Version: SMASH-3.1
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  *
3  * Copyright (c) 2014-2023
4  * SMASH Team
5  *
6  * GNU General Public License (GPLv3 or later)
7  *
8  */
10 #include "smash/scatteraction.h"
12 #include <cmath>
14 #include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
16 #include "smash/angles.h"
17 #include "smash/constants.h"
18 #include "smash/crosssections.h"
19 #include "smash/fpenvironment.h"
20 #include "smash/logging.h"
21 #include "smash/pdgcode.h"
22 #include "smash/pow.h"
23 #include "smash/random.h"
25 namespace smash {
26 static constexpr int LScatterAction = LogArea::ScatterAction::id;
29  const ParticleData &in_part_b, double time,
30  bool isotropic, double string_formation_time,
31  double box_length, bool is_total_parametrized)
32  : Action({in_part_a, in_part_b}, time),
33  sum_of_partial_cross_sections_(0.),
34  isotropic_(isotropic),
35  string_formation_time_(string_formation_time),
36  is_total_parametrized_(is_total_parametrized) {
37  box_length_ = box_length;
38  if (is_total_parametrized_) {
39  parametrized_total_cross_section_ = NAN;
40  }
41 }
43 void ScatterAction::add_collision(CollisionBranchPtr p) {
44  add_process<CollisionBranch>(p, collision_channels_,
46 }
48 void ScatterAction::add_collisions(CollisionBranchList pv) {
49  add_processes<CollisionBranch>(std::move(pv), collision_channels_,
51 }
54  logg[LScatterAction].debug("Incoming particles: ", incoming_particles_);
56  const CollisionBranch *proc = choose_channel<CollisionBranch>(
60  process_type_ = proc->get_type();
64  logg[LScatterAction].debug("Chosen channel: ", process_type_,
67  /* The production point of the new particles. */
68  FourVector middle_point = get_interaction_point();
70  switch (process_type_) {
72  /* 2->2 elastic scattering */
74  break;
76  /* resonance formation */
78  break;
80  /* 2->2 inelastic scattering */
81  /* Sample the particle momenta in CM system. */
83  break;
87  /* 2->m scattering */
89  break;
97  break;
98  default:
100  "ScatterAction::generate_final_state: Invalid process type " +
101  std::to_string(static_cast<int>(process_type_)) + " was requested. " +
102  "(PDGcode1=" + incoming_particles_[0].pdgcode().string() +
103  ", PDGcode2=" + incoming_particles_[1].pdgcode().string() + ")");
104  }
106  for (ParticleData &new_particle : outgoing_particles_) {
107  // Boost to the computational frame
108  new_particle.boost_momentum(
110  /* Set positions of the outgoing particles */
111  if (proc->get_type() != ProcessType::Elastic) {
112  new_particle.set_4position(middle_point);
113  }
114  }
115 }
118  const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters) {
119  if (were_processes_added_) {
120  logg[LScatterAction].fatal() << "Trying to add processes again.";
121  throw std::logic_error(
122  "add_all_scatterings should be called only once per ScatterAction "
123  "instance");
124  } else {
125  were_processes_added_ = true;
126  }
129  CollisionBranchList processes =
130  xs.generate_collision_list(finder_parameters, string_process_);
132  /* Add various subprocesses.*/
133  add_collisions(std::move(processes));
135  /* If the string processes are not triggered by a probability, then they
136  * always happen as long as the parametrized total cross section is larger
137  * than the sum of the cross sections of the non-string processes, and the
138  * square root s exceeds the threshold by at least 0.9 GeV. The cross section
139  * of the string processes are counted by taking the difference between the
140  * parametrized total and the sum of the non-strings. */
141  if (!finder_parameters.strings_with_probability &&
142  xs.string_probability(finder_parameters)) {
143  const double xs_diff =
144  xs.high_energy(finder_parameters.transition_high_energy) -
146  if (xs_diff > 0.) {
148  finder_parameters.use_AQM));
149  }
150  }
152  ParticleTypePtr pseudoresonance =
154  finder_parameters.transition_high_energy);
155  if (pseudoresonance && finder_parameters.two_to_one) {
156  const double xs_total =
159  : xs.high_energy(finder_parameters.transition_high_energy);
160  const double xs_gap = xs_total - sum_of_partial_cross_sections_;
161  // The pseudo-resonance is only created if there is a (positive) cross
162  // section gap
163  if (xs_gap > really_small) {
164  auto pseudoresonance_branch = std::make_unique<CollisionBranch>(
165  *pseudoresonance, xs_gap, ProcessType::TwoToOne);
166  add_collision(std::move(pseudoresonance_branch));
167  logg[LScatterAction].debug()
168  << "Pseudoresonance between " << incoming_particles_[0].type().name()
169  << " and " << incoming_particles_[1].type().name() << "is"
170  << pseudoresonance->name() << " with cross section " << xs_gap
171  << "mb.";
172  }
173  }
174  were_processes_added_ = true;
175  // Rescale the branches so that their sum matches the parametrization
178  }
179 }
182  if (!were_processes_added_) {
183  logg[LScatterAction].fatal()
184  << "Trying to rescale branches before adding processes.";
185  throw std::logic_error(
186  "This function can only be called after having added processes.");
187  }
189  logg[LScatterAction].warn() << "Current total cross section is roughly "
190  "zero and no rescaling to match "
191  "the parametrized one will be done.\nAn "
192  "elastic process will be added,"
193  "instead, to match the total cross section.";
194  auto elastic_branch = std::make_unique<CollisionBranch>(
195  incoming_particles_[0].type(), incoming_particles_[1].type(),
197  add_collision(std::move(elastic_branch));
198  } else {
199  const double reweight =
201  logg[LScatterAction].debug("Reweighting ", sum_of_partial_cross_sections_,
203  for (auto &proc : collision_channels_) {
204  proc->set_weight(proc->weight() * reweight);
205  }
206  }
207 }
210  const PseudoResonance method,
211  const StringTransitionParameters &transition) const {
212  const ParticleTypePtr type_a = &incoming_particles_[0].type();
213  const ParticleTypePtr type_b = &incoming_particles_[1].type();
214  const double desired_mass = sqrt_s();
216  double string_offset = 0.5 * transition.sqrts_add_lower;
217  const bool nucleon_and_pion = (type_a->is_nucleon() && type_b->is_pion()) ||
218  (type_a->is_pion() && type_b->is_nucleon());
219  const bool two_nucleons = type_a->is_nucleon() && type_b->is_nucleon();
220  const bool two_pions = type_a->is_pion() && type_b->is_pion();
221  const bool nucleon_and_kaon = (type_a->is_nucleon() && type_b->is_kaon()) ||
222  (type_a->is_kaon() && type_b->is_nucleon());
223  if (nucleon_and_pion) {
224  string_offset = transition.sqrts_range_Npi.first - pion_mass - nucleon_mass;
225  } else if (two_nucleons) {
226  string_offset = transition.sqrts_range_NN.first - 2 * nucleon_mass;
227  } else if (two_pions) {
228  string_offset = transition.pipi_offset;
229  } else if (nucleon_and_kaon) {
230  string_offset = transition.KN_offset;
231  }
232  /*
233  * Artificial cutoff to create a pseudo-resonance only close to the string
234  * transition, where data or first-principle models are unhelpful
235  */
236  if (desired_mass < incoming_particles_[0].effective_mass() +
237  incoming_particles_[1].effective_mass() +
238  string_offset) {
239  return {};
240  }
242  if (method == PseudoResonance::None) {
243  return {};
244  } else if (method == PseudoResonance::LargestFromUnstable ||
246  if (type_a->is_stable() && type_b->is_stable()) {
247  return {};
248  }
249  }
251  // If this list is empty, there are no possible pseudo-resonances.
252  ParticleTypePtrList list = list_possible_resonances(type_a, type_b);
253  if (std::empty(list)) {
254  return {};
255  }
257  if (method == PseudoResonance::Largest ||
259  auto largest = *std::max_element(list.begin(), list.end(),
261  return a->mass() < b->mass();
262  });
263  return largest;
264  } else if (method == PseudoResonance::Closest ||
266  auto comparison = [&desired_mass](ParticleTypePtr a, ParticleTypePtr b) {
267  return std::abs(a->mass() - desired_mass) <
268  std::abs(b->mass() - desired_mass);
269  };
270  auto closest = *std::min_element(list.begin(), list.end(), comparison);
271  return closest;
272  } else {
273  throw std::logic_error("Unknown method for selecting pseudoresonance.");
274  }
275 }
278  const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters) {
284  xs.parametrized_total(finder_parameters);
285  } else {
286  logg[LScatterAction].fatal()
287  << "Trying to parametrize total cross section when it shouldn't be.";
288  throw std::logic_error(
289  "This function can only be called on ScatterAction objects with "
290  "parametrized cross section.");
291  }
292 }
296  incoming_particles_[0].xsec_scaling_factor() *
297  incoming_particles_[1].xsec_scaling_factor();
298 }
301  return partial_cross_section_ * incoming_particles_[0].xsec_scaling_factor() *
302  incoming_particles_[1].xsec_scaling_factor();
303 }
306  return total_momentum().velocity();
307 }
309 double ScatterAction::gamma_cm() const {
310  return (1. / std::sqrt(1.0 - beta_cm().sqr()));
311 }
313 double ScatterAction::mandelstam_s() const { return total_momentum().sqr(); }
316  const double m1 = incoming_particles_[0].effective_mass();
317  const double m2 = incoming_particles_[1].effective_mass();
318  return pCM(sqrt_s(), m1, m2);
319 }
322  const double m1 = incoming_particles_[0].effective_mass();
323  const double m2 = incoming_particles_[1].effective_mass();
324  return pCM_sqr(sqrt_s(), m1, m2);
325 }
328  const double m1 = incoming_particles()[0].effective_mass();
329  const double m2 = incoming_particles()[1].effective_mass();
330  const double m_s = mandelstam_s();
331  const double lamb = lambda_tilde(m_s, m1 * m1, m2 * m2);
332  return std::sqrt(lamb) / (2. * incoming_particles()[0].momentum().x0() *
333  incoming_particles()[1].momentum().x0());
334 }
337  // local copy of particles (since we need to boost them)
340  /* Boost particles to center-of-momentum frame. */
341  const ThreeVector velocity = beta_cm();
342  p_a.boost(velocity);
343  p_b.boost(velocity);
344  const ThreeVector pos_diff =
345  p_a.position().threevec() - p_b.position().threevec();
346  const ThreeVector mom_diff =
347  p_a.momentum().threevec() - p_b.momentum().threevec();
349  logg[LScatterAction].debug("Particle ", incoming_particles_,
350  " position difference [fm]: ", pos_diff,
351  ", momentum difference [GeV]: ", mom_diff);
353  const double dp2 = mom_diff.sqr();
354  const double dr2 = pos_diff.sqr();
355  /* Zero momentum leads to infite distance. */
356  if (dp2 < really_small) {
357  return dr2;
358  }
359  const double dpdr = pos_diff * mom_diff;
361  /* UrQMD squared distance criterion, in the center of momentum frame:
362  * position of particle a: x_a
363  * position of particle b: x_b
364  * momentum of particle a: p_a
365  * momentum of particle b: p_b
366  * d^2_{coll} = (x_a - x_b)^2 - ((x_a - x_b) . (p_a - p_b))^2 / (p_a - p_b)^2
367  */
368  const double result = dr2 - dpdr * dpdr / dp2;
369  return result > 0.0 ? result : 0.0;
370 }
373  // local copy of particles (since we need to boost them)
377  const FourVector delta_x = p_a.position() - p_b.position();
378  const double mom_diff_sqr =
379  (p_a.momentum().threevec() - p_b.momentum().threevec()).sqr();
380  const double x_sqr = delta_x.sqr();
382  if (mom_diff_sqr < really_small) {
383  return -x_sqr;
384  }
386  const double p_a_sqr = p_a.momentum().sqr();
387  const double p_b_sqr = p_b.momentum().sqr();
388  const double p_a_dot_x = p_a.momentum().Dot(delta_x);
389  const double p_b_dot_x = p_b.momentum().Dot(delta_x);
390  const double p_a_dot_p_b = p_a.momentum().Dot(p_b.momentum());
392  const double b_sqr =
393  -x_sqr -
394  (p_a_sqr * std::pow(p_b_dot_x, 2) + p_b_sqr * std::pow(p_a_dot_x, 2) -
395  2 * p_a_dot_p_b * p_a_dot_x * p_b_dot_x) /
396  (std::pow(p_a_dot_p_b, 2) - p_a_sqr * p_b_sqr);
397  return b_sqr > 0.0 ? b_sqr : 0.0;
398 }
408 static double high_energy_bpp(double plab) {
409  double mandelstam_s = s_from_plab(plab, nucleon_mass, nucleon_mass);
410  return 7.6 + 0.66 * std::log(mandelstam_s);
411 }
425 static double Cugnon_bpp(double plab) {
426  if (plab < 2.) {
427  double p8 = pow_int(plab, 8);
428  return 5.5 * p8 / (7.7 + p8);
429  } else {
430  return std::min(high_energy_bpp(plab), 5.334 + 0.67 * (plab - 2.));
431  }
432 }
444 static double Cugnon_bnp(double plab) {
445  if (plab < 0.225) {
446  return 0.;
447  } else if (plab < 0.6) {
448  return 16.53 * (plab - 0.225);
449  } else if (plab < 1.6) {
450  return -1.63 * plab + 7.16;
451  } else {
452  return Cugnon_bpp(plab);
453  }
454 }
456 void ScatterAction::sample_angles(std::pair<double, double> masses,
457  double kinetic_energy_cm) {
460  // We potentially have more than two particles, so the following angular
461  // distributions don't work. Instead we just keep the angular
462  // distributions generated by string fragmentation.
463  return;
464  }
465  assert(outgoing_particles_.size() == 2);
467  // NN scattering is anisotropic currently
468  const bool nn_scattering = incoming_particles_[0].type().is_nucleon() &&
469  incoming_particles_[1].type().is_nucleon();
470  /* Elastic process is anisotropic and
471  * the angular distribution is based on the NN elastic scattering. */
472  const bool el_scattering = process_type_ == ProcessType::Elastic;
474  const double mass_in_a = incoming_particles_[0].effective_mass();
475  const double mass_in_b = incoming_particles_[1].effective_mass();
480  const double mass_a = masses.first;
481  const double mass_b = masses.second;
483  const std::array<double, 2> t_range = get_t_range<double>(
484  kinetic_energy_cm, mass_in_a, mass_in_b, mass_a, mass_b);
485  Angles phitheta;
486  if (el_scattering && !isotropic_) {
490  double mandelstam_s_new = 0.;
491  if (nn_scattering) {
492  mandelstam_s_new = mandelstam_s();
493  } else {
494  /* In the case of elastic collisions other than NN collisions,
495  * there is an ambiguity on how to get the lab-frame momentum (plab),
496  * since the incoming particles can have different masses.
497  * Right now, we first obtain the center-of-mass momentum
498  * of the collision (pcom_now).
499  * Then, the lab-frame momentum is evaluated from the mandelstam s,
500  * which yields the original center-of-mass momentum
501  * when nucleon mass is assumed. */
502  const double pcm_now = pCM_from_s(mandelstam_s(), mass_in_a, mass_in_b);
503  mandelstam_s_new =
504  4. * std::sqrt(pcm_now * pcm_now + nucleon_mass * nucleon_mass);
505  }
506  double bb, a, plab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s_new);
507  if (nn_scattering &&
508  p_a->pdgcode().antiparticle_sign() ==
509  p_b->pdgcode().antiparticle_sign() &&
510  std::abs(p_a->type().charge() + p_b->type().charge()) == 1) {
511  // proton-neutron and antiproton-antineutron
512  bb = std::max(Cugnon_bnp(plab), really_small);
513  a = (plab < 0.8) ? 1. : 0.64 / (plab * plab);
514  } else {
515  /* all others including pp, nn and AQM elastic processes
516  * This is applied for all particle pairs, which are allowed to
517  * interact elastically. */
518  bb = std::max(Cugnon_bpp(plab), really_small);
519  a = 1.;
520  }
521  double t = random::expo(bb, t_range[0], t_range[1]);
522  if (random::canonical() > 1. / (1. + a)) {
523  t = t_range[0] + t_range[1] - t;
524  }
525  // determine scattering angles in center-of-mass frame
526  phitheta = Angles(2. * M_PI * random::canonical(),
527  1. - 2. * (t - t_range[0]) / (t_range[1] - t_range[0]));
528  } else if (nn_scattering && p_a->pdgcode().is_Delta() &&
529  p_b->pdgcode().is_nucleon() &&
530  p_a->pdgcode().antiparticle_sign() ==
531  p_b->pdgcode().antiparticle_sign() &&
532  !isotropic_) {
536  const double plab = plab_from_s(mandelstam_s());
537  const double bb = std::max(Cugnon_bpp(plab), really_small);
538  double t = random::expo(bb, t_range[0], t_range[1]);
539  if (random::canonical() > 0.5) {
540  t = t_range[0] + t_range[1] - t; // symmetrize
541  }
542  phitheta = Angles(2. * M_PI * random::canonical(),
543  1. - 2. * (t - t_range[0]) / (t_range[1] - t_range[0]));
544  } else if (nn_scattering && p_b->pdgcode().is_nucleon() && !isotropic_ &&
545  (p_a->type().is_Nstar() || p_a->type().is_Deltastar())) {
547  const std::array<double, 4> p{1.46434, 5.80311, -6.89358, 1.94302};
548  const double a = p[0] + mass_a * (p[1] + mass_a * (p[2] + mass_a * p[3]));
549  /* If the resonance is so heavy that the index "a" exceeds 30,
550  * the power function turns out to be too sharp. Take t directly to be
551  * t_0 in such a case. */
552  double t = t_range[0];
553  if (a < 30) {
554  t = random::power(-a, t_range[0], t_range[1]);
555  }
556  if (random::canonical() > 0.5) {
557  t = t_range[0] + t_range[1] - t; // symmetrize
558  }
559  phitheta = Angles(2. * M_PI * random::canonical(),
560  1. - 2. * (t - t_range[0]) / (t_range[1] - t_range[0]));
561  } else {
562  /* isotropic angular distribution */
563  phitheta.distribute_isotropically();
564  }
566  ThreeVector pscatt = phitheta.threevec();
567  // 3-momentum of first incoming particle in center-of-mass frame
568  ThreeVector pcm =
569  incoming_particles_[0].momentum().lorentz_boost(beta_cm()).threevec();
570  pscatt.rotate_z_axis_to(pcm);
572  // final-state CM momentum
573  const double p_f = pCM(kinetic_energy_cm, mass_a, mass_b);
574  if (!(p_f > 0.0)) {
575  logg[LScatterAction].warn("Particle: ", p_a->pdgcode(),
576  " radial momentum: ", p_f);
577  logg[LScatterAction].warn("Etot: ", kinetic_energy_cm, " m_a: ", mass_a,
578  " m_b: ", mass_b);
579  }
580  p_a->set_4momentum(mass_a, pscatt * p_f);
581  p_b->set_4momentum(mass_b, -pscatt * p_f);
583  /* Debug message is printed before boost, so that p_a and p_b are
584  * the momenta in the center of mass frame and thus opposite to
585  * each other.*/
586  logg[LScatterAction].debug("p_a: ", *p_a, "\np_b: ", *p_b);
587 }
590  // copy initial particles into final state
593  // resample momenta
594  sample_angles({outgoing_particles_[0].effective_mass(),
595  outgoing_particles_[1].effective_mass()},
596  sqrt_s());
597 }
600  // create new particles
603 }
608  logg[LScatterAction].debug("2->", outgoing_particles_.size(),
609  " scattering:", incoming_particles_, " -> ",
611 }
614  if (outgoing_particles_.size() != 1) {
615  std::string s =
616  "resonance_formation: "
617  "Incorrect number of particles in final state: ";
618  s += std::to_string(outgoing_particles_.size()) + " (";
619  s += incoming_particles_[0].pdgcode().string() + " + ";
620  s += incoming_particles_[1].pdgcode().string() + ")";
621  throw InvalidResonanceFormation(s);
622  }
623  // Set the momentum of the formed resonance in its rest frame.
624  outgoing_particles_[0].set_4momentum(
625  total_momentum_of_outgoing_particles().abs(), 0., 0., 0.);
627  /* this momentum is evaluated in the computational frame. */
628  logg[LScatterAction].debug("Momentum of the new particle: ",
629  outgoing_particles_[0].momentum());
630 }
632 /* This function generates the outgoing state when
633  * ScatterAction::string_excitation() is used */
638  /* Check momentum difference for debugging */
639  FourVector out_mom;
640  for (ParticleData data : outgoing_particles_) {
641  out_mom += data.momentum();
642  }
643  logg[LPythia].debug("Incoming momenta string:", total_momentum());
644  logg[LPythia].debug("Outgoing momenta string:", out_mom);
645 }
647 /* This function will generate outgoing particles in computational frame
648  * from a hard process.
649  * The way to excite soft strings is based on the UrQMD model */
652  assert(incoming_particles_.size() == 2);
653  // Disable floating point exception trap for Pythia
654  {
655  DisableFloatTraps guard;
656  /* initialize the string_process_ object for this particular collision */
658  /* implement collision */
659  bool success = false;
660  int ntry = 0;
661  const int ntry_max = 10000;
662  while (!success && ntry < ntry_max) {
663  ntry++;
664  switch (process_type_) {
666  /* single diffractive to A+X */
667  success = string_process_->next_SDiff(true);
668  break;
670  /* single diffractive to X+B */
671  success = string_process_->next_SDiff(false);
672  break;
674  /* double diffractive */
675  success = string_process_->next_DDiff();
676  break;
678  /* soft non-diffractive */
679  success = string_process_->next_NDiffSoft();
680  break;
682  /* soft BBbar 2 mesonic annihilation */
683  success = string_process_->next_BBbarAnn();
684  break;
686  success = string_process_->next_NDiffHard();
687  break;
688  default:
689  logg[LPythia].error("Unknown string process required.");
690  success = false;
691  }
692  }
693  if (ntry == ntry_max) {
694  /* If pythia fails to form a string, it is usually because the energy
695  * is not large enough. In this case, annihilation is then enforced. If
696  * this process still does not not produce any results, it defaults to
697  * an elastic collision. */
698  bool success_newtry = false;
700  /* Check if the initial state is a baryon-antibaryon state.*/
701  PdgCode part1 = incoming_particles_[0].pdgcode(),
702  part2 = incoming_particles_[1].pdgcode();
703  bool is_BBbar_Pair = (part1.baryon_number() != 0) &&
704  (part1.baryon_number() == -part2.baryon_number());
706  /* Decide on the new process .*/
707  if (is_BBbar_Pair) {
709  } else {
711  }
712  /* Perform the new process*/
713  int ntry_new = 0;
714  while (!success_newtry && ntry_new < ntry_max) {
715  ntry_new++;
716  if (is_BBbar_Pair) {
717  success_newtry = string_process_->next_BBbarAnn();
718  } else {
719  success_newtry = string_process_->next_DDiff();
720  }
721  }
723  if (success_newtry) {
725  }
727  if (!success_newtry) {
728  /* If annihilation fails:
729  * Particles are normally added after process selection for
730  * strings, outgoing_particles is still uninitialized, and memory
731  * needs to be allocated. We also shift the process_type_ to elastic
732  * so that sample_angles does a proper treatment. */
733  outgoing_particles_.reserve(2);
738  }
739  } else {
741  }
742  }
743 }
745 void ScatterAction::format_debug_output(std::ostream &out) const {
746  out << "Scatter of " << incoming_particles_;
747  if (outgoing_particles_.empty()) {
748  out << " (not performed)";
749  } else {
750  out << " to " << outgoing_particles_;
751  }
752 }
754 } // namespace smash
Thrown for example when ScatterAction is called to perform with a wrong number of final-state particl...
Definition: action.h:330
Action is the base class for a generic process that takes a number of incoming particles and transfor...
Definition: action.h:35
void sample_2body_phasespace()
Sample the full 2-body phase-space (masses, momenta, angles) in the center-of-mass frame for the fina...
FourVector total_momentum_of_outgoing_particles() const
Calculate the total kinetic momentum of the outgoing particles.
void assign_formation_time_to_outgoing_particles()
Assign the formation time to the outgoing particles.
std::pair< FourVector, FourVector > get_potential_at_interaction_point() const
Get the skyrme and asymmetry potential at the interaction point.
ParticleList outgoing_particles_
Initially this stores only the PDG codes of final-state particles.
Definition: action.h:363
FourVector total_momentum() const
Sum of 4-momenta of incoming particles.
Definition: action.h:389
virtual void sample_manybody_phasespace()
Sample the full n-body phase-space (masses, momenta, angles) in the center-of-mass frame for the fina...
const double time_of_execution_
Time at which the action is supposed to be performed (absolute time in the lab frame in fm).
Definition: action.h:369
const ParticleList & incoming_particles() const
Get the list of particles that go into the action.
double sqrt_s() const
Determine the total energy in the center-of-mass frame [GeV].
Definition: action.h:271
ParticleList incoming_particles_
List with data of incoming particles.
Definition: action.h:355
FourVector get_interaction_point() const
Get the interaction point.
static double lambda_tilde(double a, double b, double c)
Little helper function that calculates the lambda function (sometimes written with a tilde to better ...
Definition: action.h:315
ProcessType process_type_
type of process
Definition: action.h:372
Angles provides a common interface for generating directions: i.e., two angles that should be interpr...
Definition: angles.h:59
ThreeVector threevec() const
Definition: angles.h:288
void distribute_isotropically()
Populate the object with a new direction.
Definition: angles.h:199
CollisionBranch is a derivative of ProcessBranch, which is used to represent particular final-state c...
ProcessType get_type() const override
The cross section class assembels everything that is needed to calculate the cross section and return...
Definition: crosssections.h:31
double string_probability(const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters) const
CollisionBranchList string_excitation(double total_string_xs, StringProcess *string_process, bool use_AQM) const
Determine the cross section for string excitations, which is given by the difference between the para...
double parametrized_total(const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters) const
Select the parametrization for the total cross section, given the types of incoming particles.
CollisionBranchList generate_collision_list(const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters, StringProcess *string_process) const
Generate a list of all possible collisions between the incoming particles with the given c....
double high_energy(const StringTransitionParameters &transition_high_energy) const
Determine the parametrized total cross section at high energies for the given collision,...
Guard type that safely disables floating point traps for the scope in which it is placed.
Definition: fpenvironment.h:79
The FourVector class holds relevant values in Minkowski spacetime with (+, −, −, −) metric signature.
Definition: fourvector.h:33
double sqr() const
calculate the square of the vector (which is a scalar)
Definition: fourvector.h:460
ThreeVector threevec() const
Definition: fourvector.h:329
double Dot(const FourVector &a) const
calculate the scalar product with another four-vector
Definition: fourvector.h:456
ThreeVector velocity() const
Get the velocity (3-vector divided by zero component).
Definition: fourvector.h:333
ParticleData contains the dynamic information of a certain particle.
Definition: particledata.h:58
PdgCode pdgcode() const
Get the pdgcode of the particle.
Definition: particledata.h:87
void set_4momentum(const FourVector &momentum_vector)
Set the particle's 4-momentum directly.
Definition: particledata.h:164
const ParticleType & type() const
Get the type of the particle.
Definition: particledata.h:128
const FourVector & momentum() const
Get the particle's 4-momentum.
Definition: particledata.h:158
void boost(const ThreeVector &v)
Apply a full Lorentz boost of momentum and position.
Definition: particledata.h:323
const FourVector & position() const
Get the particle's position in Minkowski space.
Definition: particledata.h:204
A pointer-like interface to global references to ParticleType objects.
Definition: particletype.h:676
bool is_pion() const
Definition: particletype.h:219
bool is_Nstar() const
Definition: particletype.h:231
const std::string & name() const
Definition: particletype.h:142
int32_t charge() const
The charge of the particle.
Definition: particletype.h:189
bool is_stable() const
Definition: particletype.h:246
bool is_nucleon() const
Definition: particletype.h:216
double mass() const
Definition: particletype.h:145
bool is_kaon() const
Definition: particletype.h:222
bool is_Deltastar() const
Definition: particletype.h:240
PdgCode stores a Particle Data Group Particle Numbering Scheme particle type number.
Definition: pdgcode.h:111
int antiparticle_sign() const
Definition: pdgcode.h:651
int baryon_number() const
Definition: pdgcode.h:381
bool is_nucleon() const
Definition: pdgcode.h:397
bool is_Delta() const
Definition: pdgcode.h:421
ParticleList particle_list() const
double weight() const
Thrown when ScatterAction is called to perform with unknown ProcessType.
bool isotropic_
Do this collision isotropically?
ScatterAction(const ParticleData &in_part1, const ParticleData &in_part2, double time, bool isotropic=false, double string_formation_time=1.0, double box_length=-1.0, bool is_total_parametrized=false)
Construct a ScatterAction object.
std::optional< double > parametrized_total_cross_section_
If cross section is parametrized, store the value.
void rescale_outgoing_branches()
Loop over the possible branches and rescales their weight according to the desired total cross sectio...
void add_collision(CollisionBranchPtr p)
Add a new collision channel.
void resonance_formation()
Perform a 2->1 resonance-formation process.
ThreeVector beta_cm() const
Get the velocity of the center of mass of the scattering/incoming particles in the calculation frame.
double partial_cross_section_
Partial cross-section to the chosen outgoing channel.
double relative_velocity() const
Get the relative velocity of the two incoming particles.
double mandelstam_s() const
Determine the Mandelstam s variable,.
void set_parametrized_total_cross_section(const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters)
Given the incoming particles, assigns the correct parametrization of the total cross section.
double get_partial_weight() const override
Get the partial cross section of the chosen channel.
StringProcess * string_process_
Pointer to interface class for strings.
bool is_total_parametrized_
Whether the total cross section is parametrized.
void create_string_final_state()
Creates the final states for string-processes after they are performed.
double sum_of_partial_cross_sections_
Current sum of partial hadronic cross sections.
double cm_momentum_squared() const
Get the squared momentum of the center of mass of the incoming particles in the calculation frame.
void generate_final_state() override
Generate the final-state of the scattering process.
void add_all_scatterings(const ScatterActionsFinderParameters &finder_parameters)
Add all possible scattering subprocesses for this action object.
void two_to_many_scattering()
Perform an inelastic two-to-many-body scattering (more than 2)
double get_total_weight() const override
Get the total cross section of scattering particles.
void string_excitation()
Todo(ryu): document better - it is not really UrQMD-based, isn't it? Perform the UrQMD-based string e...
void elastic_scattering()
Perform an elastic two-body scattering, i.e. just exchange momentum.
void inelastic_scattering()
Perform an inelastic two-body scattering, i.e. new particles are formed.
void sample_angles(std::pair< double, double > masses, double kinetic_energy_cm) override
Sample final-state angles in a 2->2 collision (possibly anisotropic).
void add_collisions(CollisionBranchList pv)
Add several new collision channels at once.
double gamma_cm() const
Get the gamma factor corresponding to a boost to the center of mass frame of the colliding particles.
double cm_momentum() const
Get the momentum of the center of mass of the incoming particles in the calculation frame.
bool were_processes_added_
Lock for calling add_all_scatterings only once.
double cov_transverse_distance_sqr() const
Calculate the transverse distance of the two incoming particles in their local rest frame written in ...
ParticleTypePtr try_find_pseudoresonance(const PseudoResonance method, const StringTransitionParameters &transition) const
Try to find a pseudo-resonance that can be created from the incoming particles using a given method.
CollisionBranchList collision_channels_
List of possible collisions.
double transverse_distance_sqr() const
Calculate the transverse distance of the two incoming particles in their local rest frame.
bool next_SDiff(bool is_AB_to_AX)
Single-diffractive process is based on single pomeron exchange described in Ingelman:1984ns .
bool next_NDiffSoft()
Soft Non-diffractive process is modelled in accordance with dual-topological approach Capella:1978ig ...
bool next_DDiff()
Double-diffractive process ( A + B -> X + X ) is similar to the single-diffractive process,...
ParticleList get_final_state()
a function to get the final state particle list which is called after the collision
bool next_BBbarAnn()
Baryon-antibaryon annihilation process Based on what UrQMD Bass:1998ca , Bleicher:1999xi does,...
void init(const ParticleList &incoming, double tcoll)
initialization feed intial particles, time of collision and gamma factor of the center of mass.
bool next_NDiffHard()
Hard Non-diffractive process is based on PYTHIA 8 with partonic showers and interactions.
The ThreeVector class represents a physical three-vector with the components .
Definition: threevector.h:31
double sqr() const
Definition: threevector.h:266
void rotate_z_axis_to(ThreeVector &r)
Rotate the z-axis onto the vector r.
Definition: threevector.h:326
Collection of useful constants that are known at compile time.
Which pseudo-resonance fills the inelastic gap in the transition to string region of cross sections.
@ Closest
Resonance with the pole mass closest from the invariant mass of incoming particles for all processes.
@ ClosestFromUnstable
Closest resonance for a given mass from processes with at least one resonance in the incoming particl...
@ None
No pseudo-resonance is created.
@ LargestFromUnstable
Heaviest possible resonance from processes with at least one resonance in the incoming particles.
@ Largest
Resonance of largest mass for all processes.
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
void format_debug_output(std::ostream &out) const override
Writes information about this scatter action to the out stream.
constexpr int p
T power(T n, T xMin, T xMax)
Draws a random number according to a power-law distribution ~ x^n.
Definition: random.h:203
T expo(T A, T x1, T x2)
Draws a random number x from an exponential distribution exp(A*x), where A is assumed to be positive,...
Definition: random.h:166
T canonical()
Definition: random.h:113
Definition: action.h:24
double plab_from_s(double mandelstam_s, double mass)
Convert Mandelstam-s to p_lab in a fixed-target collision.
Definition: kinematics.h:157
static double Cugnon_bnp(double plab)
Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic np...
T pCM(const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:79
ParticleTypePtrList list_possible_resonances(const ParticleTypePtr type_a, const ParticleTypePtr type_b)
Lists the possible resonances that decay into two particles.
T pCM_sqr(const T sqrts, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:91
@ FailedString
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToOne
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftDoubleDiffractive
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToFive
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftSingleDiffractiveXB
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToTwo
See here for a short description.
@ Elastic
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToFour
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftAnnihilation
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftNonDiffractive
See here for a short description.
@ StringSoftSingleDiffractiveAX
See here for a short description.
@ StringHard
See here for a short description.
@ TwoToThree
See here for a short description.
static double high_energy_bpp(double plab)
Computes the B coefficients from the STAR fit, see fig.
constexpr double nucleon_mass
Nucleon mass in GeV.
Definition: constants.h:58
constexpr T pow_int(const T base, unsigned const exponent)
Efficient template for calculating integer powers using squaring.
Definition: pow.h:23
constexpr double pion_mass
Pion mass in GeV.
Definition: constants.h:65
T pCM_from_s(const T s, const T mass_a, const T mass_b) noexcept
Definition: kinematics.h:66
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:37
static constexpr int LScatterAction
static constexpr int LPythia
Definition: stringprocess.h:26
bool is_string_soft_process(ProcessType p)
Check if a given process type is a soft string excitation.
double s_from_plab(double plab, double m_P, double m_T)
Convert p_lab to Mandelstam-s for a fixed-target setup, with a projectile of mass m_P and momentum pl...
Definition: kinematics.h:265
static double Cugnon_bpp(double plab)
Computes the B coefficients from the Cugnon parametrization of the angular distribution in elastic pp...
Helper structure for ScatterActionsFinder.
const bool strings_with_probability
This indicates whether the string fragmentation is swiched on with a probability smoothly increasing ...
const bool use_AQM
Switch to control whether to use AQM or not.
const StringTransitionParameters transition_high_energy
Constants related to transition between low collision energies - mediated via resonances - and high c...
const PseudoResonance pseudoresonance_method
Which pseudo-resonance to choose.
const bool two_to_one
Enables resonance production.
Constants related to transition between low and high collision energies.
const std::pair< double, double > sqrts_range_Npi
Transition range in N collisions.
const double pipi_offset
Constant offset as to where to turn on the strings and elastic processes for reactions (this is an e...
const double sqrts_add_lower
Constant for the lower end of transition region in the case of AQM this is added to the sum of masses...
const double KN_offset
Constant offset as to where to shift from 2to2 to string processes (in GeV) in the case of KN reactio...
const std::pair< double, double > sqrts_range_NN
Transition range in NN collisions.