std::make_tuple(rho_eck, jmu_pos + jmu_neg, grad_j0, curl_vecj,
166  djmu_dt, djmu_dx, djmu_dy, djmu_dz);
167 }
std::pair< double, ThreeVector > unnormalized_smearing_factor(const ThreeVector &r, const FourVector &p, const double m_inv, const DensityParameters &dens_par, const bool compute_gradient=false)
Implements gaussian smearing for any quantity.

◆ try_find_private()

static IsoParticleType* smash::try_find_private ( const std::string &  name)

Helper function for IsoParticleType::try_find and friends.

Definition at line 44 of file

44  {
45  auto found =
46  std::lower_bound(iso_type_list.begin(), iso_type_list.end(), name,
47  [](const IsoParticleType &l, const std::string &r) {
48  return < r;
49  });
50  if (found == iso_type_list.end() || found->name() != name) {
51  return {}; // The default constructor creates an invalid pointer.
52  }
53  return &*found;
54 }
static IsoParticleTypeList iso_type_list

◆ multiplet_name()

static std::string smash::multiplet_name ( std::string  name)

Construct the name-string for an isospin multiplet from the given name-string for the particle.

[in]namename-string of the particle
the name-string for an isospin multiplet

Definition at line 89 of file

89  {
90  if (name.find("⁺⁺") != std::string::npos) {
91  return name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁺⁺") + 1);
92  } else if (name.find("⁺") != std::string::npos) {
93  return name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁺") + 1);
94  } else if (name.find("⁻⁻") != std::string::npos) {
95  return name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁻⁻") + 1);
96  } else if (name.find("⁻") != std::string::npos) {
97  return name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁻") + 1);
98  } else if (name.find("⁰") != std::string::npos) {
99  return name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁰") + 1);
100  } else {
101  return name;
102  }
103 }

◆ generate_tabulation_path()

static std::filesystem::path smash::generate_tabulation_path ( const std::filesystem::path &  dir,
const std::string &  prefix,
const std::string &  res_name 

Definition at line 219 of file

221  {
222  return dir / (prefix + res_name + ".bin");
223 }

◆ cache_integral()

void smash::cache_integral ( std::unordered_map< std::string, Tabulation > &  tabulations,
const std::filesystem::path &  dir,
sha256::Hash  hash,
const IsoParticleType part,
const IsoParticleType res,
const IsoParticleType antires,
bool  unstable 

Definition at line 225 of file

229  {
230  constexpr double spacing = 2.0;
231  constexpr double spacing2d = 3.0;
232  const auto path = generate_tabulation_path(dir, part.name_filtered_prime(),
233  res.name_filtered_prime());
234  Tabulation integral;
235  if (!dir.empty() && std::filesystem::exists(path)) {
236  std::ifstream file(path.string());
237  integral = Tabulation::from_file(file, hash);
238  if (!integral.is_empty()) {
239  // Only print message if the found tabulation was valid.
240  std::cout << "Tabulation found at " << path.filename() << '\r'
241  << std::flush;
242  }
243  }
244  if (integral.is_empty()) {
245  if (!dir.empty()) {
246  std::cout << "Caching tabulation to " << path.filename() << '\r'
247  << std::flush;
248  } else {
249  std::cout << "Calculating integral for " << part.name_filtered_prime()
250  << res.name_filtered_prime() << '\r' << std::flush;
251  }
252  if (!unstable) {
253  integral = spectral_integral_semistable(integrate, *res.get_states()[0],
254  *part.get_states()[0], spacing);
255  } else {
256  integral = spectral_integral_unstable(integrate2d, *res.get_states()[0],
257  *part.get_states()[0], spacing2d);
258  }
259  if (!dir.empty()) {
260  std::ofstream file(path.string());
261  integral.write(file, hash);
262  }
263  }
264  tabulations.emplace(std::make_pair(, integral));
265  if (antires != nullptr) {
266  tabulations.emplace(std::make_pair(antires->name(), integral));
267  }
268 }
static std::filesystem::path generate_tabulation_path(const std::filesystem::path &dir, const std::string &prefix, const std::string &res_name)
static Integrator2d integrate2d
Tabulation spectral_integral_semistable(Integrator &integrate, const ParticleType &resonance, const ParticleType &stable, double range)
Create a table for the spectral integral of a resonance and a stable particle.
Definition: tabulation.h:189
Tabulation spectral_integral_unstable(Integrator2d &integrate2d, const ParticleType &res1, const ParticleType &res2, double range)
Create a table for the spectral integral of two resonances.
Definition: tabulation.h:211

◆ create_configuration()

static Configuration smash::create_configuration ( const std::string &  config_file,
const std::vector< std::string > &  extra_config 

Definition at line 74 of file

76  {
77  // Read in config file
78  std::filesystem::path config_path(config_file);
79  Configuration configuration(config_path.parent_path(),
80  config_path.filename());
82  // Merge config passed via command line
83  for (const auto &config : extra_config) {
84  configuration.merge_yaml(config);
85  }
86  return configuration;
87 }

◆ do_minimal_loggers_setup_for_config_validation()

static void smash::do_minimal_loggers_setup_for_config_validation ( )

Definition at line 89 of file

89  {
90  const std::string conf_tag = LogArea::Configuration::textual();
91  const std::string main_tag = LogArea::Main::textual();
92  const auto size =
93  conf_tag.size() > main_tag.size() ? conf_tag.size() : main_tag.size();
94  logg[LogArea::Configuration::id].setAreaName(utf8::fill_both(conf_tag, size));
95  logg[LogArea::Main::id].setAreaName(utf8::fill_both(main_tag, size));
96 }
std::string fill_both(const std::string &s, size_t width, char fill=' ')
Fill string with characters at both sides until the given width is reached.

◆ fully_validate_configuration()

static void smash::fully_validate_configuration ( const Configuration configuration)

Definition at line 98 of file

98  {
100  if (configuration.validate() == Configuration::Is::Invalid) {
101  throw std::runtime_error("Validation of SMASH input failed.");
102  }
103 }
static void do_minimal_loggers_setup_for_config_validation()

◆ setup_logging()

static void smash::setup_logging ( Configuration configuration)

Definition at line 105 of file

105  {
107  configuration.take({"Logging", "default"}, einhard::ALL));
108  create_all_loggers(configuration.extract_sub_configuration(
109  {"Logging"}, Configuration::GetEmpty::Yes));
110 }
void set_default_loglevel(einhard::LogLevel level)
Set the default log level (what will be returned from subsequent default_loglevel calls).
void create_all_loggers(Configuration config)
Called from main() right after the Configuration object is fully set up to create all logger objects ...
Log all message.
Definition: einhard.hpp:106

◆ read_particles_and_decaymodes_files_setting_keys_in_configuration()

static void smash::read_particles_and_decaymodes_files_setting_keys_in_configuration ( const std::string &  particles_file,
const std::string &  decaymodes_file,
Configuration configuration 

Definition at line 112 of file

114  {
115  logg[LMain].trace(SMASH_SOURCE_LOCATION, " load ParticleType and DecayModes");
116  std::filesystem::path particles_path(particles_file);
117  std::filesystem::path decaymodes_path(decaymodes_file);
118  auto particles_and_decays =
119  load_particles_and_decaymodes(particles_path, decaymodes_path);
120  /* For particles and decaymodes: external file is superior to config.
121  * However, warn in case of conflict. */
122  if (configuration.has_value({"particles"}) && !particles_path.empty()) {
123  logg[LMain].warn(
124  "Ambiguity: particles from external file ", particles_path,
125  " requested, but there is also particle list in the config."
126  " Using particles from ",
127  particles_path);
128  }
129  if (!configuration.has_value({"particles"}) || !particles_path.empty()) {
130  configuration.set_value({"particles"}, particles_and_decays.first);
131  }
133  if (configuration.has_value({"decaymodes"}) && !decaymodes_path.empty()) {
134  logg[LMain].warn(
135  "Ambiguity: decaymodes from external file ", decaymodes_path,
136  " requested, but there is also decaymodes list in the config."
137  " Using decaymodes from",
138  decaymodes_path);
139  }
140  if (!configuration.has_value({"decaymodes"}) || !decaymodes_path.empty()) {
141  configuration.set_value({"decaymodes"}, particles_and_decays.second);
142  }
143 }

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ListModus m 
[in]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]mThe ListModus object to write into out

Definition at line 75 of file

75  {
76  out << "-- List Modus\nInput directory for external particle lists:\n"
77  << m.particle_list_file_directory_ << "\n";
78  return out;
79 }

◆ find_longest_logger_name() [1/2]

template<int index, int stop = 0>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index == stop), int>::type smash::find_longest_logger_name ( )

Recursively find the longest logger name at compile time.

Beginning of the recursion.

Template Parameters
indexRecursion index.
stopStopping index.
Current maximal logger name length.

Definition at line 53 of file

53  {
54  using LogAreaTag = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(std::get<index>(
55  std::declval<LogArea::AreaTuple &>()))>::type;
56  return LogAreaTag::textual_length();
57 }

◆ find_longest_logger_name() [2/2]

template<int index, int stop = 0, int mid = (index + stop) / 2>
constexpr std::enable_if<(index > stop), int>::type smash::find_longest_logger_name ( )

Recursively find the longest logger name at compile time.

All cases except for the beginning of the recursion.

Template Parameters
indexRecursion index.
stopStopping index.
midMiddle index.
Current maximal logger name length.

Definition at line 72 of file

72  {
73  return find_longest_logger_name<index, mid + 1>() >
74  find_longest_logger_name<mid, stop>()
75  ? find_longest_logger_name<index, mid + 1>()
76  : find_longest_logger_name<mid, stop>();
77 }
constexpr std::enable_if<(index > stop), int >::type find_longest_logger_name()

◆ create_all_loggers_impl() [1/2]

template<std::size_t index, int >
std::enable_if<(index == 0)>::type smash::create_all_loggers_impl ( Configuration )

Recurse over the log areas in the LogArea::AreaTuple type. Do nothing here to end the recursion (see also below).

Definition at line 85 of file

86  {}

◆ create_all_loggers_impl() [2/2]

template<std::size_t index, int longest_name = find_longest_logger_name<index - 1>()>
std::enable_if<(index != 0)>::type smash::create_all_loggers_impl ( Configuration config)

Recurse over the log areas in the LogArea::AreaTuple type. (The recursion is ended via the overload above.)

For every entry in the list the corresponding Logger object in logg is set up with area name and verbosity.

Template Parameters
indexRecursion index.
longest_nameLength of longest log area name.
[in,out]configConfiguration object.

Definition at line 102 of file

103  {
104  using LogAreaTag =
105  typename std::remove_reference<decltype(std::get<index - 1>(
106  std::declval<LogArea::AreaTuple &>()))>::type;
107  static_assert(LogAreaTag::id == index - 1,
108  "The order of types in LogArea::AreaTuple does not match the "
109  "id values in the LogArea types. Please fix! (see top of "
110  "'include/logging.h')");
111  auto &logger = logg[LogAreaTag::id];
112  const auto tmp = utf8::fill_both(LogAreaTag::textual(), longest_name);
113  logger.setAreaName(tmp);
114  logger.setVerbosity(
115  config.take({LogAreaTag::textual()}, global_default_loglevel));
116  create_all_loggers_impl<index - 1, longest_name>(config);
117 }
std::enable_if<(index !=0)>::type create_all_loggers_impl(Configuration &config)
static einhard::LogLevel global_default_loglevel
The default logging level is ALL.

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Nucleus n 

Definition at line 512 of file

512  {
513  return out << " #particles #testparticles mass [GeV] "
514  "radius [fm] diffusiveness [fm]\n"
515  << format(n.number_of_particles(), nullptr, 12)
516  << format(n.size(), nullptr, 17) << format(n.mass(), nullptr, 13)
517  << format(n.get_nuclear_radius(), nullptr, 14)
518  << format(n.get_diffusiveness(), nullptr, 20);
519 }

◆ piplusp_elastic_pdg()

static double smash::piplusp_elastic_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

Definition at line 163 of file

163  {
164  if (piplusp_elastic_interpolation == nullptr) {
165  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
167  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.1, 5);
169  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
170  }
171  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
172  return (*piplusp_elastic_interpolation)(p_lab);
173 }
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piplusp_elastic_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG data.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: cross section.

◆ piminusp_elastic_pdg()

static double smash::piminusp_elastic_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

Definition at line 261 of file

261  {
262  if (piminusp_elastic_interpolation == nullptr) {
263  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
265  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.2, 6);
267  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
268  }
269  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, pion_mass, nucleon_mass);
270  return (*piminusp_elastic_interpolation)(p_lab);
271 }
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.
const std::initializer_list< double > PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: cross section.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > piminusp_elastic_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_ELASTIC data.

◆ kminusp_elastic_pdg()

static double smash::kminusp_elastic_pdg ( double  mandelstam_s)

Definition at line 561 of file

561  {
562  if (kminusp_elastic_interpolation == nullptr) {
563  auto [dedup_x, dedup_y] =
565  dedup_y = smooth(dedup_x, dedup_y, 0.1, 5);
567  std::make_unique<InterpolateDataLinear<double>>(dedup_x, dedup_y);
568  }
569  const double p_lab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s, kaon_mass, nucleon_mass);
570  return (*kminusp_elastic_interpolation)(p_lab);
571 }
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.
static std::unique_ptr< InterpolateDataLinear< double > > kminusp_elastic_interpolation
An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_ELASTIC data.
const std::initializer_list< double > KMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: cross section.

◆ initialize()

static void smash::initialize ( std::unordered_map< std::pair< uint64_t, uint64_t >, double, pair_hash > &  ratios)

Calculate and store isospin ratios for K N -> K Delta reactions.

See the documentation of KaonNucleonRatios for details.

[in]ratiosAn empty map where the ratios for K N -> K Delta reactions are stored.

Definition at line 674 of file

675  {
676  const auto& type_p = ParticleType::find(pdg::p);
677  const auto& type_n = ParticleType::find(pdg::n);
678  const auto& type_K_p = ParticleType::find(pdg::K_p);
679  const auto& type_K_z = ParticleType::find(pdg::K_z);
680  const auto& type_Delta_pp = ParticleType::find(pdg::Delta_pp);
681  const auto& type_Delta_p = ParticleType::find(pdg::Delta_p);
682  const auto& type_Delta_z = ParticleType::find(pdg::Delta_z);
683  const auto& type_Delta_m = ParticleType::find(pdg::Delta_m);
685  /* Store the isospin ratio of the given reaction relative to all other
686  * possible isospin-symmetric reactions. */
687  auto add_to_ratios = [&](const ParticleType& a, const ParticleType& b,
688  const ParticleType& c, const ParticleType& d,
689  double weight_numerator, double weight_other) {
690  assert(weight_numerator + weight_other != 0);
691  const auto key =
692  std::make_pair(pack(a.pdgcode().code(), b.pdgcode().code()),
693  pack(c.pdgcode().code(), d.pdgcode().code()));
694  const double ratio = weight_numerator / (weight_numerator + weight_other);
695  ratios[key] = ratio;
696  };
698  /* All inelastic channels are K N -> K Delta -> K pi N or charge exchange,
699  * with identical cross section, weighted by the isospin factor.
700  *
701  * For charge exchange, the isospin factors are 1,
702  * so they are excluded here. */
703  {
704  const auto weight1 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
705  type_p, type_K_p, type_K_z, type_Delta_pp);
706  const auto weight2 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
707  type_p, type_K_p, type_K_p, type_Delta_p);
709  add_to_ratios(type_p, type_K_p, type_K_z, type_Delta_pp, weight1, weight2);
710  add_to_ratios(type_p, type_K_p, type_K_p, type_Delta_p, weight2, weight1);
711  }
712  {
713  const auto weight1 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
714  type_n, type_K_p, type_K_z, type_Delta_p);
715  const auto weight2 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
716  type_n, type_K_p, type_K_p, type_Delta_z);
718  add_to_ratios(type_n, type_K_p, type_K_z, type_Delta_p, weight1, weight2);
719  add_to_ratios(type_n, type_K_p, type_K_p, type_Delta_z, weight2, weight1);
720  }
721  /* K+ and K0 have the same mass and spin, their cross sections are assumed to
722  * only differ in isospin factors. */
723  {
724  const auto weight1 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
725  type_p, type_K_z, type_K_z, type_Delta_p);
726  const auto weight2 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
727  type_p, type_K_z, type_K_p, type_Delta_z);
729  add_to_ratios(type_p, type_K_z, type_K_z, type_Delta_p, weight1, weight2);
730  add_to_ratios(type_p, type_K_z, type_K_p, type_Delta_z, weight2, weight1);
731  }
732  {
733  const auto weight1 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
734  type_n, type_K_z, type_K_z, type_Delta_z);
735  const auto weight2 = isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(
736  type_n, type_K_z, type_K_p, type_Delta_m);
738  add_to_ratios(type_n, type_K_z, type_K_z, type_Delta_z, weight1, weight2);
739  add_to_ratios(type_n, type_K_z, type_K_p, type_Delta_m, weight2, weight1);
740  }
741 }
constexpr int Delta_p
constexpr int Delta_pp
constexpr int K_p
constexpr int Delta_m
constexpr int Delta_z
double isospin_clebsch_gordan_sqr_2to2(const ParticleType &p_a, const ParticleType &p_b, const ParticleType &p_c, const ParticleType &p_d, const int I=-1)
Calculate the squared isospin Clebsch-Gordan coefficient for a 2-to-2 reaction A + B -> C + D.
constexpr uint64_t pack(int32_t x, int32_t y)
Pack two int32_t into an uint64_t.

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Particles particles 
[in]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]particlesThe Particles object to write into out

Definition at line 148 of file

148  {
149  out << particles.size() << " Particles:\n";
150  for (unsigned i = 0; i < particles.data_size_; ++i) {
151  const auto &p = particles.data_[i];
152  if ( < 0) {
153  out << "------ ";
154  } else {
155  out << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << p.momentum().abs3()
156  << p.type().name();
157  }
158  if ((i & 15) == 0) {
159  out << '\n';
160  }
161  }
162  return out;
163 }

◆ antiname()

static std::string smash::antiname ( const std::string &  name,
PdgCode  code 

Construct an antiparticle name-string from the given name-string for the particle and its PDG code.

[in]namethe name-string of the particle to convert
[in]codethe pdgcode of the particle to convert
the name-string of the converted antiparticle

Definition at line 143 of file

143  {
144  std::string basename, charge;
146  if (name.find("⁺⁺") != std::string::npos) {
147  basename = name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁺⁺") + 1);
148  charge = "⁻⁻";
149  } else if (name.find("⁺") != std::string::npos) {
150  basename = name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁺") + 1);
151  charge = "⁻";
152  } else if (name.find("⁻⁻") != std::string::npos) {
153  basename = name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁻⁻") + 1);
154  charge = "⁺⁺";
155  } else if (name.find("⁻") != std::string::npos) {
156  basename = name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁻") + 1);
157  charge = "⁺";
158  } else if (name.find("⁰") != std::string::npos) {
159  basename = name.substr(0, name.length() - sizeof("⁰") + 1);
160  charge = "⁰";
161  } else {
162  basename = name;
163  charge = "";
164  }
166  // baryons & strange mesons: insert a bar
167  if (code.baryon_number() != 0 || code.strangeness() != 0) {
168  constexpr char bar[] = "\u0305";
169  basename.insert(utf8::sequence_length(basename.begin()), bar);
170  }
172  return basename + charge;
173 }
std::iterator_traits< octet_iterator >::difference_type sequence_length(octet_iterator lead_it)
Given an iterator to the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence, return the length of the next UTF-8 code poin...

◆ chargestr()

static std::string smash::chargestr ( int  charge)

Construct a charge string, given the charge as integer.

[in]chargecharge of a particle
the corresponding string to write out this charge
runtime_errorif the charge is not an integer between -2 and 2

Definition at line 182 of file

182  {
183  switch (charge) {
184  case 2:
185  return "⁺⁺";
186  case 1:
187  return "⁺";
188  case 0:
189  return "⁰";
190  case -1:
191  return "⁻";
192  case -2:
193  return "⁻⁻";
194  default:
195  throw std::runtime_error("Invalid charge " + std::to_string(charge));
196  }
197 }

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const ParticleType type 
[out]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]typeThe ParticleType object to write into out

Definition at line 760 of file

760  {
761  const PdgCode &pdg = type.pdgcode();
762  return out << << std::setfill(' ') << std::right
763  << "[ mass:" << field<6> << type.mass()
764  << ", width:" << field<6> << type.width_at_pole()
765  << ", PDG:" << field<6> << pdg
766  << ", charge:" << field<3> << pdg.charge()
767  << ", spin:" << field<2> << pdg.spin() << "/2 ]";
768 }

◆ high_energy_bpp()

static double smash::high_energy_bpp ( double  plab)

Computes the B coefficients from the STAR fit, see fig.

(6) in STAR:2020phn [1].

[in]plabLab momentum in GeV.
B coefficients of high-energy elastic proton-proton scatterings.

Definition at line 408 of file

408  {
409  double mandelstam_s = s_from_plab(plab, nucleon_mass, nucleon_mass);
410  return 7.6 + 0.66 * std::log(mandelstam_s);
411 }
double s_from_plab(double plab, double m_P, double m_T)
Convert p_lab to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and momentum pl...
Definition: kinematics.h:265

◆ Cugnon_bpp()

static double smash::Cugnon_bpp ( double  plab)

Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic pp scattering.

See equation (8) in Cugnon:1996kh [18]. Note: The original Cugnon parametrization is only applicable for plab < 6 GeV and keeps rising above that.

[in]plabLab momentum in GeV.
Cugnon B coefficient for elastic proton-proton scatterings.

Definition at line 425 of file

425  {
426  if (plab < 2.) {
427  double p8 = pow_int(plab, 8);
428  return 5.5 * p8 / (7.7 + p8);
429  } else {
430  return std::min(high_energy_bpp(plab), 5.334 + 0.67 * (plab - 2.));
431  }
432 }
static double high_energy_bpp(double plab)
Computes the B coefficients from the STAR fit, see fig.

◆ Cugnon_bnp()

static double smash::Cugnon_bnp ( double  plab)

Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic np scattering.

See equation (10) in Cugnon:1996kh [18].

[in]plabLab momentum in GeV.
Cugnon B coefficient for elastic proton-neutron scatterings.

Definition at line 444 of file

444  {
445  if (plab < 0.225) {
446  return 0.;
447  } else if (plab < 0.6) {
448  return 16.53 * (plab - 0.225);
449  } else if (plab < 1.6) {
450  return -1.63 * plab + 7.16;
451  } else {
452  return Cugnon_bpp(plab);
453  }
454 }
static double Cugnon_bpp(double plab)
Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic pp...

◆ deduplicate()

static void smash::deduplicate ( std::vector< FinalStateCrossSection > &  final_state_xs)

Deduplicate the final-state cross sections by summing.

[in,out]final_state_xsFinal-state cross sections.

Definition at line 923 of file

923  {
924  std::sort(final_state_xs.begin(), final_state_xs.end(),
925  [](const FinalStateCrossSection& a,
926  const FinalStateCrossSection& b) { return a.name_ < b.name_; });
927  auto current = final_state_xs.begin();
928  while (current != final_state_xs.end()) {
929  auto adjacent = std::adjacent_find(
930  current, final_state_xs.end(),
931  [](const FinalStateCrossSection& a, const FinalStateCrossSection& b) {
932  return a.name_ == b.name_;
933  });
934  current = adjacent;
935  if (adjacent != final_state_xs.end()) {
936  adjacent->cross_section_ += (adjacent + 1)->cross_section_;
937  final_state_xs.erase(adjacent + 1);
938  }
939  }
940 }

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const SphereModus m 
[in]outThe ostream into which to output
[in]mThe SphereModus object to write into out

Definition at line 72 of file

72  {
73  out << "-- Sphere Modus:\nRadius of the sphere: " << m.radius_ << " fm\n";
74  if (m.use_thermal_) {
75  out << "Thermal multiplicities (T = " << m.sphere_temperature_
76  << " GeV, muB = " << m.mub_ << " GeV, muS = " << m.mus_
77  << " GeV, muQ = " << m.muq_ << " GeV)\n";
78  } else {
79  for (const auto &p : m.init_multipl_) {
80  ParticleTypePtr ptype = &ParticleType::find(p.first);
81  out << ptype->name() << " initial multiplicity " << p.second << '\n';
82  }
83  }
84  switch (m.init_distr_) {
86  out << "Boltzmann momentum distribution with T = "
87  << m.sphere_temperature_ << " GeV.\n";
88  break;
90  out << "Fermi/Bose momentum distribution with T = "
91  << m.sphere_temperature_ << " GeV.\n";
92  break;
94  out << "Sphere Initial Condition is IC_ES";
95  break;
97  out << "Sphere Initial Condition is IC_1M";
98  break;
100  out << "Sphere Initial Condition is IC_2M";
101  break;
103  out << "Sphere Initial Condition is IC_Massive";
104  break;
105  }
106  if (m.jet_pdg_) {
107  ParticleTypePtr ptype = &ParticleType::find(m.jet_pdg_.value());
108  out << "Adding a " << ptype->name() << " as a jet in the middle "
109  << "of the sphere with " << m.jet_mom_ << " GeV initial momentum.\n";
110  }
111  return out;
112 }
@ ThermalMomentaBoltzmann
A thermalized ensemble is generated, with momenta sampled from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.
Off-equilibrium distribution used in massless comparisons of SMASH to the extended universe metric.
@ ThermalMomentaQuantum
A thermalized ensemble is generated, with momenta of baryons(mesons) sampled from a Fermi(Bose) distr...
@ IC_Massive
A generalization of IC_ES for the non-zero mass case; note that there is currently no analytical comp...
@ IC_2M
Off-equilibrium distribution used in massless comparisons of SMASH to the extended universe metric.
@ IC_1M
Off-equilibrium distribution used in massless comparisons of SMASH to the extended universe metric.

◆ split() [2/2]

template<typename Out >
void smash::split ( const std::string &  s,
char  delim,
Out  result 

Split string by delimiter.

[in]sString to be split.
[in]delimSplitting delimiter.
[out]resultSplit string as iterator.

Necessary for the next function

Definition at line 112 of file

112  {
113  std::stringstream ss;
114  ss.str(s);
115  std::string item;
116  while (std::getline(ss, item, delim)) {
117  *(result++) = item;
118  }
119 }

◆ swrite() [1/4]

static void smash::swrite ( std::ofstream &  stream,
double  x 

Write binary representation to stream.

streamOutput stream.
xValue to be written.

Definition at line 62 of file

62  {
63  stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
64 }

◆ sread_double()

static double smash::sread_double ( std::ifstream &  stream)

Read binary representation of a double.

[in]streamInput stream.
Read value.

Definition at line 72 of file

72  {
73  double x;
74<char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
75  return x;
76 }

◆ swrite() [2/4]

static void smash::swrite ( std::ofstream &  stream,
size_t  x 

Write binary representation to stream.

streamOutput stream.
xValue to be written.

Definition at line 84 of file

84  {
85  // We want to support 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, so we store a 64-bit
86  // integer on all platforms.
87  const auto const_size_x = static_cast<uint64_t>(x);
88  stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&const_size_x),
89  sizeof(const_size_x));
90 }

◆ sread_size()

static size_t smash::sread_size ( std::ifstream &  stream)

Read binary representation of a size_t.

[in]streamInput stream.
Read value.

Definition at line 98 of file

98  {
99  uint64_t x;
100<char*>(&x), sizeof(x));
101  if (x > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
102  throw std::runtime_error("trying to read vector larger than supported");
103  }
104  return x;
105 }

◆ swrite() [3/4]

static void smash::swrite ( std::ofstream &  stream,
const std::vector< double >  x 

Write binary representation to stream.

streamOutput stream.
xValue to be written.

Definition at line 113 of file

113  {
114  swrite(stream, x.size());
115  if (x.size() > 0) {
116  stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
117  sizeof(x[0]) * x.size());
118  }
119 }
static void swrite(std::ofstream &stream, sha256::Hash x)
Write binary representation to stream.

◆ sread_vector()

static std::vector<double> smash::sread_vector ( std::ifstream &  stream)

Read binary representation of a vector of doubles.

[in]streamInput stream.
Read value.

Definition at line 127 of file

127  {
128  const size_t n = sread_size(stream);
129  std::vector<double> x;
130  x.resize(n);
131<char*>(, sizeof(double) * n);
132  return x;
133 }
static size_t sread_size(std::ifstream &stream)
Read binary representation of a size_t.

◆ swrite() [4/4]

static void smash::swrite ( std::ofstream &  stream,
sha256::Hash  x 

Write binary representation to stream.

streamOutput stream.
xValue to be written.

Definition at line 141 of file

141  {
142  // The size is always the same, so there is no need to write it.
143  stream.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(,
144  sizeof(x[0]) * x.size());
145 }

◆ sread_hash()

static sha256::Hash smash::sread_hash ( std::ifstream &  stream)

Read binary representation of a SHA256 hash.

[in]streamInput stream.
Read value.

Definition at line 153 of file

153  {
154  sha256::Hash x;
155<char*>(, x.size());
156  return x;
157 }
std::array< uint8_t, HASH_SIZE > Hash
A SHA256 hash.
Definition: sha256.h:25

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

std::ostream& smash::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const TimeStampCounter &  tsc 

Definition at line 18 of file

18  {
19  auto c = tsc.cycles();
20  int blocks[10];
21  int n = 0;
22  for (int digits = std::log10(c); digits > 0; digits -= 3) {
23  blocks[n++] = c % 1000;
24  c /= 1000;
25  }
26  if (n == 0) {
27  return out;
28  }
29  const auto lastFill = out.fill('0');
30  out << blocks[--n];
31  while (n > 0) {
32  out << '\'' << std::setw(3) << blocks[--n];
33  }
34  out.fill(lastFill);
35  return out << " Cycles";
36 }

Variable Documentation

◆ LAction

constexpr int smash::LAction = LogArea::Action::id

Definition at line 25 of file action.h.

◆ LClock

constexpr int smash::LClock = LogArea::Clock::id

Definition at line 25 of file clock.h.

◆ hbarc

constexpr double smash::hbarc = 0.197327053

GeV <-> fm conversion factor.

Definition at line 25 of file constants.h.

◆ fm2_mb

constexpr double smash::fm2_mb = 0.1

mb <-> fm^2 conversion factor.

Definition at line 28 of file constants.h.

◆ gev2_mb

constexpr double smash::gev2_mb = hbarc * hbarc / fm2_mb

GeV^-2 <-> mb conversion factor.

Definition at line 31 of file constants.h.

◆ mev_to_gev

constexpr double smash::mev_to_gev = 1.e-3

MeV to GeV conversion factor.

Definition at line 34 of file constants.h.

◆ really_small

constexpr double smash::really_small = 1.0e-6

Numerical error tolerance.

Definition at line 37 of file constants.h.

◆ very_small_double

constexpr double smash::very_small_double = 1.0e-15

A very small double, used to avoid division by zero.

Definition at line 40 of file constants.h.

◆ twopi

constexpr double smash::twopi = 2. * M_PI

\( 2\pi \).

Definition at line 45 of file constants.h.

◆ nuclear_density

constexpr double smash::nuclear_density = 0.168

Ground state density of symmetric nuclear matter [fm^-3].

Definition at line 48 of file constants.h.

◆ small_number

constexpr double smash::small_number = 1.0e-4

Physical error tolerance.

Definition at line 51 of file constants.h.

◆ nucleon_mass

constexpr double smash::nucleon_mass = 0.938

Nucleon mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 58 of file constants.h.

◆ pion_mass

constexpr double smash::pion_mass = 0.138

Pion mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 65 of file constants.h.

◆ kaon_mass

constexpr double smash::kaon_mass = 0.494

Kaon mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 72 of file constants.h.

◆ omega_mass

constexpr double smash::omega_mass = 0.783

omega mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 79 of file constants.h.

◆ delta_mass

constexpr double smash::delta_mass = 1.232

Delta mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 86 of file constants.h.

◆ deuteron_mass

constexpr double smash::deuteron_mass = 1.8756

Deuteron mass in GeV.

Note that this should be the same as in particles.txt.

Definition at line 92 of file constants.h.

◆ fine_structure

constexpr double smash::fine_structure = 7.2973525698e-3

Fine-struture constant, approximately 1/137.

Definition at line 95 of file constants.h.

◆ elementary_charge

const double smash::elementary_charge = std::sqrt(fine_structure * 4 * M_PI)

Elementary electric charge in natural units, approximately 0.3.

Definition at line 98 of file constants.h.

◆ maximum_rndm_seed_in_pythia

constexpr int smash::maximum_rndm_seed_in_pythia = 900000000

The maximum value of the random seed used in PYTHIA.

Definition at line 103 of file constants.h.

◆ minimum_sqrts_pythia_can_handle

constexpr double smash::minimum_sqrts_pythia_can_handle = 10.0

Energy in GeV, below which hard reactions via pythia are impossible.

This constraint is technical and comes from the pythia model itself. At the same time, physics-wise, hard cross-sections at the low energies are so small, that this constrant is well justified.

Definition at line 111 of file constants.h.


constexpr std::uint32_t smash::ID_PROCESS_PHOTON
Initial value:

Process ID for any photon process.

It is chosen such that it will not conflict with any other process.

Definition at line 118 of file constants.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_SQRTS
Initial value:
= {
0.3, 0.31, 0.32, 0.33, 0.34, 0.35, 0.36, 0.37, 0.38, 0.39, 0.4, 0.41,
0.42, 0.43, 0.44, 0.45, 0.46, 0.47, 0.48, 0.49, 0.5, 0.51, 0.52, 0.53,
0.54, 0.55, 0.56, 0.57, 0.58, 0.59, 0.6, 0.61, 0.62, 0.63, 0.64, 0.65,
0.66, 0.67, 0.68, 0.69, 0.7, 0.71, 0.72, 0.73, 0.74, 0.75, 0.76, 0.77,
0.78, 0.79, 0.8, 0.81, 0.82, 0.83, 0.84, 0.85, 0.86, 0.87, 0.88, 0.89,
0.9, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99, 1.0, 1.01,
1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.1, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13,
1.14, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19, 1.2, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25,
1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.29, 1.3, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 1.36, 1.37,
1.38, 1.39, 1.4, 1.41, 1.42, 1.43, 1.44, 1.45, 1.46, 1.47, 1.48, 1.49,
1.5, 1.51, 1.52, 1.53, 1.54, 1.55, 1.56, 1.57, 1.58, 1.59, 1.6, 1.61,
1.62, 1.63, 1.64, 1.65, 1.66, 1.67, 1.68, 1.69, 1.7, 1.71, 1.72, 1.73,
1.74, 1.75, 1.76, 1.77, 1.78, 1.79, 1.8, 1.81, 1.82, 1.83, 1.84, 1.85,
1.86, 1.87, 1.88, 1.89, 1.9, 1.91, 1.92, 1.93, 1.94, 1.95, 1.96, 1.97,
1.98, 1.99, 2.03, 2.06, 2.09, 2.12, 2.15, 2.18, 2.21, 2.24, 2.27, 2.3,
2.33, 2.36, 2.39, 2.42, 2.45, 2.48, 2.51, 2.54, 2.57, 2.6, 2.63, 2.66,
2.69, 2.72, 2.75, 2.78, 2.81, 2.84, 2.87, 2.9, 2.93, 2.96, 2.99, 3.02,
3.05, 3.08, 3.11, 3.14, 3.17, 3.2, 3.23, 3.26, 3.29, 3.32, 3.35, 3.38,
3.41, 3.44, 3.47, 3.5, 3.53, 3.56, 3.59, 3.62, 3.65, 3.68, 3.71, 3.74,
3.77, 3.8, 3.83, 3.86, 3.89, 3.92, 3.95, 3.98, 4.01, 4.04, 4.07, 4.1,
4.13, 4.16, 4.19, 4.22, 4.25, 4.28, 4.31, 4.34, 4.37, 4.4, 4.43, 4.46,
4.49, 4.52, 4.55, 4.58, 4.61, 4.64, 4.67, 4.7, 4.73, 4.76, 4.79, 4.82,
4.85, 4.88, 4.91, 4.94, 4.97, 5.0}

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 24 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_K
Initial value:
= {
0.001, 0.00107227, 0.00114976, 0.00123285, 0.00132194, 0.00141747,
0.00151991, 0.00162975, 0.00174753, 0.00187382, 0.00200923, 0.00215443,
0.00231013, 0.00247708, 0.00265609, 0.00284804, 0.00305386, 0.00327455,
0.00351119, 0.00376494, 0.00403702, 0.00432876, 0.00464159, 0.00497702,
0.0053367, 0.00572237, 0.00613591, 0.00657933, 0.0070548, 0.00756463,
0.00811131, 0.00869749, 0.00932603, 0.01, 0.0107227, 0.0114976,
0.0123285, 0.0132194, 0.0141747, 0.0151991, 0.0162975, 0.0174753,
0.0187382, 0.0200923, 0.0215443, 0.0231013, 0.0247708, 0.0265609,
0.0284804, 0.0305386, 0.0327455, 0.0351119, 0.0376494, 0.0403702,
0.0432876, 0.0464159, 0.0497702, 0.053367, 0.0572237, 0.0613591,
0.0657933, 0.070548, 0.0756463, 0.0811131, 0.0869749, 0.0932603,
0.1, 0.107227, 0.114976, 0.123285, 0.132194, 0.141747,
0.151991, 0.162975, 0.174753, 0.187382, 0.200923, 0.215443,
0.231013, 0.247708, 0.265609, 0.284804, 0.305386, 0.327455,
0.351119, 0.376494, 0.403702, 0.432876, 0.464159, 0.497702,
0.53367, 0.572237, 0.613591, 0.657933, 0.70548, 0.756463,
0.811131, 0.869749, 0.932603, 1.0}

photon momentum

Definition at line 50 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_THETA
Initial value:
= {
0.0, 0.039767, 0.079534, 0.119301, 0.159068, 0.198835, 0.238602,
0.278369, 0.318136, 0.357903, 0.39767, 0.437437, 0.477204, 0.516971,
0.556738, 0.596505, 0.636272, 0.676039, 0.715806, 0.755573, 0.79534,
0.835107, 0.874874, 0.914641, 0.954408, 0.994175, 1.03394, 1.07371,
1.11348, 1.15324, 1.19301, 1.23278, 1.27254, 1.31231, 1.35208,
1.39184, 1.43161, 1.47138, 1.51115, 1.55091, 1.59068, 1.63045,
1.67021, 1.70998, 1.74975, 1.78951, 1.82928, 1.86905, 1.90882,
1.94858, 1.98835, 2.02812, 2.06788, 2.10765, 2.14742, 2.18718,
2.22695, 2.26672, 2.30649, 2.34625, 2.38602, 2.42579, 2.46555,
2.50532, 2.54509, 2.58485, 2.62462, 2.66439, 2.70416, 2.74392,
2.78369, 2.82346, 2.86322, 2.90299, 2.94276, 2.98252, 3.02229,
3.06206, 3.10183, 3.14159}

theta angle with respect to collision axis of incoming pions

Definition at line 70 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_opp_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pipi_pipi_opp_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 89 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dk_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 91 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pipi_opp_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 93 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_SIG

Total π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ cross section.

Definition at line 97 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_DIFF_SIG_K

dSigma/dk for π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ

Definition at line 139 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_OPP_DIFF_SIG_THETA

dSigma/dtheta for π+- + π-+ -> π+- + π-+ + γ

Definition at line 4642 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_same_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pipi_pipi_same_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 8969 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dk_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 8971 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pipi_same_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 8973 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_SIG

Total π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ cross section.

Definition at line 8977 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_DIFF_SIG_K

dSigma/dk for π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ

Definition at line 9025 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PIPI_SAME_DIFF_SIG_THETA

dSigma/dtheta for π+ + π+ -> π+ + π+ + γ or π- + π- -> π- + π- + γ

Definition at line 14428 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi0_pipi0_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pipi0_pipi0_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 18754 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 18756 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi0_pipi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 18758 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_SIG

Total π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ cross section.

Definition at line 18762 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_DIFF_SIG_K

dSigma/dk for π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ

Definition at line 18810 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI0_PIPI0_DIFF_SIG_THETA

dSigma/dtheta for π0 + π -> π0 + π + γ

Definition at line 23313 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pi0pi0_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pipi_pi0pi0_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 27639 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 27641 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pipi_pi0pi0_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 27643 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_SIG

Total π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ cross section.

Definition at line 27647 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_DIFF_SIG_K

dSigma/dk for π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ

Definition at line 27695 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PIPI_PI0PI0_DIFF_SIG_THETA

dSigma/dtheta for π+- + π-+ -> π0 + π0 + γ

Definition at line 31556 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pi0pi0_pipi_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pi0pi0_pipi_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 35882 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dk_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dk_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 35884 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ pi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateData2DSpline> smash::pi0pi0_pipi_dsigma_dtheta_interpolation = nullptr

Definition at line 35886 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_SIG

Total π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ cross section.

Definition at line 35890 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_DIFF_SIG_K

dSigma/dk for π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ

Definition at line 35938 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::BREMS_PI0PI0_PIPI_DIFF_SIG_THETA

dSigma/dtheta for π0 + π0 -> π+- + π-+ + γ

Definition at line 41341 of file crosssectionsbrems.h.

◆ LDensity

constexpr int smash::LDensity = LogArea::Density::id

Definition at line 29 of file density.h.

◆ LMain [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LMain = LogArea::Main::id

Definition at line 89 of file experiment.h.

◆ LInitialConditions

constexpr int smash::LInitialConditions = LogArea::InitialConditions::id

Definition at line 90 of file experiment.h.

◆ LLattice

constexpr int smash::LLattice = LogArea::Lattice::id

Definition at line 25 of file lattice.h.

◆ LOutput [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LOutput = LogArea::Output::id

Definition at line 26 of file outputinterface.h.

◆ LExperiment

constexpr int smash::LExperiment = LogArea::Experiment::id

Definition at line 22 of file outputparameters.h.

◆ kaon_nucleon_ratios

KaonNucleonRatios smash::kaon_nucleon_ratios

Definition at line 769 of file


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSN_TOT_PLAB
Initial value:
= {
0.627, 0.728333, 0.846, 0.924, 1.01033, 1.09367, 1.259, 1.48,
1.72, 2.05333, 2.46667, 2.81667, 3.31667, 4.32667, 5.54333, 6.88333,
8.21667, 9.33333, 10.6667, 11.7667, 13.1, 14.1, 15., 16.3333,
18., 19.3333, 21.6667, 23.3333, 26.6667, 28.3333, 31.6667, 33.3333,
35., 36.6667, 38.3333, 41.6667, 43.3333, 46.6667, 48.3333, 50.,
50., 51.6667, 53.3333, 60., 75., 90., 106.667, 123.333,
140., 156.667, 173.333, 190., 213.333, 240., 276.667, 280.,

PDG data on K- n total cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 20 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kminusn_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::kminusn_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSN_TOT data.

Definition at line 32 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSN_TOT_SIG
Initial value:
= {
26.2, 29.1333, 30.8, 33.9667, 36.1667, 35.5667, 30.8, 26.7,
24.4667, 23.2, 22.5667, 22.2667, 21.5667, 21.4, 21.4667, 21.2,
20.9333, 20.4667, 20.6333, 20.5667, 20.4, 20.3033, 20.1033, 20.17,
19.9, 19.75, 19.55, 19.6667, 19.5267, 19.66, 19.81, 19.8233,
19.7367, 19.57, 19.5333, 19.4067, 19.6733, 19.8033, 19.7867, 19.6867,
19.7233, 19.7633, 19.93, 19.92, 20.0267, 19.88, 19.99, 20.08,
20.0967, 20.1267, 20.26, 20.3567, 20.4567, 20.5833, 20.84, 20.9,

PDG data on K- n total cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 35 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB

PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 46 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG

PDG data on K- p elastic cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 94 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kminusp_elastic_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::kminusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_ELASTIC data.

Definition at line 133 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_TOT_PLAB

PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 136 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kminusp_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::kminusp_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_TOT data.

Definition at line 192 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_TOT_SIG

PDG smoothed data on K- p total cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 195 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_RES_SQRTS
Initial value:
= {
1.4355, 1.4530, 1.4730, 1.4929, 1.5129, 1.5329, 1.5529, 1.5729,
1.5929, 1.6128, 1.6328, 1.6528, 1.6728, 1.6928, 1.7127, 1.7327,
1.7527, 1.7727, 1.7927, 1.8127, 1.8326, 1.8526, 1.8726, 1.8926,
1.9126, 1.9325, 1.9525, 1.9725, 1.9925, 2.0125, 2.0325, 2.0524,
2.0724, 2.0924, 2.1124, 2.1324, 2.1523, 2.1723, 2.1923, 2.2123,
2.2323, 2.2523, 2.2722, 2.2922, 2.3122, 2.3322, 2.3522, 2.3721,
2.3921, 2.4121, 2.4321, 2.4521, 2.4721, 2.4920, 2.5120, 2.5320}

Center-of-mass energy list for K̅⁻ N⁺

Definition at line 240 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KMINUSP_RES_SIG
Initial value:
= {
0.46856081097, 0.68994120313, 1.00475205957, 1.66469547655,
5.63530052434, 4.17372028288, 4.50737036469, 8.00913400697,
0.29205365102, 2.72859364291, 3.30822314603, 4.44740017628,
4.95697831919, 5.05350905117, 4.87562017799, 7.48383422000,
8.29845755438, 9.71940157530, 11.10200040600, 12.00610574630,
10.06137989140, 7.47886042856, 6.11390219499, 5.19531126779,
4.38090191191, 3.95316327084, 3.53446044755, 3.46497827089,
3.63741875589, 3.77762079044, 0.87409952036, 4.19070149234,
4.38097308237, 4.27752586136, 4.12637945445, 3.70027602474,
3.31806303484, 2.88526838044, 2.58141493751, 2.36391939397,
2.18133708906, 1.39193162095, 2.03247269918, 2.00726146262,
2.13817978212, 2.16907178433, 2.08118209913, 1.83166338166,
1.56038155638, 1.27216056674, 1.03167072054, 0.85006416230,
0.39627220898, 0.57172926654, 0.51129452389, 0.44626386026}

Elastic K̅⁻ N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.

These need to be subtracted from the interpolation of the PDG data on elastic cross sections. This data was generated using the SMASH analysis suite and should be updated when strange resonances are changed or added.

Definition at line 256 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataSpline> smash::kminusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KMINUSP_RES data.

Definition at line 274 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KPLUSN_TOT_PLAB
Initial value:
= {
0.770, 0.888, 0.939, 0.970, 0.989, 1.040, 1.091, 1.141,
1.191, 1.242, 1.292, 1.300, 1.342, 1.392, 1.440,
1.442, 1.492, 1.550, 1.593, 1.600, 1.643, 1.690, 1.693,
1.700, 1.743, 1.750, 1.793, 1.800, 1.850, 1.893, 1.900,
1.950, 1.970, 1.993, 2.000, 2.050, 2.093, 2.100, 2.150,
2.193, 2.200, 2.260, 2.300, 2.350, 2.393, 2.400, 2.450,
2.500, 2.550, 2.550, 2.600, 2.650, 2.700, 2.750, 2.800,
2.830, 2.850, 2.900, 2.950, 3.000, 3.050, 3.100, 3.150,
3.200, 3.250, 3.300, 6.000, 8.000, 10.000, 12.000, 14.000,
15.000, 16.000, 18.000, 20.000, 20.000, 25.000, 30.000, 35.000,
35.000, 40.000, 45.000, 50.000, 50.000, 50.000, 55.000, 70.000,
100.000, 100.000, 120.000, 150.000, 150.000, 170.000, 200.000, 200.000,
240.000, 280.000, 310.000}

PDG data on K+ n total cross section: momentum in lab frame.

One data point is ignored because it is an outlier and messes up the smoothing.

Definition at line 282 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KPLUSN_TOT_SIG
Initial value:
= {
15.50, 16.85, 17.60, 17.80, 18.53, 18.91, 20.61, 21.25, 20.87,
20.26, 19.68, 18.50, 19.32, 19.22, 18.10, 19.07, 18.95, 18.91,
18.79, 18.89, 18.67, 18.50, 18.69, 18.83, 18.88, 18.86, 18.73,
18.53, 18.66, 18.50, 18.69, 18.70, 18.60, 18.55, 18.79, 18.54,
18.67, 18.49, 18.43, 18.40, 18.40, 17.70, 18.27, 18.26, 18.63,
18.09, 18.25, 18.11, 17.10, 18.17, 18.09, 18.02, 18.11, 18.06,
18.01, 17.50, 17.95, 17.85, 17.81, 17.81, 17.83, 17.85, 17.61,
17.61, 17.66, 17.55, 17.50, 17.60, 17.50, 17.60, 17.50, 17.87,
17.40, 17.60, 17.94, 17.70, 17.78, 17.69, 18.29, 18.12, 18.15,
18.30, 18.66, 18.56, 18.02, 18.43, 18.60, 19.04, 18.99, 19.23,
19.63, 19.55, 19.74, 19.72, 19.82, 20.37, 20.61, 20.80}

PDG data on K+ n total cross section: cross section.

One data point is ignored because it is an outlier and messes up the smoothing.

Definition at line 303 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kplusn_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::kplusn_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSN_TOT data.

Definition at line 318 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KPLUSP_TOT_PLAB
Initial value:
= {
0.178, 0.265, 0.321, 0.351, 0.366, 0.405, 0.440, 0.451,
0.475, 0.475, 0.506, 0.522, 0.536, 0.566, 0.569, 0.588,
0.589, 0.592, 0.593, 0.596, 0.618, 0.620, 0.627, 0.643,
0.644, 0.657, 0.668, 0.686, 0.698, 0.713, 0.717, 0.727,
0.757, 0.768, 0.770, 0.786, 0.817, 0.823, 0.846, 0.864,
0.864, 0.881, 0.891, 0.900, 0.904, 0.916, 0.938, 0.942,
0.951, 0.969, 0.969, 0.970, 0.970, 0.985, 0.992, 1.020,
1.029, 1.043, 1.055, 1.060, 1.084, 1.090, 1.094, 1.125,
1.130, 1.140, 1.144, 1.160, 1.170, 1.189, 1.194, 1.207,
1.210, 1.238, 1.245, 1.250, 1.293, 1.295, 1.300, 1.320,
1.345, 1.347, 1.380, 1.395, 1.408, 1.440, 1.445, 1.455,
1.468, 1.480, 1.495, 1.550, 1.563, 1.596, 1.600, 1.646,
1.690, 1.696, 1.700, 1.746, 1.750, 1.796, 1.800, 1.850,
1.896, 1.900, 1.945, 1.950, 1.960, 1.970, 1.996, 2.000,
2.050, 2.096, 2.100, 2.150, 2.196, 2.200, 2.260, 2.300,
2.350, 2.396, 2.400, 2.450, 2.473, 2.500, 2.530, 2.550,
2.550, 2.600, 2.650, 2.700, 2.750, 2.760, 2.800, 2.830,
2.850, 2.900, 2.950, 3.000, 3.050, 3.100, 3.150, 3.200,
3.200, 3.250, 3.250, 3.300, 3.700, 4.000, 4.200, 4.750,
5.000, 5.500, 6.000, 7.000, 7.000, 8.000, 8.200, 8.500,
10.000, 10.000, 10.000, 10.000, 10.900, 11.500, 12.000, 12.500,
13.400, 14.000, 15.000, 15.000, 16.000, 16.000, 16.900, 18.000,
19.000, 20.000, 20.000, 25.000, 30.000, 32.000, 35.000, 35.000,
40.000, 42.500, 45.000, 50.000, 50.000, 50.000, 52.200, 55.000,
70.000, 100.000, 100.000, 100.000, 100.000, 120.000, 147.000, 150.000,
150.000, 170.000, 175.000, 200.000, 200.000, 240.000, 280.000, 310.000}

PDG data on K+ p total cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 321 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::KPLUSP_TOT_SIG
Initial value:
= {
11.40, 13.00, 14.00, 12.20, 13.20, 13.69, 12.81, 16.30, 12.70, 13.58, 13.02,
15.20, 12.09, 13.20, 12.70, 12.60, 16.30, 14.36, 13.05, 13.04, 12.65, 12.91,
12.18, 12.50, 12.88, 12.43, 13.10, 11.25, 12.60, 11.14, 11.10, 12.45, 12.65,
11.65, 13.00, 12.80, 13.20, 12.97, 13.45, 14.07, 13.21, 13.90, 14.39, 13.10,
14.23, 14.20, 14.59, 15.57, 14.95, 15.28, 15.63, 15.40, 15.25, 16.20, 15.97,
16.10, 15.69, 17.39, 16.95, 16.40, 17.04, 17.60, 17.12, 17.55, 18.08, 18.02,
18.09, 17.95, 18.10, 18.06, 18.47, 19.85, 18.58, 18.11, 18.54, 20.71, 18.44,
18.61, 17.90, 19.33, 18.44, 18.27, 18.64, 18.27, 17.97, 18.10, 18.04, 18.20,
17.94, 18.04, 17.93, 17.70, 17.66, 17.75, 17.71, 17.86, 17.50, 17.85, 17.73,
17.80, 17.83, 17.80, 17.98, 17.77, 17.81, 17.79, 17.41, 17.75, 19.40, 16.90,
17.60, 17.63, 17.72, 17.51, 17.56, 17.57, 17.54, 17.60, 17.10, 17.44, 17.52,
17.55, 17.56, 17.48, 17.25, 17.49, 17.47, 17.10, 17.44, 17.50, 17.47, 17.41,
17.41, 17.41, 17.40, 16.70, 17.30, 17.34, 17.30, 17.19, 17.14, 17.08, 17.15,
17.13, 17.13, 17.13, 17.50, 17.14, 21.00, 17.60, 17.10, 21.30, 17.20, 17.90,
17.00, 17.20, 18.40, 17.30, 17.20, 18.70, 17.20, 17.30, 18.80, 17.30, 18.10,
19.00, 17.30, 18.30, 17.50, 17.40, 18.50, 17.31, 17.10, 17.00, 18.80, 17.10,
17.30, 17.50, 17.42, 17.68, 17.72, 18.40, 17.82, 17.80, 18.05, 17.91, 17.88,
18.06, 18.03, 18.37, 18.28, 18.17, 18.52, 18.40, 18.88, 18.70, 18.85, 19.14,
19.52, 19.36, 19.33, 19.64, 18.20, 19.91, 19.84, 20.22, 20.45, 20.67}

PDG data on K+ p total cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 350 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ kplusp_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::kplusp_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the KPLUSP_TOT data.

Definition at line 373 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
Initial value:
= {
0.09875, 0.14956, 0.21648, 0.21885, 0.22828, 0.24684, 0.25599, 0.26733,
0.27071, 0.2752, 0.29303, 0.29303, 0.33138, 0.33571, 0.33788, 0.35052,
0.378, 0.38261, 0.404, 0.40626, 0.408, 0.42188, 0.427, 0.44888,
0.452, 0.471, 0.49008, 0.49008, 0.49008, 0.509, 0.523, 0.52845,
0.53155, 0.547, 0.54911, 0.54911, 0.556, 0.565, 0.57281, 0.582,
0.586, 0.609, 0.6139, 0.61698, 0.625, 0.64054, 0.657, 0.65793,
0.658, 0.6753, 0.683, 0.687, 0.69061, 0.699, 0.70692, 0.71399,
0.72628, 0.731, 0.73257, 0.74257, 0.75, 0.76189, 0.775, 0.77714,
0.77714, 0.77827, 0.798, 0.82586, 0.83803, 0.848, 0.84954, 0.854,
0.87466, 0.90386, 0.91903, 0.924, 0.95947, 1.03016, 1.106, 1.12339,
1.164, 1.165, 1.174, 1.214, 1.21659, 1.23, 1.25, 1.26,
1.279, 1.323, 1.339, 1.347, 1.355, 1.365, 1.375, 1.385,
1.395, 1.405, 1.415, 1.425, 1.435, 1.445, 1.455, 1.465,
1.475, 1.485, 1.495, 1.497, 1.499, 1.503, 1.5031, 1.509,
1.567, 1.59, 1.6, 1.603, 1.71, 1.85, 2.1, 2.14,
2.26, 2.29, 2.7, 2.75, 2.77, 2.7999, 3., 3.15}

PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 376 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
Initial value:
= {
1.847, 2.9, 9.6, 11.3, 12.8, 17., 20.1, 21.4, 22.5,
21.2, 22.5, 18.2, 19.5, 16., 17.4, 15.1, 12.29, 12.4,
10.1, 13.8, 10.41, 11.4, 9., 10.3, 8.9, 9.2, 10.42,
10.9, 10.8, 9.15, 9.8, 11.4, 11.4, 9.99, 13., 13.,
10.24, 10.8, 12.19, 16.2, 11.34, 12.86, 13.71, 13.9, 12.19,
14.8, 13.92, 16.2, 15.32, 16.98, 18.9, 17.07, 18.86, 19.07,
19.95, 20.5, 19.87, 18.9, 16.6, 19.4, 19.91, 18.94, 17.56,
17.19, 17.82, 16.1, 14.91, 15.75, 14.9, 13.2, 14.1, 14.47,
14.4, 14.8, 14.1, 18.8, 18., 18.6, 17.95, 17.7, 13.66,
15.01, 15.73, 12.45, 14.1, 14.6, 13.31, 13.8, 12.8, 13.09,
12.627, 12.987, 12.763, 12.367, 12.852, 12.67, 12.126, 12.972, 12.478,
12.594, 12.532, 11.801, 11.568, 11.413, 11.119, 11.643, 11.368, 11.523,
11.163, 11.69, 10., 10.39, 10.21, 9.65, 9., 9.82, 10.4,
11.1, 9.69, 9.3, 8.91, 8.5, 7.7, 7.2, 7.2, 7.8,
7.57, 6.1}

PDG data on pi- p elastic cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 395 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_elastic_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piminusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_ELASTIC data.

Definition at line 414 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_P_LAB
Initial value:
= {
0.904, 0.91, 0.919, 0.922, 0.926, 0.93, 0.931, 0.942, 0.945, 0.958, 0.964,
0.968, 0.98, 0.98, 0.983, 0.993, 0.997, 1.001, 1.002, 1.007, 1.012, 1.017,
1.02, 1.02, 1.021, 1.022, 1.023, 1.027, 1.031, 1.035, 1.04, 1.04, 1.04,
1.043, 1.048, 1.054, 1.059, 1.065, 1.078, 1.081, 1.091, 1.091, 1.094, 1.095,
1.097, 1.116, 1.129, 1.13, 1.135, 1.144, 1.159, 1.194, 1.223, 1.235, 1.277,
1.287, 1.326, 1.331, 1.332, 1.395, 1.433, 1.455, 1.5, 1.508, 1.515, 1.575,
1.59, 1.6, 1.615, 1.645, 1.69, 1.69, 1.705, 1.775, 1.85, 1.875, 1.94,
1.95, 1.98, 2., 2.05, 2.05, 2.055, 2.115, 2.14, 2.15, 2.235, 2.25,
2.35, 2.375, 2.494, 2.605, 2.7, 2.75, 2.75, 2.86, 3.01, 3.125, 3.21,
3.885, 3.9, 3.95, 4.16, 4.5, 6., 8., 10.}

PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 417 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0_SIG
Initial value:
= {
0.056, 0.122, 0.18, 0.14, 0.227, 0.212, 0.13, 0.3, 0.336, 0.43,
0.427, 0.52, 0.467, 0.45, 0.576, 0.59, 0.652, 0.56, 0.588, 0.634,
0.686, 0.665, 0.67, 0.69, 0.809, 0.675, 0.94, 0.737, 0.734, 0.73,
0.926, 0.59, 0.92, 0.57, 0.568, 0.651, 0.899, 0.64, 0.794, 0.58,
0.82, 0.58, 0.7, 0.68, 0.729, 0.575, 0.592, 0.462, 0.541, 0.64,
0.48, 0.58, 0.46, 0.485, 0.447, 0.25, 0.367, 0.32, 0.29, 0.25,
0.32, 0.29, 0.334, 0.214, 0.22, 0.21, 0.214, 0.238, 0.208, 0.16,
0.199, 0.174, 0.14, 0.13, 0.181, 0.16, 0.185, 0.182, 0.184, 0.15,
0.182, 0.179, 0.11, 0.16, 0.162, 0.192, 0.15, 0.172, 0.174, 0.12,
0.16, 0.106, 0.12, 0.09, 0.09, 0.109, 0.084, 0.094, 0.087, 0.067,
0.058, 0.0644, 0.049, 0.054, 0.038, 0.0221, 0.0157}

PDG data on pi- p to Lambda K0 cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 430 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piminusp_lambdak0_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_LAMBDAK0 data.

Definition at line 445 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_P_LAB
Initial value:
= {
1.091, 1.128, 1.17, 1.22, 1.235, 1.284, 1.326, 1.5, 1.59,
1.615, 1.69, 1.69, 1.85, 1.94, 1.95, 1.98, 2.05, 2.14,
2.15, 2.25, 2.35, 2.494, 2.61, 2.7, 2.75, 2.86, 3.,
3.01, 3.13, 3.21, 3.89, 3.95, 4., 4.16}

PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 448 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS_SIG
Initial value:
= {
0.25, 0.218, 0.231, 0.27, 0.235, 0.209, 0.245, 0.242, 0.262,
0.18, 0.153, 0.19, 0.099, 0.098, 0.099, 0.09, 0.087, 0.069,
0.065, 0.057, 0.053, 0.051, 0.03, 0.031, 0.032, 0.022, 0.015,
0.022, 0.0155, 0.0145, 0.0085, 0.0096, 0.005, 0.0045}

PDG data on pi- p to Sigma- K+ cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 455 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piminusp_sigmaminuskplus_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMAMINUSKPLUS data.

Definition at line 466 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SQRTS
Initial value:
= {
1.5, 1.516, 1.532, 1.548, 1.564, 1.58, 1.596, 1.612, 1.628, 1.644, 1.66,
1.676, 1.692, 1.708, 1.724, 1.74, 1.756, 1.772, 1.788, 1.804, 1.82, 1.836,
1.852, 1.868, 1.884, 1.9, 1.916, 1.932, 1.948, 1.964, 1.98, 1.996, 2.012,
2.028, 2.044, 2.06, 2.076, 2.092, 2.108, 2.124, 2.14, 2.156, 2.172, 2.188,
2.204, 2.22, 2.236, 2.252, 2.268, 2.284, 2.3, 2.316, 2.332, 2.348, 2.364,
2.38, 2.396, 2.412, 2.428, 2.444, 2.46, 2.476, 2.492, 2.508, 2.524, 2.54,
2.556, 2.572, 2.588, 2.604, 2.62, 2.636, 2.652, 2.668, 2.684, 2.7, 2.716,
2.732, 2.748, 2.764, 2.78, 2.796, 2.812, 2.828, 2.844, 2.86, 2.876, 2.892,
2.908, 2.924, 2.94, 2.956, 2.972, 2.988, 3.004, 3.02, 3.036, 3.052, 3.068,
3.084, 3.1, 3.116, 3.132, 3.148, 3.164, 3.18}

pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: square root s

Definition at line 469 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES_SIG
Initial value:
= {
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.,
0.0386981, 0.09589789, 0.11956695, 0.11685363, 0.12053117, 0.13208736,
0.14949223, 0.16688579, 0.18830654, 0.20611132, 0.22231072, 0.23099061,
0.23734563, 0.23334048, 0.22794051, 0.21559531, 0.20134617, 0.18763246,
0.1723282, 0.15814744, 0.14757816, 0.13750278, 0.12698656, 0.11719809,
0.11024985, 0.1044732, 0.09623321, 0.09092108, 0.08670191, 0.08147493,
0.0772165, 0.07346243, 0.0719974, 0.06805902, 0.06496733, 0.06264939,
0.05904799, 0.05762721, 0.05588871, 0.05393479, 0.0517673, 0.05165839,
0.05087591, 0.04885535, 0.04730724, 0.04651682, 0.04604065, 0.04529776,
0.04406593, 0.04367817, 0.04230014, 0.04144308, 0.04171145, 0.04073006,
0.03996921, 0.03902337, 0.03939531, 0.03895125, 0.03904553, 0.03816119,
0.03772662, 0.03710955, 0.0361001, 0.03632378, 0.03549849, 0.03549987,
0.03527251, 0.034535, 0.03314715, 0.0335742, 0.03326698, 0.0330181,
0.0324203, 0.03227253, 0.0315376, 0.03065083, 0.03041305, 0.03023753,
0.03008669, 0.02900321, 0.02827017, 0.02805024, 0.02785525, 0.02753706,
0.02692862, 0.02603758, 0.02591122, 0.02537291, 0.02467199, 0.02466657,
0.02370074, 0.02353027, 0.02362089, 0.0230085}

pi- p to Sigma0 K0 cross section: cross section

The experimental data is missing, so the cross section is obtained by running the simulation, and purely contributed by the resonances

Definition at line 487 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piminusp_sigma0k0_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_SIGMA0K0_RES data.

Definition at line 512 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_RES_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 515 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_RES_SIG

Elastic π⁻N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.

These need to be subtracted from the interpolation of the PDG data on elastic cross sections. This data was generated using the SMASH analysis suite and should be updated when strange resonances are changed or added.

Definition at line 590 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_elastic_res_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataSpline> smash::piminusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_RES data.

Definition at line 663 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_P_LAB
Initial value:
= {
0.09875, 0.13984, 0.14956, 0.33138, 0.378, 0.408, 0.4093, 0.427,
0.42736, 0.453, 0.471, 0.49008, 0.509, 0.5214, 0.53155, 0.547,
0.57281, 0.574, 0.586, 0.5891, 0.59, 0.591, 0.6139, 0.625,
0.625, 0.635, 0.645, 0.645, 0.657, 0.65793, 0.6753, 0.687,
0.698, 0.7, 0.70692, 0.725, 0.72628, 0.72628, 0.752, 0.752,
0.77714, 0.807, 0.809, 0.82, 0.82586, 0.85, 0.895, 0.895,
0.9, 0.91, 0.93926, 0.945, 0.945, 0.995, 0.995, 1.0029,
1.02, 1.04, 1.04, 1.0402, 1.05, 1.12091, 1.12091, 1.195,
1.207, 1.2217, 1.232, 1.375, 1.3925, 1.44384, 1.46, 1.493,
1.5, 1.53, 1.585, 1.585, 1.6, 1.68881, 1.69, 1.77,
1.8, 1.869, 1.9, 1.99, 2., 2.0199, 2.07, 2.077,
2.11, 2.19, 2.3, 2.35, 2.5, 2.77, 2.9, 3.,
3.05, 3.56, 3.63, 3.65, 3.67, 3.9, 4., 5.,
5., 6., 6.8001, 8., 8.04, 8.8, 10.8, 11.7,
12.8, 14.8, 16., 16.2, 16.7, 29., 32.1, 43.,
50., 60., 70., 100., 140., 147., 175., 200.,

PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 666 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG
Initial value:
= {
6.15, 15.8, 20.4, 140.9, 91.6, 71.6, 67.5, 57.3, 60.19, 46.6, 40.8,
38.74, 30.6, 29.6, 30.59, 24.74, 24.31, 28.16, 19.83, 20.4, 20.64, 20.63,
19.55, 15.75, 18.5, 17.2, 14.85, 16.16, 14.71, 15.32, 14.38, 12.2, 12.93,
12.96, 12.17, 11.6, 11.06, 11.5, 10.62, 10.55, 8.82, 9.36, 8.97, 9.1,
8.02, 8.38, 8.37, 8.14, 11.1, 9.3, 11., 10.32, 9.87, 11.7, 11.15,
12.05, 11.1, 12.37, 11.83, 10.3, 12.8, 14.54, 15.3, 14.3, 13.59, 12.6,
12.3, 17.87, 16.5, 19.31, 18.73, 16.68, 13.8, 15.86, 16.7, 16.7, 15.05,
13.04, 13.57, 12.46, 12.3, 11.81, 10.9, 9.84, 10.6, 9.1, 9.52, 9.46,
9.44, 9.15, 8.45, 10.2, 6.9, 7.7, 8.3, 7.84, 7.02, 6.93, 7.07,
6.88, 7.15, 6.5, 6.4, 5.85, 5.79, 5.33, 5.47, 4.9, 4.9, 5.02,
4.75, 4.2, 4.54, 4.46, 4.21, 4.21, 3.98, 3.19, 3.37, 3.16, 3.29,
3.1, 3.35, 3.3, 3.39, 3.24, 3.37, 3.17, 3.3}

PDG data on pi+ p elastic cross section: cross section.

Definition at line 686 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piplusp_elastic_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piplusp_elastic_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_ELASTIC_SIG data.

Definition at line 702 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_P_LAB
Initial value:
= {
1.041, 1.105, 1.111, 1.15, 1.157, 1.17, 1.195, 1.206, 1.218, 1.222, 1.265,
1.28, 1.282, 1.328, 1.34, 1.377, 1.39, 1.41, 1.419, 1.43, 1.456, 1.49,
1.508, 1.518, 1.549, 1.55, 1.58, 1.582, 1.614, 1.63, 1.68, 1.687, 1.7,
1.712, 1.76, 1.77, 1.775, 1.808, 1.84, 1.879, 1.906, 1.95, 1.971, 1.997,
2.067, 2.08, 2.099, 2.152, 2.197, 2.241, 2.291, 2.344, 2.379, 2.437, 2.473,
2.77, 3.23, 3.71, 4., 5., 5.5, 7., 10.3, 12., 16.}

PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ cross section: momentum in lab frame.

Definition at line 705 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG
Initial value:
= {
0.034, 0.146, 0.144, 0.214, 0.248, 0.205, 0.24, 0.214, 0.242, 0.25,
0.278, 0.34, 0.369, 0.412, 0.4, 0.467, 0.44, 0.49, 0.523, 0.51,
0.662, 0.529, 0.692, 0.545, 0.604, 0.53, 0.53, 0.465, 0.494, 0.47,
0.505, 0.434, 0.47, 0.436, 0.38, 0.415, 0.418, 0.393, 0.405, 0.332,
0.37, 0.31, 0.338, 0.298, 0.3, 0.29, 0.28, 0.273, 0.26, 0.25,
0.23, 0.242, 0.22, 0.217, 0.234, 0.165, 0.168, 0.104, 0.059, 0.059,
0.0297, 0.0371, 0.02, 0.0202, 0.0143}

PDG data on pi+ p to Sigma+ K+ section: cross section.

Definition at line 714 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piplusp_sigmapluskplus_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_SIGMAPLUSKPLUS_SIG data.

Definition at line 728 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_RES_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 731 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_RES_SIG

Elastic π⁺N⁺ cross section contributions from decays.

These need to be subtracted from the interpolation of the PDG data on elastic cross sections. This data was generated using the SMASH analysis suite and should be updated when strange resonances are changed or added.

Definition at line 787 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piplusp_elastic_res_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataSpline> smash::piplusp_elastic_res_interpolation = nullptr

A null interpolation that gets filled using the PIPLUSP_RES data.

Definition at line 849 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_TOT_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 852 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSP_TOT_SIG

Total p π⁺ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018.

Definition at line 914 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piplusp_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piplusp_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSP_TOT data.

Definition at line 985 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_TOT_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 988 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIMINUSP_TOT_SIG

Total p π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018.

Definition at line 1079 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ piminusp_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::piminusp_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIMINUSP_TOT data.

Definition at line 1169 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 1172 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT_SIG

Total π⁺ π⁻ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0, using the hadronic list from PDG2018.

Definition at line 1236 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ pipluspiminus_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pipluspiminus_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIPLUSPIMINUS_TOT data.

Definition at line 1307 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SQRTS

Center-of-mass energy.

Definition at line 1310 of file parametrizations_data.h.


const std::initializer_list<double> smash::PIZEROPIZERO_TOT_SIG

Total π⁰ π⁰ cross section parametrized from bottom-up SMASH-3.0 using the hadronic list from PDG2018.

Definition at line 1374 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ pizeropizero_total_interpolation

std::unique_ptr<InterpolateDataLinear<double> > smash::pizeropizero_total_interpolation = nullptr

An interpolation that gets lazily filled using the PIZEROPIZERO_TOT data.

Definition at line 1436 of file parametrizations_data.h.

◆ UB_lat_pointer

RectangularLattice< FourVector > * smash::UB_lat_pointer = nullptr

Pointer to the skyrme potential on the lattice.

Definition at line 15 of file

◆ UI3_lat_pointer

RectangularLattice< FourVector > * smash::UI3_lat_pointer = nullptr

Pointer to the symmmetry potential on the lattice.

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ pot_pointer

Potentials * smash::pot_pointer = nullptr

Pointer to a Potential class.

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ LPotentials

constexpr int smash::LPotentials = LogArea::Potentials::id

Definition at line 28 of file potentials.h.

◆ LRootSolver

constexpr int smash::LRootSolver = LogArea::RootSolver::id

Definition at line 25 of file rootsolver.h.

◆ LPythia

constexpr int smash::LPythia = LogArea::Pythia::id

Definition at line 26 of file stringprocess.h.

◆ LPauliBlocking [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LPauliBlocking = LogArea::PauliBlocking::id

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ LHyperSurfaceCrossing [1/5]

constexpr int smash::LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id

Definition at line 22 of file

◆ LBox

constexpr int smash::LBox = LogArea::Box::id

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ LScatterAction [1/4]

constexpr int smash::LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ LResonances [1/3]

constexpr int smash::LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LCollider [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LCollider = LogArea::Collider::id

Definition at line 29 of file

◆ LConfiguration

constexpr int smash::LConfiguration = LogArea::Configuration::id

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ LCrossSections

constexpr int smash::LCrossSections = LogArea::CrossSections::id

Definition at line 19 of file

◆ LScatterAction [2/4]

constexpr int smash::LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LCollider [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LCollider = LogArea::Collider::id

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LDecayModes [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LDecayModes = LogArea::DecayModes::id

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ LDecayModes [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LDecayModes = LogArea::DecayModes::id

Definition at line 22 of file

◆ all_decay_types

std::vector<DecayTypePtr>* smash::all_decay_types = nullptr

Global pointer to the decay types list.

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ num_tab_pts

constexpr size_t smash::num_tab_pts = 200

Number of tabulation points.

Definition at line 142 of file

◆ integrate [1/2]

Integrator smash::integrate

Definition at line 143 of file

◆ integrate2d [1/2]

Integrator2d smash::integrate2d(1E7) ( 1E7  )

◆ LDistributions

constexpr int smash::LDistributions = LogArea::Distributions::id

Definition at line 22 of file

◆ LTmn

constexpr int smash::LTmn = LogArea::Tmn::id

Definition at line 21 of file

◆ LFpe

constexpr int smash::LFpe = LogArea::Fpe::id

Definition at line 21 of file

◆ LGrandcanThermalizer [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LGrandcanThermalizer = LogArea::GrandcanThermalizer::id

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LGrid

constexpr int smash::LGrid = LogArea::Grid::id

Definition at line 81 of file


const std::initializer_list<GridBase::SizeType> smash::ZERO {0}

Definition at line 295 of file


const std::initializer_list<GridBase::SizeType> smash::ZERO_ONE {0, 1}

Definition at line 296 of file


const std::initializer_list<GridBase::SizeType> smash::MINUS_ONE_ZERO {-1, 0}

Definition at line 297 of file


const std::initializer_list<GridBase::SizeType> smash::MINUS_ONE_ZERO_ONE
Initial value:
{-1, 0,

Definition at line 298 of file

◆ LResonances [2/3]

constexpr int smash::LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ LHyperSurfaceCrossing [2/5]

constexpr int smash::LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ LHyperSurfaceCrossing [3/5]

constexpr int smash::LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id

Definition at line 18 of file

◆ LInputParser

constexpr int smash::LInputParser = LogArea::InputParser::id

Definition at line 19 of file

◆ LParticleType [1/2]

constexpr int smash::LParticleType = LogArea::ParticleType::id

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ iso_type_list

IsoParticleTypeList smash::iso_type_list

Definition at line 19 of file

◆ iso_baryon_resonances

std::vector<const IsoParticleType *> smash::iso_baryon_resonances

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ integrate [2/2]

Integrator smash::integrate

Definition at line 181 of file

◆ integrate2d [2/2]

Integrator2d smash::integrate2d

Definition at line 182 of file

◆ NR_tabulations

std::unordered_map<std::string, Tabulation> smash::NR_tabulations

Tabulation of all N R integrals.

Keys are the multiplet names (which are unique).

Definition at line 189 of file

◆ piR_tabulations

std::unordered_map<std::string, Tabulation> smash::piR_tabulations

Tabulation of all pi R integrals.

Keys are the multiplet names (which are unique).

Definition at line 196 of file

◆ RK_tabulations

std::unordered_map<std::string, Tabulation> smash::RK_tabulations

Tabulation of all K R integrals.

Keys are the multiplet names (which are unique).

Definition at line 203 of file

◆ DeltaR_tabulations

std::unordered_map<std::string, Tabulation> smash::DeltaR_tabulations

Tabulation of all Delta R integrals.

Keys are the pairs of multiplet names (which are unique).

Definition at line 210 of file

◆ rhoR_tabulations

std::unordered_map<std::string, Tabulation> smash::rhoR_tabulations

Tabulation of all rho rho integrals.

Keys are the pairs of multiplet names (which are unique).

Definition at line 217 of file

◆ LMain [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LMain = LogArea::Main::id

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ LList

constexpr int smash::LList = LogArea::List::id

Definition at line 36 of file

◆ global_default_loglevel

einhard::LogLevel smash::global_default_loglevel = einhard::ALL

The default logging level is ALL.

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LNucleus

constexpr int smash::LNucleus = LogArea::Nucleus::id

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ LHyperSurfaceCrossing [4/5]

constexpr int smash::LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id

Definition at line 21 of file

◆ LParticleType [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LParticleType = LogArea::ParticleType::id

Definition at line 31 of file

◆ LResonances [3/3]

constexpr int smash::LResonances = LogArea::Resonances::id

Definition at line 32 of file

◆ LPauliBlocking [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LPauliBlocking = LogArea::PauliBlocking::id

Definition at line 16 of file

◆ LPropagation

constexpr int smash::LPropagation = LogArea::Propagation::id

Definition at line 19 of file

◆ LGrandcanThermalizer [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LGrandcanThermalizer = LogArea::GrandcanThermalizer::id

Definition at line 17 of file

◆ LHyperSurfaceCrossing [5/5]

constexpr int smash::LHyperSurfaceCrossing = LogArea::HyperSurfaceCrossing::id

Definition at line 20 of file

◆ LScatterAction [3/4]

constexpr int smash::LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ LScatterActionMulti

constexpr int smash::LScatterActionMulti = LogArea::ScatterActionMulti::id

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ LScatterAction [4/4]

constexpr int smash::LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id

Definition at line 24 of file

◆ LFindScatter

constexpr int smash::LFindScatter = LogArea::FindScatter::id

Definition at line 26 of file

◆ LSphere

constexpr int smash::LSphere = LogArea::Sphere::id

Definition at line 35 of file

◆ LOutput [2/2]

constexpr int smash::LOutput = LogArea::Output::id

Definition at line 20 of file