Version: SMASH-3.1
smash::GrandCanThermalizer Class Reference

#include <grandcan_thermalizer.h>

The GrandCanThermalizer class implements the following functionality:

  1. Create a lattice and find the local rest frame energy density in each cell from the particles.
  2. Remove particles from the cells, where the energy density is high enough. Save the energy, momentum and quantum numbers of the removed particles.
  3. Sample new particles instead of the removed ones according to the grand-canonical thermal distribution, but with an additional constraint: the energy, momentum and quantum numbers should be the same as those of the removed particles.

The step 3. is a challenging task, so several algorithms are implemented that try to fulfil the requirements. The algorithms are a trade-off between mathematical rigour and computational speed. All of them are shown to reproduce the mean values of multiplicities correctly. However, this is not the case for multiplicity fluctuations. For details see Oliinychenko:2016vkg [41].

Definition at line 188 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

Public Member Functions

 GrandCanThermalizer (const std::array< double, 3 > lat_sizes, const std::array< int, 3 > n_cells, const std::array< double, 3 > origin, bool periodicity, double e_critical, double t_start, double delta_t, ThermalizationAlgorithm algo, bool BF_microcanonical)
 Default constructor for the GranCanThermalizer to allocate the lattice. More...
 GrandCanThermalizer (Configuration &conf, const std::array< double, 3 > lat_sizes, const std::array< double, 3 > origin, bool periodicity)
bool is_time_to_thermalize (std::unique_ptr< Clock > &clock) const
 Check that the clock is close to n * period of thermalization, since the thermalization only happens at these times. More...
void update_thermalizer_lattice (const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, const DensityParameters &par, bool ignore_cells_under_threshold=true)
 Compute all the thermodynamical quantities on the lattice from particles. More...
ThreeVector uniform_in_cell () const
void renormalize_momenta (ParticleList &plist, const FourVector required_total_momentum)
 Changes energy and momenta of the particles in plist to match the required_total_momentum. More...
void sample_multinomial (HadronClass particle_class, int N)
 The sample_multinomial function samples integer numbers n_i distributed according to the multinomial distribution with sum N: \( p(n_1, n_2, \dots) = \prod a_i^{n_i} \times \frac{N!}{n_1!n_2! \dots} \) if \( \sum n_i = N \) and \( p = 0 \) otherwise. More...
void sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo (ParticleList &plist, const double time, size_t type_index)
 The total number of particles of species type_index is defined by mult_int_ array that is returned by. More...
void thermalize_BF_algo (QuantumNumbers &conserved_initial, double time, int ntest)
 Samples particles according to the BF algorithm by making use of the. More...
template<typename F >
void compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo (F &&condition)
 Computes average number of particles in each cell for the mode algorithm. More...
template<typename F >
ParticleData sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo (const double time, F &&condition)
 Samples one particle and the species, cell, momentum and coordinate are chosen from the corresponding distributions. More...
void thermalize_mode_algo (QuantumNumbers &conserved_initial, double time)
 Samples particles to the according to the mode algorithm. More...
void thermalize (const Particles &particles, double time, int ntest)
 Main thermalize function, that chooses the algorithm to follow (BF or mode sampling). More...
void print_statistics (const Clock &clock) const
 Generates standard output with information about the thermodynamic properties of the lattice, the thermalized region and the volume to be thermalized above the critical energy density. More...
RectangularLattice< ThermLatticeNode > & lattice () const
 Getter function for the lattice. More...
double e_crit () const
 Get the critical energy density. More...
ParticleList particles_to_remove () const
 List of particles to be removed from the simulation. More...
ParticleList particles_to_insert () const
 List of newly created particles to be inserted in the simulation. More...

Private Member Functions

ParticleTypePtrList list_eos_particles () const
 Extracts the particles in the hadron gas equation of state from the complete list of particle types in SMASH. More...
HadronClass get_class (size_t typelist_index) const
 Defines the class of hadrons by quantum numbers. More...
double mult_class (const HadronClass cl) const

Private Attributes

std::vector< double > N_in_cells_
 Number of particles to be sampled in one cell. More...
std::vector< size_t > cells_to_sample_
 Cells above critical energy density. More...
HadronGasEos eos_ = HadronGasEos(true, false)
 Hadron gas equation of state. More...
std::unique_ptr< RectangularLattice< ThermLatticeNode > > lat_
 The lattice on which the thermodynamic quantities are calculated. More...
ParticleList to_remove_
 Particles to be removed after this thermalization step. More...
ParticleList sampled_list_
 Newly generated particles by thermalizer. More...
const ParticleTypePtrList eos_typelist_
 List of particle types from which equation of state is computed. More...
const size_t N_sorts_
 Number of different species to be sampled. More...
std::vector< double > mult_sort_
 Real number multiplicity for each particle type. More...
std::vector< int > mult_int_
 Integer multiplicity for each particle type. More...
std::array< double, 7 > mult_classes_
 The different hadron species according to the enum defined in. More...
double N_total_in_cells_
 Total number of particles over all cells in thermalization region. More...
double lat_cell_volume_
 Volume of a single lattice cell, necessary to convert thermal densities to actual particle numbers. More...
const double e_crit_
 Critical energy density above which cells are thermalized. More...
const double t_start_
 Starting time of the simulation. More...
const double period_
 Defines periodicity of the lattice in fm. More...
const ThermalizationAlgorithm algorithm_
 Algorithm to choose for sampling of particles obeying conservation laws. More...
const bool BF_enforce_microcanonical_
 Enforce energy conservation as part of BF sampling algorithm or not. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GrandCanThermalizer() [1/2]

smash::GrandCanThermalizer::GrandCanThermalizer ( const std::array< double, 3 >  lat_sizes,
const std::array< int, 3 >  n_cells,
const std::array< double, 3 >  origin,
bool  periodicity,
double  e_critical,
double  t_start,
double  delta_t,
ThermalizationAlgorithm  algo,
bool  BF_microcanonical 

Default constructor for the GranCanThermalizer to allocate the lattice.

[in]lat_sizesSize of lattice in x,y and z-direction in fm.
[in]n_cellsNumber of cells in x, y and z-direction.
[in]originCoordinates of the left, down, near corner of the lattice in fm.
[in]periodicityBoolean to decide, if the lattice is periodically extended to infinity or not
[in]e_criticalCritical energy density above which the cells are thermalized
[in]t_startStarting time of the simulation
[in]delta_tTimestep of the simulation
[in]algoChoice of algorithm for the canonical sampling
[in]BF_microcanonicalEnforce energy conservation in BF sampling algorithms or nor

Definition at line 105 of file

113  N_sorts_(eos_typelist_.size()),
114  e_crit_(e_critical),
115  t_start_(t_start),
116  period_(delta_t),
117  algorithm_(algo),
118  BF_enforce_microcanonical_(BF_microcanonical) {
120  lat_ = std::make_unique<RectangularLattice<ThermLatticeNode>>(
121  lat_sizes, n_cells, origin, periodicity, upd);
122  const std::array<double, 3> abc = lat_->cell_sizes();
123  lat_cell_volume_ = abc[0] * abc[1] * abc[2];
124  cells_to_sample_.resize(50000);
125  mult_sort_.resize(N_sorts_);
126  mult_int_.resize(N_sorts_);
127 }
std::vector< double > mult_sort_
Real number multiplicity for each particle type.
std::vector< int > mult_int_
Integer multiplicity for each particle type.
const bool BF_enforce_microcanonical_
Enforce energy conservation as part of BF sampling algorithm or not.
std::unique_ptr< RectangularLattice< ThermLatticeNode > > lat_
The lattice on which the thermodynamic quantities are calculated.
const double t_start_
Starting time of the simulation.
const double period_
Defines periodicity of the lattice in fm.
ParticleTypePtrList list_eos_particles() const
Extracts the particles in the hadron gas equation of state from the complete list of particle types i...
const double e_crit_
Critical energy density above which cells are thermalized.
std::vector< size_t > cells_to_sample_
Cells above critical energy density.
const ThermalizationAlgorithm algorithm_
Algorithm to choose for sampling of particles obeying conservation laws.
const ParticleTypePtrList eos_typelist_
List of particle types from which equation of state is computed.
double lat_cell_volume_
Volume of a single lattice cell, necessary to convert thermal densities to actual particle numbers.
const size_t N_sorts_
Number of different species to be sampled.
Enumerator option for lattice updates.
Definition: lattice.h:36

◆ GrandCanThermalizer() [2/2]

smash::GrandCanThermalizer::GrandCanThermalizer ( Configuration conf,
const std::array< double, 3 >  lat_sizes,
const std::array< double, 3 >  origin,
bool  periodicity 
See also
GrandCanThermalizer Exactly the same but taking values from config

Definition at line 212 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

216  lat_sizes, conf.take({"Cell_Number"}), origin, periodicity,
217  conf.take({"Critical_Edens"}), conf.take({"Start_Time"}),
218  conf.take({"Timestep"}),
219  conf.take({"Algorithm"}, ThermalizationAlgorithm::BiasedBF),
220  conf.take({"Microcanonical"}, false)) {}
GrandCanThermalizer(const std::array< double, 3 > lat_sizes, const std::array< int, 3 > n_cells, const std::array< double, 3 > origin, bool periodicity, double e_critical, double t_start, double delta_t, ThermalizationAlgorithm algo, bool BF_microcanonical)
Default constructor for the GranCanThermalizer to allocate the lattice.

Member Function Documentation

◆ is_time_to_thermalize()

bool smash::GrandCanThermalizer::is_time_to_thermalize ( std::unique_ptr< Clock > &  clock) const

Check that the clock is close to n * period of thermalization, since the thermalization only happens at these times.

[in]clockCurrent system time

Definition at line 226 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

226  {
227  const double t = clock->current_time();
228  const int n = static_cast<int>(std::floor((t - t_start_) / period_));
229  return (t > t_start_ &&
230  t < t_start_ + n * period_ + clock->timestep_duration());
231  }
constexpr int n

◆ update_thermalizer_lattice()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::update_thermalizer_lattice ( const std::vector< Particles > &  ensembles,
const DensityParameters par,
bool  ignore_cells_under_threshold = true 

Compute all the thermodynamical quantities on the lattice from particles.

[in]ensemblesCurrent list of particles in all ensembles
See also
[in]parParameters necessary for density determination
See also
[in]ignore_cells_under_thresholdBoolean that is true by default

Definition at line 129 of file

131  {
132  const DensityType dens_type = DensityType::Hadron;
134  update_lattice(lat_.get(), update, dens_type, dens_par, ensembles, false);
135  for (auto &node : *lat_) {
136  /* If energy density is definitely below e_crit -
137  no need to find T, mu, etc. So if e = T00 - T0i*vi <=
138  T00 + sum abs(T0i) < e_crit, no efforts are necessary. */
139  if (!ignore_cells_under_treshold ||
140  node.Tmu0().x0() + std::abs(node.Tmu0().x1()) +
141  std::abs(node.Tmu0().x2()) + std::abs(node.Tmu0().x3()) >=
142  e_crit_) {
143  node.compute_rest_frame_quantities(eos_);
144  } else {
145  node = ThermLatticeNode();
146  }
147  }
148 }
HadronGasEos eos_
Hadron gas equation of state.
void update_lattice(RectangularLattice< T > *lat, const LatticeUpdate update, const DensityType dens_type, const DensityParameters &par, const std::vector< Particles > &ensembles, const bool compute_gradient)
Updates the contents on the lattice.
Definition: density.h:542
Allows to choose which kind of density to calculate.
Definition: density.h:36

◆ uniform_in_cell()

ThreeVector smash::GrandCanThermalizer::uniform_in_cell ( ) const
3 vector uniformly sampled from the rectangular cell.

Definition at line 150 of file

150  {
151  return ThreeVector(random::uniform(-0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[0],
152  +0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[0]),
153  random::uniform(-0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[1],
154  +0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[1]),
155  random::uniform(-0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[2],
156  +0.5 * lat_->cell_sizes()[2]));
157 }
T uniform(T min, T max)
Definition: random.h:88

◆ renormalize_momenta()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::renormalize_momenta ( ParticleList &  plist,
const FourVector  required_total_momentum 

Changes energy and momenta of the particles in plist to match the required_total_momentum.

The procedure is described in Oliinychenko:2016vkg [41].

[in]plistList of particles
See also
[in]required_total_momentumThe necessary total momentum of the cell

Definition at line 159 of file

160  {
161  // Centralize momenta
162  QuantumNumbers conserved = QuantumNumbers(plist);
163  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Required 4-momentum: ",
164  required_total_momentum);
165  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Sampled 4-momentum: ", conserved.momentum());
166  const ThreeVector mom_to_add =
167  (required_total_momentum.threevec() - conserved.momentum().threevec()) /
168  plist.size();
169  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Adjusting momenta by ", mom_to_add);
170  for (auto &particle : plist) {
171  particle.set_4momentum(particle.type().mass(),
172  particle.momentum().threevec() + mom_to_add);
173  }
175  // Boost every particle to the common center of mass frame
176  conserved = QuantumNumbers(plist);
177  const ThreeVector beta_CM_generated = conserved.momentum().velocity();
178  const ThreeVector beta_CM_required = required_total_momentum.velocity();
180  double E = 0.0;
181  double E_expected = required_total_momentum.abs();
182  for (auto &particle : plist) {
183  particle.boost_momentum(beta_CM_generated);
184  E += particle.momentum().x0();
185  }
186  // Renorm. momenta by factor (1+a) to get the right energy, binary search
187  const double tolerance = really_small;
188  double a, a_min, a_max, er;
189  const int max_iter = 100;
190  int iter = 0;
191  if (E_expected >= E) {
192  a_min = 0.0;
193  a_max = 10.0;
194  } else {
195  a_min = -1.0;
196  a_max = 0.0;
197  }
198  do {
199  a = 0.5 * (a_min + a_max);
200  E = 0.0;
201  for (const auto &particle : plist) {
202  const double p2 = particle.momentum().threevec().sqr();
203  const double E2 = particle.momentum().x0() * particle.momentum().x0();
204  E += std::sqrt(E2 + a * (a + 2.0) * p2);
205  }
206  er = E - E_expected;
207  if (er >= 0.0) {
208  a_max = a;
209  } else {
210  a_min = a;
211  }
212  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].debug("Iteration ", iter, ": a = ", a,
213  ", Δ = ", er);
214  iter++;
215  } while (std::abs(er) > tolerance && iter < max_iter);
217  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Renormalizing momenta by factor 1+a, a = ",
218  a);
219  for (auto &particle : plist) {
220  particle.set_4momentum(particle.type().mass(),
221  (1 + a) * particle.momentum().threevec());
222  particle.boost_momentum(-beta_CM_required);
223  }
224 }
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
static constexpr int LGrandcanThermalizer
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:37

◆ sample_multinomial()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::sample_multinomial ( HadronClass  particle_class,
int  N 

The sample_multinomial function samples integer numbers n_i distributed according to the multinomial distribution with sum N: \( p(n_1, n_2, \dots) = \prod a_i^{n_i} \times \frac{N!}{n_1!n_2! \dots} \) if \( \sum n_i = N \) and \( p = 0 \) otherwise.

[in]particle_classA certain group of hadron species
See also
[out]NNumber of particles to be sampled
(oliiny) what to do with this output?

Definition at line 226 of file

227  {
228  /* The array mult_sort_ contains real numbers \f$ a_i \f$. The numbers \f$
229  * n_i \f$ are saved in the mult_int_ array. Only particles of class
230  * particle_class are sampled, where particle_class is defined by the
231  * get_class function. */
232  double sum = mult_class(particle_class);
233  for (size_t i_type = 0; (i_type < N_sorts_) && (N_to_sample > 0); i_type++) {
234  if (get_class(i_type) != particle_class) {
235  continue;
236  }
237  const double p = mult_sort_[i_type] / sum;
238  mult_int_[i_type] = random::binomial(N_to_sample, p);
240  /*std::cout << eos_typelist_[i_type]->name() <<
241  ": mult_sort = " << mult_sort_[i_type] <<
242  ", sum = " << sum <<
243  ", p = " << p <<
244  ", N to sample = " << N_to_sample <<
245  ", mult_int_ = " << mult_int_[i_type] << std::endl;*/
246  sum -= mult_sort_[i_type];
247  N_to_sample -= mult_int_[i_type];
248  }
249 }
double mult_class(const HadronClass cl) const
HadronClass get_class(size_t typelist_index) const
Defines the class of hadrons by quantum numbers.
constexpr int p
int binomial(const int N, const T &p)
Returns a binomially distributed random number.
Definition: random.h:238

◆ sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo ( ParticleList &  plist,
const double  time,
size_t  type_index 

The total number of particles of species type_index is defined by mult_int_ array that is returned by.

See also
sample_multinomial. This function samples mult_int_[type_index] particles. It chooses randomly the cell to sample and picks up momentum and coordinate from the corresponding distributions.
See also
ParticleList of newly produced particles
[in]timeCurrent time in the simulation to become zero component of sampled particles
[in]type_indexSpecies that should be sampled

Definition at line 251 of file

253  {
254  N_in_cells_.clear();
255  N_total_in_cells_ = 0.0;
256  for (auto cell_index : cells_to_sample_) {
257  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
258  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
259  const double N_this_cell =
260  lat_cell_volume_ * gamma *
261  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*eos_typelist_[type_index], cell.T(),
262  cell.mub(), cell.mus(), cell.muq());
263  N_in_cells_.push_back(N_this_cell);
264  N_total_in_cells_ += N_this_cell;
265  }
267  for (int i = 0; i < mult_int_[type_index]; i++) {
268  // Choose random cell, probability = N_in_cell/N_total
269  double r = random::uniform(0.0, N_total_in_cells_);
270  double partial_sum = 0.0;
271  int index_only_thermalized = -1;
272  while (partial_sum < r) {
273  index_only_thermalized++;
274  partial_sum += N_in_cells_[index_only_thermalized];
275  }
276  const int cell_index = cells_to_sample_[index_only_thermalized];
277  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
278  const ThreeVector cell_center = lat_->cell_center(cell_index);
280  ParticleData particle(*eos_typelist_[type_index]);
281  // Note: it's pole mass for resonances!
282  const double m = eos_typelist_[type_index]->mass();
283  // Position
284  particle.set_4position(FourVector(time, cell_center + uniform_in_cell()));
285  // Momentum
286  double momentum_radial = sample_momenta_from_thermal(cell.T(), m);
287  Angles phitheta;
288  phitheta.distribute_isotropically();
289  particle.set_4momentum(m, phitheta.threevec() * momentum_radial);
290  particle.boost_momentum(-cell.v());
291  particle.set_formation_time(time);
293  plist.push_back(particle);
294  }
295 }
ThreeVector uniform_in_cell() const
std::vector< double > N_in_cells_
Number of particles to be sampled in one cell.
double N_total_in_cells_
Total number of particles over all cells in thermalization region.
static double partial_density(const ParticleType &ptype, double T, double mub, double mus, double muq, bool account_for_resonance_widths=false)
Compute partial density of one hadron sort.
double sample_momenta_from_thermal(const double temperature, const double mass)
Samples a momentum from the Maxwell-Boltzmann (thermal) distribution in a faster way,...

◆ thermalize_BF_algo()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::thermalize_BF_algo ( QuantumNumbers conserved_initial,
double  time,
int  ntest 

Samples particles according to the BF algorithm by making use of the.

See also
sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo. Quantum numbers of the sampled particles are required to be equal to the original particles in this region.
[in]conserved_initialThe quantum numbers of the total ensemble of of particles in the region to be thermalized
[in]timeCurrent time of the simulation
[in]ntestNumber of testparticles
Particle list with newly sampled particles according to Becattini-Feroni algorithm

Definition at line 297 of file

298  {
299  std::fill(mult_sort_.begin(), mult_sort_.end(), 0.0);
300  for (auto cell_index : cells_to_sample_) {
301  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
302  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
303  for (size_t i = 0; i < N_sorts_; i++) {
304  // N_i = n u^mu dsigma_mu = (isochronous hypersurface) n * V * gamma
305  mult_sort_[i] +=
306  lat_cell_volume_ * gamma * ntest *
307  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*eos_typelist_[i], cell.T(), cell.mub(),
308  cell.mus(), cell.muq());
309  }
310  }
312  std::fill(mult_classes_.begin(), mult_classes_.end(), 0.0);
313  for (size_t i = 0; i < N_sorts_; i++) {
314  mult_classes_[static_cast<size_t>(get_class(i))] += mult_sort_[i];
315  }
317  random::BesselSampler bessel_sampler_B(mult_class(HadronClass::Baryon),
319  conserved_initial.baryon_number());
321  while (true) {
322  sampled_list_.clear();
323  std::fill(mult_int_.begin(), mult_int_.end(), 0);
324  const auto Nbar_antibar = bessel_sampler_B.sample();
326  sample_multinomial(HadronClass::Baryon, Nbar_antibar.first);
327  sample_multinomial(HadronClass::Antibaryon, Nbar_antibar.second);
329  // Count strangeness of the sampled particles
330  int S_sampled = 0;
331  for (size_t i = 0; i < N_sorts_; i++) {
332  S_sampled += eos_typelist_[i]->strangeness() * mult_int_[i];
333  }
335  std::pair<int, int> NS_antiS;
337  random::BesselSampler bessel_sampler_S(
340  conserved_initial.strangeness() - S_sampled);
341  NS_antiS = bessel_sampler_S.sample();
343  NS_antiS = std::make_pair(
346  if (NS_antiS.first - NS_antiS.second !=
347  conserved_initial.strangeness() - S_sampled) {
348  continue;
349  }
350  }
354  // Count charge of the sampled particles
355  int ch_sampled = 0;
356  for (size_t i = 0; i < N_sorts_; i++) {
357  ch_sampled += eos_typelist_[i]->charge() * mult_int_[i];
358  }
360  std::pair<int, int> NC_antiC;
362  random::BesselSampler bessel_sampler_C(
365  conserved_initial.charge() - ch_sampled);
366  NC_antiC = bessel_sampler_C.sample();
368  NC_antiC = std::make_pair(
371  if (NC_antiC.first - NC_antiC.second !=
372  conserved_initial.charge() - ch_sampled) {
373  continue;
374  }
375  }
383  for (size_t itype = 0; itype < N_sorts_; itype++) {
385  }
387  double e_tot;
388  const double e_init = conserved_initial.momentum().x0();
389  e_tot = 0.0;
390  for (auto &particle : sampled_list_) {
391  e_tot += particle.momentum().x0();
392  }
393  if (std::abs(e_tot - e_init) > 0.01 * e_init) {
394  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Rejecting: energy ", e_tot,
395  " too far from ", e_init);
396  continue;
397  }
398  }
399  break;
400  }
401 }
ParticleList sampled_list_
Newly generated particles by thermalizer.
std::array< double, 7 > mult_classes_
The different hadron species according to the enum defined in.
void sample_in_random_cell_BF_algo(ParticleList &plist, const double time, size_t type_index)
The total number of particles of species type_index is defined by mult_int_ array that is returned by...
void sample_multinomial(HadronClass particle_class, int N)
The sample_multinomial function samples integer numbers n_i distributed according to the multinomial ...
int poisson(const T &lam)
Returns a Poisson distributed random number.
Definition: random.h:226
@ Antibaryon
All anti-baryons.
@ ZeroQZeroSMeson
Neutral non-strange mesons.
@ NegativeSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S < 0.
@ NegativeQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q < 0.
@ PositiveSMeson
Mesons with strangeness S > 0.
@ Baryon
All baryons.
@ PositiveQZeroSMeson
Non-strange mesons (S = 0) with electric cherge Q > 0.

◆ compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo()

template<typename F >
void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo ( F &&  condition)

Computes average number of particles in each cell for the mode algorithm.

[in]conditionSpecifies the current mode (1 to 7)

Definition at line 302 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

302  {
303  N_in_cells_.clear();
304  N_total_in_cells_ = 0.0;
305  for (auto cell_index : cells_to_sample_) {
306  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
307  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
308  double N_tot = 0.0;
309  for (ParticleTypePtr i : eos_typelist_) {
310  if (condition(i->strangeness(), i->baryon_number(), i->charge())) {
311  // N_i = n u^mu dsigma_mu = (isochronous hypersurface) n * V * gamma
312  N_tot += lat_cell_volume_ * gamma *
313  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*i, cell.T(), cell.mub(),
314  cell.mus(), 0.0);
315  }
316  }
317  N_in_cells_.push_back(N_tot);
318  N_total_in_cells_ += N_tot;
319  }
320  }

◆ sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo()

template<typename F >
ParticleData smash::GrandCanThermalizer::sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo ( const double  time,
F &&  condition 

Samples one particle and the species, cell, momentum and coordinate are chosen from the corresponding distributions.

The condition function limits the choice of possible species.

Condition is a function of the signature of quantum number S, B and Q. bool condition(int strangeness, int baryon_number, int charge);

[in]timeCurrent time in simulation
[in]conditionSpecifies the actual mode (1 to 7)

Definition at line 333 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

334  {
335  // Choose random cell, probability = N_in_cell/N_total
336  double r = random::uniform(0.0, N_total_in_cells_);
337  double partial_sum = 0.0;
338  int index_only_thermalized = -1;
339  while (partial_sum < r) {
340  index_only_thermalized++;
341  partial_sum += N_in_cells_[index_only_thermalized];
342  }
343  const int cell_index = cells_to_sample_[index_only_thermalized];
344  const ThermLatticeNode cell = (*lat_)[cell_index];
345  const ThreeVector cell_center = lat_->cell_center(cell_index);
346  const double gamma = 1.0 / std::sqrt(1.0 - cell.v().sqr());
347  const double N_in_cell = N_in_cells_[index_only_thermalized];
348  // Which sort to sample - probability N_i/N_tot
349  r = random::uniform(0.0, N_in_cell);
350  double N_sum = 0.0;
351  ParticleTypePtr type_to_sample;
352  for (ParticleTypePtr i : eos_typelist_) {
353  if (!condition(i->strangeness(), i->baryon_number(), i->charge())) {
354  continue;
355  }
356  N_sum += lat_cell_volume_ * gamma *
357  HadronGasEos::partial_density(*i, cell.T(), cell.mub(),
358  cell.mus(), 0.0);
359  if (N_sum >= r) {
360  type_to_sample = i;
361  break;
362  }
363  }
364  ParticleData particle(*type_to_sample);
365  // Note: it's pole mass for resonances!
366  const double m = type_to_sample->mass();
367  // Position
368  particle.set_4position(FourVector(time, cell_center + uniform_in_cell()));
369  // Momentum
370  double momentum_radial = sample_momenta_from_thermal(cell.T(), m);
371  Angles phitheta;
372  phitheta.distribute_isotropically();
373  particle.set_4momentum(m, phitheta.threevec() * momentum_radial);
374  particle.boost_momentum(-cell.v());
375  particle.set_formation_time(time);
376  return particle;
377  }

◆ thermalize_mode_algo()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::thermalize_mode_algo ( QuantumNumbers conserved_initial,
double  time 

Samples particles to the according to the mode algorithm.

Quantum numbers of the sampled particles are required to be as in conserved_initial.

[in]conserved_initialQuantum numbers of the original particles in the region to be thermalized
[in]timeCurrent time of the simulation

Definition at line 403 of file

404  {
405  double energy = 0.0;
406  int S_plus = 0, S_minus = 0, B_plus = 0, B_minus = 0, E_plus = 0, E_minus = 0;
407  // Mode 1: sample until energy is conserved, take only strangeness < 0
408  auto condition1 = [](int, int, int) { return true; };
409  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition1);
410  while (conserved_initial.momentum().x0() > energy ||
411  S_plus < conserved_initial.strangeness()) {
412  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition1);
413  energy += p.momentum().x0();
414  if (p.pdgcode().strangeness() > 0) {
415  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
416  S_plus += p.pdgcode().strangeness();
417  }
418  }
420  // Mode 2: sample until strangeness is conserved
421  auto condition2 = [](int S, int, int) { return (S < 0); };
422  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition2);
423  while (S_plus + S_minus > conserved_initial.strangeness()) {
424  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition2);
425  const int s_part = p.pdgcode().strangeness();
426  // Do not allow particles with S = -2 or -3 spoil the total sum
427  if (S_plus + S_minus + s_part >= conserved_initial.strangeness()) {
428  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
429  S_minus += s_part;
430  }
431  }
433  // Mode 3: sample non-strange baryons
434  auto condition3 = [](int S, int, int) { return (S == 0); };
435  QuantumNumbers conserved_remaining =
436  conserved_initial - QuantumNumbers(sampled_list_);
437  energy = 0.0;
438  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition3);
439  while (conserved_remaining.momentum().x0() > energy ||
440  B_plus < conserved_remaining.baryon_number()) {
441  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition3);
442  energy += p.momentum().x0();
443  if (p.pdgcode().baryon_number() > 0) {
444  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
445  B_plus += p.pdgcode().baryon_number();
446  }
447  }
449  // Mode 4: sample non-strange anti-baryons
450  auto condition4 = [](int S, int B, int) { return (S == 0) && (B < 0); };
451  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition4);
452  while (B_plus + B_minus > conserved_remaining.baryon_number()) {
453  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition4);
454  const int bar = p.pdgcode().baryon_number();
455  if (B_plus + B_minus + bar >= conserved_remaining.baryon_number()) {
456  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
457  B_minus += bar;
458  }
459  }
461  // Mode 5: sample non_strange mesons, but take only with charge > 0
462  auto condition5 = [](int S, int B, int) { return (S == 0) && (B == 0); };
463  conserved_remaining = conserved_initial - QuantumNumbers(sampled_list_);
464  energy = 0.0;
465  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition5);
466  while (conserved_remaining.momentum().x0() > energy ||
467  E_plus < conserved_remaining.charge()) {
468  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition5);
469  energy += p.momentum().x0();
470  if (p.pdgcode().charge() > 0) {
471  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
472  E_plus += p.pdgcode().charge();
473  }
474  }
476  // Mode 6: sample non_strange mesons to conserve charge
477  auto condition6 = [](int S, int B, int C) {
478  return (S == 0) && (B == 0) && (C < 0);
479  };
480  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition6);
481  while (E_plus + E_minus > conserved_remaining.charge()) {
482  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition6);
483  const int charge = p.pdgcode().charge();
484  if (E_plus + E_minus + charge >= conserved_remaining.charge()) {
485  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
486  E_minus += charge;
487  }
488  }
490  // Mode 7: sample neutral non-strange mesons to conserve energy
491  auto condition7 = [](int S, int B, int C) {
492  return (S == 0) && (B == 0) && (C == 0);
493  };
494  conserved_remaining = conserved_initial - QuantumNumbers(sampled_list_);
495  energy = 0.0;
496  compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(condition7);
497  while (conserved_remaining.momentum().x0() > energy) {
498  ParticleData p = sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(time, condition7);
499  sampled_list_.push_back(p);
500  energy += p.momentum().x0();
501  }
502 }
void compute_N_in_cells_mode_algo(F &&condition)
Computes average number of particles in each cell for the mode algorithm.
ParticleData sample_in_random_cell_mode_algo(const double time, F &&condition)
Samples one particle and the species, cell, momentum and coordinate are chosen from the corresponding...
#define S(x, n)

◆ thermalize()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::thermalize ( const Particles particles,
double  time,
int  ntest 

Main thermalize function, that chooses the algorithm to follow (BF or mode sampling).

[out]particlesList of sampled particles in thermalized region
[in]timeCurrent time of the simulation
[in]ntestnumber of testparticles

Definition at line 504 of file

505  {
506  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Starting forced thermalization, time ", time,
507  " fm");
508  to_remove_.clear();
509  sampled_list_.clear();
510  /* Remove particles from the cells with e > e_crit_,
511  * sum up their conserved quantities */
512  QuantumNumbers conserved_initial = QuantumNumbers();
513  ThermLatticeNode node;
514  for (auto &particle : particles) {
515  const bool is_on_lattice =
516  lat_->value_at(particle.position().threevec(), node);
517  if (is_on_lattice && node.e() > e_crit_) {
518  to_remove_.push_back(particle);
519  }
520  }
521  /* Do not thermalize too small number of particles: for the number
522  * of particles < 30 the algorithm tends to hang or crash too often. */
523  if (to_remove_.size() > 30) {
524  for (auto &particle : to_remove_) {
525  conserved_initial.add_values(particle);
526  }
527  } else {
528  to_remove_.clear();
529  conserved_initial = QuantumNumbers();
530  }
531  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Removed ", to_remove_.size(), " particles.");
533  // Exit if there is nothing to thermalize
534  if (conserved_initial == QuantumNumbers()) {
535  return;
536  }
537  // Save the indices of cells inside the volume with e > e_crit_
538  cells_to_sample_.clear();
539  const size_t lattice_total_cells = lat_->size();
540  for (size_t i = 0; i < lattice_total_cells; i++) {
541  if ((*lat_)[i].e() > e_crit_) {
542  cells_to_sample_.push_back(i);
543  }
544  }
546  "Number of cells in the thermalization region = ",
547  cells_to_sample_.size(),
548  ", its total volume [fm^3]: ", cells_to_sample_.size() * lat_cell_volume_,
549  ", in % of lattice: ",
550  100.0 * cells_to_sample_.size() / lattice_total_cells);
552  switch (algorithm_) {
555  thermalize_BF_algo(conserved_initial, time, ntest);
556  break;
558  thermalize_mode_algo(conserved_initial, time);
559  break;
560  default:
561  throw std::invalid_argument(
562  "This thermalization algorithm is"
563  " not yet implemented");
564  }
565  logg[LGrandcanThermalizer].info("Sampled ", sampled_list_.size(),
566  " particles.");
568  // Adjust momenta
569  renormalize_momenta(sampled_list_, conserved_initial.momentum());
570 }
void thermalize_BF_algo(QuantumNumbers &conserved_initial, double time, int ntest)
Samples particles according to the BF algorithm by making use of the.
ParticleList to_remove_
Particles to be removed after this thermalization step.
void renormalize_momenta(ParticleList &plist, const FourVector required_total_momentum)
Changes energy and momenta of the particles in plist to match the required_total_momentum.
void thermalize_mode_algo(QuantumNumbers &conserved_initial, double time)
Samples particles to the according to the mode algorithm.

◆ print_statistics()

void smash::GrandCanThermalizer::print_statistics ( const Clock clock) const

Generates standard output with information about the thermodynamic properties of the lattice, the thermalized region and the volume to be thermalized above the critical energy density.

[in]clockCurrent time of the simulation

Definition at line 572 of file

572  {
573  struct to_average {
574  double T;
575  double mub;
576  double mus;
577  double muq;
578  double nb;
579  double ns;
580  double nq;
581  };
582  struct to_average on_lattice = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
583  struct to_average in_therm_reg = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
584  double e_sum_on_lattice = 0.0, e_sum_in_therm_reg = 0.0;
585  int node_counter = 0;
586  for (const auto &node : *lat_) {
587  const double e = node.e();
588  on_lattice.T += node.T() * e;
589  on_lattice.mub += node.mub() * e;
590  on_lattice.mus += node.mus() * e;
591  on_lattice.muq += node.muq() * e;
592  on_lattice.nb += node.nb() * e;
593  on_lattice.ns += node.ns() * e;
594  on_lattice.nq += node.nq() * e;
595  e_sum_on_lattice += e;
596  if (e >= e_crit_) {
597  in_therm_reg.T += node.T() * e;
598  in_therm_reg.mub += node.mub() * e;
599  in_therm_reg.mus += node.mus() * e;
600  in_therm_reg.muq += node.muq() * e;
601  in_therm_reg.nb += node.nb() * e;
602  in_therm_reg.ns += node.ns() * e;
603  in_therm_reg.nq += node.nq() * e;
604  e_sum_in_therm_reg += e;
605  node_counter++;
606  }
607  }
608  if (e_sum_on_lattice > really_small) {
609  on_lattice.T /= e_sum_on_lattice;
610  on_lattice.mub /= e_sum_on_lattice;
611  on_lattice.mus /= e_sum_on_lattice;
612  on_lattice.muq /= e_sum_on_lattice;
613  on_lattice.nb /= e_sum_on_lattice;
614  on_lattice.ns /= e_sum_on_lattice;
615  on_lattice.nq /= e_sum_on_lattice;
616  }
617  if (e_sum_in_therm_reg > really_small) {
618  in_therm_reg.T /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
619  in_therm_reg.mub /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
620  in_therm_reg.mus /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
621  in_therm_reg.muq /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
622  in_therm_reg.nb /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
623  in_therm_reg.ns /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
624  in_therm_reg.nq /= e_sum_in_therm_reg;
625  }
627  std::cout << "Current time [fm]: " << clock.current_time() << std::endl;
628  std::cout << "Averages on the lattice - T[GeV], mub[GeV], mus[GeV], muq[GeV] "
629  << "nb[fm^-3], ns[fm^-3], nq[fm^-3]: " << on_lattice.T << " "
630  << on_lattice.mub << " " << on_lattice.mus << " " << on_lattice.muq
631  << " " << on_lattice.nb << " " << on_lattice.ns << " "
632  << on_lattice.nq << std::endl;
633  std::cout
634  << "Averages in therm. region - T[GeV], mub[GeV], mus[GeV], muq[GeV] "
635  << "nb[fm^-3], ns[fm^-3], nq[fm^-3]: " << in_therm_reg.T << " "
636  << in_therm_reg.mub << " " << in_therm_reg.mus << " " << in_therm_reg.muq
637  << " " << in_therm_reg.nb << " " << in_therm_reg.ns << " "
638  << in_therm_reg.nq << std::endl;
639  std::cout << "Volume with e > e_crit [fm^3]: "
640  << lat_cell_volume_ * node_counter << std::endl;
641 }

◆ lattice()

RectangularLattice<ThermLatticeNode>& smash::GrandCanThermalizer::lattice ( ) const

Getter function for the lattice.

Definition at line 405 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

405 { return *lat_; }

◆ e_crit()

double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::e_crit ( ) const

Get the critical energy density.

Definition at line 407 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

407 { return e_crit_; }

◆ particles_to_remove()

ParticleList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::particles_to_remove ( ) const

List of particles to be removed from the simulation.

Definition at line 409 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

409 { return to_remove_; }

◆ particles_to_insert()

ParticleList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::particles_to_insert ( ) const

List of newly created particles to be inserted in the simulation.

Definition at line 411 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

411 { return sampled_list_; }

◆ list_eos_particles()

ParticleTypePtrList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::list_eos_particles ( ) const

Extracts the particles in the hadron gas equation of state from the complete list of particle types in SMASH.

Definition at line 418 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

418  {
419  ParticleTypePtrList res;
420  for (const ParticleType& ptype : ParticleType::list_all()) {
421  if (HadronGasEos::is_eos_particle(ptype)) {
422  res.push_back(&ptype);
423  }
424  }
425  return res;
426  }
static bool is_eos_particle(const ParticleType &ptype)
Check if a particle belongs to the EoS.
Definition: hadgas_eos.h:355
static const ParticleTypeList & list_all()

◆ get_class()

HadronClass smash::GrandCanThermalizer::get_class ( size_t  typelist_index) const

Defines the class of hadrons by quantum numbers.

[in]typelist_indexIndex for a certain quantum number

Definition at line 431 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

431  {
432  const int B = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->baryon_number();
433  const int S = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->strangeness();
434  const int ch = eos_typelist_[typelist_index]->charge();
435  // clang-format off
436  return (B > 0) ? HadronClass::Baryon :
437  (B < 0) ? HadronClass::Antibaryon :
443  // clang-format on
444  }

◆ mult_class()

double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::mult_class ( const HadronClass  cl) const
[out]clMultiplicity of the hadron class

Definition at line 446 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

446  {
447  return mult_classes_[static_cast<size_t>(cl)];
448  }

Member Data Documentation

◆ N_in_cells_

std::vector<double> smash::GrandCanThermalizer::N_in_cells_

Number of particles to be sampled in one cell.

Definition at line 450 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ cells_to_sample_

std::vector<size_t> smash::GrandCanThermalizer::cells_to_sample_

Cells above critical energy density.

Definition at line 452 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ eos_

HadronGasEos smash::GrandCanThermalizer::eos_ = HadronGasEos(true, false)

Hadron gas equation of state.

Definition at line 454 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ lat_

std::unique_ptr<RectangularLattice<ThermLatticeNode> > smash::GrandCanThermalizer::lat_

The lattice on which the thermodynamic quantities are calculated.

Definition at line 456 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ to_remove_

ParticleList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::to_remove_

Particles to be removed after this thermalization step.

Definition at line 458 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ sampled_list_

ParticleList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::sampled_list_

Newly generated particles by thermalizer.

Definition at line 460 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ eos_typelist_

const ParticleTypePtrList smash::GrandCanThermalizer::eos_typelist_

List of particle types from which equation of state is computed.

Most particles are included, but not all of them. For example, photons and leptons are not included. Heavy hadrons, that can originate from Pythia, but do not interact in SMASH are not included. The latter are excluded to avoid violations of charm and bottomness conservation, when HadronGasEoS is used for forced thermalization.

Definition at line 469 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ N_sorts_

const size_t smash::GrandCanThermalizer::N_sorts_

Number of different species to be sampled.

Definition at line 471 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ mult_sort_

std::vector<double> smash::GrandCanThermalizer::mult_sort_

Real number multiplicity for each particle type.

Definition at line 473 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ mult_int_

std::vector<int> smash::GrandCanThermalizer::mult_int_

Integer multiplicity for each particle type.

Definition at line 475 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ mult_classes_

std::array<double, 7> smash::GrandCanThermalizer::mult_classes_

The different hadron species according to the enum defined in.

See also

Definition at line 480 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ N_total_in_cells_

double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::N_total_in_cells_

Total number of particles over all cells in thermalization region.

Definition at line 482 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ lat_cell_volume_

double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::lat_cell_volume_

Volume of a single lattice cell, necessary to convert thermal densities to actual particle numbers.

Definition at line 487 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ e_crit_

const double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::e_crit_

Critical energy density above which cells are thermalized.

Definition at line 489 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ t_start_

const double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::t_start_

Starting time of the simulation.

Definition at line 491 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ period_

const double smash::GrandCanThermalizer::period_

Defines periodicity of the lattice in fm.

Definition at line 493 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ algorithm_

const ThermalizationAlgorithm smash::GrandCanThermalizer::algorithm_

Algorithm to choose for sampling of particles obeying conservation laws.

Definition at line 495 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

◆ BF_enforce_microcanonical_

const bool smash::GrandCanThermalizer::BF_enforce_microcanonical_

Enforce energy conservation as part of BF sampling algorithm or not.

Definition at line 497 of file grandcan_thermalizer.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: