Version: SMASH-2.0
smash::BoxModus Class Reference

#include <boxmodus.h>

BoxModus: Provides a modus for infinite matter calculations

Matter is confined in a cubical box. Depending on the initial condition, particles are either reflected on the boundaries (not implemented now) or inserted on opposite positions.

To use this modus, choose Modus: Box

Modus: Box

in the configuration file.

Options for BoxModus go in the "Modi"→"Box" section of the configuration:

# definitions here

The following configuration options are understood: Box

Definition at line 46 of file boxmodus.h.

Inheritance diagram for smash::BoxModus:
Collaboration diagram for smash::BoxModus:

Public Member Functions

 BoxModus (Configuration modus_config, const ExperimentParameters &parameters)
 Constructor. More...
double initial_conditions (Particles *particles, const ExperimentParameters &parameters)
 Generates initial state of the particles in the system according to specified parameters: number of particles of each species, momentum and coordinate space distributions. More...
int impose_boundary_conditions (Particles *particles, const OutputsList &output_list={})
 Enforces that all particles are inside the box at the beginning of an event. More...
Grid< GridOptions::PeriodicBoundariescreate_grid (const Particles &particles, double min_cell_length, double timestep_duration, CellSizeStrategy strategy=CellSizeStrategy::Optimal) const
 Creates the Grid with normal boundary conditions. More...
std::unique_ptr< GrandCanThermalizercreate_grandcan_thermalizer (Configuration &conf) const
 Creates GrandCanThermalizer. More...
double max_timestep (double max_transverse_distance_sqr) const
double equilibration_time () const
bool is_box () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from smash::ModusDefault
int impose_boundary_conditions (Particles *, const OutputsList &={})
 Enforces sensible positions for the particles. More...
int total_N_number () const
int proj_N_number () const
bool cll_in_nucleus () const
bool is_collider () const
bool is_box () const
bool is_list () const
double sqrt_s_NN () const
double impact_parameter () const
double velocity_projectile () const
double velocity_target () const
FermiMotion fermi_motion () const
double max_timestep (double) const
double equilibration_time () const
double nuclei_passing_time () const
 Get the passing time of the two nuclei in a collision. More...
Grid< GridOptions::Normalcreate_grid (const Particles &particles, double min_cell_length, double timestep_duration, CellSizeStrategy strategy=CellSizeStrategy::Optimal) const
 Creates the Grid with normal boundary conditions. More...

Private Attributes

const BoxInitialCondition initial_condition_
 Initial momenta distribution: thermal or peaked momenta. More...
const double length_
 Length of the cube's edge in fm/c. More...
const double equilibration_time_
 time after which output is written More...
const double temperature_
 Temperature of the Box in GeV. More...
const double start_time_ = 0.
 Initial time of the box. More...
const bool use_thermal_ = false
 Whether to use a thermal initialization for all particles instead of specific numbers. More...
const double mub_
 Baryon chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true. More...
const double mus_
 Strange chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true. More...
const double muq_
 Charge chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true. More...
const bool account_for_resonance_widths_
 In case of thermal initialization: true – account for resonance spectral functions, while computing multiplicities and sampling masses, false – simply use pole masses. More...
const std::map< PdgCode, int > init_multipl_
 Particle multiplicities at initialization; required if use_thermal_ is false. More...
std::map< PdgCode, double > average_multipl_
 Average multiplicities in case of thermal initialization. More...
const bool insert_jet_ = false
 Whether to insert a single high energy particle at the center of the box (0,0,0). More...
const PdgCode jet_pdg_
 Pdg of the particle to use as a jet; necessary if insert_jet_ is true, unused otherwise. More...
const double jet_mom_
 Initial momentum of the jet particle; only used if insert_jet_ is true. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BoxModus &m)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BoxModus()

smash::BoxModus::BoxModus ( Configuration  modus_config,
const ExperimentParameters parameters 


Gathers all configuration variables for the Box.

[in]modus_configThe configuration object that sets all initial conditions of the experiment.
[in]parametersUnused, but necessary because of templated initialization

Definition at line 219 of file

221  : initial_condition_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Initial_Condition"})),
222  length_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Length"})),
224  modus_config.take({"Box", "Equilibration_Time"}, -1.)),
225  temperature_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Temperature"})),
226  start_time_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Start_Time"}, 0.)),
227  use_thermal_(
228  modus_config.take({"Box", "Use_Thermal_Multiplicities"}, false)),
229  mub_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Baryon_Chemical_Potential"}, 0.)),
230  mus_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Strange_Chemical_Potential"}, 0.)),
231  muq_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Charge_Chemical_Potential"}, 0.)),
233  modus_config.take({"Box", "Account_Resonance_Widths"}, true)),
235  ? std::map<PdgCode, int>()
236  : modus_config.take({"Box", "Init_Multiplicities"})
237  .convert_for(init_multipl_)),
238  insert_jet_(modus_config.has_value({"Box", "Jet", "Jet_PDG"})),
239  jet_pdg_(insert_jet_ ? modus_config.take({"Box", "Jet", "Jet_PDG"})
240  .convert_for(jet_pdg_)
241  : pdg::p), // dummy default; never used
242  jet_mom_(modus_config.take({"Box", "Jet", "Jet_Momentum"}, 20.)) {
243  if (parameters.res_lifetime_factor < 0.) {
244  throw std::invalid_argument(
245  "Resonance lifetime modifier cannot be negative!");
246  }
247  // Check consistency, just in case
248  if (std::abs(length_ - parameters.box_length) > really_small) {
249  throw std::runtime_error("Box length inconsistency");
250  }
251 }

Member Function Documentation

◆ initial_conditions()

double smash::BoxModus::initial_conditions ( Particles particles,
const ExperimentParameters parameters 

Generates initial state of the particles in the system according to specified parameters: number of particles of each species, momentum and coordinate space distributions.

Subsequently makes the total 3-momentum 0.

[out]particlesAn empty list that gets filled up by this function
[in]parametersThe initialization parameters of the box
The starting time of the simulation

Initialize formation time

Definition at line 253 of file

254  {
255  double momentum_radial = 0.0, mass = 0.0;
256  Angles phitheta;
257  FourVector momentum_total(0, 0, 0, 0);
258  auto uniform_length = random::make_uniform_distribution(0.0, this->length_);
259  const double T = this->temperature_;
260  const double V = length_ * length_ * length_;
261  /* Create NUMBER OF PARTICLES according to configuration, or thermal case */
262  if (use_thermal_) {
263  if (average_multipl_.empty()) {
264  for (const ParticleType &ptype : ParticleType::list_all()) {
265  if (HadronGasEos::is_eos_particle(ptype)) {
266  const double lifetime_factor =
267  ptype.is_stable() ? 1. : parameters.res_lifetime_factor;
268  const double n = lifetime_factor * HadronGasEos::partial_density(
269  ptype, T, mub_, mus_, muq_,
271  average_multipl_[ptype.pdgcode()] = n * V * parameters.testparticles;
272  }
273  }
274  }
275  double nb_init = 0.0, ns_init = 0.0, nq_init = 0.0;
276  for (const auto &mult : average_multipl_) {
277  const int thermal_mult_int = random::poisson(mult.second);
278  particles->create(thermal_mult_int, mult.first);
279  nb_init += mult.second * mult.first.baryon_number();
280  ns_init += mult.second * mult.first.strangeness();
281  nq_init += mult.second * mult.first.charge();
282  logg[LBox].debug(mult.first, " initial multiplicity ", thermal_mult_int);
283  }
284  logg[LBox].info("Initial hadron gas baryon density ", nb_init);
285  logg[LBox].info("Initial hadron gas strange density ", ns_init);
286  logg[LBox].info("Initial hadron gas charge density ", nq_init);
287  } else {
288  for (const auto &p : init_multipl_) {
289  particles->create(p.second * parameters.testparticles, p.first);
290  logg[LBox].debug("Particle ", p.first, " initial multiplicity ",
291  p.second);
292  }
293  }
294  std::unique_ptr<QuantumSampling> quantum_sampling;
296  quantum_sampling = make_unique<QuantumSampling>(init_multipl_, V, T);
297  }
298  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
299  /* Set MOMENTUM SPACE distribution */
301  /* initial thermal momentum is the average 3T */
302  momentum_radial = 3.0 * T;
303  mass = data.pole_mass();
304  } else {
305  if (this->initial_condition_ ==
307  /* thermal momentum according Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution */
309  ? data.type().mass()
310  : HadronGasEos::sample_mass_thermal(data.type(), 1.0 / T);
311  momentum_radial = sample_momenta_from_thermal(T, mass);
312  } else if (this->initial_condition_ ==
314  /*
315  * Sampling the thermal momentum according Bose/Fermi/Boltzmann
316  * distribution.
317  * We take the pole mass as the mass.
318  */
319  mass = data.type().mass();
320  momentum_radial = quantum_sampling->sample(data.pdgcode());
321  }
322  }
323  phitheta.distribute_isotropically();
324  logg[LBox].debug(data.type().name(), "(id ",,
325  ") radial momentum ", momentum_radial, ", direction",
326  phitheta);
327  data.set_4momentum(mass, phitheta.threevec() * momentum_radial);
328  momentum_total += data.momentum();
330  /* Set COORDINATE SPACE distribution */
331  ThreeVector pos{uniform_length(), uniform_length(), uniform_length()};
332  data.set_4position(FourVector(start_time_, pos));
334  data.set_formation_time(start_time_);
335  }
337  /* Make total 3-momentum 0 */
338  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
339  data.set_4momentum(data.momentum().abs(),
340  data.momentum().threevec() -
341  momentum_total.threevec() / particles->size());
342  }
344  /* Add a single highly energetic particle in the center of the box (jet) */
345  if (insert_jet_) {
346  auto &jet_particle = particles->create(jet_pdg_);
347  jet_particle.set_formation_time(start_time_);
348  jet_particle.set_4position(FourVector(start_time_, 0., 0., 0.));
349  jet_particle.set_4momentum(ParticleType::find(jet_pdg_).mass(),
350  ThreeVector(jet_mom_, 0., 0.));
351  }
353  /* Recalculate total momentum */
354  momentum_total = FourVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
355  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
356  momentum_total += data.momentum();
357  /* IC: debug checks */
358  logg[LBox].debug() << data;
359  }
360  /* allows to check energy conservation */
361  logg[LBox].debug() << "Initial total 4-momentum [GeV]: " << momentum_total;
362  return start_time_;
363 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ impose_boundary_conditions()

int smash::BoxModus::impose_boundary_conditions ( Particles particles,
const OutputsList &  output_list = {} 

Enforces that all particles are inside the box at the beginning of an event.

It checks if the particles were placed correctly inside the box at initialization and places them inside if they are not.

[in]particlesparticles to check their position and possibly move it
[in]output_listoutput objects
The number of particles that were put back into the box

In BoxModus if a particle crosses the wall of the box, it is inserted from the opposite side. However these wall crossings are not performed by this function but in the Experiment constructor when the WallCrossActionsFinder are created. Wall crossings are written to collision output: this is where OutputsList is used.

Definition at line 365 of file

366  {
367  int wraps = 0;
369  for (ParticleData &data : *particles) {
370  FourVector position = data.position();
371  bool wall_hit = enforce_periodic_boundaries(position.begin() + 1,
372  position.end(), length_);
373  if (wall_hit) {
374  const ParticleData incoming_particle(data);
375  data.set_4position(position);
376  ++wraps;
377  ActionPtr action =
378  make_unique<WallcrossingAction>(incoming_particle, data);
379  for (const auto &output : output_list) {
380  if (!output->is_dilepton_output() && !output->is_photon_output()) {
381  output->at_interaction(*action, 0.);
382  }
383  }
384  }
385  }
386  logg[LBox].debug("Moved ", wraps, " particles back into the box.");
387  return wraps;
388 }
Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ create_grid()

Grid<GridOptions::PeriodicBoundaries> smash::BoxModus::create_grid ( const Particles particles,
double  min_cell_length,
double  timestep_duration,
CellSizeStrategy  strategy = CellSizeStrategy::Optimal 
) const

Creates the Grid with normal boundary conditions.

[in]particlesThe Particles object containing all particles of the currently running Experiment.
[in]min_cell_lengthThe minimal length of the grid cells.
[in]timestep_durationDuration of the timestep. It is necessary for formation times treatment: if particle is fully or partially formed before the end of the timestep, it has to be on the grid.
[in]strategyThe strategy to determine the cell size
the Grid object
See also

Definition at line 94 of file boxmodus.h.

97  {
98  return {{{0, 0, 0}, {length_, length_, length_}},
99  particles,
100  min_cell_length,
101  timestep_duration,
102  strategy};
103  }

◆ create_grandcan_thermalizer()

std::unique_ptr<GrandCanThermalizer> smash::BoxModus::create_grandcan_thermalizer ( Configuration conf) const

Creates GrandCanThermalizer.

(Special Box implementation.)

[in]confconfiguration object
unique pointer to created thermalizer class

Definition at line 111 of file boxmodus.h.

112  {
113  const std::array<double, 3> lat_size = {length_, length_, length_};
114  const std::array<double, 3> origin = {0., 0., 0.};
115  const bool periodicity = true;
116  return make_unique<GrandCanThermalizer>(conf, lat_size, origin,
117  periodicity);
118  }

◆ max_timestep()

double smash::BoxModus::max_timestep ( double  max_transverse_distance_sqr) const

Maximal timestep accepted by this modus. Negative means infinity.

Definition at line 121 of file boxmodus.h.

121  {
122  return 0.5 * std::sqrt(length_ * length_ - max_transverse_distance_sqr);
123  }

◆ equilibration_time()

double smash::BoxModus::equilibration_time ( ) const
equilibration time of the box

Definition at line 126 of file boxmodus.h.

126 { return equilibration_time_; }

◆ is_box()

bool smash::BoxModus::is_box ( ) const
whether the modus is box (also, trivially true)

Definition at line 128 of file boxmodus.h.

128 { return true; }

Member Data Documentation

◆ initial_condition_

const BoxInitialCondition smash::BoxModus::initial_condition_

Initial momenta distribution: thermal or peaked momenta.

Definition at line 132 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ length_

const double smash::BoxModus::length_

Length of the cube's edge in fm/c.

Definition at line 134 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ equilibration_time_

const double smash::BoxModus::equilibration_time_

time after which output is written

Definition at line 136 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ temperature_

const double smash::BoxModus::temperature_

Temperature of the Box in GeV.

Definition at line 138 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ start_time_

const double smash::BoxModus::start_time_ = 0.

Initial time of the box.

Definition at line 140 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ use_thermal_

const bool smash::BoxModus::use_thermal_ = false

Whether to use a thermal initialization for all particles instead of specific numbers.

Definition at line 145 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ mub_

const double smash::BoxModus::mub_

Baryon chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.

Definition at line 150 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ mus_

const double smash::BoxModus::mus_

Strange chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.

Definition at line 155 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ muq_

const double smash::BoxModus::muq_

Charge chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.

Definition at line 160 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ account_for_resonance_widths_

const bool smash::BoxModus::account_for_resonance_widths_

In case of thermal initialization: true – account for resonance spectral functions, while computing multiplicities and sampling masses, false – simply use pole masses.

Definition at line 166 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ init_multipl_

const std::map<PdgCode, int> smash::BoxModus::init_multipl_

Particle multiplicities at initialization; required if use_thermal_ is false.

Definition at line 171 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ average_multipl_

std::map<PdgCode, double> smash::BoxModus::average_multipl_

Average multiplicities in case of thermal initialization.

Saved to avoid recalculating at every event

Definition at line 176 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ insert_jet_

const bool smash::BoxModus::insert_jet_ = false

Whether to insert a single high energy particle at the center of the box (0,0,0).

This particle will initially be moving along the x-axis.

Definition at line 182 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ jet_pdg_

const PdgCode smash::BoxModus::jet_pdg_

Pdg of the particle to use as a jet; necessary if insert_jet_ is true, unused otherwise.

Definition at line 187 of file boxmodus.h.

◆ jet_mom_

const double smash::BoxModus::jet_mom_

Initial momentum of the jet particle; only used if insert_jet_ is true.

Definition at line 191 of file boxmodus.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
const bool account_for_resonance_widths_
In case of thermal initialization: true – account for resonance spectral functions,...
Definition: boxmodus.h:166
const double muq_
Charge chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.
Definition: boxmodus.h:160
const double mub_
Baryon chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.
Definition: boxmodus.h:150
const std::map< PdgCode, int > init_multipl_
Particle multiplicities at initialization; required if use_thermal_ is false.
Definition: boxmodus.h:171
const double length_
Length of the cube's edge in fm/c.
Definition: boxmodus.h:134
const bool use_thermal_
Whether to use a thermal initialization for all particles instead of specific numbers.
Definition: boxmodus.h:145
const PdgCode jet_pdg_
Pdg of the particle to use as a jet; necessary if insert_jet_ is true, unused otherwise.
Definition: boxmodus.h:187
const double temperature_
Temperature of the Box in GeV.
Definition: boxmodus.h:138
static bool enforce_periodic_boundaries(Iterator begin, const Iterator &end, typename std::iterator_traits< Iterator >::value_type length)
Enforces periodic boundaries on the given collection of values.
Definition: algorithms.h:53
const bool insert_jet_
Whether to insert a single high energy particle at the center of the box (0,0,0).
Definition: boxmodus.h:182
const BoxInitialCondition initial_condition_
Initial momenta distribution: thermal or peaked momenta.
Definition: boxmodus.h:132
static double partial_density(const ParticleType &ptype, double T, double mub, double mus, double muq, bool account_for_resonance_widths=false)
Compute partial density of one hadron sort.
std::array< einhard::Logger<>, std::tuple_size< LogArea::AreaTuple >::value > logg
An array that stores all pre-configured Logger objects.
constexpr double really_small
Numerical error tolerance.
Definition: constants.h:37
static const ParticleType & find(PdgCode pdgcode)
Returns the ParticleType object for the given pdgcode.
const double mus_
Strange chemical potential for thermal initialization; only used if use_thermal_ is true.
Definition: boxmodus.h:155
static double sample_mass_thermal(const ParticleType &ptype, double beta)
Sample resonance mass in a thermal medium.
std::map< PdgCode, double > average_multipl_
Average multiplicities in case of thermal initialization.
Definition: boxmodus.h:176
int poisson(const T &lam)
Returns a Poisson distributed random number.
Definition: random.h:226
uniform_dist< T > make_uniform_distribution(T min, T max)
Definition: random.h:135
static constexpr int LBox
static bool is_eos_particle(const ParticleType &ptype)
Check if a particle belongs to the EoS.
Definition: hadgas_eos.h:355
constexpr int p
Definition: pdgcode_constants.h:28
constexpr int n
Definition: pdgcode_constants.h:30
double sample_momenta_from_thermal(const double temperature, const double mass)
Samples a momentum from the Maxwell-Boltzmann (thermal) distribution in a faster way,...
const double equilibration_time_
time after which output is written
Definition: boxmodus.h:136
const double start_time_
Initial time of the box.
Definition: boxmodus.h:140
static const ParticleTypeList & list_all()
const double jet_mom_
Initial momentum of the jet particle; only used if insert_jet_ is true.
Definition: boxmodus.h:191